Show n f THE This Week J? Arthur Brisbane Pacific Coaal Sunset 10000 Planes for England Bootleg Crime Much Alive A Trial Honeymoon things you cannot describe though you see them clearly Nobody has really described Niagara the Pacific Ocean a volcano In eruption or the wonderful look that a new child brings Into this world from the eternity that lies behind us It Is not possible to describe the sunset seen from this coast looking across the Pacific to the northwest Put for the benefit of those that haven't seen It you can attempt to describe It as prairie dogs chatter about an express that has gone by The sun has been down for some time blue black darkness spreads over from the East There is an evening Ftar hanging high up In the sky of such extreme metallic silver brightness that it seems to stare at and reproach you Your Impulse Is to say T haven’t done anything don’t look so hard” There is intensity In the line that spreads low across the horizon that you never saw elsewhere Nothing was ever like that savage iail red fighting against approaching Some 1 t blackness The smooth Pacific ocean spreads out a dark oily purple Soon the sun will be rising on Its other shore seven thousand miles away The sky without a cloud shows very shade of blue the long mountain range to the east changing from gray and green to black A small lighthouse at the foot of this hill has begun its night’s work sweeping a moving beam across the water There Is not a sound as the earth turns on Its axis 1000 miles an hour and files through space around the sun and with the sun at fantastic speed Is this unimachine A wonderful verse and an Interesting corner of It Is this Pacific Coast of California out see and Come it at last is fully awake to England the Importance of air fighting When will this country wake upt After our perhaps? first major bombardment The British warn Germany against repeating the mistake made when Germany started building surface ships The with England competition Kaiser and his great admiral decided to upset that ”Brlttann!a Rules the Waves” song And soon there was no Kaiser and the German ‘‘grand fleet” was lying on the bottom at Flow Ecapa warns Now Germany England “Don't try to do In the air against us what you tried to do on the water" And England means it and acts as the thorough British do when they mean anything France has an air fleet of more than 4000 ships England demands a fighting air fleet of ten thousand planes of all classes from the swiftest pursuit planes to the heaviest bombing planes and air transport ships to carry soldiers And furthermore the British government suggests urgently that Important British cities supply their own air defense the swift combat flyers to drive off any Invasion In Prohibition mother of bootlegging and the world’s highest crime wave Ik officially dead Bootlegging and crime unfortunately are not dead and there Is no certainty that crime's annual cost to this country of thirteen thousand million dollars will not go on All depends on good judgment In liquor taxation and on police judicial and and general official Integrity energy It liquors are taxed too highly Europe and Canada sending In whisky free of home taxation will offer to crime all the bootleg profit It needs And It distribution is hampered in prohibition spirit speakeasies will to flourish continue It has been wisely said that If you hamper decent drinking In decent places there will be indecent drinking In indecent the places Fifi Dorsay and Maurice Hill per- haps you know who they are the writer does not know were married “as a climax to the first trial honeymoon on record” It was not actually the first "trial on record the first one honeymoon” was the Adam and Eve trial In the Garden of Eden That did not work out well but you can blame nobody hut the snake Adam and Eve did not choose each other " No honeymoon or marriage "experiment” can be expected to work out well for It always Indicates doubt In one or both and that Is enough to spoil the experiment at the start The least a bride can expect la that her husband shall believe her to be the only woman on earth as Eve was It Is not yet realised that flying Is While saving Inexpensive precious time It costs no mors for gas or oil Ben Smith oNew than automoblllng York after having made a few more millions In Wall Street wisely selects gold mines for his business He selects the right kind of gold mine not the kind offered you by mall as “the opportunity of your life” Mr Smith here on the stopping Hearst ranch Iandingg field on his way via San Francisco and Seattle to British Columbia wbre be has a nice mine urged: "Come on you will be up there In nine hours anJ I wlil'jhow youon the Fraser River absolutely the most beautiful country In the world" by King Fufura Syadicat Inc) GARLAND TIMES News Review of Current Events the World Over Passes Out and Foreign Liquor National Prohibition Comes In — Johnson Put in Control of AAA Codes — Will Budget Director Douglas Resign? By EDWARD went into prohibition on December 5 State Ohio and conventions in Pennsylvania Utah ratified the repeal