Show UTAH THE GUNNISON VALLEY NEWS GUNNISON WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS By Edward C Wayne f You Re New Angle Triangle anffuiEj I By RUTH Nazi Advance Guard Enters Bulgaria Japan’s Arbitration Offer Rejected By Britain Far Eastern Crisis Grows Note of a New Yorker: know bow United Newspapermen Press feels about the following fact It reminds its staffers that news may break any place— and it warns them not to be indifferent to any for scoops It stems from 1917 when the late Cob Bender (who became UP’s vice president) was in the White House washroom and in came Joe Tumulty secreTutary to President Wilson multy was so upset he couldn't steady himself which made Bender nervous "What the devil’s the matter with you anyway?” shouted the newspaperman ' i ous too” chattered Tumulty “if seen a Decyou laration of War!” Bender still disarranged sped out of the place and down to the UP offices with the notable scoop V II There is danger that Hitler can take America but there is more Americans danger in those who would give it to him The newspapers as you probably have heard always write the obituaries of citizens long before they die and then file them away until they are summoned to the Pearly Gates One New York newspaper has this opening line on Father Divine the colored question mark to wit: "Father Divine the man who claimed hi would live forever didn’t" ' i ' s One of Broadway's ham actors was recently booked into one of those intimate night clubs On his opening night he warned the manager that he needed absolute The quiet while he performed manager complied by instructing his After staff to obey this request the first performance the manager went backstage to inquire if everything was okay "No" shouted the ham "all through my act there was a terrific disturbance It went puck brrrrrrr Have that stopped I" thwacckk! "Look" squelched the manager "when that puck brrrrrrr thwacckk stops— you will be fired That’s the cash register 1” r Cholly Adler the relays the one about the day Goering stormed into an aircraft factory ordered a dozen planes and demanded they be ready in three days "That is impossible!" shrieked the foreman "It must be so” barked Goering and strode away Nazi came crashing efficiency through and three days later when a crew arrived at the factory the planes were ready as ordered The pilots got in and soared over the channel to bomb the British the first pilot Reaching London pulled his bomb release— and out dropped four of the factory’s night shift! I ' I I r Joseph Clark Baldwin who has for the vacancy been mentioned caused by the passing of Kenneth unmar Simpson has a ried son who attends private school The other day he was asked to recite the Pledge of Allegiance All the political talk he heard at He home apparently confused him convulsed his teacher by starting: "I pledge allegiance to the flag and for which it to the Republicans stands!” Jimmy Dorsey tells about the Hollywood producer who was trying to theft a big personality He dangled a from a rival studio contract in front of the actor and The "Well is it Yes?” asked: "Then" actor shook his head persisted the producer "is it No?” The actor still shook his head "Well” plaintively continued the "at least won’t 'you reproducer consider and give me a definite maybe?” A delegation of Japanese recently aviation t visited the An plant in Paterson N J inspection tour it was called They were loaded with cameras of Guided and supervised course by courteous personnel they were allowed to snap pictures of certain parts and motors to their hearts’ Now don’t get exceed— content This was the it was all right Before leaving the plant catch all had to pass through a tiny room In that room in single file unknown to them was a battery of machines bombarding away Those rays in case you didden know rendered useless the films the None Japanazis had exposed of the pictures "turned out" and or niceties were no relations strained Broadway Alien When he shakes your hand he wants to know what's In your heart not up your sleeve He continues tipping his hat to ladies long after he's lost his curly When he borrows a strands dollar he has the headache not the If he trips at your house lender he consults his doctor not his lawHe always has a reason yer for what he does— not an alibi The only thing he ever got on the cuff was a spot of gravy lie thinks his father was a lucky guy in meeting his mother Defense Bpard Speeds Up Arms Work r ( Ihm (EDITOR’S HOTSE— Whee Mini are Uwm ! the Mt Mimullr ! Ikll aaalyat (Released by Western Newspaper Union) DALKY BALKANS! 'THIS bag I aa Planned pitpl gift for someqpe finding days ln bcd i MVy I — Uif HnMM'l PEACEMAKER: An Offer And on American As Adolf Hitler's advance guard slipped into Bulgaria from Rumania there was none to stay them Gad in civilian overcoats which they did not remove but from which protruded sleek military boots members of the German staff took over the principal hotel of Sofia and the main resort town 40 miles Bulgarian away Where before signs had 4een scribbled on walls and Bulgar national songs were heard now orchestras turned to Viennese waltzes and raised their right arms palm open Bulgarian army generals came to the Sofia hotel with bundles of maps under their arms All day and all night they and the men poured over them There was only one show of hosBut it was a beaut while it tility lasted which was about (in hour George H Earle American minister to Bulgaria and former governor was in a night club of Pennsylvania corner from the Just around