Show UTAH THE GUNNISON VALLEY NEWS GUNNISON IPresodenticsi' Travel Js ilaidr ? f i ' I News he was I ” By BAUKI1AGE Anifyil and Commentator ' ! - t I the early either civilian or military spot ted an airplane he or she was enable te Identify "any place from Greenland te the Straits ef Magellan" the InformaUon was radioed Immediately te the army air force headquarters at Mitchell Field N T md Furthermore It has beea re revealed by tji head of the secret service Mike Reilly ta hia book "Reilly of the White House" that Franklla Roose veil who disliked air travel nearly cracked up In Malta and might have beea assassinated la a park ia Miami had he not leaned out of his car te take a telegram (Mayer Anton Cermak ef Chicago was killed and four ether persons wounded) Stayed Within Nation Border s Up to Franklin Roosevelt’s time Taft was the most traveled of presl dents and in 1001 worried all the constitutionalists (unfamiliar with the Constitution) by visiting the Canal Zone However be was scrupulously careful to stay on board the American which warship touched only American soil It had been considered an unwritten law since George Washington’s time (he bad refused to enter Rhode Island until It was admitted to the Union) that a president in office couldn’t leave the country When Woodrow Wilson went to Paris and Vice President Thomas Marshall bad to preside at cabinet meetings the vice president made It clear be was officiating only at the request of Y ftlfnal Co nn Photo President Truman receives tele type message aboard the presidential radie car Standing by the President are 1st LL Clinton Q ' maintenance ofConover (left) ficer ef the army security agency and 1st Lb Harvard E Dudley White officer cryplographio nouse signal detachment Wilson and that he didn’t consider Wilson's leaving the country vacated the presidency Travel has become a most and - Mr Tromau’l trip te South America la Just routine Bui it ta com plicated routine for a whole army of people What these people do is little known to the public especially the Secret service One out of every 10 of our presidents has been assassinated up to the time congress turned the Job of protecting the chief executive over to the secret Since then no president service has been assassinated Theirs (the secret service) Is heartbreaking Job and Sever have the details been so thoroughly revealed (to' the discomfiture o:1 some ot his former colleagues) as by Mike Reilly in the book I mentioned Of course tn wartime the Job was vastly more complicated and tha nrmy and navy worked closely with A special air the secret service But keeping the President alive Keeping him only one activity In touch with his Job Is another -- Once when a bullying congress demanded of President Grant which if any of his duties he performed in Washington he replied that his business and where he did it was his owi affair Now a president’s business is a lot of people’s affairs In wartime this signal corps detail had the mission of speeding the President’s communlca tiona "from the highest level con ference tables to Installations in the field" Today "'as Major McNally puta It "wherever the President travels the White House signal detachment continues Its task ef weaving deftly aa Intricate communications net which enables the commander-in-chie- f (and he might have ndded a travelling candidate) te keep himself oenatandly Informed and la tench with the aatloa" U This wqrk of weaving this "com munlcatlona net" It an exciting story too long to recount here but let me quote Major McNally brief ly to show how continuous communication wai maintained when President Roosevelt made one of his frequent trips to Hyde Park "A frequency modulation station was modified and Installed on the secret service car attached to tha presidential train Army vehicles radio equipped were spotted at strategically plotted points along the route between Washington and Poughkeepsie ao that the train wa In constant touch with Anthe White House all the way other FM radio link was installed In the old stable on the President’s estate at Hyde Park By means of direct telephone line to Washing- t ra- dio the White House wss kept Informed of the President’s where- abouts at all times" The speed with which messages could be dispatched and answers received was astounding When Winston Churchill was making his second visit to Hyde Park be and the Pretident who were keen competitors as well as close collaborators decided to make a speed test on the communications facilities Each sent Identical mtsaages to Australia over the respective British and United States facilities The President had an answer In lest than two hours tha Prim Minister got bis the next day CAUTION cf'i y After two years of preparaSET FOR NEW SPEED RECORD tions John R Cobb ef England was prepared for an attempt to drive hie Rallton Mobil Special te a new land speed