Show lock and children visited with Mrs Whitlock's parents Mr and Mrs Melvin Jensen Mr and Mrs Carl Hatfield and children of Midvale visited Mr and Mrs Keith Christiansen and baby daughter Kathy the week end with Mrs Hatn are visiting with Mr Chris- field’s mother Mrs Zina and with other relatives in tiansen's parents Mr and Mrs Cleve Christiansen Keith is in Mayfidd the Air Force and has been Mr and Mrs Clair Thompson stationed at Hunter Air Force and daughter of Tooele spent Base Georgia Mrs Christianthe wteelrend visiting Mr and sen has been with him Keith is Mrs Wallace Thompson home jon a furlough and son LeRay Jacobsen after which he will leave lor Stanley of Tooele spent the England week end with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Aldous Whit Loyal Jacobsen and Mr and rlayfield Hews 1 SAVE HOW Oil TIRES UP TO $4500 on popuuin TRADE-I- N truck sizes -- 0- On Auto Tires Liberal Allowance -- 0- Gunnison Valley Coop An h it ' TELEPHONE 4200 BAFFLES THE hvSaberfsee YEP YOU HAVE YOUR ' son cum no THE GRASS By the Andersons and the second daughter July 7th a baby girl was welcomed into the family of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Scow It is the fourth child and third girl in the family Mr and Mrs Darrell Despain nre happy over the arrival of their second baby girl born at the Gunnison Valley Hospital lust week Mr and Mrs Austin Vorhees visited at Beaver last week with Mrs Thomas Ward They left Saturday for Salt Lake City where they went to meet their daughter Mrs Floyd Weight and family of California Mrs Weight will come to Mayfield with them for a visit Mr and Mrs Clyde Whitlock motored to Salt Lake City on Sunday where they left by train to visit a daughter and family k Major and Mrs Ellis Van of Ft Lee Virginia Mr and Mrs Grant Howard ever the' week end with her and family are visitors at the Ixone of Mr and Mrs Ray Bar- parents ' The DUP held their meet—— tholomew Silas Earl was a visitor in ing at the home of Mrs Guy Mellor Monday evening Fayette on Thursday Mrs Annie D Robinson who Mr and Mrs John Ord and has 'been visiting in Provo and children are - visiting at the Fillmore for some time returnboipe of Mr and Mrs Leon Mel: ed home this week end lor Other visitors at the Mellor Mr and Mrs Guy Mellor home are Mrs Jerry Nielson visited Friday in Salt Lake City and children Joan Earl who has been visitMr and Mrs Roger Mellor spent the week" end at home ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Guy Mellor returned to with Mr and Mrs Edwin her home in SL George Sunday Mellor Flora Jean and JoAnn Mellor are visiting with their grand' Diamonds into the Mr and Mrs Guy United Scale imported parents each year are worth Mellor 150 about million dollars But American farmer Miss Pearl Mellor who la emget mere than ployed in Salt Lak City re- 175 million dollars tot their turned to the city after visiting peanuta VACATION DAZE MOTHER marge COME QH UW WHAT DlDYDU DO WITH MV B AMD NH 'CVtlMO' WMTF AMD NY BERMUDA SHORTS’ AND MV NEW SWIM SUITS AND SUM BURN LOfiCW VAY BEACMtLOPPFW’AWD— AWD 7 HEY MOM !f — a fWwVVDO FINISHED RkKWS TRE STUFF YET?) I we jhould mvb veeu off ?pj W N 'OUR AGO did you STDP-Trapfr HALF Aw An 1 tn'miucaaan Aw’BlUYlTbi-DYoTAKE THE CAT OvfR WHAT OIDJA DO WTvi MY DAVY CROCKETT CDOHttrN OP ANitATHEk BetTCHCSJ To TN' 7& to'uYjbvoi rancwwnt? AWeWlM TRUNK? AN ' DtDJAFW tSAMlWlCH WlENTYO tOTf OR Av'fftT O POP'— CAN I TAKE MY Bl CAM? POLL 7 An’HAVEWU 5EEW MY PEACH BALL AM BUCKET AN' SNOYil AN SWEATER AN SNEAKER? V J V? fj IK L I HOLY SMOUS! r y: m ffl m MBOUW I t&L m naA SOME