the building The place was filled civil with the mysterious The govforeigners ernor didn’t like the tune the orches-tr- a was playing and asked them to switch to "It’s a Long Way to Tip- Japan offered to be the peacemaker of the world and’arbitrate all disThe offer came in a stateputes ment from Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka Churchill conferred with U S authorities and then called in His rethe Japanese ambassador ply was one word: "No” Meanwhile the Japanese "peacewere mopmakers” in Having inping up on their job stigated a conflict between Thailand of (Siam) and the French ruler a Japan stepped in and "enforced” an armistice taking for itself the rich port of Saignon While the terms of the armistice were being developed into a peace treaty Japanese soldiers extended One of the mysterious strangers took offense Earle said later he was a major of the German general staff Words were passed and finally Earle said the major threw a bottle at him which hq warded off by covering his head with his arhn The former governor has neve been known to pass up a chance In the World war he like that chaser commanded a submarine PIG BOATS: In the Atlantic W & A w YOSUKE MATSUOJtA' For him reply Dig Stick After the war he took up aviation cracking up several machines but always getting into another and flying off just as quickly as possible He Is an expert boxer and has not refused to make use of his fists before Earle said he "injured the man’s features” Reporters who were present said the battle lasted for an hour with bottles chairs and tables The mysbeing used in the melee terious foreigner was aided by reinforcements which consisted of cerand overcoated tain other Earle enlisted the wait gentlemen ers at the restaurant where he was known and various and sundry who were present Police had a hard time with both sides for the ' next hour AIR CRASH: Number Four Washington said nothing but carried a big stick The U S fleet was known to be somewhere in the Gen George C Marshall vicinity chief of staff of the army also had a big stick Hundreds of army fighting planes left the West coast for ou Pacific possessions— Hawaii and the Philippines More important the house voted funds to fortify the islands of Guam and Samoa the U S Gibraltars in the Pacific The same proposal was defeated in the house two years ago for fear of offending Japan MEN AT WORK: Full Speed While congress spent precious weeks in prolonged debate on the d bill to send war materials to Great Britain the defense commission got In some mighty speedy licks The arming of the nation’s forces has entered the third P the plan priorities The other two are procurement and production Stettinius Job Last August the commercial air lines of the country had established a record of 17 months but with the midnight crash of an Eastern Airlines sleeper plane near Atlanta Ga the number of acci dents In the intervening six months was raised to four When searchers near dawn reached the scene of the crash they found seven persons killed nine others Injured Among those found dead was a member of con gress Rep William D Byron of Maryland and among the severely injured was the famed World war Eddie Rickenbacker flying ace president of the company on RhOse Also killed plane he was riding were the pilot the and steward of the plage's crew Next day a report from Balboa Canal Zone told of the crash of a U S army bomber into Panama bay An Immediate search first reports said failed to disclose any trace of a crew of seven Sl’AIN: Dies Spain’s former monarch King Alfonso XIII died of a heart ailment after an illness of two weeks He died in his Rome hotel room which had been his exile home for the past 10 years He reigned as king of the Spanish people for 29 years during which time at least eight attempts were made to assassinate him His reign ended in April 1931 when he left the throne saying that "I no longer have the line of my people” l CALIF -- A triGLENDALE his angle consisting of a man S army landed V wife and the Mrs Esther M Moore (above) in jail when (in violation of cease army rules ) she refused to visit making frequent efforts to her husband Sergt G G Moore is Moore A jjeteran army man completing his flying course at an army air school in Glendale and Mrs Moore was arrested on by the sentries on duty their influence in until the French rulers became mere puppets Storqs were filled with Japanese products and residents who refused to buy them were beaten and jailed Just west of the sphere of influence is the Philippines and just south are the Dutch East Indies chief source of United States tin and rubber The Japanese turned covetous eyes on that spot If that source of supply would be closed to' United States shipping entire defense America’s effort would be threatened GEORGE II EARLE IT aiirrt anf liulgart uvrt tnlistetL L a charge of disturbing the peace after a serie&of attempts to get perary" Priorities is the Job now It will do no good to produce 40 airplane engines and no airplane tall s The defense commission must regulate production so that every item down to the last eraser on a lead pencil arrives Just at the moment it can be used The task is under the direction of E R Stettinius Jr Aluminum and machine tool industries were first to feel the effects of his order By authority of the navy speedup law passed last June Stettinius directed that both industries put aside all other labor and devote their entire energies to filling defense contracts After defense contracts are under way commercial production