Show THE GARLAND vss&sssxssss ST VALENTINE ' Id whose name ST VUENTIN'K of sentiment have been time exchang'd since earl Roman appeared frequently In early cburrb Monk or priests have been history tainted under that name In France and It Italy Spain and South Africa was given special significance in tht Third century by a Itoman priest noted for his good deed and also by s certain bishop of Umbria But a favorite legend Identifies the saint who Is responsible for our anIn lace paper cupIds nual Indulgence and sweet ditties with a Roman youth of the early Christian era who chose to be crucified rather than deny bis ad berence to the new faith While lying In prison awaiting execution he fell Id love with his Jailer's daughter and left M for her a farewell signed message "from your Valentine" Early rites In his honor are Identfled with the festival of the Lupercal In which suppliants prayed for success In mat lng Valentines In the familiar heart In shape were commonly exchanged England as early as the Fourteenth century and St Valentine’s day Is mentioned by both Chaucer and Probably the earliest galantine In the English language was writ ten In 1419: This Uiy Dame Nature seemed In love The lusty sap began to move Freeh Juices stirred 'the embraclnc vlnea And btrde had drawn their —I ANNIE w r i IS Annie Laurie “CRAVE ALICE” - p- IlEH friends Alice Longfellow the “grave Alice” of her ther’s loved poem “the Children's Hour" a thoughtful widely a£r&veled woman of unusual personal chaVA As a young wornun slip attended college Cambridge thus becoming the first American woman to attend a She was a member of foreign college the first class of UudrllfTe was among those whose vision and energy founded this “Harvard Annex" In 1879 as a In feminine eduexperiment wns actively cation and connected with Its growth and progress until her death Just a few years ago Rut Alice Longfellow couldn’t have been such a "grave" little girl after all for her father who wns already and famous when she wus born and inclined to grandfntherly dulgence toward all his children wrote of her Just after her christening “The brightest gayest of girls who enjoyed the ceremony as much as any of us" he It Alice used to tease with was And that little classic: TO Li i I l I i r T ft t 1 ' ! There le a little girl who had By EDWARD Republican members of confrom Pennsylvania — Representative Louis McFadden and Senator David A Reed— stirred up ths legislature national — by violent attacks on the policy of Brest dent Hoover and the reIn administration to the lation urn on Intergov- and debts ernmental the suggested revival of the refunding commission with the posof cancellasibility tion of war debts McFadden former chairman of the house banking and currency committee was In hour his long especially bitter speech asserting that Mr Hoover had “sold out" the United States to "the German International bankers” whom he named as Kuhn loeh & Co the Paul Warburg and "their Seligmuns satellites” He said the administration’s couyse In working of the moratorium was like “the drunk ways of sn oriental potentate with power" He declared the President's unofficial poll of congress last June was "a crude attempt to usurp legislative poWer" Representative John J O’Connor of New York Democrat a Tammany Jumped to his feet shouting to the Re- TWO publicans: LAURIE to whom tourists pay reverence when they visit In Forest Lawn Memorial park Glendale Calif the reproduction of the “Wee Kirk In the Heather" the church the heroine of this oldest and sweetest of love songs Is said to have attended at Glencalrn near her Scottish home Rut ‘tls William Douginas her devoted lover itnd author of the original version of the poem to whom honors sre due Annie Iiurle stripped of Douginas' adoring poetry and the lilting music which we all know was but a braw Scotch lassie after all' with s“rolllng eye" and but little sense of duty Born In 1G82 at Maxwelton house Glencalrn she grew up to be the most charming and provocative young lady In all Dumfriesshire - llow William about her he wrote Douglass felt down for all the world to sing in aplte however of her "promise true" of which he boasted In his song Annie married one Alexander Ferguson while William was off to the wars As the wicked often do she flourished even to her year Douglass has been as unlucky as a Bereft of hla poet as he was In love Annie Laurie he wns event unity be reft slso of his song The original version hud but two verses The version familiar today Is a modern adaptation by Lady John Scott JT a little curl Right In the middle' of her forehead When ehe was good the waa very very good ehe wee But when ehe wee bed horrid-(ffi lilt Weetere Newspaper tloioa) First Train Tunnel railroad tunnel Is the The first Woodhead tunnel which was begun In the spring of 1839 The first train passed through December 2 1845 This was over what was known as the Manrailchester Sheffield A Lincolnshire way now the Great