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Show f jifflrfflfilMtfriHifllff Hilrtf-r- fr - f '4 trfH 'rni nlf itt i 4 vrfnii ft r ei ifm , fodfifr.i f THE PAYSON CHRONICLE, PAYSON. UTAH : John s Mother News Notes (i Praises Doctor PrioiUg to Liv in There Isn't a er living who agree that no Utah UTAH The price of zinc in Utah was 12.5 per cent higher in January, 1929, than in January, 1928. in Salt Increase is anticipated by an order for 2300 new telephones by the Mountain Spates Telephone & Telegraph company. UTAH Utah telephone service will be im roved to the extent of $1,418,-30- 0 this year, Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph company officials report. SALT LAKE Livestock throughout the state has started to show improvement wit-- the heavy snow leaving the grojnd, J. Cecil Alter, chief of the local weather bureau, announces The ground is in his weekly report. drying up rapidly and the grasses on the ranges have started to appear. IIEBER Graveling of the road between Iltber and Charleston will begin soon with the moving of the contractors equipment to a gravel pit southeast of Heber. The project is part of federal aid project No. 65 A, e and graveling of the and the Hailstone-Par- k Cuy roadd has been progressing for some time. Two ancient bells, said to have been LOGAN The snow cover in Cache used by St. Patrick and other Irish valley has been deep and continuous saints. Now preserved In the Naand as a result the water supply this tional museum In Dublin. summer w ill probably be considerably above normal, according to Profes-o- r George D. Clyde, who has just filed By ELMO SCOTT WATSON a report of snow conditions of northLL of us l.now that March ern Utah for February. Professor 17 is ht. Iu trick's day and most of us, whether we be Clyde stated that drifting has been severe. of Irish ancestry or not, celebrate the day In some RICHFIELD Spring plowing is fashion or other. We may the vogue in Sevier valley with the do It by adding a touch of return of mild spring weather congreen to our costume on ditions. The recent thaw that sent that duy or by wearing a the snow blanket, which covered the little shamrock In our coat entire valley, away in mist, also seems no means settled to satisfy all. ing, preserving, they accomplish the to lapel, for both the green have taken the frost with it and s "As for this country, the wily florist work of the world; and, like the Siva and the slmmroek are to have left the soil in excellent conof another mythology, our Brigid seems can sell bow Hut almost small member of St. Patricks day. of any to have been mistress of the three great dition for the plow. I- - many places the rimer family to credulous Hibernithe three divine qualities. many of us know Just why we celethe farmers are using tractors. She was traveling in the east of the brate the day or bow much truth ans. If It Is green and lias three PROVO In competition with some litcame to world an and overcrowded he It can label shamrock and there Is In the mass of legendary lore leaves, of the largest makers of cast iron he sure that it will not remain on his tle town; and as she went from place which has gathered around the name to place seeking shelter she came to a pipe in the country, the Pacific States stable and went In. A man and woman of this man who for ages has bepn shelves after March 17. Cast Iron Pipe company plant was were there before her, and the woman Several years ago a Dublin newsregarded as the patron saint of all was In the pangs of childbirth. It was the contract calling for the awarded Irishmen? paper addressed a questionnaire to Hrigid who helped her and it was in delivery of 130,000 feet of cast iron In the first place, many people have a large number of representative men Brigid's cloak that the Child was born pipe to be used by the Utah Gas and lienee she Is known as Brigid of the the Idea that Murch 17 Is celebrated In Ireland for the purpose of obtainCoke company of Salt Lake in its exMantle, as the Foster Mother of Christ as the anniversary of his birth. It Is, ing their views on the Identity of the and as, after Mary, His Best Beloved. program. This is said to be pansion shamrock. all of his of the death, Nearly however, the anniversary replies Then the years rolled on and she only the first