win be rationed But until such time as the has sufficient alumigovernment num for instance for planes and tanks there will be little or none for streamlined trains kitchen utensils r even tooth paste tubes Meanwhile procurement and production must be stepped up to meet new demands How this was being done was reflected in the news of the day Consider: C A new railroad gun caps ble of hurling a shell miles was delivered to the armv proving grounds at Aberdcen"Md The gun weighs 223000 pounds C The three of the army’s four mechanized divisions still not supplied with arms are receiving scout cars Qne was displayed in Washington and two brave congressmen consented to ride m it The driver took them straight up the Capito Steps in Bti You’ll Wi WASHINGTON — Defense chiefs are aren't advertising it but they blow-uquietly trying to ward off a men of host over the now working for the government Some of the One Dollar men are and sincere public conscientious servants Others are less strupulous While representing the government to the governthey have sold godfls fament exerted inside pressure in industries represented their vor of clients before government agencies All this has been no secret on Capitol Hill where the steadily Dollar moguls growing corps of One rehas been eyed with increasing sentment Recently this undercover indignation took form in a bill by veteran Sen Kenneth McKellar to ban such business Tennessean men from government service and to probe their operations McKellar’s plan is to arwait ene bill beactment of the fore pushing his measure but meanseeing the while defense chiefs handwriting on the wall have quisituaetly started cleaning up the tion themselves This has been done in a series of apparently unrelated moves Under cover of transferring the original defense organization to the new office several of production management One Dollar men have been eased facehome with the saving title of "Advisory ConsultOths ant” pinned to their ers have been shifted to jobs hot diinwith their connected ovrp rectly ' dustries exAlso several perts have been brought in to replace One Dollar men in important And more sections of the OPM is still to come exNote— Among perts who have been brought into the OPM are Dr Ernest M Hopkins president of Dartmouth colformer lege Dexter S Kimball dean of Cornell university engineering school William E Wickenden president of Case School of Applied Science Dr W S A Pott president of Elmira college and Dr S S Stratton Harvard professor of economics It Hitler made another speech was more eloquent in what it did not say than in what was said Der an impressive Fuehrer pictured spring campaign against England’s None got life lines in the Atlantic up and left the meeting although some hearkening back to the same may have speech iA January thought to do so with the expression "Here’s where we came in” In reality the speech made in the Munich beer cellar where Naziism was born was a tactic admission that Hitler’s air power his original major weapon on which he risked war had failed to produce decisive And between the lines of results the speech can be read the admission that British sea power is gripping the Axis countries even tighter MR SMITH GOES TO than it did last fall So Hitler during the winter It looks as if Senator Barkley was months has been building a new known as "pig boats” right when he denounced the box of type of flee smash movie "Mn Smith In Norway Dento naval men Comes to Washington” That film is mark Belgium The Netherlands and in France all the vast ship now causing all kinds of headaches building yards have been turning out for the U S A in South America pocket submarines during the winter where it is used by the Nazis as one of their deadliest propaganda weap How many the Germans months hflve On hand is not known but best ons John Hay ("Jock") Whitney has estimates are 1000 with hundreds more ready to be delivered before just made this report to the Rockefeller branch of the national defense summer commission The story of a grafting No nation has nearly this many undersea craft The United States senate ganging up on a young reformer Whitney says is being circuhas but a few hundred and England even less Germany last fall was lated through Latin America as an of U illustration S government estimated to have almost 500 standgraft ard size submarines But subWhitney has been pressuring Holmarines do not fight Submarines To sink them fast cruisers and destroy- lywood mogules to halt further for ers arc necessary Britain even eign distribution of the film Another big problem for Whitney with the 50 destroyers obtained from Just how damaging a the U S will have a difficult time is newsreels to cope with the situation if even newsreel can be to the "Good Neighbor" policy if even a slight detail of a fraction of that number begins to prey on the'sealanes that sequence is overlooked was illustrated in a recent report to the state bring her food and munitions department by Norman Armour Explanation ambassador to Argentina In a Buenos Aires theater one Mussolini also made a speech Whereas Hitler seemed scornful of night Armour was witnessing Amer ican newsreel shots of an air raid on wavering within the German lines II Duce seemed less sure He Great Britain Immediately follow blamed discontent on Jews and Ma- ing the raid pictures a bathing beau sons and dwelt on the indissoluble ty contest In California was flashed on the screen ties that hind Italy to Germany “The letdown of the audience was which is a nice way of putting it now