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Show THE PXYSON rHI?0T I r pwpy Pain Quickly Relieved anio Domingo d- v 1TUI - - n. ir ; f f ' 1 ;,t R. - i , q ! 1, . Net Hard to Estimate , Most cases of rheumatism at. H ,t e. o dpi tie f " ' 0 M f g w many diagnosed us neur.tis me D or q I e! iln.au, caused by germ action. Con-i.-- ti : r u k to cnon of I!. A M, Tiie lVnetratrig " and Hit R' Si,- I- pun ,,u lt,M, tl) Germicide, will nimbly relievo tV 's '' 'V, n o gh in iy ,,thi r 1, acute pain and m nio-- t cases t'o n P. & M. Tieatmeiit will stop ti.c v Hi Jill fi is S,.IUS ( h ' ll'i I". i'll der. growth of the germs. Your druggi-- t should he tilde to Supply D. & M. In M 29 and 75 cit.t Conditions That Unite Sizes. If not, send his name and we Whole Animal Kingdom will ship direct. F. II ROI.IINS A uiifi ii'iiiu of emito i.t -- , int -- ts COMPANY, 53 P.everly St., Boston, t' i, ally i'it at tie ,.f Copley Mass. Adv. and A'liory, of M Mitamfk, Quo'iec For tin days eiolngi-t- s tt at is, students of am Papal Error That Cost In relit, on to Its surround lr.il Spain Much Territory Hus l.fe i'isi problems and tint King Solomon ofteied to divide a it gs in tleir pnrt.eular fields of small boy to whom two women laid niithologv, mainmologv, marine Idol claim, and won a great reputation ry, etc. Tiie results of the con-f- , for wisdom by so doing. Pope Alex i',nce were s0 profitable that plans ander VI born Itoderuk Borgia for another meeting in 1931 vveie actually did divide the world, uni made and a committee appointed to got no special credit for it even in ln formulate a permanent organization. own day. One of the points especially lie was an abler administrator, a stressed in the discussion was the more versatile politieian, a more interrelation of the various animal statesman, a greater patron croups, including man. Fluctuations of the arts and sclenots and a mix li In otic species are often felt throughbetter friend to the common people out tiie animal kingdom. Certain than was the Hebrew monarch, and va'ieties are of such importance thats about all the good It did him. that they are known 11s key nnl Vasco da Gama hud rounded tiie nials." Mice anil mice like rodents re kev animals" in many parts of Cape of Good Hope to give Portugal a foothold in India. Columbus hud the world. When mice are abundant sailed vve.- -t to discover what might in tiie Canadian Northwest foxi s, prove to lie a new oiitiiient, and lie snowy owls, wolves and hears cease represented Spain. It was inevitali'e to prey on partridges. When the that there should lie conflicting mice decline, animals turn again to claims, and perfectly natural that game, and K kimos and Indians sufthe rival rulers should turn to the fer for food. Weasels nml ermine die out in numbers when mice are pope as ttie logical umpire. Alexander did not find the prob- scarce and sn wvy owls fly south In lem difficult. For generations the search of food, only to die In tiie Portuguese had las n sailing south- warm climate. ward along tiie vve- -t African coat and their claims were obviously to The Irrepressible Sex be preferred along tiie routes they Strange there are so few women followed. Tiie Spaniards, through r speakers. their Genoese agent, had found land Its probably because thoy can I In tiie AYest. hat was easier than wait that long. to draw a line from north to south Realism in tiie movies Inis never on the map anil let the broad Atlantic separate the new dominions of yet Introduced the sound of a oof-fe- e the rivals? Every one was happy. grinder one of the most characIt was seven years before the Por- - teristic in a lumber camp. ' ; I M 11 11 111 , U- -e t , t 111 ,7.i( ? ijj Vv ' rraiJiy V -- ' cuu 6 'f ' rfAw' a ' c'" X. i ' 4 v i',;iiw , jug v - - Ro-to- ii, 4 '?