record Cobb's car Is with two airplane engines powered NEWS REVIEW Hint American Aid Plan Truman Acts for DP’s The information was Immediately evaluated and conveyed by radio end land line to the secret service communication system where men were striding a 24 hour watch This system tied together Mitchell Field Dolling Field the homes offices end automobiles of various secret serv Ice agents Held officea throughout around that had the country all secret service mo bile units the President’s train taken him to Baukhage Vancouver Can Shangri-Land the President’s ada Wilson suffered a stroke in his room at Hyde Park Pullman Theodore Roosevelt was wounded while he addressed a Pretident Kept meeting on a visit to Milwaukee Inf or Conatantly cenUy These people bad spread their own impression ' ? "J on the Issue requires Immediate action not wish te There ere perhaps 1000004 Europeans whe do return te their home tor political er social reasons (they fear to A bool 21 per cent are chilgo nnder the wing ef Communism) 65 dren U per cent are ever 44 year old 20 per cent are Jew waa la per cent are Catholic 15 per cent Protestantaj a majority agriculture before the war Congress realized the problem could not be solved simply by opening American Immigration gates to let the jniss flow In although aome ayidenct Indicated many had relatives her who might support them to the problem will be found at the Perhaps a faster Latm forthcoming meeting of foreign ministeri of the Americas Certainly America ‘Is a young and growing area in which immigration and coloni--i cation is needed more than in the United States Better opportunities for the DPs may exist thera For us to absorb some may be found ecoagreement nomically feasible for both them and us An would certainly be better than a United Statea decision alone gency - r ' When going That gave the White Home preaa and radio conference a short inter lude of laughter For the reaaon that whenever a preiident if forced to drop hia role of chief executive to atiume the functions of candidate it ia funny Frequently it Isn't funny for the candidate especially when be has been used to the respect spontaneously and (except in election years) almost universally tendered his office A presidential trip may be in — raid alert system was designed many cases fun for the President but it Isn’t much fun for a lot of Reilly says "to protect FDR any other people where in the United States" Not that all Presidents have had When a spotter or watcher easy traveling It was an ordeaL-fo- 400000 Refugees? failed to enact the Stratton biU admitting persons from Europe This Is bestirring them- -' considerable bitterness among people who can make lelves bitter about such matters believing the United States haven who needs Pfbtical should be a refuge for anyone enter CONGRESS ' - President Truman finally to Brazil he was immediately that asked if he contemplated any trips acrpss continental United States He answered in the negative A reporter piped up: "This year or next year?" "THIS year" the President replied WASHINGTON PAUL MALLON Can We Absorb Chief Executive Zealously Guarded by Secret Service I Proiedi THE AMERICAS: Aid Promised must refect an encroachment tha fundamental rigbtt of tba I am confident that wa all agraa that tba ttat axitls for mam mot mam for tha itata—amd that wa abhor amp limitation upon tha freedom of extra wo of mam throughout tha world " Thus’ lii hiS flrsPsddress before "IF upon Dangers of the Open Road aWr-'-I- i flood — e Canyoi eak regl alght b lights if the population la not to bo kept In a state ot sustained flight from home and fireside Americana were a sturdier more likeable steadier and genuinely happier people when they were home part of the time The papera Inform mo of approval of a national highway system to embrace the whole United States It will connect 42 state capitals and link the larger cities of the land by expreaa highways viaducts and tunnels by DREW PEARSON Junkets to Alaska jrS iV w- '- GEMUS AT WORK four Raymond Sell chess while in big) wrote aa essay on the atomic energy today b lng with scientists os a pertinents in Pittsburg) at one of nation’s p clear physicists JORADI of SC( sque Sc es Pea r hav rough hjor sc lectric ojectr' h mwaxtiugj beauty hted ca ret brld light otligbti hevy bit I WALTER W1NPUFJ - Oddities in the New York Scene LEPERMISSIONAKT back In bla native Fnt vacation Fere Heart D’Orgeval Duhoncbd old Catholic priest bn years ef his life wwbv lepers on the island 4 j He will return te bis kr next year j Se j Mi 7 w V WALTER SHE AD What About Federal Spending? tonV'temae ‘juTrelt11 govnSU uSS?1 ' PIANISSIMO PLEASI-' Is a characteristic renso Perosl famed the Siatlne Chapd cbs‘ aa be conducted during a recent j Eternal City y See e victory chant ever And If we cat Sharp Rise in Buying Noted might acquire runaway proportion W are watching