allotment and further went from this world. Then the years 'nnd Is Ms feast day Instead of his favored white clover. orders are expected. Tills plant, known to botanists as surged again, 430 of them, and St. birthday. There Is dispute as to the Patrick came to Ireland; and then, OGDEN The city recently was facts of the dates of his birth and Trifoliuin repens, would seem to tit after the passage of some more years, making a new effort to clear the airdeath. According to some, he was admirably the traditional role that St. Patrick died; but his faith was eslias been ascribed to it. It occurs evtablished in the country that he loved. horn about 3S7 A. D. and died about port here of ice and snow, which has The scene of this tale next changes erywhere In Ireland, In pastures, in 41)3 A. L., nmklng him one hundred prevented its use since early in January because no equipment heavy enough sis years of age at his death. Others lawns and along roadsides. From late to Heaven itself. Brigid and Patrick were walking together. They were, to clear it was available. Officials of assert positively that he died ahout spring until early winter Its leaf, God talking about Ireland, made up of three leaflets, and Its one help them, 4C1 A. D.. although all agree that the National Parks airways declared asking the ether had he or she cheery blossoms, white with a touch ever been to Connemara; the other askMarch 17 was (he date of his death. that concern is losing $100 a day bethe cause of inability to land here. Then there Is the matter of his of red or brown, growing In masses ing the one if she or he remembered They how looked and it Dingle peninsula, close to the ground, may everywhere said Cgden apparently received more nationality and the place of his birth. in storm. Or the Ben of Gulbain seen be seen. The latter Is variously given ns Scotsnow than any other airport on the with the moon alight. Or yon basket Although a wild plant, It enters full of lakes, where each lake dare? land, England and France, with the Falls route. Salt Lake-Greany other to be as beautiful and every prominently Into the life and strongest evidence pointing to his havSALT LAKE Salt Lake should in lifted Ireland the pool challenge. of the Irish people. Ireland Is ing been born at a place cnleld Kilhave natural gas by September 1, foreBe sure the two saints assured each or perhaps even reassared each patrick near Dumbarton on the Itlver predominantly an agricultural councast J. D. Roberts, assistant manager other, The dominant characteristic of other, In the faith that, after all, Heavtry. Clyde In Scotland, although It Is prettthe Utah Ga3 & Coke company, of y1 definitely established tlint he was its agriculture Is the raislug of live en was prettier than Ireland. speaking recently of the progress in a been had on walk stock and. best Their The one, long pastures. pastures of Celt ancestry. Although he Is the pipe line to Baxter in would Sean Immersed constructing OCasey (as In are which those the wild white colled St. Patrick, there are those who they had Mr Roberts spoke say) darling memories, Basin, Wyoming. Is clover most abundant. his doubt cast would upon reached a place which the saints care right to the luncheon at of the All As weekly a result of carried experiments but rarely to visit. They had oome to that title by saying that he was never Engineers club in the chamber of comthe Seat of Judgment canonized and proclaimed a saiut In on not only In Ireland but also In merce. Natural gas development in There he Judge sat, vaster than England, Scotland and other countries Rome. Rut the fact- - that he has alVastness, blacker than Blackness; Imthe Baxter Basin and adja&nt fields of northern Europe, It Is now genways been venerated as the chief movable, unescapable, terrific. assures a supply during the present saint of the Irish church and has been erally recognized that applications of St. Brigid did not diBlike lime some and material generation at least. for that would be a sin. But carrying phosIndirectly recognized as a saint by the she did not like him, for he had never GUNNISON Roar of a torrent in Church of Rome Itself Is regarded as phoric arid are almost sure to Increase the growth of white clover In been to Ireland nor even had be exthe Sanpitch river, followed