- - ... Tl i ' 1353 ( d Santo Domingo a Ceiba Tree in Rena ns of rv . . - . (prf-art- d t.rcrnihc i usU rTn!!' and repain some prestipe by seizing more defenseless the of colony Society, Do- - Santo keel uiii'1.1 Jamaica. d..'k, I inj.ro l..irli,r i .to which Colutn-ie&eUi t e nut ili n.i bI1 thro, A will be saVd in 14J "o.n Battle of the Crabs. Accordirip to legend, the defenders of Santo Domingo were aided by stranpe allies, and along the beach near Jalna the site of the traditional battle of crabs" is still pointed out. memorial Jthefireatl.eier. Plans have from those sub- been '"- -r, Sled' by sMl.tte.ts re,, .vmm, tins the S,ed States and sot oral countr.es of a bditboiie, row nmi'embed, Santo rota. ns muh of its rom.riL'O fall "Oldist in the 'h afoot. earlv Span to be establihirst New world" and are America in men bv Blue shed In recurrence table phrases of ine. of tbe historic anv defri'tne hM buidintrs and ruins of this nncient colonists built for tbe city The early edifices dating , and many eenturie-are still from tbe Sixteenth century in ne. of foreign affairs ami The minl-tr- v irtnn nts of the Dominican other old colonial ymornuiont oioupy the a spacious ri'ment of you I'alrop Ion- - be-- t p nature that was venerable re the fr-- t btf'd nas ro-- p at .Tames-- t LAl'ho.i4 pell-mel- l. 17-1- a. n. a If iff which conitr rice to the innor harthe arc i tit Tower of Homage. jr'ie 'a.tii z S n' n'1'' tl bor r s -- t la jhen j.'.rr ci ntur.es this Now world con-t- o tm of the golden tie tV.e'.-'-i f uiitp.- -t -i wlan it cui' lid of the far Hun? e: pire the key city of Spain in ore America. In tic tour is n small barred aperture tlfat sometimes Is pointed out iw the window of tbe cell in which fnltmibus was imprisoned before being a statemmt bark to Spam In chains ent that cannot he true, smep Columbus' NprNomm nt took .lace in 1590, when tiie city was situated on the opThe posite bank of tie Drama rior. we h'arrio'mo that defrayed the borne bound that in 1T02 so unacted the c!!y tiiat it was iloeided to re-hjiit on the b'alor western side of the Onma, the site it now occupies. Hou:e of tbe Admiral. bu.H.iigs now in ruins one "f the niovt intereMing Is the castle f in, go Colon or House of the Admiral. the at home of the Colur bus family in America. Its consOf the truction boun was In when 1T0!, rbego Columbus, second admiral and "H f the deux et or, came to Santo Poni.rio as governor of the colony. The bouse was ocupVd by members 'f the Coluirbu. far dy until the death "f amticr Diego. great grandson of the (liscme-e- r and but of the direct ip of h s r do des onda.r.ts. Alo;;.'h ti.o House of the Admiral Ins been til'mu d to f into ruins, l.h its dost! a. fun further hastened hr tie v.iiid.d.vni of treasure seekers, a hctor.e walu wdl hear mute testi-Ento its former magnificence. It ras to this and other pretentious rnnsims of the citv that the chronicler Ouedo referred when In a letter to the kin- of S'um ho said that his njal Hiphni ss often lodged in palaces ar Infer nr to those 0f S into Dnminpo aided that he considered the ct.v S''.perir to a,iv !n Spain in its mon, h'Mity a , d arranpoment. nf r 7.!' .r 7 7 feundinp. IT?1 the apex of ju f. " nr' I. uI,lv''Pl rest jn Hie new ;."rr wasekit ,n (!(.Mrf, for fur. c('i inis. lir(j Its niotioric rise almost u -.- I..,, tlj. tbp rapidity of . r 7'K'" I t n n a 1 ri1 7! cal o "" m n 7 '4 ' ,V. -C C hr 6'-,- r Iru n ' top., the war-podltion "t to J.o is'and 'were i I' n c f ( o " i . . ' ,. of as. of p U!). the Wf col-- f ;... J " of hnllrh rcssif. , wre ' p c ' - , ' I r lu, r a poin::. lt e ' ' M'i were third of the tbp citi7ens - to about S.TO,-- e tool; his leave romitient citizens , I (,f b A a 1 ' U" 'hital Ml rr'l,"'is Prake, ,,y nlP,h V,r"'1 mo Ini ut 'n r, tf) 0 - ( hamber. The. (- 'on. s into Domin- "'lf S r ' P'rpedi-1,r'V'- v (t,)l.v r ''h ' for Iisar- a few lumuirers who of the 07ania 'n a 1 r.r T's bd 1 ,r?, O, r, '' "n,.' jb' antO p,Ml' ";r' The story runs that the invading forces encamped here one night. With their rerves on edge from constant ambuscades and surprise attacks, they mistook tiie clattering of the large number of land crabs hereabout for of charging cavalry, and the hoof-beatthey were soon retreating between lThO and the population of the capital fell to about five hundred, but fifty years later it was again riding on one of its high tides of greatness as a Spanish colonial city, only to be overtaken within a decade by another period of adversity. Now, after more than four centuries of varying fortunes and despite siege, earthquake, and tropical hurricane, the brave old city stands defiantly nt the mouth of