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Show Lakeside Review, Wednesday, November 25,. 1987 4B Open house will honor Petersen Nuclear medicine faces shortage of technologists Nuclear medicine College is only graduating three LAYTON continues to gain in importance technologists per year. One of these Weber State gradin our nuclear age, although there remains a growing shortage of uates is Jeff Jones, a certified nuclear medicine technologist who registered technologists. Rick Davis, chief radiology conducts most of the nuclear technologist at Humana Hospital studies at Davis North. Nuclear studies are becoming Davis North, says some physi-- ; cians jokingly refer to nuclear more commonplace, he says. Not only do such studies promedicine as unclear medicine due to the color shadings appear-- : vide crucial information, but they can often reduce the need for othing on medical computer screens. But nuclear medicine is not er more invasive tests. If nuclear unclear at all if reviewed by a medicine study of the heart, for and certified radiol-- i instance, shows that a patients disease is not as advanced as first ogist. Nuclear medicine is a valu-- l assumed, then the physician may able tool for the physician and re- decide against the need for a duces stress in the patient. more invasive heart catheter However, many of the original test. nuclear medicine technicians are Nuclear medicine and the now nearing retirement and the allied use of computer imaging has been around since the 1960s universities cannot meet the debut has recently experienced dramand for new replacements. Currently, for instance, Weber State matic improvements. Still, the - J . : r board-eligib- j le External changes in a womans life may help to alleviate some of her stress, he said, but those changes must be monitored since changes themselves, even good ones, can add stress. A woman can watch her diet and stay away from too much junk food. She can exercise to help eliminate stress. She might begin to delegate more and then let others suffer the consequences if they dont follow through. Noise can be monitored, he said. Sometimes it seems that a little more noise wont make that much difference, he said, but in reality a few more decibels can have a detrimental effect on Stress .From page IB tail, preoccupation or spacing lout, reduced creativity, and loss of interest in life. Physical indicators of stress can include elevated blood pressure; increased muscle tension in head, .neck, back, and shoulders; tension headaches; slumped posture; increase of perspiration on the palms of the hands; cold hands and feet; an upset stomach; bowel .problems; change in appetite, and sleeping problems. He said a woman can monitor her voice for stress because many Itimes the tone of the voice gets .higher as stress gets worse. If she hears herself speaking in higher than usual tones it could be a 'warning signal that too much 'stress is present. ; Emotional signs of stress can also be monitored, he said. Emotional outbursts, an increase in yelling at children, irritability, depression, withdrawal, blaming others for problems, can point to 4 nerves. 1 It can throw the whole body into high stress, Kluthe said. When noise stress is high look for ways to reduce it. Even if you have to pull the plug. Sleep is also important to monitor. Lack of sleep can add to stress and even naps can be helpful. He said a woman may need to learn to demand the time she needs for sleep. If a woman finds herself in a situation of feeling resentful toward another person it can be If some of these signs are pres- very stressful, Kluthe said. He I ent' it might be time to call for a said it is important to forgive ime out, Kluthe said. Someand remember. If She can say to herself that times it just must be done. t, He said stress from feelings of someone else has wronged her, injustice can be especially hard to and that person could have done jcope with. If a woman feels otherwise, and then go on to say dumped on or feels she is being she is not going to hold a grudge, slighted in some ways it can lead sherwill lead a much less stressful to stress. life. Often that can be very diffiHe said womeh in that situation cult, he said. One day at a time is the way to vneed to learn to be assertive, not 4 and learn to he said. All the worrying in' live, aggressive, say no, 'youll have to do that yourself the world wont change tomorrJand then stay away from the ow. One enormous mountain may problem. .He said too often a woman in a fall on you but even if it does, life situation will hold will still unfold one day at a ldumped-o- n her feelings in until she reaches a time, he said. If we try to look at it all at breaking point and then become angry and aggressive. She then once it can overwhelm. feels guilty for becoming angry He suggests that women look at 'and the stress cycle continues. their lives and responsibilities J It is difficult to cope with such with a fresh approach. situations and there are no easy By standing back to get a better answers since each womans view she can actually become more able problems are different, but he more response-able,- " Jsaid a woman must not feel guilty to make good responses and