by a reample reason for his title. to a there. As desire ber go pressed port that two automobiles had been The association of the shamrock the pasture and thereby udd to Its gaze fell on him and oft Hu a terrible look to her him demolished when they fell into a caused at capacity. carrying Is wtth this saints day thought perhaps familIn our ovyn country, too, the same again at his blank, black vastness, at iar to all how Patrick, bringing the gap in the highway three and a large his supersolid solidity. She saw his half miles northeast of Gunnison, was message of Christianity to the pagan white clover Is of Importance. Soon great hand move this way and yon as, the first indication at about 2 a. m. tribes of Ireland and realizing that after the pioneer cleared the land of like black lightning, he scrutinized this forest trees, white clover began to and that being who groveled and they did not snderetnnd the Trinity recently, that the Antelope reserwork Into his grass lands. So uniscreamed at his awful brow. of God God the Father, God the Son five miles northeast of the town, voir, He. said St. Brigid, and she was and God the Holy Ghost , picked up versal was this that the Indians re had broken and was pouring its con"lie she said as would It, astounded from the ground a tiny plant and ferred to the plant ns the "white send even an Irishman to hell! tents down the valey toward the mans foot grass. Wherever the showed them this example of the per"He would." said St. Patrick, but Sevier river, passing through Gunman set his said It he went Icy with foot, the white even as he fect Trinity, three leaves on one stem. white nison on its route. had never for the thought Ever since that time the shamrock clover grew. Today It Is a prominent horror, SPANISH FORK Plans for the before struck him. our nnd of and valuable pastures part has been the traditional emblem of The fudge looked toward them. annual Utah county liv .stock show Its myriad white blossoms dot our SL Patrick and of the Irish race, but "1 will not have it so, said St. Brigid. to be held at Spanish Tork March 27, to It devoted as lands she the and lawns, words, were, grass parks spoke according to botanists no one can be 28 and 29 are going forward rapinto that implacable eye sure Just what wns the plant which and golf courses. Thus does trndl She drew St. Patrick with her, away idly. Many entries have already been St. Patrick used to Illustrate his tlon touch modern life. They went to her Foster Child and ; signed up. Springville, neigi One of the most charming legends she obtained from Him, who loved teachings and which has since been her,' the in has Is ns announced the connected with St. Patrick the north, this concession that eveiv persor who city known as the shamrock. Some assert from Ii eland should be Judged bv purpose of sending a lot of fine exthat It was the common white clover, soclatlon of his name with that of St. came not and himself St. Patrick by hibits. A number of visitors are exRrigld, nnd James Stephens, an Irishnative to nearly all parts of northern man who Is a noted writer, tells that be pected to he present th;s year; quite will and "You she said very northeastern careful," UnitPd Europe In the New York Times as fola number of the Salt Lake Chamber to St. Patrick. States, which Is sometimes called the story will, the great saint anlow s : "Surriy, , of Commerce have expressed their Dutch clover. swered. to the .lie Irish According calendar, to come, as to ha' e a num r Is The Dutch clover If. said St. "But only one canand (he Brigid, very second day of February la the flrat day of state was officials. her within If heart didate for the honor of being the Irish of spring, "but shocked, It ts and also the feast dav a bad Irishman Is brought before you LEWISTON Fresh outbreaks national plant, says a writer In the of St. Brigid (pronounced Breed). of "I'll convert him, said St ratrb k There haa never been a period when New Tork World. That It Is a strong hemorrhagic septicemia among cata personage of thla name was not In candidate with much In Its favor Is Ireland. In verv ancient' times tle herds of this region were report'TIs but one of the reasons why Brigid Illustrated by the fact that the Encywas the goddess of poetry In less irishmen, of Whatever religious