development from day to day” said a government economlsi ’’hoping that It will taper off before it becomes e violent spiral that can end only in serious reversal" It ia generally agreed that the movement began with the renewed wave of price increase that followed the boost In coal prices and mine wages It baa gained momentum ever alnc Consumers apparently have given up hope that any material reduction in price will occur within the reasonable future and are going ahead to purchase merchandise which they long have needed Many ho curtailed their in merchants 2$lr Mrs IN DALLAS 24 housewife Woodard TO THE WINDS Swinging sharply away from Us previous cautious attitude of econthe omy minded discrimination U S buying public hat launched Itself on a relatively liberal purchasing spree Virtually all fields of trade have trend away reported a clear-cu- t from passive waiting for lower prices and purchases are Increasing all over the country The change has given rise to a certain amount of alarm over the possibilities of a new Inflation spiral which may develop as result of Indiscriminate buying It has become the subject of much discussion among business leaders bankers and economists tome of whom express concern that the movement ) H I PHILLIPS Warren J Umk 42 ttato capitals hp suparbigh- What doat Russia want? Cam It ha got up in ’ a cut im tba world sariast Two for say I arms about legs way my ay at Vtslinh a faw of " Oklahoma? Am and to bmsbamd and She organized th There are too many good wifa radio program ? "Little Below ths highways already and loo many Knee' " Club" for hatred ot the 'apparent Why people going places on them the conference at women who op America and all things American? Instead of broader highways Petropolis Brazil U S Secretary pose the long skirt of been friends Have some Stalin’s fewer we need with stoplights ot State George Marshall Issued a now in style Tht narrower ones with more atop- using enr subways? reaffirmation of democratic princigirls organized a In the western hemisphere and ple! parade and ankleC then bulwarked his expression ot Dallas through idealism with specific assurances street to glvo emof U S economic eld to Latin Amer phasis to their pro lea teat Mrs Woodard INLASVEGAJ He told the Relegates that the U S government "will continue Senator McCarthy (Rep Wla AMAZING HOW MANY congressmen suddenly find they have urgent to take up economic questions with put the bite on congreia for its "d In Alaska this summer— with travel paid for by the sweltering its Sister republics end seek a sound lothlng" attitude toward veterans taxpayer back home Even Cong Evan Howell Illinois Republican now basis for practical cooperation" Congress said he "did foully bj appointed to the U S court of claims and who won’t pass on airfield sites our disabled veterans their widows any more now finds ha la needed in Alaska to inspect new airfield routes and dependents" Here are the different congressional groups that have found SCOTLAND IN BALMORAL urgent business la Alaska though this summer they are careful Princess Margaret Rose of Eng to pay personally the expense of their wivea and families: land Just turned 17 received as s Janket No 1— Senate public lands committee birthday present her first mHitarj Junket No 2— Senate small business committee of the High f title— Janket Ne 5— House Interstate commerce committee land light Infantry Janket Nt 4— House publio lands committee Whereat the aenatora made no effort to conceal their Alaskan trips CRYSTAL BALL: Wolverton’s Interstate commerce Junket tried to get off without public notice Next President j ' Marshall at Rio If theta legislators raally got to know Alaska their visits might ha General Douglas MacArthur wll timea that ssaglactad territory desarvat consideration be the next pretident of the Unitec for statehood So far tba flat exists for men V however faw congressmen hava beam willing to pay much attention to Alaskan States Problem except during tba summer That at least Is the occult pro That waa Interpreted at meaning fc 'fr that tha U S la willing to help solve diction of a Japanese for Latin America’s economic problems tune teller Kakudo Tomloka wht j 1 "MacArthur hat a glo pacta eulogized: through a series of Thera waa also a hint that tha big rloua future In store for him" on Tomioka who la said to have a record of several accurate predictending down ta capital At one tions placed the general on a plans time New York City Bryant park — don’t be surwith Mohandas Ghandl In the field threatened to secede from the union DP SHUFFLE: prised It used te be a cemeof aoclal welfare and form aa Independent nation When bathtubs firxt tery Truman Acts "There presently are two llvinj The mammoth illuminated sign were Introduced In NewIork President Harry Truman In a re men who have succeeded in realix atop Doctors hospital Is a signpost be very