to if she steps back and says, I feel control some of the stress in her Xtaken advantage of. This has to life. The following scale is designed stop some way or another. over-stres- s. his friends and associates to an open house in his honor. It will be held on Friday, Nov. 27 from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. and a.m. Saturday, Nov. 28 from until 8 p.m. at his home, 37 S. concept remains the same. A radioactive isotope tagged to specific substances is injected in the patients vein. The isotope is carried through the blood stream, finally concentrating in a specific organ while basically bypassing other parts of the body. Through the use of computers, the technologist and radiologist can view the blood flow around and through the organ, allowing a determination of the type of dis- 1 1 350 E., Clearfield. It is requested gifts be omitted. HOT 150 The computer screen identifies hot spots areas where the organ shows increased or decreased blood supply and function. While heart, bone, liver, lung and thyroid studies are the most common at Davis North, radioactive isotopes can also be tagged for the stomach, spleen, brain and bile systems. INSTALL A NEW LONG-LIVEDAY & NIGHT FURNACE BY JANUARY 31, AND WELL TOSS IN $150 AS A HOUSE WARMING GIFT. working. D Nuclear medicine does not show the anatomy, says Jones. What it shows is how a particular organ is working. For the patients comfort, the tests can be conducted in a painless manner with little patient preparation, and on the computer we can view a specific organ from a variety of to measure the amount of stress in your life at this time and thus give an indication of your present susceptibility to health problems. Death of spouse, 100 points; divorce, 73 points; marital separa- different angles. Its an exciting but exacting field, says Jones, and one that will continue to grow in importance as a diagnostic tool for physicians. Jones is a graduate of Layton High School and the Weber College program. member, 63 points; personal injury or illness, 53 points; marriage, 50 points; fired at work, 47 points; marital reconciliation, 45 points; retirement, 45 points. Change of health of family member, 44 points; pregnancy, 40 points; sex difficulties, 39 points; gain of new family member, 39 points; business readjustment, 39; change in financial state, 38 points; death of close friend, 37 points; change to different line of work, 36 points; change in number of arguments with spouse, 35 points; mortgage over $10,000, 31 points; foreclosure of mortgage loan, 30 points. Change in responsibilities at work, 29 points; son or daughter leaving home, 29 points; trouble Nows the time to buy and install one of our high-efficien- change in recreation, 19 points; change in church activities, 19 points; change in social activities, 18 points, mortgage or loan less than $10,000, J7 points; change in sleeping habits, 16 points; change in number of family 15 points; change in 5 points; vacation, habits, eating 13 points; Christmas, 12 points; minor violations of the law, 11 points. Total the numerical value for all life events that you have checked. Refer to the score range below to classify your stress score. 300 - Major stress Poor grades, major illness within a year. 250-29- 9 Serious stress Lowered resistance to serious dis- tion, 65 points; jail term, 63 points; death of close family deluxe Plus 90 M or ha our easy-ter- ON BEAUTIFUL V WINDOW BLINDS details. Offer valid from Robert Love from now until January 31, 1988. 198- 7- Natural Gas value. Your best energy This energy efficient natural gas appliance can save the average family of four up to 344 per year in energy costs over other available sources ol enemy. Moderate stress 9 Depression. 9 Mild Stress Colds, flu, occasional depression. 149-- 0 Very little stress Good health. 150-19- LONG LIFE RUNS IN THE FAMIIY. A ing personal achievement, 28 points; spouse begins or stops work, 26 points; begin or end school, 26 points; change in living conditions, 25 points; revision of personal habits, 24 points; trouble with boss, 23 points; change in work hours or conditions, 20 points. Change in residence, 20 points; change in schools, 20 points; Fairness We make an issue of WORLD OF WINDOW BEAUTY CALL TODAY There was never a better tune to buy than now. And .. delivery is fast. it! ROBERT LOVE Heating Lakeside & Air Conditioning 1279 South 1100 West SYRACUSE Review LAYTON 80 W. Gentile, S, 1900 W 4456 ROY 773-557- 9 546-003- 2 731-54- b, . NUTTALL SEWING CEMTI 100 COTTON PUFF FLEECE QUILT PRINTS $1oo off 60 25 OFF ACID-WAS- H PANNE ROBE CANTON VELOUR FLEECE $498 25 $Q98 FLEECE ELASTIC Reg. 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OZ- - BATTING ft nancing makes the best equip ment available even more affordable. Hurry. Call today for ease. 200-24- get fat rebate in the bargain. And a Special 1 Formula furnaces-an- d DECORATING 29 points; outstand- s, REBATE Jeff Jones says nuclear medicine doesnt show the anatomy. What is shows, he says, is how a particular organ is ease process. with The family CLEARFIELD of Dr. Ralph C. Petersen, formerly of the Clearfield Clinic, invite 21 EAST GENTILE 544-591- HOURS: MON.-FR- L 1 10-- 9, SAT. 10-- 6 |