or ed, but quick action by herdsmen will ancient times, by a shocking but logical political complexion, pledge St, Patrick clopedia Brltannlca comes out prevent spread of the disease, veterdeclension, she became the goddess of when his dav comes round and why and says It Is the true shaminarians believed. The major outbe wotlii fearless of the war; and In the comparatively recent they may all rock. But the wood sorrel and the day break of th:s disease was reported which represents the year of this to come. black medic, or hope clover, are not era she became the respected patron But i, an apprentice in the craft that recently and was handled successfully and the beloved Patrick loved and of which he was the far behind, and such careful students of the new religion hv vaccination and innocu'ation. " Marv of the Oael tv am desolated think that perpatron, as David Moore and Stewart and Poets, soldiers, saints these are haps St Brigid ts not getting her slime Eighteen hundred animals have been Corry admit that the question Is by great travelers Bv creating, destroy. treated. of the praise. PLEASANT GROVE Total r s of ths Pleasant Grove Canning con -a reduction of employees from 4.725 the Broom-Makin- g Trimming Expense Lags to 4,4,r)0. The figures of the reportpany tllcast oar were around $385,-00A man and his wife were Interested aecoiding to Cl fford L. "'right, ing planls Indicated 3,124,963 dozen In a machine and wore iilmut to buy The broom Industry of the United brooms, 485,049 dozen w hlsk brooms manager, And expenditures were in when the salesman decided to emphaStates declined 13.1 per cent In 1927 and 1,.ri04 machine size the merits of the car. lie dwelt the neigh! hood of $375,000, Mr. ever 1925, according to a bulletin of brooms manufactured during 1927. on the many The outlook for Wright reports. features, am) outstanding the Depsirtment of Commerce, Just Is the canning fpjestry is bright, said to end his talk he added. sued. The figures Indicate that the The Oldeit Girl Mr. Wright, fe:wt;cu!arly in this secWe will put the initials of the own total value of the products of broom-corAt the age of one hundred seven tion. We con-Kjer on In special design Pleasant Grove as nmnufucture fell off from years a Kansas woman lists herself The wife hurriedly pulled her hits ideally located i r the production of to $17,034,413 and the number us a working girl. At any rate she bnnd aside and exclaimed: fruits that go iitte canning of plants manufacturing brooms from goes sewing every day nnd If that John, dou't let him do that because and the possibilities of this region ire 4Ll to 304. doesn't make her a working girl what 1 have heard that It Is the initial cost great. The (any plans o.i This decline In the Industry brought would? of a car that is the greatest. expansion in the future, SALT LAKE Lakes population Ileber-Hailston- A moth- won't half sick child should be fhe subject for nn experiment with medicines of uncertain When your jnerlt. child Is bilious, head feverish, restles0, with achy, half-sick- , coated tongue, bad breath, no appe tite or energy, jou know that nine times out of ten Its a sign his little stomach and bowels need purging And when you know that for over fifty years leading physicians have endorsed one preparation for this condition, there doesnt seem to be any reason for ('trying tilings. Rich, fruity California Klg Syrup clears the little stomach and bowels gently, harmlessly and In a hurry. It regulates the bowels, gives tone and strength to them and to the stomach ; and helps to give your child new strength, energy and vitality. Thousands of Western mothers prahe it. Mrs. Joseph IV. Hill, 4300 Bedford Ave., Omaha, Nebraska, says; "Ill never forget the doctor who got me to give my baby boy, John, California Fig Syrup. Nothing eNe seemed 'to help his weak bowels. That was when be was just a bahv. lie suffered a good deal before I gave him Fig Syrup, but It stopped Iris trouble quirk. I have used it with him for colds nnd little upset spells ever since. consider him a Fig Syrup boy, Insist on the genuine article. See hnt the carton bears the word CalOver four million bottles ifornia." Acidity The common cause of digestive difficulties is excess acid. Soda cannot alter this condition, and It burns tb stomach. Something