PEOPLE SURE HAMPER THEIR KIDS trims that he DIGS THE EDGES AND AU THE GARDEN Gunnison Sanpete County Utah Thurs July 14 1955 Page 5 Fayette News Mahoney mr atnsl FAY HIM FIFTY CENTS 1 Mr visitors of Mrs Sorensen’s Chris Anderson wife and daughter ents Mr and Mrs Henry Marlene have been visiting for Willden the past two weeks in Mayfield Visiting Mrs Daisy Chris-M- r and Mrs Eugene Bean tiansen are a son and family nnd family of Seattle Washing- - Mr and Mrs Fenton Chrlstian-tcare visiting with relatives sen of Cedar City in Mayfield Mrs Beans bro- Visiting Monday at the home thers and sisters of Mayfield are: of Mr and Mrs Darald Christensen C H Chris- - son 'were Mrs Dan Anderson tensen Mrs Nels Sorensen end children of Sterling Mrs Ed Vest and Lilace Chris- Mr anj Mrs Roy Anderson tensen are pfoud parents of a baby Mr and Mrs C H Christen- jaughter born Friday of last sen have been on a business and weet This is the third child of pleasure trip to Salt Lake City the past week Although many sufferers blame A special program for Sun- “ acju?“yf the day evening Jifly 24th is being polleng°iienr' ana planned by the Mayfteld Ward hay(ever vlctimi t0 Ineezing The (Monday July 25th there will be p0uen of the goldenrod is too heavy sports and a childrens dance to ride the wind wnlle ragweed The Sunday evening program pollen on the other hand spreads in the Mayfield Ward was as even on light breezes follows: speaker Edna Bjerre- New electric utility plants to be Iva Christiansen and gaard “ ta U S by 1956 will Verna Christiansen Soloist was tons °' coal ume 48 mimo Bean of Washington ac- Larson Ann Beth companied by Mr and Mrs Frederick Jensen of Mantl visited last week at the home of Mrs Jensen’s parents Mr and Mrs Udell Christiansen Mr and Mrs W F Willardsen left Friday to visit with their children and to attend the Willardsen reunion to be held at Fairmont Park in Salt Lake P iLt Colv and Mrs Wm Scholl and daughter of Ft Lee Virginia are visiting with Mrs Scholl’s parents Mr and Mrs R F Dennison Sherrol (Lee Whitlock daughter of Mr and Mrs1 Kenneth Whitlock left Monday morning with Mr and Mrs Earl Michael r son' and daughters to visit with r them at VanNuys Califonla The Michaelsons have been ’visiting in Mayfield the past ' ten days Mr and Mrs Gail Sorensen and children of Kearns were Mrs BEDS MODERN BE ude HOME reaches Marek a Former police Inspector Anton Marek AT LAST! 1934 Vienna after 7 year la Soviet slave labor camp In ef Chancellor DoUfuae te prevent aecaaslnatioa tried More end more women every All-Purpo- 4-di- day freeze foods LY and save 0 se drive ‘Jeep’ Tricli eel - Extra stamina on Now avadabU uith pouer braket ELECTRICAL- TIME FOOD MONEY They buy In quantity whllo prices are low E highway or off the U S E fc!xS£y lor normsl The ’Jssf highway shifts Truck driva whan IrKliOL drlv esslfy from travel Into Better fastcrfcr IsuSrj The ’jeep’ Truck carries and pull) heavily loaded trailers 4CTI CM TQGjD many up to payload) on tha road or !ai( 2800 off With its 4 wheel the ‘Jeep’ Truck snow or loft climbs 50 earth jcis! fmrtrg pounds for A alt for a taka off tha ’Jeep’ Truck supplies Industrial or farm equipment with power many types of tHITJWrffi ' largest drmonatratioa toJay It A HE noTon Gunnlccn Utch LYflfl drive grades goes through mud sand when ordinary vehicle) can’t go the going gets tough lalsrt it 4 ftett power ritudci luTM Thoy know that food will keep for weeks ready for uso at any time Arc you cettlns the best deal for your food dollar? Why not look at tho now electric food freezer TODAY? ILLLLiii FouelI OvgVUY V |