cautions board ef a for revolution" also he mariners and said a effort lng peaceful reminder to newed alleviate the "tragic health ordered citixena not te use them without first consultplight" of Eubope’i displaced per- "They are MacArthur and Ghandl not ta toot their boat whistles In sona ordered a shift In But then Ghandi’s mijalon la over front of the hospital Many of ing their doctor And MacArthur hat New moat hia the in York treei U manIm streets the top command of the glori S migration and naturalisation serv- out task to accomplish for the world age to exist by pushing their roots The Big Town’s most in the future" into aeweri to absorb water ice arresting landscape can be viewed from the It was not Immediately knew! In addition lt waa disclosed tha Some of tba svealtbiest heighti of Fort Tryon park administration Officials in Washing whether MacArthur would us To York families WaU Street got ita made originally tag because tha ton hava resumed their review o paioka’a recommendation aa a plan) their fortune when their antes Dutch erected a wall there in bis platform If be runs In 1945 the problem of displaced persona tors worked with Captain Kidd ago) when they feared an InMoat important personnel shift inis there Incidentally only one clue vasion 77ie reason aome streets SURPLUS: to tha treasure that tha fabulous volved the transfer of Ugo Cams In the Big Town have feminine pirate is supposed to hava buried from his post as commissioner o Budget Review names: When those streeta were the Atlantic along coast: A to a In r tha Immigration position President Truman’s budget bust Kidd wrote on a card that fanners honored state department where he will surthelf wives nawa made best by naming lanes after tne bafbaen able to decipbe big again wheir thi vey problems relating them 44106818 The grimmest sea voyage to displaced persona particularly chief executive (1) forecast a ree Is taken by the ord treasury surplus next June of tug that ferriea If yea happen te tee their resettlement five gheste cadavers billion dollars and (21 from Bellevue to Hart’s nearly This la expected to result In add- hurt reaming through the night at Island for buriaL Republican feelinga telling ed atress being placed oq a directive the cation that congress bytrimmed Mr Truman Issued In December the 1947 budget estimates by onl) 1945 calling for coordinated action 15 billion dollars by federal officials to admit as r Bis budget review estl many displaced peraona aa possible mated tax receipts this year within quota limitations $41667000000 which la LI blUloi Watson B Miller federal security dollars more than any previouij FEDERAL spending In general and President Truman’i 1947 administrator succeeds Carnal a forecast 1 budget In particular combined to make commissioner of Immigration am Mr Truman made hia announce footbl11 which both parties have kicked' Oscar Rosa Ewing New Yolk lav ment coincidentally with a bureai football la a thin tissue of truth ? r' (A political and half truth yer replaces Miller of labor report which indicated portion with air of a pro- ') strlctly President Truman’a action was that the U S far from being lx age American working aver man continue t taken In tha face of congress’ re- for a business depression can loo) two nickels together and fUbbin ff Ws wondering fusal to act on hia proposal to relax forward to a period of prosperitj travagant aa a night club blond Uy or whether It to cut financial corners lmmigraton quotas continuing "indefinitely" f ulna effort state vv chief of the Grand g RepubUo at the CA tional encampment a ( He was chaplain-i- - -- ventories Placing orders to irpienisn meir stocks As result of the wldespreag retting ! f Mr Vslct ““Woua members fusion that working the hidden ScKtoStSU have shifted varlou budget they have effected a great savings In btnk-omont7 11 r did b w w WRIGHT j0”? whaw ltemfd I least alight setback in the last hat of this year are being revised Cur rent forecasts are optimistic coo cernlng high levels of business ae tivlty during the third and fourti quarters Belief now Is that price general will move upward or at least hok their present heights until well lafct next year Cash remains abundant and the influx of large amounts o from veterans money terrains lesve bonds and state bonuses wll be added contributing factera to thi inflationary trend It beUev - PATTERM WliolcsoiiieEntcrtainmcnt-BtsUM th Oran Cali! high school building ground wt ate a pot luck dinner and then everyone attended th baff between team of the Rotarian gm and th Lion Everyone knew all the tr’ bu!nf Professional men of the town That game more thrill mort ' Icl0 I It mutt i tvr ha Jf1'' Pro?'W Jl J® ChlcIoSuch recrea gam has replaced for us th trmpt to find M y Cub tndot’V i LOYALTf PROBE Barbara Mathyrr commission employ forma urd la cheeb” of U S f era Brtl kind In history ef gbs r wa |