Central division Of the London it Northeastern rail way World’s Forest Area forest area of the The present world In round figures Is about acres which Is 22 per cent of of the the total land area exclusive The area of actunlly polar regions Is prob forest however productive less than amount this ably or 5500000000 acres which la 16 pet cent f the land area 4- - of of China and with him Minister Finance Soong and Foreign Minister Koo also Wellington have stepped down jr The result It Is pre- dieted In the orient $ will be a united China under a coalition gov with ernment the Canton faction bolding the upper band The group that overthrew Dr Includes Chlang Sun Fo son of the late Dr Sun minC C Wu former ister to the United States' and Eugene For Chen formerly foreign minister a veteran member Lin Sen the present Is at the party of the Nationalist head of the government According to these leaders tAc new government will not longer rely so much on the League of Nations and will assume a much more vigorous policy toward Japan In the ManchuThis announcement may rian dispute serve to quiet the Chinese students who in their effort to bring on actual war with Japan have continued their Id Nanking riotous demonstrations explained bis resigChlang nation In the following statement: "I have tried to fulfill my obligations ever since I was made chairman In 1928 of the National government comrades at Canton said they My would come to Nanking only on condition that reslgu This means that I must retire before pence and unity are restored” VV Representative McFadden’s Violent Attack on President Hoover Stirs House— Chicago Wins the Republican National Convention By Louis II Comstock sasnssasse t TITAn Chlang UNDER pressure bas resigned as president News Review of Current Events the1 World Over Who Was Who? I TIMES GARLAND “it’s my President as well as yours he's talking about and If none of you will defend him from charges which are grounds for Impeachment I'm going to” M But Burnett of Chlperfleld linois was already up Republican and his reply was ‘vigorous and adequate Said he: “If the gentleman (McFadden) means what he says and If the gentleman Is sincere let him and' his assiP elates prepare articles of Impeachof the ment the President against United States and let those articles of Impeachment be tried and then the proof may be known and let the guilt and Infamy nnd horror full where It The President of the United may States would ask for such action knowing that the truth nnd a fair quiry would vindicate him "Ladies and gentlemen If there la In the stateone pnrtlcle of Integrity ment the gentleman bns tnnde let the of the proof gentleman produce Let him show we have that charges a President who Is unworthy of occupying that high office nr let him go from this chamber as a foul trnducer of the churucter of an honest man" SENATOR REED who hns often as the spokesman MeRon denounced what for Secretary he cnlled the propaganda by the In ternatloiml hankers to force cancellation for their own selfish Interests and he declared flatly that he was opposed to the revival of the war debt commission as proposed by the President “We hove cancelled” he said “nil we are going to cancel It Is within the cifnaclty of most of the nations to pay us the amounts of Europe they owe us and as long as that fact stares us In the face It Is sheer Imfor us to he any more genbecility erous than we have been tn the past” Senators McKellar of Tennessee and In Johnson followed of California much the same vein and both declared they would not vote even for the one behitter was moratorium The year fore the house ways and means comMills and mittee and Undersecretary Secretary ot State Stlmson both appeared before that body to urge ratification GARNER announced AKER Robinson and Senntor that the Dem- ocratic Joint policy committee had determined that the Hoover moratorium was not a subject matter for party consideration and should be left open to the views of the personal Democratic members committee also decided that every ' effort would possible to reduce be made government expendl tores but did not reach an agreement re- on details with Senator Moie spect to the tariff or tax revision leaving these with other matters for future consideration The first bill to reach actual committee discussion In the senate was one Introduced Hale to by Senator authorize building the navy up to the London treaty limits of was ac"senate the Organisation by the election of commitcomplished tee chairmen but the deudlock over the choice of a president pro tempore wa not broken The progressives the of Senator opposing Moses of New Hampshire George would not give In and Moses continued to preside One day the recalcl- - The W PICKARD delivered their entire vote to a Vandenberg of Michigan who was a leader of the “young guard” last session But both Vandenberg and the young guard spurned this overture' and continued to vote for Moses trants Senator regular