that German censors are in charge terrific” Armour reported pointing out of communications that the newsreel made it appear leading from that United States had its mind on Italy tothe outside world He had a new explanation for the bathing beaut'- ad of defense disasters in Afrtra Marshal Grazi-an- i THE TA oROTHERS earlier blamed failure on lack William Howard Taft’s boys Bob of mechanical equipment in the and Charley are at odds again Fascist forces Murrohni said howCharley having been in Washington ever that the Britirh succeeded bemore than a week in his new cause they achieved numerical sujob before he got together with Bob Since nil Riiush periority reReason is the Job Charley has inforcements to Egypt pnss within taken from the hands of Roosevelt 50 miles of Italian naval 'and air bases 11 Duce seemed here also to It sounds harmless enough— "Assists ant Coordinator of Recreational Acbe making an admission of the intivities for Defense”— but it’s a sufeffectiveness of his battle forces ficient with the administration MISCELLANY: foreign policy to leave In the main hall of the KremBob a bit chilly lin in Moscow a national conferurt more perhaps was ence of the Communist who has long party was In d Members charged that progress with his brother over domestic production in several key Industries policies accepted the Job just the was delayed due to and week before the historic debate opened in the senate overwhelming red tape The CenBob tral Committee hinted shake-u- o knew where brother Charley stood The dismissals followed quickly long before namely with the Among those losing their oflicia to Defend America by Aiding heads was Maxim Litvinoff forme the Allies But this brought the spli into the public gaze foreign commissar and Faulinn Shemyonovna Zhemchuzhina "You don’t have to agree with of Premier and Foreign Minis'er your brother all the time do Molotoff is Bob s shrugging comment you? C The annual Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science award for outstanding ou can reach acting In the went to Ginger Rogers for her film R Steelman head of the U S performance in "Kitty Foyle” and to crv1ice Practically any James Stewart for his role in "The office working on Philadelphia Story” dlsJmlc bu not between and 7:15 p m He "at Mrs JLTheruUas always takes s press conference 10 Ustcn t0 The favorit 40 or more women reporters were program The budget is full of hA M?dlson Boom at the little House when past the door terns such as $0000 forunique a ft- nee on walked a bathrobe-dathe tna!e border '000 e heard the female or personal fundsfor voices and flid‘ ates of It was Harry llftpk'ns prcjilentlai federal narcotic institutions $10000 guest Someone closed the door for sea food inspection uit without havLe books writing materials id case scattered aUut MdtaS getting lost issortment of Trading ed vir lloir The cab sick a bag frted okaj !lhls- hem :i addres along g In't und f daffi'001 W We so ba it ca hav S jerceno e ®om Ithc jo you hs camp: mi charg body entertai sle of Id w think may be sewed to box sprin- n- The bag shown here a remnant of coX? holstery material in tSesSjJ with a touch of red m the The red was repeated not The sketch fa dimensions Bning and the were made A coat hanger cut down to measure 12 mcW from end to end and was pW between the lining and the S side these being stitched together around the top as illustrated “n outsK S NOTE: As s service to our readmit Spears has prepared a serie d bat lets o( her original Ideas Each contains 32 projecti tab I lustrated directions Booklet art bered from 1 to 8 numbers 3 and (at talning directions for other types bin and door pockets that will maka brat keeping may be easier ordered MRS Booklets are direct from: RUTH WYETH Drawer Bedford Bills Enclose 10 taebtf for laitifipr and th first Girls wer found out ’as 38 picking i At soldiers ment as tar in to swing ev They fo rooms pois on the re More guess ma gets almost 'pm not Do underwei ofitalri SPEARI New Tort cents hers worry ‘esses kt ten 'even get lessons Th war 'quit of each Mo Dear lam i ordered Name here be food sewspap rom Wa to the pc mg orde there is his stul ing Address ( China erywher In om not be s hick myielp' So you’ve been overettiii agtia! Things looked so good yon kept n(M Stomach u I And then gas on intestines feel inflated like a and breathing becomes tn (Sort I bowels axelary they too objoct yoor for such occasions there's Well An effecties blest ADLERIXA and 8 laxatives h 8 carminatives Gas Is DOUBLE ACTION and gentle bove! ictus relieved follows Get ADLERBU from jeai druggist TODAY i to see to lee t What and do could yi article Our Vanity nurt That which makes the vanity i others unbearable to us is that which wounds our own u - Rochefoucauld Relief At Last tended leaded ens hei thing k there a this ca The haven’t Are the too? ForYourCofi nilsion relieves prompt £ se goes right to the trouble to help loosen laden phlegm germ tender raw heal to soothe and flamed bronchial mucous branes Tell your druggist to A bottle of Crromulstonwimtne©! derstanding you must hkewevv quickly allays the cough crjoaw indw® back Dear BIxb my For Coudii Chest lM WNU— W Well ting us happy Baby store he her stfh CflEOMULSlOj Health Duty Toward To do all in our power health and to keep it is our duty as to be honest— C( mgo hard r serges least I more Seward Modi Curva Salt Lake's NEWEST t And iv If Cos si Add takee head katu fiotki Us Up Th 2£nM uS jroue eat rN colon sc&w on h ito b he tt TEMPLE SQUARE body artl Cppl jacnLY gates $153 rpr “Trs |