Show Wednesday November 24 2004 Sanpete Messenger Sanpete Yule candles will highlight res M honored Ephraim residents Parents invited to join educators in teaching children critical art of reading By Ben Fox This fall reading specialists in each South Sanpete elementary school gave a brief reading test to every student including incoming kindergarten students The test results were used to determine what learning experiences teachers would want to include in their reading instruction Each reading specialist was surprised and concerned by the wide Staff writer range of scores from the incoming kindergarten students Student abilities varied from many who were already reading fluently to many who were unable to name any alphabet letters numbers colors or shapes Kindergarten exists to help get kids ready for learning as they go through school and we know children make great progress in kindergarten By Christmas most kindergarteners should know letter names and sounds for the entire alphabet By the end of kindergarten students should be blending reading and spelling simple words and beginning sight words They should also be counting to 100 recognizing numbers and matching objects with numbers Our concern is not just with the wide variance in student readiness Recent educational studies suggest that students who start out behind even in kindergarten tend to stay behind in academic performance throughout their schooL experience And that is a serious concern As superintendent reading specialists and kindergarten teachers we know that the experience students have as preschoolers from birth to age five is critically important for their intellectual development We receive limited funding to provide a formal preschool for children with special needs for a few hours per day Students in those programs usually make remarkable progress but we do not have funding to provide a preschool experience for all children in South Sanpete School District Nor do we advocate that preschools replace parents as children’s most important teachers We strongly advocate that parents of preschoolers realize and understand the critical role they play in building a child's intellectual capacity through the experiences they provide Preschoolers benefit greatly from being held and read to from seeing tilings and talking about them from answering questions and from participating in activities that use the senses of touch smell and taste The more language activities they have the better These experiences are critical from birth because they enable the infant's brain to make neurological connections that can only be made during the preschool years Throughout the district this year we will be offering a series of seminars and classes to share ideas and materials parents can use to enhance their preschool child’s intellectual capacity Please visit the elementary school in your area to get more information about getting your child ready for school As superintendent I invite you to join us and take advantage of what should be some of the most useful and important information we have ever provided to parents Top Templars named MANTI — Manti High School has announced the Top Templars for first quarter: llolli Sue Harman an Chans Lund llolli Sue Harman is the daughter of Ken and Debbie Harman and has lived in Manti all her life Her interests include music drawing painting sewing cooking cutting hair photography and anything that involves creativity She loves collecting thoughts and quotations and has made a collage of them and the many photos she has taken of friends with which she has decorated her bedroom walls and ceiling of the Harman was Junior Prom Committee and was selected to be Junior Prom Queen She has participated in volleyball basketball and softball She serves on the Manti City Youth Council and is the secretary of her Laurels class in her church Harman is a peer tutor at Manti Elementary School where she helps students every day with EPHRAIM— The 63rd annual Candlelight services sponsored by Ephraim Middle School will be presented Dec 15 at 7 pm in the Snow Col- lege Eccles Performing bands chorus and orchestra from the school will for the perform in preparation traditional presentation of the Yule Candle Two nominees from area will be recognized the for community service compassion and concern for others Candle receivers in the past have been recognized for work with the elderly great leadership outstanding work with and just good old serchildren vice Staff writer EPHRAIM — Ninety-onof students at Ephraim School feast on school percent Middle lunch Principal Kent Larsen says “Students learn more and are better behaved when they are well fed” and at his school lunch is serious business The cafeteria serves 410 lunches daily The goal of the school is to ensure that no child is left behind due to inadequate and to food or poor nutrition empower students to make healthy food choices Recent research shows that children who eat school lunch cogsume fewer calories from reading and other schoolwork Chans Lund is the son of Steven and Melissa Lund He was bom in Albuquerque