CHICAGO captured the Republican of 1932 the convention administration's alleged opposition to that city not manifesting Itself The national committee presided over by Chairman Fess listened to earnest arguments In favor of Chicago and Atlantic City and on the first ballot gave 80 votes to the former and 14 to the The choice was then mnde latter Philunanimous Detroit Cleveland adelphia and St Louis withdrew their bids before the balloting began none of them having been able to ralBe the money for the convention expense The committee decided that the convention should be called for the 14th of June Chicago guarantees up to $150000 to pay for the expenses of the G O P and her hotels have agreed gathering to occommodute 3500 delegates alternates and newspaper men at ratea of from $150 to $4 a day The convention will be held In the new stadium which can seat about 30000 and which has ample accommodations for committees etc It has a cantilever roof without obstructing pillars a modern and refrigerating system ventilating excellent acoustics und a flue pipe orThe only drawback Is the fact gan that the stadium Is located on the West side several miles from the hotels that will house the visitors D EIiEF for the nation's Jobless Is still foremost in the mind of Senutor Robert F Wagner of New York last week he Introduced In the sen-' ate a resolution de to set In mosigned tion the machinery created by the federal stabilizaemployment tion act which was passed last session at This his moan a stnrt would on a two (ur federal public that works program would give give to thouWagner sands of men In the preamble tq bis resolution Senator Wagner set forth facts nnd figures showing the gravity of the deAfter citing the numbers of pression tho many bank failures unemployed he nnd the falling off In production showed that the volume of construction for the third quarter of 1931 was 53 or $S58iM)000() per cent less than for the third qunrter of- 1928 that the volume of building contracts awarded declined $2447300000 tn the first nine months of 1931 below the similar period In 1928 that the volume of conof public works and public struction utilities has fallen from $1039043000 In the first nine months of 1928 to that the wholesale prices $982700000 of building materials declined from an Index of 829 In January to 749 In Sep tember that money spent for relief in the larger American cities was In September 7931 142 per cent greater than In September 1930 aud in October 1931 113 per cent greater than In October 1920 Instance Payment VEU In Rasel Switzerland the Young plan advisory committee of which Alfredo Beneduce of Italy Is chairman wns said to have abandoned any Intention of making strong recommendations for the complete abolition of reparations payments by Germany although was strongly urged bv trnl Dutch member I and fuvored by others The committee's mind wus probably changed by the firm stand taken by Walter W Stewart United States member against the soiling dovyji of war debts but Europe still this niore lenient In a few months The advisory committee will merely report to the various governments the facts uncovered concerning Germany's parity to pay and ‘action will be put up to the final reparations conference that trobnbly will be held late In January A technical subcommittee submitted a written report to Chairman Beneduce on German holdings abroad and the holdings of foreigners In Germany with a view to establishing the net debt of the rek-The figures were held In secrecy It was understood this subcommittee suggested It was Impossible to uncover all German Investments abroad and Intimated that they were much larger than the 9 700000 reichsmarks listed In the Wlggln report as of December 81 1930 indicate that MUKDEN dispatches will soon become autonomous with Gen Tsang J5hih-y- t bas The general as its first ruler of as governor Just been Installed of which Mukden Fengtlen province Yuan He replaced is the capital Chin Kal who was Installed after the Japanese captured the city In Septemmore ber and wus never considered than a temporary figurehead APAN'S new premier Tsuyoshl dared Japan does not covet nn Inch but insisted of ground In Manchuria that Marshal Chang must his withdraw army from the Clilnchow He said the region demanded Japnnese their only treaty with guaranrights tees of safety for their nationals in Chinn In response to a question regarding disarmament the premier said "1 fnvor It One of the most abin Ideas surd the world Is the Insistence upoD maintaining large armies and navies” lie concluded the interview wlth the would hope thnt the United States soon got over Its streak of thrift and the needs “buy more silk — Japan money" The premier has appointed ns foramminister Kenklclil Yoshizawa eign bassador to Paris and Japan’s representative at the meetings of the League of Nations council IlKUENING’S gov Germany seems to be secure until January at least for the Socialist party In