amendment on that day making thirty-sithe necessary and immediately on being notified by Presl dent telegraph Roosevelt and Acting of Secretary is William Phillips on s sued proclama the Eighteenth that was no amendment longer a part of the In twen Constitution of the states the manufacture and sale of liquor now is or soon will be legal The state laws under which It can be sold vary from "wide open" saloons those providing In Nevada to a strict system of dispensing hard liquor in Montana only state owned stores one In through Most widely enacted of every county the laws Is one providing for serving of hard liquor only with meals Governmental agencies In Washington were swamped with preparatory measures to deal with the importation of foreign liquors many huge cargoes of which were waiting for entry and with the federal restrictions necessary to protect the states that remain II Choate Jr of New dry Joseph York son of the famous lawyer and statesman had been appointed director of the federal alcohol control ad' ministration and he arrived In the capital to take up his duties Sir Choate halted the Issuance of Import permits until a few hours before refact and peal became an accomplished In the meantime officials chocked the financial standing of Importers and worked out quotas for foreign coun- W State tries It was understood that between four and five million gallons of foreign spirits and wines would be allowed entry during December and January and that If the demand were greater than the supply the quantity might In order to discourage be Increased The government sought bootlegging prevent a flood of foreign liquor from swamping the American mnrket to the detriment of domestic produc- to ers Codes for the distillers and Importers already were In effect and those for the brewers the rectifiers and blenders and ttie wine growers were When congress meets being completed in January one of the first matters to be taken up will be legislation to crease the taxes on liquor and for permanent control of the traffic To the house draw up such legislation and the ways and means committee senate flnnnce committee were colled to meet In joint sessions beginning December 11 SECRETARY agricultural tion of Agriculture Wallnee George Peek of the administraradically concerning authority and methods lnld their dispute before Roosevelt with the result that the powers adjustment disagreeing President of the AAA were sharply curtailed part of Its code work being transferred to the Naadtional Recovery ministration Stephen T Early one of the secretaPresident's ries issued this statement a conference with Score "Following tnry Wallace George Peek and General Johnson the President authorized the statement that for the purpose of coordination all codes under the those under negotiaNRA Including tions by the AAA will be turned over to the administrator of the NRA" Mr Peek was especially annoyed by press conference statements by Secretary Wallace which were interpreted among officials as supporting Prof Rex assistant secretary of agrTugwell iculture and the liberal group allied with him Chief of these liberal associates of Tugwell are Jerome Frank counsel for AAA and Frederick Howe counsel for AAA consumers In his press conference Wallace of the the effectiveness questioned marketing agreements and codes In the He sugagricultural relief program gested the major necessity In farm lief was strict restriction of crop proTcek has througtyut empha duction rnthei alxed marketing agreements than crop control methods Tugwell and other liberals have taken the opcontrol stressing crop posite position as more Important the farm relief LATEST aof $350000000 campaign to of corn and control the production federal bounties to the hogs was launched by Secretary producers Lhe money will be raised by Wallace taxes which the consumer processing will pay and will go to farmers who sign agreements to reduce their average of corn and production of hogs In' 1934 Benefit payments on corn under the will be at the rate of 30 program PICKARD cents a bushel for each bushel the farmer agrees to withhold from production In 1934 The payment will be based on the average yield of the contracted acreage during the previous period One half the payment will be made to the farmer as soon as his contract has been approved the other half wben he has fulfilled the terms of the agreement In return for the farmers' agreement to curtail hog production the government will pHy $5 a head on 75 number of per cent of the average hogs marketed or to be marketed from litters farrowed by the producers' sows In the Inst two years NATIONAL RESIDENT ROOSEVELT returned from tils two weeks In Warm Springs and plunged at once Into the work of solving the various financial problems his administratconfronting ion Most Immediate of these was the refinancing of government obligations amounting to about $727000000 maturing thq middle of the month Tills matter was easily and speedily settled when an entire block of of treasury certificates was sold In one day The fact that It was was considered heavily