the Omnia a little bewildered, perhaps, ns lf undecided whether definitely to capitulate to the march of modern progress or wait patiently a little longer for galleons long overdue. In the hr-- t thirty years the capital city has spread far beyond the limits of the old town. One with a romantic turn of mind could wish that the streets In the old part of the city had been allowed to retain their original names, but these have nearly all been reehristened in honor of men and dates prominent in the history of the Republic. Of the old names, only the Street of Isabel the Catholic remains, and much of its romance is dispelled hv the traffic poshoo" automolicemen who briskly biles along the narrow thoroughfares. Visitors may hunt a long time for a horse-drawcoclie in which to drive about and view the city, but when one of the few left in commission finally is tracked down, they lack the moral courage to charter It for fear of being s (; vv to Which Columbus Moored His Ships. "n cno'tal ave Umpaniola n or worse. eccentric done any more. thought isnt It just Columbus There. of the Dominican. the ashes of Chrisrest within their Domingo. In 179.1 Spain, having ceded Santo Domingo to the Drench, removed wliat its believed to be the ashes of the Croat Discoverer to Havana. Upon the evacuation of Cuba by Spain in 1S9S, the Spanhh government moved the Havana remains to Seville. Spain. Rut in 11577, while the Santo Domingo cathedral was being remodeled, another vault containing a leaden casket was found. As soon as tiie caskot surface appeared everything was sealed, and in tiie afternoon the president and his cabinet, tiie members of tiie diplomatic corps, the bishops and Apostolic delegate, and many others assembled to witness tiie completion of the excavation and the opening of the casket. Outside and inside were found inscriptions which hear alike the name and the titles of Christopher ColumAll present, inelud.ng even the bus. Spanish consul, joined in a notarial allidavit of tiie circumstances of the opening of the vault and casket and the description of their 0011(011' s. Tiie late American minister, Thomas C. Dawson, pronounced tiie evidence complete, and the late American secretary of state, Philander C. Knox, on Iiis visit to Santo Domingo in 1912, declared that any imparfal court would sustain the contention that all that is mortal of the Founder of the New World rests within the Cathedral at Santo Domingo. Charles G. Dawes, United States nmbasador to Great I'.ritain, wlide in Santo Domingo in 1929 as the head of a comm'ssjon to work out a budget system for tiie Dominican government, made a study of the evidence and reached tiie samp conclusion as M.nister Dawson and Ashes of The chief pride is their faith that topher Columbus cathedral at Santo IM Fsi.iuat ng the amount of Inly in a ok (in tiie floe of It, to he li''-,!a nutter of but I'ihril exports have vvoikcd out a me' led (,f tigui g whiih has been foim to conic within 5 pi r cent of ai i ir u y on all occasions. 7 he method is lu-e- d on tin shape of tiie stock as tho ilecid.ng fix tor. An over ill measurement Is taken; tin' is, from tin ground on one side over tlx top to tho ground on the otlur soli in the cast of a round top stack, for Instance, forty six linn dredths of the vvnlth Is subtracted from fifty two hundredths of tin overall measurement and this result is nmliilied by the width and length of tho Mack. With tho cubic foot capacity of tho stack, It Is then a simple mutter to divide by the mini her of cubic feet per ton of tin various grains which go into tin stack. y jmi" sc-iij- after-dinne- yfc V4 23f ... 