caucus decided to support him long enough to give him to enforce the price rean opportunity ductions he promised In his emergency If he fails In this the Sodecree will and cialists Join the Communist Hitlerites In opposition and may overthrow him are working The rclch uutlioritles hard to uncover the facts in the Fascist plot against the republic which In reply to they believe exists threat to mobilize an army If Herr to crush the Nazis necessary n Hitler gave out long letter In which called his he defied the chancellor worthless nnd demanded emergency liberty and power for the Fascists QHANCELIOR of In the royal continue contradictory The latest Is that and confusing Urinee Nicholas nnd have Carol King made up that the Intter has agreed to give up his wife Jana Deletj legaland thnt he will ly but Only legally retain his royal titles and therefore and Ills military comprerogatives So Nicholas and Jana will be mands as were — and are merely companions —Carol and Magda Lupescu REPORTS table conference status of Burma promises to go the way of that concerning The other day three delegates India certain elements In Burrepresenting ma withdrew from the conference 9h the Brlt- to give ish statement of Intentions Burma s constitution Inside of whlcb to become a self governing dominion The three delegates said they went to from their London with Instructions priests to return Immediately If anyand thing less than a full immediate was offered responsible government ENGLAND’S round are Republicans anxiously I LLINOIS waiting ta learn whether - United District Judge James Hy will run f?r governor of that state So far he Is silent Recently Judge tyilkerson called on President Hoover and It Is said the President urged him to go after the governorhis election The Jurship predicting ist It Is reported would prefer to remain on the bench and to accept his the to CirFederal stated promotion r cuit Court of Appeals States (A 1UL Wasters Newapnper Union) Just Wouldn’t Want Him on Bank’s Directorate Intermountain News —Briefly There Is an old story of ths late Senator Caraway of Arkansas and speech he is alleged to have made In tbe senate which may not be true but It Is fair to recall It because It might be true and It is Illustrative of some of his ways The story la that he Imd been mildly called to account fur what appeared to be a rather excessive attack on the IntegHe rity of a Republican senator apologized sajs "he yarn Bomewhat after this manner : "I am sorry If anything I have sold appears to reflect on the character of my distinguished friend on the other side I know nothing whatever against him I have no facts whateveeto support any assault upon him and I would go no further than to aay that he Is not one whom I would choose to have serve on the board of directors of my home town bank” — Washington Star Told for Busy Readers a TO IMPROVE FORESTS PAY IS O K UTAH DAIRYMEN WIN TOkECLAIM SALT LAKE GREATER CROPS URGED PARTIAL DRIGGS IDA — It Is estimated that more than one million persons visited the national forests as vacationists during the 1931 season PROVO UT — Dairymen of Utah county have been presented with a certificate of merit for the outprostanding dairy improvement gram of any county in eleven western states The certificate was presented recently to County Agent L H Rich at the National Dairy show 'In St Louis SALT LAKE CITY UT— Sen W H King has introduced a bill callof $25000 ing for an appropriation to improve conditions in sanitary the recreational areas of the national forests in Utah AFTON WYO —Three thousand and eight hundred turkeys netting forty thousand pounds have been sold from the two Star valleys to the Northwestern Poultry Growers’ association SALT LAKE CITY UT— The supreme court of Utah has rendered s decision to the effect thut taxes may tie paid In installments at the discretion of the county treasurer LOGAN UT — The county commission of Cache county hns approved plans for completing the a n H y r u in IV ells v il e road project SALT LAKE CITY UT— About 2000 to rabbits were distributed the needy - of Salt Lake recently The rnbbits were killed by fifty hunters from Salt Lake who went to the neighborhood of Tremonton for the bunnies EPIIItAIM UT — Ninety pounds of butter were stolen from the cal ereamery recently SPANISH FORK UT— The local plant of the sugar company sliced 925(18 tons of sugar beets und made 285000 bags of sugar in tbe season’s run OGDEN UT— At the annual Welter Central Dairy association meeting reports made on the growth of the organization since its inception in 1924 show the organization has grown Doth financially nnd otherwise and that the farmers of the county are interested in it to the extent of more than one hundred thousand dollars Tbe association bus had sales of nearly a half million dolbys in the first ten months of this year BOISE IDA— The Green River Lumber company of Green River has been awarded the Wyoming contract ' for grnding niKt surfacing 