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Show id TUP I VYSON Nurses Get Rigorous Training Memory of a Country Girl Who Hor founded America s First Settlement House in the Slums of a Great City CHRONICLE. PAYSOX. UTAH In Hospitals Throughout U. S. 4 National Hospital day. May 12, util find til thousands of I medians iisitins their local hospitals. Cuiding the uork of these humanitarian institutions are nurses, trained in any of the 1,375 accredited sthools to Income sentinels of II. S. health it Mt. Sinai hospital, A ic ttrh, is a ty pica! nursing school, uliose a or I. is pu lured heloic Mt mat has 23o student nurses it ho must lime tom pitted a four star hip i sthool course uith pood record, must he Intiicen IV and 30 stars old, of good health and suitable hours pt rsonahty. In three Stars tiny util hate completed (,000 uork theoretical litmrs and of l,J00 of prat tical training A Wills. Cl I 1. Ruth Wyeth Spears X I bo as it looked in the j ear Bj LLMO SCOTT WATSON Union by Western Newspaper j td (Kt of its founding, 1889. e Hull-IIous- ) a little girl from the country watched ;Eupon a time in the dirty, narrow streets rje children playing the shanty town of one of Illinois i;t industrial centers, whereupon she said to her father I .term the carriage, When grow up Im going to and a with Im going to ask all big yard lab.g house over come ildren to criss-cross- -- plan, Jenny, I hope agreed. some out jl carry it for that And she did, ts a fine y was six year-ol- d tcaaras who, 23 Hull-Amenc- wars -- years Chicacos first and jided as s world-famou- eat jgh Hull House is, Hoards, a Chicago after visit- place, Jane i remembered for more Her efforts in jJ House of 'shoring men and worn-ughothe state and the ard for world peace com-Ahwork to ei top ranking in the field al science and, as a sci-sn- e is to be honored with -norative postage stamp. ke Addams stamp, one Famous Americans se-- s burg its first day of tpnl 26 at the Hull House fie, Chicago's first sub-'Yiand where Miss d as postmistress for s! stopping ut er Hull-Hous- e Ad-'ne- s Jubilee den Celebration. sale of the Jane stamp opens a month-c- e ebration of the settle-- i P1 den In that jubilee 5nt day " on Hull-Hou- e neighbors crowded t. street will join with the c leaders a d w ith many ration s best known men At its climax, on Chicagos I members of the 18 na- -' groups the settlement es will hold a neighbor-K'a- , to be followed by a II broadcast, with Mayor sLaGuarda of New York Jcvd Swope, former pres- e the General Electric coairman of Hous rg authority, "'f'drt Rf ooi t Maynard '0f ' ad new ty of speakers Jer ra c -- ' ' Chi- - ray tribute "trj br rl who c de-- t fe a e small for-II- "t her p prosperous her to t 0 a e .ation of d P s and to i 'u rg 'Uve pr r rg tie - r at.on s c v !da-- s K6. ldSO, 1 o ,est of Sep-- f x little miles vil-si- f her sevenjfr entered Rock- - "Wrihdays -- r rary. fresnrra-- i Latin class, uen Gates yams ntGt j ora on, laughte r e ,s n on 1 eejru ' P; f democ- - igrant poor d largest m Cedarv t 11 always tears, and r to o were was to I "d her t to find a Oi, s poor and to fce good neighand it v 's Ellen who U'Vi m i,ih Jeariic, how ' J We'll do r s among asn dnv her Cj' tu 7 cr- I let n a e n e l, ,1 r r r med- sidy doctor and Afber her led at the ge in Phil-s,- -, ewasfinish-- i nation and ' -- st. her fa-- o cruel blow to rmircd to c tl e fam.ly J The nerv-'c- r death i'I'' ess and s n a hos-"end- Tired mothers heard about th house ard left their babies when they went to work, black-eye- d girls with gold hoops in their ears shyly asktd to play the piano for dancing Soon Jane Addams and Ellen Starr Wcie deep m the Addams sailed for Europe, where stream of neighborhood life, they stayed for two years dressing new babies and closing But Jane did not visit only art the eyes of the dead. galleries and ruins on her tour Higher Civic and Social Life. of Europe. In London, she went When this neighbor! ood veninto the East End slums and ture was incorporated, seme time watched the hungry and homethe charter gave the obless battle for rottirg vegetables later, of incorporation as follows: and fish in the Saturday night jects "To provide a center for a highauction which disposed of food er civic and social life; to intoo spoiled to be saved for the stitute and