oversubscribed In administration circles to be a marked victory for the New Deal economics There was no cessation of the con troversy over the president's monetary policy and the arguments on both sides grew more bitter though Mr Roosevelt himself maintained silence Flnan clal Interests have been considerably annoyed hy the fact that the severe federal securities act has checked the movement of capital Into legitimate channels and they were cheered up by Senator Fletcher's statement that Pres Went Itoosevelt wants the act amended to correot this fault without diminishof the Investing pub ing the protection lie Mr Fletcher who Is chairman of the senate banking committee said Mr Roosevelt's attitude had been brought to him by Acting Secretary of the treasury In this Morgenthau connection he said the President hnd not asked the blinking committee to recommend legislation to curtail the stock exchange operations Director Lewis will continue to hold that Interests question He has Washington worried over the exof emergenpansion cy obligations of the and has government warned against any further Increase but almost his certainly not will be warning heeded w hen congress meets thinks Mr Douglas that the entire bud both Including get Lswis Douglas jrPnora an(j emergen be brought Into balmay cy funds ance toward the end of the fiscal if no further emergency 1935 year funds are authorized after the public works fund and the less than a billion left In the RFC fund are nsed up He thinks these funds should be sufficient for emer gency purposes Others in the administration inthe President have different cluding Ideas Secretary of the Interior likes expects to nsk for an Increase of as In the public much as $1700000000 fund The RFC probably will want $100000000 or more The new civil works administration will run out of money In the middle of the winter and the 'resilient already has expressed the hope that additional from confunds will he forthcoming Its allotments have come thus gress far from hoth the public works funds and the relief fund of the RFC HOW long Budget his Job Is observer'' a In Roosevelt addressing of Churches Council America took occasion to condemn severely all those who conand hlr remarks were done lynchlngs Interpreted especially as a sharp rebuke for Governor Itnlph of California who approved the actions of the mob thnt hanged two kidnapers and murderers at San Jose “This new generation" said Mr Roosevelt "Is not content with preachings against thnt vile form of colleca law — which has tive broken out In our mlilst anew We know that It Is murder and a deliberate and definite disobedience of the comma ndment thou shalt not kill’ We do not excuse those In high places or In low who condone lynch law" PRESIDENT of Christ HEN In Col Charles A Lindbergh do something In the he does It compskilfully and neatly Accompanied and ably assisted by Mrs Lindbergh he piloted his big monoplane across the southern “Atlantic from Bathurst Gambia Africa to Natal Rrazil making the 1875 miles In Iff hours and 10 minutes Rnd landing smoothly In the Natal harbor where the entire population of the citv was gathered to welcome them Through the long flight Mrs Lindbergh at the wireless Instrument kept In cmMant Ith Rio do Janeiro communication way etently starts out to of aviation GARLAND UTAH Sez auddenly to DEATII president of the International Harvester company and one of the country’s leading Industrialists In his suburban home near Chicago t He was almost years of age had been In good and apparently health Sir Legge was the first chairman of the federal farm board under President Hoover giving up his $100000 BEVERLY HILLS— Well all I know In Is Just what I read In the papers or who post with the Harvester company I the summer of 1929 to accept the I talk to or rather who I listen to am terrible government position For gabby 1 20 months he devoted himself to farm but when get his ground relief experiments standing around somebody criticism In the face of widespread that I want to realThen he resigned and returned to hta Inforly get some former place mation out of why By the gift of $400000 some time I do by a great efIn of $100000 and his to death prior fort shut up his will Mr Iegge brought to comHere a few weeks pletion months of work to perfect the ago had all philanthropic organization to be kiown Senators that were as the Farm Foundation It was made out here on all former O Lowden known by Frnnk these highway robof governor of Illinois and chairman beries these pyrathe foundation miding of stock In developing his project whose sales to the public when the stock funds and activities will be devoted sasent worth as much as buggy whip to the Improvement of ‘‘the social cul It Mtk M difference where we committAll over the Country Senate Nor where eur journey enU tural and economic conditions of rural ees were finding out the same thing We hour In mind nnd eherieh moot life” Mr Bowden disclosed Mr Iegge They could stop in any town and unof our friends Tho memories enlisted as trustees a group of twenty Let's help our Hondo scandal And thats