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Show THW PAVSON rMPONTI.P PAVOQV UTAH SHIPPING STOCK IN ALL SEASONS Make Careful Inspection of Car and Remove Refuse. Before loading a cur for shipment 1 Horace Albright who has succeeded Stephen Mather as director of national park service. 2 Secretary new structure connecting two buildings of Department of Agriculture iu MaJ. Gen. Francis Parker, new chief of bureau of insular affairs of War department M. f Agriculture Jardine laying cornerstone for Washington. 3 have to abandon his projected visits to the West Indies and Mexico. Washington correspondents said they had authority to state that Secretary of the Treasury Mellon had been asked to retain his portfolio in the Hoover cabinet and had accepted. It was also asserted that Ambassador Morrow would not be the new secretary of Treaty I state, Kellogg Anti-Wa- r preferring to continue his exRatified by Senate and cellent work In Mexico, am tlmt non-t- y x I Fletcher, ambasSadof to Signed by President probably would be selected to succeed Mr. Kellogg. Other rather positive By EDWAkS W. PICKARD are William J. Donovan that of the able guesses leadership UNDER will be attorney general and that a Borah, the Kellogg treaty renouncing war as a national policy man from the Far West will be secwas ratified last week by the senate. retary of the Interior. The vote was 85 to 1, Senator John During his stay In the capital Mr. J. Blaine of Wisconsin being the only Hoover made definite arrangements one to remain steadfast in his opposifor the calling of a special session of tion to the pact. All others who had congress, starting early In April, to been fighting the treaty fell into line take up farm relief and the tariff. after Senator Borah agreed to the Speaker Longworth said the ways and means committee of the house would submission of a report from the foreign relations committee setting forth have a tariff bill ready for considerathe American understanding of the tion at the beginning of the session. It has been holding hearings for some meaning of the pact. This report said that the committee time. Mr. Hoover alsq conferred with Senators Edge and Wesley L. Jones, approved the treaty with the understanding that It does not curtail the wet and dry leaders, and agreed to apthat each nation point, soon after assuming office, a right of Is free to determine what constitutes commission to Investigate all phases The It also of prohibition enforcement the right of tated that the Monroe Doctrine Is a members will be men outside of conpart of our system of national defense gress and will be as nearly unprejuand that there Is no obligation on the diced on the question as possible. part of any of the signers to engage Congress will be asked to appropriate In punitive or coercive measures money for the Investigation, but It was decided no legislation was needed against a violator nation. It might be well to reprint the two by the President to appoint the comessential articles of the treaty. These mission. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS self-defens- are: ARTICLE 1. The high contracting parties solemnly declare In the names f their respective peoples that they condemn recourse to war for the solution of international controversies, and renounce It as an instrument of national policy In their relations with one another. "ARTICLE 2. The high contracting parties agree that the settlement or solution of all disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever ori gin they may be, which may arise among them, shall never be sought except by pacific means. President Coolidge, It Is said, considers the successful negotiation of this treaty the high accomplishment of his administration. Skeptics and cynics consider it a mere gesture that, In a crisis, will amount to little or nothing. Between these two views Is the general opinion of mankind, that the pact Is a big step toward world peace that must have a power-- . ful moral effect whenever there is threat of war between any of the signatory nations and these include almost ail Jhe nations on earth. Some of the senators wbo voted for the treaty did it with a laugh, agreeing with Senator Glass that It is "not worth a postage stamp, but that Its defeat would psychologically be a bad thing. In Europe the ratification was greeted with joy by the governments. President Coolidge On Thursday signed the treaty In the presence of the cabinet and members of the senate. rITH the Kellogg treaty out of the ray, tlie senate started in on the 15 debate on the administration's cruiser bill which, according to Senator Hale of Maine, chuirman of the naval affairs committee, would go through with only 10 or 12 senators In opposition. The pacifists kept up thei strenuous fight against this measure and there was danger of a filibuster developing to defeat It. hut Mr. Hale 6aid he had assurances that tills course would not be adopted. Since It was brought out that wars of would not be affected by the Kellogg treaty, the supporters of the cruiser bill