maintain educational Monday market. and philanthropic enterprises and Growing deep within her was a to investigate and improve the burning desire to be of service to conditions of the industrial dishumanity, although she knew by tricts of Chicago now that she could not endure the Those objects are put, whethrigors of a medical course. Hav- er by accident or design, in the ing returned to the United States, chronological order in which they Jane set out again two years lat- had appeared. It was to provide er for another visit to Europe. a center for social life that the This time, she met her friend young women rented the old manEllen Gates Starr and they toured sion. When within two weeks a dozen young women of the neightogether. borhood were invited to a readOn her way home, Jane Addams visited Toynbee Hall, estab- ing party in the evening and lished in London as a memorial when soon afterward a kinderto Arnold Toynbee, the Oxford garten was started in the drawtutor who had died at 31, worn ing room, the first educational out by his work for social re- and philanthropic enterprises forms. Here came the little mil- were instituted. And before the liners, the furniture polishers and end of the year, the residents had clerks, and the silk weavers of begun to investigate and imEast London Young university prove the conditions in their men lived at the hall and taught own neighborhood So, Hull House grew and Jane them French or carpentry, mu- Addams interest and influence g cirgrew with it in cles. As she sought to help the neighbors with their problems, for improved she campaigned and more sanitary living condi-- j tions for the community, and became involved in labor legislation and organization. Long before the World war, Jane Addams firmly believed in arbitration as the settlement of difficulties between nations and organized the women of the world in an effort to accomplish it. A ! AOU-IFor her efforts for world peace, shared the Nobel peace prize she Ui'ysz!y of 1931 with Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler She was the first woman sbzj to be awaided an honorary deuniversities, many by gree t. era the conservative sic or shorthard, boxirg or tcra-turarrorg There were a library, an Vaie In. numerous polls, she was athletic field and a i all for par- named America s leading womunan Citizi n, tie nations ties com-- ; r othe and ( The Old Hull Mansion. vied Cji.i ci t ' b ,c -" Jane Addams v V l tu -e i s was of m t c m In herself Eunjc. Ju-- e Aida-thirg for c t' her an in v, t famous An the poor in an e,tr e n it si e 1 in l'io, the and, g r i cf the m and, sj of I er'deat i, tl e Tuikish went to Chicago to 1' k fi r a On C i lonored her with a i er for place govenici -- tace 01 Sta! ip u c( lal n West Side, p( cagos It a a s, Ja e iduii s d ed on May 21, patchwork of racCa Russian and Pol s i Jews, B ji.i I Ians for the anmveisury ce,e -- rut n are directed by Miss mians and Iris) , Scutin Charlotte Carr, now tl e settleand Rumamars, Geirurs, a is Canad ment s re s dent director, who French and Erecn al mansior, poirts out It behooves us, in she found the old F House s second Halsttd and at Polk pla r i g f jr Hull live to up to Miss i eg A furniture factory was s reputation, rot on it Addan ne ard sto e for the first floor h trs tie Hull House of second floor was lot to PhyscJiy, i iu-en a "tar cry from what it c was is who thought e in 1889 Jane ard Ellen iertca CI w - t at autumn dav u'i- Ja e Addams, Ellen Gates whole second finer a d a p,rt took up carpi d Mary Kevser the first, ard sot a vcrr Before the end a r r a dente i n and penters, pastercrs n e ii 1 c f t at fin year, other ke rmndhangers to woih to em t' there. o had en jo.red r i able. Jane sport the city, and soon from her income rf thed leut. en Fr m a over t1 e world, men and e.er t or i fa'1 r left her by her in social serv-- P l o rar .n'frc'i'cd donated the rertiau at to offer tl t r help to ers salary. in Toynbee 14 jj es j leAsopered The ng't of-- Srp' classes t in j t t st 1889, was tl e - cf t e b lleged pri ' t 11 ere the house a iow occupies two H. ii 1 nas 13 buildirgs them, Jane and E r a n i n jintams a 72-- c erly Mary Keyer ll 7 do the hou-el- o ca t p, out in the ! a f Dur-r- , f C i cage by carirg for , children Go c to i ore tl an 350,000 e ,i'i Keyser