54 miles of highway between Grace nnd Alexander in Bannock county The company's bid was $27309 tbe lowest of seven bids offered TWIN IDA— A mall FAILS vote selected Twin Kalis as the convention city for the 1932 convention of teachers in eight sooth central Idaho eopnties Burley was the second choice LEWISTON IDA— Convicted of first degree robbery robbing a garage Frank LaMarre 31 ami Tims Blair 22 were sentenced to life in the District state penitentiary S Johnson also senJudge Miles tenced Lloyd Burns 19 accomplice of the pair to 10 to 20 years PAGAItl IDA— Surfacing work on nortli lie highway constructed of here has been completed POCATELLO IDA— The university campus has been lienutified PAYETTE IDA— Extensive imare under way on the provements road north of tills city IDA— The city street McCALI lighting system has been Improved SALT LAKE CITY UT— Conver- sion of a portion of the Great Salt Dike into a fresh water body with the view of turning n large area of the surrounding alkali waste lands to industrial Reenic and sporting is contemplated purposes by Geo W Snyder Salt Lake mining man and associates Application has Pen mnde by Mr Snyder to lease 85(83 acres of state land from the state land board nnd the application is in the hands of the attorney general LAKE UT— One SALT CITY men three hundred and more than last year hnve enlisted at the Salt Lake naval recruiting office this year December's quota having lieen filled the total for the year will stand at 107 UT— Over three hunOGDEN dred thousand bushels of wheat have been sold in tbe Intermountain territory in tbe recent past at an nterage price of 48 cents per bushel UT— Tbe local sugLEWISTON ar factory produced 340000 bags of sugar this season SPANISH FORK UT— A diversified display will be entered in the junior division of the Ogden livestock show January 8 to 14 BOISE IDA — It cost the state of Idaho just $3947970 40 foreclose on 20 endowment fund loans in Owyhee' county almost as much as the total principnj of the 20 loans according to state officials Principal ot the loans on the 20 sere tracts was $43755 Five of the 20 tracts have been resold at a loss to the " state of $208580 BOISE IDA — The Ada county movement diphtheria immunization amOng school children in the rural district has now included 1SOO children P Stuffy noutrib soothe Irritation ‘Mcntholrtumln Rubbrijldy on chert to Improve blood circulation prevent byt K Jar confeadoa end s Hero Well Identified When the body of John Paul Jones was exhumed eminent scientists of the United States nnd France conducted an Investigation to Identify the body In the comparison of tho Ilondoii bust"of John Paul Jones nnd the photograph of the body taken after the examination It Is seen how the contour of the brow the arch of the eyebrow tle width between the eyes the high cheek bones the muscles of the face the distance between the hair and tho root of the nose between the point and tlie l ips and between the Ups and the point of the chin all agree The peculiar shape of thp lobe of the ear in t De bust Is the exact counterpart of that observed in the body PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM I Uir Vaiiina Rcoovva Ounrtrufl Botutr Color and Inpurti to Grmr ond Faded Hair ond ot N kr LORES! ON SHAMPOO — Ideal for usa in connection wilh Perker’o H air BalumMake the hair aoft and Huffy cento by mad or at Uiacox Chemical Worka Patchogue NY 'eyXp-- ' t Supreme Sacrifice A very gallant deed wns performed liy a chemist named Zurbriggen He was employed at a chemical works in There was nn explosion Switzerland and poison gas began to pour out uimn the 20 mcn who were at work Herr Zurhrlggen knowing only too well the penalty ho must pay forced his way into the room where the explosion occurred found the leakage and stoppi'd it All t lie workers were saved through the swift courage of the chemist hut lie himself was so severely gassed tliut he died soon afterwards Shake I Mrs Klvhloy — This month Is simply glorious How I wish the end of It would never come Sirs Owethemnll — Shake deaiie We have a lot of hills coming due on the first too Sympathetic ' — Well what did your friend say when you showed him my photograph? he Just pressed my hand In silence The Morning Foot Race "Do you miss t lie 8:15 they’ve taken It olT?” "No not since” Tragedy purely “Your tragedian ic tonight” “Yep tiie box office" looks tragonly $10 there's In It is strife sines the madding crowd’s ignoble that enables one to make to leave It enough money Uncle Ah says If practice makes perfect a lot of folks know how to he perfectly wrong When birds sleep on the wing use feather beds Unless understand we love them has a Willis Temptation P ears— N we people they cannot music for fnnn punctures Many the road to wealth Ok STOP YOUR COLD ir IN 6 HOURS WITH iyi r¥o prealu 'a Orivet it S cold away Headache— In 6 hourIn 12 liourt Neuralgia A McKesson W N U —Pain AT tl DRUG STORES Salt Lake City all No F |