Show TUB GARLAND TIMES GARLAND UTAII NEEDLECRAFT PATTERNS Colorful Gay Bluebird Bedspread this bjueblrd So eajr to embroider spread! Patternin JWf 5transfer ofto om two motif 17 by by Due to an unusually Large demand and current conditions slightly more time Is few of the required tn filling orders for most popular patterns 6 mmowwinuki Bewtni Bex Enclose Circle Needlecraft Dept 6 Calif San Francisco cento for Patters No Name Addres- MillPil uIJLUEBIRDS beautifully singing a song! All framed in a Just wait till you see the lovely spread this design will I makel A MCKESSON A ROBBINS PRODUCT When washing windows during winter put a small quantity ammonia or vinegar into the the of This helps water to keep the water from freezing on the glass — — When laundering lace collars sew the collars on white muslin This will help keep them in shape — — Protect your rubbers from oil and soil Oil causes blistering and soil will cause rubber articles to chip and crack and lose their resilient strength Clean well after using — — Fix sa towel rack on the back of baby’s high chair on which you can keep such handy items as a damp wash cloth a bib and a towel — — Keep add foods such as tomatoes lemons and vinegar off the porcelain enamel of a range or refrigerator They cause stains that won’t come off GRAPEFRUIT twine bicycle By Gene Byrnes i mpm udbms VIRGIL set wxi A Bit Of JtWINf ON MV CASICeraaU SUIT' larger than a Tail aaey food IMng ead food tundra yas wl Haaoywioat biiSt1i am ahs tog esaa and alghc Emory AriaSecnS tape cigar ValUf be Tern He gmu to coat fhasa Was ripanaA Aristocrat HomibmI aaadlsaa grapato shippad yoa by last fupriaa toa KM day tosy an ykkad grapatmS naosnctitianeSy gi— aiaooifc each h Govsnaasal tnaparlfh Mck h choke aoaJity lancy hulL TSoro a o vacid of dabctom uics (as Mger aocoa aad Tittoia C to eoch galdM Ariascaal fropdnik Ordor supply today end yes'll to back ter mora oy) In 1899 in Philadelphia a clever pair of crooks Arthur Taylor and Baldwin Bredell were convicted of counterfeiting U S $100 bills and then sent to Moyamensing prison to await sentence says Within several months Collier' the men hsd counterfeited and gotten in circulation 32 excellent $20 notes having made them at their cell with a few night in materials and tools muggled-iwhich did not include a camera but did include a printing press no ha Deed Grad Clever Crooks Carry On Counterfeiting in Prison REG’LAR FELLERS Ut His QiAfdU torn Keep on hand: Percolator tops electric fuses an assortment of corks waxed paper paper napkins a box of tacks an extra extra light bulbs a ball of SEEDLESS HOHEYMEAT GRAPEFRUIT Nfc'1U No Ne KIDUSS HONCYMEATS Anas liarOot 1 S ltd tlnnail lbs) S3 too) (Apw SS prapaJd WJ1 Ut too) te you StSDini RID REDM1ATS 10 $5 S I 7 4S (Appx Ibo) ltd Oats Asm- SJIbo) SI (lisnssad pro paid to you to41) No (Ae lb) ft box Upon confessing later the convicts their feat before a group of experts who had sworn it was impossible without a camera and an press ih a sizable workroom By Len Kiel PILES TROUBLE? For Quick Relief DON’T DELAY AXt LONGER! Nov a doctor' cao us formula at homo to rollova diotroulnf dlocomfort of pain— du to piles Tendo to oof Itch— tea and shrink swelling Uee thlo proves doctor formula Tou'll bo amaied at it relief poody ah your druggist Minor's Rectal Olnt today fox Thornton lent Follow label Rupposltortsa For sale at fer notions drug etorea Irritation actios or for Comfy and flfnty the Qvb£ MENTHOLATUM Mother when coughing spasms wrack your child’s body ana leave hia chest muscles so sore it hurts him to breathe— quickT cell “Comfy” and “Minty” to the rescue Comforting Camphor and rtatka job MEMTHOUTUM TWINS minty Menthol the two famous Mentholatum ingredients are gentle to a child’s delicate normal skin— but they work faat to help looeen congestion ease soreness and lessen coughing USO RELIEVES NASAL IMITATION AID STUFFINESS CIAPNNS |