that will neutralize the aridity is the sensible thing to take. That Is why physicians tell the public to use Phillips Milk of Magnesia. One spoonful of this delightful preparation can neutralize many times its volume In arid. It acts instantly; relief is quick, and very apparent. All gas Is dispelled ; nil sourness Is soon gone; the whole system is sweetened. and reDo try this perfect anti-acid- , member It is just as good for children, too, and pleasant for them to take. Any drug store has th genuine, product. PHILLIPS 1 Milk of Magnesia For Cuts, Burns Bruises, Sores used a year. Through a Gla Darkly have read of a glass kept In an Idol temple In Smyrna that would make beautiful things appear deformed, and deformed things appear beautiful ; carnal sense is such a glass to wicked men. It makes heavenly tilings w hlch are beautiful to appear deformed, nnd earthly things which are deformed to appen beautiful. I Ohio State ( Try HANFORDS OF MYRRH BALSAM AB dukn bomj (or tW to rrfusd your in authorised Muted. bottle ii not first Journal s.vrn-boi- Health Giving Marvelous Climate Ooot Hotel TourSot Lamp Splendid Roade (.orgeoui Mountain View. The teonderfu t desert resort of the ff est IT Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Helps Her So Much I was just com-- I had tired, heavy, sluggish feelings and I could not eat. I was losing In weight. I read so much about Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege- -- Pittsburgh, run-Aow- -- at well-bein- g Rhada-mnnth- fevSs3EiEns3 u All Winter Long ALWAYS KEEPS P iuhv Plnkhams Vegetable Compound and about the same In tablet form. This Is one medicine a woman should have In the house all the time. I am improving every day and I sure am able to eat. Iam willing to answer any letters I get asking about the Vegetable ComMss. Ella Richabds, 21 pound. Chautauqua St. N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Physician Not Needed Henry Miller, a farmer near Altoona, Kan., heard a cracking sound every time he drew a breath, and It worried him. He was afraid his heart wns affected and went to a doctor for an examination. The doctor, In addition to pronouncing his heart all right, located the source of the noise.. It came from a small buckle on Millers suspenders. Its enough to make the pot when the kettle calls It bla$. boll, t ov .tutnbo IS SAID TO HE THK In the wotDI. Older jour rate P. O. Dox F. Kulhten, nlv $1 OH 1188. Mobile, Ain. IX OK PART 1IME A(.FTS, Folding Biggest money maker on niaiket. at Might. Kkctth stove Sew. UnirjUv Ewnjbody wants one M.ike fiom ten to twenty dollars irr dav. Write FOl.DEK ELECTRIC HEATER CO., DETKOI f, M tCH. table Compound and what a good medicine It is, that I started taking It. I have taken eight bottles of Lydia B. CALIFORNIA Uiriiwr iRlusnin AN lii kin-- i Write Cree A Cheffey ttlssa a Profitable Vocation Choose Iarn the Beanty Culture Course given by a man that ha taught student bow to earn Biti MONET. Catalog sent on request T T J UTAH HIGH SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE - Salt Lake City 831 Clift Bldg. entered a grocers shop. "Please have you any dry biscuits?" be asked the man behind the counter. Yes, as many as you want, I dare say. He reached down a large tin. Is that the only kind you have? No; here's Are you another." sure they are very dry? Couldnt Be Anything Elie 1 have a cold Student (sniffling) or something in my head. Professor A stoi ies. cold, undoubtedly." n g er Stray T' d street-sweepin- . V. Quite sure. Very well, then the boy backed towards the open door why not give 'em a drink? 1 0, JJ boy s. 1 X X Y Sold Again! A small ri-v- Khada-mnnthu- o $ Help Kidneys After Grip Don t Neglect Kidney and Bladder Irregularities. XJT AS grip or flu left you stiff, achy all worn out? Feel suffer nagging backache, headache Are the kidney excretions too frequent, scanty or burning? Too often this indicates sluggish kid' neys and shouldn t be neglected. Thousands rely on Doan's Pills. Doan's, a stimulant diuretic, increase the activity of the kidneys and assist in the elimination of waste impurities. Are endorsed everywhere. As your ne.ghbor! 1;,tire an,, drowsy day spells. Doans Pills A Mitnmcznt Diuretic to the K idtxcys At all i, 75c t bet. Fo.ttt-M.Ibu- Co, Mfg. Chtmtst,, Buffalo, N. Y. t |