earth a financial HOME INDUSTRY Industrialists educators capitalists By PATRONIZING one of the things that is causing all all of and farm leaders from parts the uneasiness In this Country Its that the country the old middle class fellow knows there finanis something wrong when every has been ceremony and cial big wig Investigated WITH considerable found to have sold stock with no value display the seventh conference was opened In behind it But that is not what I started in to say it was that thee Senators Montevideo Roman Soldiers’ Helmet Uruguay to continue were out to my igloo and I met era as probably three weeks The helmet of the ordinary RoIts deliberations are old friends and we had I think a pleasman soldier at the time of Christ ant time was a plain undecorated skull cap managed hy Enrique l E Buero as You know there is ieully nothing usually of leather strengthened by He Is one of cross bands of iron with a neck more likable than a Senator when you Uruguay’s most promguard Later the cap was made really know him We like to kid about of bronze inent young diplomats him about like a but I and was summoned tell you had there been no THIS WEEK’S PRIZE STORY from his post as minwe would have no wife and no ister to Germany to Senator no Government Well then a this duty In the con- few days later out to spend the day with TH InUrmountaln Dollar ference me come Senator Bob LaFolette of WisWhen spent in a Kortiin Land In In his speech consin of the Wisconsin LaFolettes Bays Tery little that's worth while Only things that sound so grand augurutlng the Did you ever meet young Bob of Gabriel Terra President Well you have missed something When your Dollar's sprnt on produce Uruguay demanded the "scaling down Of the InteraMantsin West He is bright he is fair he Is just He Ton know that it has done its part In all American countries of customs And bought the very best dont exactly agree with all that is gotariffs which Bresident Roosevelt just the he is but side on on not either ing fatal and direct It keeps our neighbors working ly termed unsound And kind He can disagree and helps eur schools to ran condemning of world economic disasoriginators eur lands producing keeps ter” He referred to Mr Roosevelt’s still give the other fellow credit Thats It And makes our factories hum a rare trait in polities During an hour Indictment of ttie Hawley Smoot tariff And when we hare Depression running "to acts which of conversation I never heard him utter measure and retaliatory Intermountain Produce wiil lead a word in condemnation of a single other nations were forced” The Ikg Parade And we all can share the bounties asked him about every iiuu (and Concerning the wur In the Oran Of this West thst we havs made Chaco between Itollvia and I’aragviay piomiuent oue could think of) I like MRS E L BRAJTH WAITE to get one mans slant on another one he said "The noble American Juridi Idaho Falls Idaho Lob might offer some slight criticism cal tradition cannot remain burled In of a mans policies hut be always said the swamps of the Chaco" AT 400 Postponed from 1932 because of the they weie arrived at honestly and that a gathering In which all be liked tin Its hard to Utah Oil Refining peisoiiallv depression low iu a noted fathers footsteps 21 nations of the western hemisphere (espeService Stations were participating found uppermost cially when that father was 29 years in Utah and Idaho ahead of his tme) but this hoy bus In the minds of delegates a mutual methods to Imsearch for done it You watch this kids smoke Its Cata Best status their of the economic blowing in the right direction prove In the pioneer days cats were countries Well then again alter the Senators I as important to settlers as were Secretary of State Hull heads the It had a mighty Interesting visitor cook stoves To this day they are and was the Crow n Prince of Gerinanys son delegation from United States considered the best vermin extermnine other foreign ministers are parta gunJson of the Kaiser lie is the inators in the world all scientific one that lias been over here to a couple icipating In the conference inventions ol years working iu iteury Fords ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR maxim Ills name is Ferdinand I suppose Foreign commissar of Russia on his way they call him Prince Ferdinand but visit home from his triumphant you better not do it to his face He is a Washington stopped over In Rome for mighty likable young fellow about COUGH SYRUP a conference with Premier Mussolini years old the second son but the oldest and the correspondents said this reone married outside the thoroughbred NOSE DROPS sulted In an agreement for Soviet pasture and now he is in the dog house AN INTER MOUNTAIN PRODUCT Fascist collaboration to better the sit as far as any succession is concerned The well Informed uation In Europe so this may be the boy that will succeed Maya Civilization the Hitler But whats going to happen to thought Mussolini had obtained The Maya civilization lasted at support of Russia In his efforts to Hitler? least 2300 years there being that and solve the