11 Two-Heade- Biealcs a cold in 6 hours. Drives if away in 12 hours. . Relieves Headache Neuralgia Paino Salt Lake Citys 7encst Hotel jteer d Seven months old and bred from pedigreod stock, a steer which has just tieen tilkon to Melbourne, A us tralla, is a freak in many ways. One Is that It has two heads, another is that it uses both, but only one when eating. The two heads meet at the HOTEL center of the forehead. The animal has four ears, four horns, but lost t lie sight of one pair of eyes six weeks ago. A showman paid a farmer TEMPLE SQUARE for it. $500 200 Tile Baths 200 Rooms Biddy Outwits Weasel a laying lien outwitted a weasel Is r ported from Curnwath The biddy had been In England. tin habit of laying an egg daily on the doorstop of a fauiiliouse, and sm keil the ju-- t ns regularly ft vvoa-offering dry. Apparently tiie lien dis covered tiie theft, for it now lakes t He promotion of laying its daily contribution on tho farmers easy (lair In tiie kitdicii. And the vveas-i- l is too timid to enter the house. in every room. 1.50 Radio connection How RATES TROM Mormon Tobenaclt Jmt oppottf ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. el The Big Parade Wlmt do Elks have that other never have? I dont what? Exchange. Know Parados If you are alone, arent you sohlom Dont borrow money Just because ' irritated? you can. Youlli is theory, old age is fact. Tiie toad, though ugly, is useful. Two Extra Cord Plies Under the Tread f TlIE patented construction feature of Two Extra Cord Plies Under the Tread gives extra protection against punctures and blowouts. Also stronger bond between tread and cord body. This is only one of tbe extra values you get in Firestone g makes Tires. Another patented feature tbe cord body stronger and safer. Tbe Firestone Tread gives greater protection against skidding and longer non-ski- d Gum-Dippin- wear. for yourself. See these extra values Go to the Firestone Service Dealer near you. lie lias sections cut from Firestone and special brand mail order tires. Compare them point for point, anti judge for yourself bow Firestone give you greatest value for your dollar. Drive in today! r,'i. Ftreslone store Oldfield OMfeM MAKE 0E TIRE Tyre SIZE CAR B'l'd Vt C.n Pn e Tee r. Ford 1.40-2- Chevrolet 1 Chevrolet. ,50-295- .6 Ford ,50-2- 1 Type Caif) Price Per Pair 4.98 1.9!' fire- - ttone Sentinel Type Cash Price Fu'fi So. cut Brand Mail Order Tire Prue Per Pur 9.60 4.35 4.35 8.50 1.6 0.10.90 4.78 4.73 5.69 rirtitone Sentinel Type Cash ').61I.I0 4.85 4.85 96 0 MAKE or TIRE U CAR lldirk-'l- . OldVIde Auburn forda 11 Deo U 4.75-1- 9 6.65,0. 65,1 .90 5.605.6 Fmkine Plynto'tb 4.75-296- .7 Chandler 11.14 Durant Cra'm-- F Willj.-- h 5. 00-- 1 ;6.98. 5. 9513.60 7.90 7.90 15-3- Id net n Park tr 17.00 5.50-1- 9 e.9 O 8.90, 17.30 ll.ZO 11.29 11.70 11.45 11.45 11.20 r 7.00-29,15.- 22.30 11.65 11.65 22.60 13.45 13.1 25.40 15.55! 29.80 11.47 Balrk .25 - 2 ijs.SViR . 5 14.30 ti 0.7j K D. -- 3 ... 12x6 x6 . . . aOs .... ft 00-2- n p F Ct fa 11.47 0 517.9s 29.7s 32.9s 15.25 0 ii nl Vtil :er T a $17.95 29.75 32.95 15.25 A Special Brand lire i,T mam,r,iri,irrr for dint ributnra au Ii an mail ord r ItotiM-a- , oil rompanien, and other, undr r u name that don not identify tho tie mnnijfarrrirrr to tho public, UMti.illy because he builds bm ' f r s untltr lus own name. L bent rj tiali t trcsloue his name on end BUS TIRES SIZE 7.1 0 13.80 35 I 0 8.7.' TRUCK 1 Mill On at To. 8.75 tutr 6.50 ndiilnr Pontiac Hmnevrlt .00-2- Flresinne Gld'ielrf Type Carh Price Per Pair - i hrv oh r 6.00 -- lf i L n ti -V ra u Khi) I f udftnri 6.00 II u p' ni LI I lie 6.00 ! irk .1 rd ',.00 Fierce-- A leSoto Dodge So. (ill Brand ;.50- Marrnori Oakland 1 hippet. Flreiton? Oldl eld Type Cash Price Each PRICE Gardner Deer Ford ( hevrolet - CONSTRUCTION - COMPARE QUALITY L puls H( Y tire lie makes. fOt)re 0 Type Prue Pair 1 Cash Per 634.90 57-9- Double Guarantee Trrrr tic. I IK f STONi mnf,ctorr.l " and carries I unlimited guarantee and that of our 25,000 ferric Dealers and Service Stores. ou are doubly protected. y ires! one hr or the name l,y e's 0 63.70 29.90 firestone to the Voice of firry Monday night over X.B.C. notion u idc net tvork Knox. One of the most tragic experiences in the history of Santo Domingo occurred in the afternoon of SepMnbrr 3, 1930, when a hurricane .viqt over out- - d t lie capital tiie vv.iis of the stricken 12 HOURS WITH gue--vvoi- k, v 1 o!H-eia- Secretary STOP YOUR COLD Contents of Haystack . city the d"'.t-'n- t o tically ente; lop; lei 'd of the per cer.t aged and pri'tiea !v all small, r homes vv e d d of two tl killed and six thousand on-m- ii i was prac- the wn'is 70 wire 1 imrf the 1000 I roved. pngiip were were injured s -- Vine Tire & Ii d ' rf V.' i. Firestone Service Dealers end Service Stores Save You lio: w - vf a. 4- - ef1r npsnenmam |