felt that the pacifist arguments against it were refuted. The opening speaker for t he measure was Senator Swanson of Virginia, Democrat, who declared the proposals contained In the hill were most moderate, riot exceeding in any degree the requirements of our navy and not to he construed in any light as competition on our part ns they only seek to bring our navy up to the ratio established at the Washington conference they even fail far short of this. self-defen- i p'bfound so much to do in Washingthat his departure for Florida again was postponed until Monday, and It now seems certain that he will ton to a decision of the According Supreme court rendered last week, the Chicago sanitary district may not divert water from Lake Michigan for the sanitation of Chicago. The present diversion of 8,500 cubic feet of water per second through the sanitary district canal Is to be reduced to a small fraction thereof for the purpose of maintaining the navigability of the Chicago river only. It will be within the powA' and dis cretion of congress, however, to Increase the volume of diversion eventually to the present amount or more for the purpose of navigation of the projected iukes to the gulf deep wa terway. Although the decision casts doubt on the power of congress to authorize diversion for sanitary purposes only, the diversion permitted for deep waterway navigation would be sufficient for incidental sanitation, particularly In conjunction with the septic tank sewage disposal system now in process of construction. Members of the Illinois delegation in congress Immediately began planning action to save the deep waterway project by getting enabling legislation, and Senators Denoen and Glenn laid the whole problem before Preside- of live stock, it should be thoroughly cleaned of all manure and refuse. The car should also he carefully inspected to eliminate all defects such as holes In the floor, projecting nnils, etc. In winter It should be well bedded with straw and If the weather is extremely cold, the north side should be covered with building paper. Covering all sides Is not advisable, however, because it may smother the stock. In aummer the ear should be bedded with sand rather than straw and thoroughly wet down for cattle and hogs hut need not be wet down for sheep. For hogs in hot weather It is a good plan to suspend cakes of ice In I forcing the recognition of Ids coun- sacks at Intervals of about four feet trys right to diplomatic relations along tlie center line of tlie ear. Tlie with other nations in 1019, and when, during his recent visit to Europe he went to Russia and came under Soviet Influences, the British vowed to get him, and incited the tribesmen to rebel. The Russian government is believed to have had a hand in liie affair and may yet come out winner. BRAMWELL BOOTH, aged sick, refused to retire as commander-in-chie- f of the Salvation Army when the high council of the organization asked him to do so, offering to let him retain the honorary title and dignities. So the council, after deliberating ail day, declared the old general unfit to continue tn his high office, the vote being 55 to 8. General Booth was quoted as having Issued the following statement while the council was voting to oust him : I shall resist by every means In my power this attempt to deprive me of the leadership of the Salvation Army. I have not much money, hut I will spend what I have In defending I should be a coward my position. worse than a coward a skunk if I quite because there Is a bit of a rumpus. GEN. and Owen JriERrONT Thomas Nelson Perkins as alternate, were agreed upon as the unofficial American representatives on the board of experts that Is to devise a final settlement of German reparations. Great Britain suggested these names and they were accepted by France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Japan. The program was to obtain the consent of the men selected, propose their names to the reparations commission and then ask Secretary Kellogg if the American government had any objection, to which he would reply in the negative. All of which was made necessary by the determination of tills government to have no official concern in the business. MORGAN motion of the car spray the hogs with cold water. Handle the stock carefully and do not get them overheated. Load uniform grades If possible. The following details should be observed for tlie different classes of live stock : cattle on Cattle, Keep grain-fe- To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try a Bayer Aspirin tablet. And for headache. The action of Aspirin is very efficient, too, in cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago And theres no after effect; doctors give Aspirin to children often infants. Whenever theres pain, think of Aspirin.