mvfitd t r j H a. House t t t e butcher, : jTort.c , o, i in IIull-'- , -more loonkeej or t a tc i to IIull- first out cf Ci. ' out of lil ii C Tl on t e g r's f a-- d health may factor in her pa ticnfs health. Hence Mt. binai students have daily exercises to fceep them In trim for the rigorous schedule. RIGHT: "Capping day jS a great event In their lives. Alter ABOE:Tbe nurse be an Important tcds AROUND the HOUSE j Grease spilled on a hardwood kitchen floor may be quickly removed by pouring kerosene over the spot. When the kerosene evaporates, the grease will have disappeared. Add a tablespoon each of prepared horseradish and mustard to half a cup of whipped cream. Serve with ham, veal or pork. I i Wd-hm- mr 1 I. surf' iaf-centur- 1 m-- X Jt a-- or v Jc - ' " have a c i bt -,e ptop t Fascinated, Intent, these students are following every detail of a major surgical operation, familiarizing themselves with the teebnique and pro cedure. F ach realizes that soon she will stand at the doctor's side to help him save a human life! tr-- Lv - 7j -- ture fad an an Mrs tioatca to"-- ' i- -lt Yi e -- 1 r-- 7- - . 7 it? f ard det - Time out from the routine to open the day f O-Ce- it. Mother! Dont clean and polish, tool Do BOTH at once. Any lovely lady cn polish her furniture nd floor as sbt cltans them. All the work she used to do to uasb and dry AND then olish her furniture . . . wu half wasted. fnstead, use Polish in your damp cloth tnd tiath and polish at the same time. Yout neighborhood dealer sells genuine: Washing machine hints: Always turn off the machine if you are suddenly called away. The average tubful of clothing requires six minutes for ordinary washing and 10 minutes for badly soiled arMOPS, WAX, DUSTERS, CUANERS AND ticles, such as overalls. Change FLY AND MOTH SPRAY tie water twice in laundering 4oikd articles such as rugs and Never overcrowd the Better a Jewel jihiv suits Better a diamond with a flaw machine, since the gar-- I than a pebble without. Confucius. ire nts in it may be torn. t- te Items of Interest to the Housewife The cookie cutter will not stick Chopped cooked prunes mixed with peanut butter or cottage and gum up if dipped in flour becheese makes a good sandwich fore cutting the dough. spread. Old fashioned iron beds can easby putting atUipe off parchment lamp shades ily be camouflaged over the ends. with a cloth dampened with olive tractive slipcovers v oil. It will remove all soil and To keep mashed potatoes hot, will restore the former freshness. place them m a tightly covered kettle set in a pan of hot water The sun should not be allowed to shine directly on begonias or plants that have large, rather soft leaves when leaves are wet. If water is left on leaves, they are likely to burn. e. i came from apait. Now, sew a row around with a 2 inch loop at each pm. Sew the next three rows around these loops easing the braiding in just enough to keep the work flat. rug-maki- iri c t The Rug That Grew NOTE: ing and the maker wrote me that the scallops do stay flat on the Up With the Family is another idea. Difloor. interesting She uses wool rags and fre- rections are in Mrs. Spears Book quently dyes them the colors she 3, which also tells how to make wants. She cuts or tears them spool shelves; streamlining an old into strips an inch or more wide, style bed; and many other useful according to the weight of the ideas. Write Mrs. Spears today, them enclosing 10 cents in coin and book material and then tightly. The braided strips are No. 3 will be sent to you by resewn together with double carpet turn mail. thread and she keeps the work flat on the table all the time she MKS. RUTH WYETH SIEARS is sewing For this rug, the cenDrawer It ter row is 15 inches long. Sew New York Bedford Hills the around and around this, using 10 cent for Book No. 3. Enclose colors indicated. When the oval Name is 31 inches long and 16 inches Address wide, divide it evenly around the edge with pins about five inches pjrr 1 snap-sho- showing a half dozen braided rag rugs spiead out on the grass. No two were alike. I thought this one with a scalloped border was particularly interest- ever-widenin- tell e day a ONE a reader you a good time, and perhaps to te ich you something. i v n sctin to wart anyth rg out of you but just io be soe'dble and to give mail from borne. |