disarmament problem much difference between the buildBi this young fellow you would like that he and Litvinov were In accord him He is very plain and unassuming ing of the earliest and latest In the matter of having Russia and He tells some interesting temples about things to Join In the his the United States asked life in Germany was He early left about eleven when it finished Utah High School of Beauty Culture Before Litvinov four power pact goes ban121 8® Main 8t Rome he was given a brilliant Salt Laka City every birthday to se his grandfather Till Bsiuty Culturs Frilissioi Kicks m DiprtssMi quet by the Puce which was attended (as they all do) the Kaiser says the You can now learn a protrusion numerous that will dignitaries by old fellow is very chipper loves jokes for the rest of your independent mkt you is not soured on the world and take days $15 per month only for tho complete Phone or write course of six month experience as a delegate things very philosophically lie speaks WITH thehis disarmament Mail in cordon for eur catalogue conference perfect English (as far as I could — at Geneva clearly In mind Secretary judge) said his family spoke more EngADDKES3 of the Navy Swanson In Ids annual lish at home than German He speaks report urges that the French Italian Russian and Spanish Use of Arsenic United States abandon also Says his older brother that marArsenic was used in coloring leadership In the tils ried out of the pink is kinder high hat wallsome of the armament movement but that the others are great papers but it was found that indi“by example" anil pro Says his Dad loved horses viduals could be made ill by arriding ceed ns soon as po and polo and he wished he could bring senic particles coining loose in the slide to build its navy him out to my place Can you imagine air or forming gas u p to fu a fellow thats been treaty strength He says om 150000 feet Used & New Pipe used to those beeg concessions in the pas’ Sizes i2" SA" 1" strong German have been “dangerous 11000 feet 4" Cast Iron Pipe horses looking am) extra vngance ever a bunch of that peace is jeoparMonsey lion & Metal Co these little Pestle dized hy our weak7SI twik Sri Wist fait Ul Dull tails of mine? He cam ened condition balanced armaments fortify plomacy’’ The report showed Japan will have Its full treaty strength of 193 vessels with s total tonnage of 775370 when the trenty expires December 31 1930 whereas the United States will have vessels with a toonly 113 under-agtal tonnage of 998520 Under the the report said the United treaty more States could construct ships with 1572S0 tons displacement ' The British empire according to will have 101 vessels the secretary with 999393 tons displacement at the same date permitting It to build ships with a displacement of tons Japan was highly displeased by Secretary Swanson's approval of the present treaty ratios for navies The spokesman for the naval office In Toklo declared thnt Japaq Is thoroughly dissatisfied with her presept allotments ratio and Is determined under the to demand an upward revision of Japan’s quota w hen the naval powers reconvene to consider extension of the Washington and Lon Ion lienties ('illy few days In foie the Jap if the navy's cabinet hud approved pro mi ul gTt r a’u e 'i tlr c : s pop'll to vs for I ' ii £ IJ vul Sally would colts say nice here is their mothers? This boy had just been home and talked to Hit ler H 9 sure likes It over here is on his Kinds of Poem Favored Our English tongue has always favored two particular kinds of short poem the single cry and the dancing narrative the lyric and the ballad way to Mexico City I told him he would sure like it down there Thats the greatest place in the world He thinks Henry Ford is a mighty fine man We agreed on that too I asked him what he thought of us recognizing Russia he said Germany era first recognized Fate is a funny thing hint it Fellow educated to be ruler of a great Country then wind up working for Henry Ford But he Is certainly not crying the blues He Is the most cheerful care free young fellow you ever met Then here we all are bellowing because we have lost some money and dont get as much salary © 1933 UiXgkt Synduatt ? Valuable Relic well preserved copy of Matthew Merians "leones BlbUcae" published In In 1625 contains more than Cormany Hno engravings on copper made after the artist's own designs A (to nn CDvJUU win tm article s PM n “Why ya Intcraiaantaia mad hla —w BlmiUr to a baa Send Good ywwr try nrn to proM r Prod acta Calamn City Bo lUi gait Laka story appaara In thi colaaa yoa will ctira ckeck far Waak No tiit to p O if you $300 WNU— Balt Laka City The Submarine A submarine is defined as a vessel capable of being submerged and propelled under water and essentially armed with torpedoes which can be fired while submerged aim being taken by means of a periscope which alone is visible to the urface craft being attacked Slow Growth for Long Life Rapid growth and longevity art and the best chances Incompatible of an abnormally long life belong to the animal that has grown slowand a late maturity! attained ly II |