- The genuine Bayer Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. - d tiieir accustomed ration up to loading time as nearly as possible. Take grass-fe- d cattle off pasture for a few days. Reduce silage if a heavy silage ration Is being fed. Feed timothy hay or wild hay in addition to other rough-gns much as they will clean up. If Dear market keep them off water for I to 12 hours nefore loading. If not, allow It up to finish. Use a slapjack made of canvas or leather instead of a club or prod for handling cattle. Ship catile that have been fed together rather than mix them from different feed lots. Pen off cripples and He bulls securely when shipped with other cattle. Hog. Reduce the last reguinr feed before shipping and hogs that are fed on slop rations might be benefited by changing the last feed to middlings The hogs should and ground oats. be rested after the last feed to prevent indigestion. Use short, strong pig hurdles instead of clubs for moving and separating hogs. It Is a serious mistake to feed hogs heavily before loading. Sheep. Reduce the grain ration on the day before shipabout one-hal- f ping and feed wild hay or timothy. Water right up to the time of shipment. Withholding water before shipping In order to get a bigger fill on arrivni at the market Is not only cruel but usually reacts to tlie disadvantage of the shipper since It causes blueness of the skin and may result in bloating and similar digestive trou hies. Feeding salt before shipping.ls dkely to cause similar disorders. Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin; it does NOT affect die heart It tt Atrte e trad Burk f Bapar Ibatftctw at ItauaoaUcttUaatac t linryUtMlI For Caked Udder and Sore Teats h Con Goblet of Friendship Never Yet Exhausted Try Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh I have drained the sparkling beaktlie magical brew of Youth and been thrilled with the wild tumult of Its Impetuous urge coursing through er of Iw bock for Brat bottk If ittM PARKERS HAIR BALSAM air FtJllat Rest ore Color md to Gray tad Fadod Hoii me. and $1.00 at Dmnriett. Remo ewlisndniff'etopftli my veins. I have pledged my happiness with the blood-regoblet of Love and drank deeply of its sacred and Intoxicating contents. . I have toyed with the tempting opal bowl of Ambition, but Its dregs are hitter and may only be sweetened by libations from the crystal cup of Service to Man. Then It was revealed to me that no one yet has drunk too deeply of the sacrament in the golden chalice of even which without Friendship, Youth and Love would lose their deepest meaning. Dan Beard In the Pictorial Review. Ml salted. d FLORESTON SHAMPOO-- 11 el for aae la connection with Paikera Hair Balaam. Makeeth 0 cent bj mail or at dm, hair aoft and fliifly. cist. Uiacox Chemical Works, Patchogne, M. X. COYOTE, rox and SKUNK Capholih eurotea one nUht. brought WOLF Katihminatoh Cirevlv. .fra Fail hstrectlaea. a Free BE0ME EDWARDS, Out SIX! Urtagata, Ilealtn blvlng i i tmmsDnfiim H. All Winter long " Tourist Marvelous Climate Good Hotel r.srops Splendid HoidoGorfom Motmlala Views. Thm wndnrul dsssrS rortaj the Hast Writ Oro A COsfOjf , wm Goggle for Dog Motorist Thousands of pairs of goggles for dog motorists nre being sold In London. Fond owners have learned that their pets love motoring, but dislike the grit that gets into tiieir eyes. Welt known and popular canines such ns the prince of Wales Cora, Lord and Tallulah Birkenhead's Jane, Bankhead's Napoleon, are all experienced motoring fans. Heating Hog Houses Insures Pig Crops long quarrel between the noly Rather significant developments are and the state of Italy is about occurring in hog raising methods In to be settled amicably, according to roid climates. Farmers want to have l their crop of spring pigs early so tlmt dispatches from Rome. Cardinal and Benito Mussolini have con Ihpy will be ready for the fail market eluded an agreement by which the Just as quickly as possible. Tlie ad Vatican grounds are to constitute a vantage of tlie early start ts very macompletely free and independent ter- terial. However, In Hie northern stales ritory under the sovereignty of the the weather in early spring sometimes pigs are pope. A precedent for this is found Is very cold and in the existence of the republic of San likely to suffer severely. Marino within Italy, of Monaco withThe practice of using in France and of Andorra surrounded brooders for small chickens is being business. extended to tlie by jurisdiction of other staff's. in which built are houses being Special D. ROCKEFELLER, JR. and young tugs cud lie given extra good JOHN Robert W. Stewart ha been care. Healers aie Installed and it Is engaged in a desperate battle for con- interesting to watch tlie little pigs trol of tlie Standard Oil company ot scramble around to get into tlie area Indiana, and it is reported that Rocke- of warmth around tills beater. It feller is winning. Stewart, who Is shows tlmt ttiey appreciate it. nt-Elect Hoover. chairman of the board and who had Practical hog raisers who have tried some well remembered troubles with out artificial beat in a practical way EAPPORTIONMENT of the 435 the senate, refused to resign at the j testify to the value of Ibis Improve-- ' ment. Tlie cost of uiilir.ing it Is not demand of Rockefeller and was supmembers