NM and he has lived in Texas Oklahoma New Mexico and Heber City Lawton Okla was his home for nine weeks last summer while he completed basic training with the National Guard He has a sister Cassie and a brother Colter Lund likes hunting football baseball and wrestling He is a Sebastian Bey Mt Pleasant Collin Brcgman Scottsdale AZ Katherine Cottam Wales UT Gordon Deason Houston TX Tsering Dolma Pokhara Nepal TX Houston Adam Gockley Taiwan Ainsley McLaughlin Santa Fe NM Teresa Moreno is a traditional Candlelight ceremony involving a group of the highest scoring eighth grade students in the school Eighth grade students with a cumulative grade point average of 40 are given the honor of being to present the candle to lecipienfs Principal Kent Larsen stales “These students work very hard to keep their grades high hoping to get to be a Six hundred people for the has really become a tradition of the community” “It got so big we says Larsen had to move it to a bigger spot” Nominations are still open Please send your nominations addressed to Principal Kent at at Ephraim Middle 555 South 100 East Utah 84627 Ephraim Nominations must be at the school no later than Friday Dec 3 and must be written to include the name and the rea- Larsen School sons why that person to be honored deserves a real treat fat eat twice as much fruit and $even times more vegetables as lunches brought from home School lunches must meet The federal dietary guidelines students" menus are analyzed the calories may not exceed 783 lor middle schixil students and the meals may not have more than 30 percent of the calories from fat manager She arrives at the school every morning at 7 am to prepare and stays at the school doing paperwotk until 3 pm More cooks arrive at 8 am to assist in the preparation Students soon arrive and eat in three shifts Cooking is only one are offered Students choices between at least two entrees and three side dishes The students to are encouraged try new things but the choice is theirs anil students are never forced to eat anything The cooks make balanced meals They watch to see what kids like best and they cook those things more often “The cooks go the extra mile for our Larsen says “Sometimes people don’t understand all the work that goes into school lunch” Joy Lyons is the kitchen aspect students of school lunch After are fed there is always cleanup Larsen says the kitchen and lunchroom in his school are ways clean and ready for inspection The school would like to say thanks to the “lunch la- dies” CARPET AND AIR DUCT CLEANING Quality Doesn’t Cost More! good student and excels in English math and science One of his favorite classes is art he particularly likes to do pencil drawings He has also been involved in several high school musicals Lund loves being a Manti Templar and enjoyed being on the OR CALI football team He and his parents say they are grateful for the teachers and coaches that have had such a great influence on his life Santa Ana C A Jorig Oh Ansan Korea Chloe Royer Mercer New land WA Ariel Sherman Rochelle NY Hudson Shirer Garden Valley ID Andy Smith Mt Pleasant Lyndsy Soltau Scottsdale AZ Sariah Spencer Mt Pleasant Caitlin Stevens Mt Laurel NJ Ji Hae Yim Ulsan Korea and Reika Yogi Okinawa Japan Students with a GPA of 34 named to the Dean's These students are: UT Emily Anderer Copperton Garrett Anderson Anchorage AK Frank Andrews Fairfield CA Alyssa Barnes Alameda CA Sonny Chang Las Vegas NV Eric Chen Taipei Taiwan Honor Roll Kunga Choden Kathmandu Brady Farr Austin TX Mt Pleasant Katie Iliya Rock Springs WY Amy Jamison Canon City CO Charlie Josi Kentfield CA Dong Kang Seoul Korea Owen Latham Moraga CA Jun Sook Lee Seoul Korea Cid Leeker Palo Alto CA Shaelynn McQuivey Mt Pleasant James Otim San Diego CA Stacey Pctrowsky Moraga CA Kelvin Pond Tucson AZ Fabian Schmid Thun Switzerland Sid Suri Fremont CA Philip Thomas Redmond WA and Tara Thompson Vernal UT Nepal Shane Griffin Hoop shoot winners named Winners of the ‘‘Hoop Shoot” contest recently held among Ephraim Flementary students They received new basketballs and certificates from PE teachers They will now compete in Monout roe at the regional level Those making the most of ten attempts are pictured (from left to right): Jed Black Ah Rosquist Colten NiHson Mr Hansen Jenneca Moore Mrs Anderson Preston Clark Takisha McFarlane Vi E Specializing in Tough Stain Removal Residential and Commercial Full Service Truck Mounted Pet Stain & Odor Removal - 379 were COPYl Eccles Building first time “The Candlelight Ceremony School lunch is By Ben Fox tended last year’s program which was held in the Snow College A n Brysen Hansen Spring City Yui Hiramatsu Tokyo Japan Kei Hong Kong China Kamigama HyoNam Kang Seoul Korea Kiyoshi Kasagawa Chiba Japan John Kei Hong Kong China Rachel King SLC UT Sung Jun Lee Daegu Korea AJ Lee Seoul Korea Willy Lin Taipei The following students were to the Headmaster’s Honor Roll for having a GPA of Robert 38 or higher: Baumgartner Mequon WI Arts Center The Wasatch Academy honor roll named A9 Valley Edition Messenger-Gunniso- n Licensed 8 Insured v ei j |