of the house of reprein i sentatives on the basis of the 1930 ported by President E. O. Seuhert and very great but it certainly is good of board of tlie other members of suranee tlie cercrops. big pig seems census, effective in 1032, tain. Little opposition was expected In directors. Thereupon both Rockefeller the senate to the measure passed by the and Stewart started out to get proxies Heated Water Helps house by an overwhelming viva voce for the next annual meeting, set foi Porkers Make Gains vote. The bill provides for automatic March 7. Before the end of the week ob had Rockefeller believed it was of winter For Img production, expert reapportionment by the secretary commerce every ten years in the tained more than 51 per cent of the nients carried on Inst winter at the voting proxies. John D., Sr., Joined Iowa experiment station showed tlmt event that congress, at the first sesids son in the fight, making it harder heated water in automatic hog water sion following each census, fails to for Colonel Stewart. ers paid good dividends by helping tlie enact a reapportionment bill. porkers make quicker and cheaper was EUROPE ORTHERN swept gains. Such heaters use a small ker-- j AfAC1IA SAKAO, son of a poor and week osene terrific last gales by lamp to heat tlie water and are ghan water carrier, may become to ojiernte. Pigs luiv-- ! and storms. Steamers snow Inexpensive sailing very real the king of Afghanistan. Ills heated waterers service-- , to these were access train vessels wrecked, ing name Is Habibullah Khun and he is 5 per cent nmrp in the same isolated districts rural and gained stopped been who have rebels the leader of the BHt and buried in snow. Tlie loss of liu period, the amount of feed per besieging Kabul, the capital. A few man lives was 1(1 per was reduced and of gain considerable, great pounds days ago King Amnnullab rescinded numbers of cattle cent and the cost of production was perished. some of Ills reform measures and then Off tlie coast of China a Chinese reduced 03 cents per UK) pounds, or abdicated in favor of his brother. steamer, caught in a storm, ran on a 10 per cent. Inayatullah. But this did not satisfy rock nnd sank, about 300 nar!ves being tlie rebels and they continued their drowned. forces. on tlie government attacks Lambkin Fcedlot Amanuilah fled, but Inayatullah was lambs which are t Ik fat Western H. es RUTH, cornered In Kabul and recent reports MBS. GEORGE should lie watched market for tened fa Babe wife of Ruth, of said tlie city, with the exception tlie fecdlot. It into when tc put was burned closely baseball tnous player, tlie citadel, was in the hands of ! to a few get them ac-will take days dentil in tlie apartment of a dentist In followers. Priests and tribesnnd ep?-- j conditions new to customed was Her Boston. of a suburb identity men in the Jaliaiabad area joined the nmcli Too started. them to get discovered h.v accident. daily i insurgents and the city of Jagdahik i grain at the start may result In last the celebrated of Earp. Wyatt was reported captured. Until all the lambs. the some of of who helped preservt Tills revolt In Afghanistan Is an frontier gunmen order In the old West, died in Jloily .Jambs become Accustomed to grain, Interesting result of International j only n ptiiu!l amount of concentrates The Afghan minister to wood. Calif. scheming. Is tlie Count cidnda. lord chamberlain ol should In supplied as tbere Paris says it was brought about by some of tlie lambs will l that ambassador former and danger Great Japan British Intrigue. He declares eat more grain than they can stand Britain never forgave Ainnnulluh for Washington, passed awry in Tokyo. Valm SprlnsiM CALlFOBfllA K--y W. N. U Salt Lak City, No. I Increased Their Thirst Wife (seeing husband attacked by bees) Run, honey, run! Husband Don't coll me honey, for heaven's sake! You're making them : desperate. Pea rsons. THE Gas-parr- if new-bor- well-know- , g h A Daughter of Mr. Catherine Bom 72, Mohawk, Michipa f,After my daughter grew into womanhood she began to feel rundown and weak and a friend asked me to get her your medicine. She took Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Coms pound and Lydia E. Pink-ham- Herb Medicine Her nerves are better, her appetite is good, she is in good spirits and able to work every day. We recommend the Vegetable Compound to other girls and Mrs. Cathto their mothers. , erine LamUthi Daughter of Mrs. Era Wood How 2006 South H. Street, Deorilic, 111 (I praise Lydia E. Pinkhams VcgetableCompound for what it has done for my fourteen-year-ol- d daughter as well as for me. It has helped her growth and her nerves and she has a good appetite now and sleeps welL She has gone to school every day since beginning the medicine. I will continue to give it to her at regular intervals and will recommend it to other mothers who have daughters with similar troubles. Mrs. Eva Wood Howe . ( ! I VYY mmsn M Ml't aTTTVTTa '' GET RID OF DANDRUFF - BY USING ' (DunMcanBa Habi-builali- 's . de-itl- .Ml mi la j ASSISTED B Curieiu'a Ointment AAAttl ; I |