Show jr r THE GAELAND ACID SWEETEN STOMACH THIS without any showing that tbera was an emergency or that the newspaper comment was contrary to the public good News Review of Current Events the World Over f When there's distress two hours indigestion eating — heartburn gas— suspect excess acid Tbs best wa y to correct this is with an alkali Physicians prescribe Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia A spoonful of Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia in a glass of water neutralises many times Its volume In excess acid and does It at once To try It Is to be through with crude methods forever Be sure to get genuine Phillips All drugstores Milk of Magnesia 60c have the generous 25c and Full directions In package bottles Danger in Distinction English Bishop Makes Bishop James Cannon Jr said at “An English a dinner In Blackstone: bishop has come out with the assertion that he Is ready to preach the eternal verities but not to preach that the animals went Into the ark two by two "Now It Is dangerous to talk that way It makes people think that some of us preachers preach what we don't believe In — preach lies In short "It was under some such feeling no doubt that a lawyer once shouted at a preacher witness: we “‘Now sir remember please want the truth and nothing but the truth here You’re not In the pulpit now you know" —Detroit Free Press AnEmment Physician Prescribed this Tonic 'y AS t young man Dr R V Pierce ZA practiced medicine in Peansyl- Mis proscriptions met vania with such great demand that be moved to Buffalo NY And put op in tonio for form bis the blood Golden Medical Discovery It aids digestion acts as a tonic and enriches tbs blood— clears away pimples and annoying eruptions and tends to keep tits complexion fresh and clear This medicine comes in both fluid and tablets Ask your druggist for Dr Pierce’ Golden Medical Discovery Burning the “Claris” Ancient customs are still sometimes observed just for the fun et At Burghead the "clavle’ was burned again the only place In SUothind where this old ceremony Is still noticed CaRks ef tar were placed on the ruins of an ancient I toman altar and lighted and the simple villagers danced around the flames As soon as the heat permitted the celebrants rushed toward the Are scrambling for coveted burning fagots and charcoal The charcoal Is put in pieces up the cottage chimney to keep spirits and witches from coming down it A boy was Takes Tima telling his friend about his "lie’s today" he said “Isn’t that wonderful?” “I don’t think so was the reply “Book at the time It's taken him to do It” — Children's Magaslne Turn Bores We don’t know which makes fer the duller evening— a woman telling fibout the removal of her appendix or a man tel Lug shout his stack market operations — Judge REGULAR IP A0 Tbs modern Miss needs ne “time out” for the time of month If you’ve ever taken Ilayer Aspirin for a headache you know how soon the pain subsides It is just as elective in the relief of those perns peculiar to women Don’t dedicate certain days of It’s every month to suflanng It’s unnecessary Aspinn wiH always enable you to cany-o- a in comfort Take enough to assure you complete comfort If it is genuine aspirin it cannot possibly hurt you Bayer Aspinn does not depress the heart M docs nothing but stop the pain so use it freely Headaches come at inconvenient times So do colds But a little Bayer Aspirin will always save the day Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia Pains tnat once kept people home are forgotten half an hour alter taking a few of these remarkable tablets So are the little nagging aches that bring fatigue and “nerves” by day or a sleepless night Genuine Bayer Aspirin tablets cost so very little after all that it with doesn’t pay to experiment imitations! in President Iloover Urges Economy National Expendi- tures— Earthquake Practically Destroys Gty of Managua — Knute Rockne Dead By EDWARD H RESIDENT HOO-- to returned ver “ after Washington - It cruise to J iUco and the I’orto Islands with a Virgin that apcountenance shade proximated the ripe toof an almost Indian West mato i wind had sod aur burned his face hadly nd there was a the President atrong suspicion kln would peel There Hoover he whs was no question however that of rested and greatly so as a result his leisurely trip wns One of his first announcements avoided that a tax Increase could he If his budget and other recommendawere not tions for expendlliireg o creased by congress next winter to that end he appealed to the nation against bring pressure on congress "the demands of sectional or group r"" Interest a” The statement wai made In the face of lagging Income tai receipts Indicatdeficit of s perhaps ing treasury at the dose of the current fiscal year June 30 It was regarded ts part of the President 'a effort to sentiment agnlnat motion public further soldier jonus legislation proappropriation or similar conto posals In the new congress vene In December RepubBenator William E Borah retorted Idaho lican Insurgent record Is through the press that “the less that congress has appropriated than the budget oureau has recommended each session for the last few to years" He declared hie willingness 000 provided for cut off the naval building the administration’s crw W PICKARD the best In In an official Hoover President statement describes the death of Ilockne as "a national loss’’ of Fascism In development Is to be marked further on THE ef this year by the banishJuly ment of the twelve good tnes and true from the penal courts of Juries are abolished with the reform of the courts of assizes or those which try criminal cases which Premier Mussolini will pul In effect three months hence and for them a Juridical comwill be substituted mittee or what’s called s "college” fTNUTK KENNETH Rockne football coach of the University of Notre Dame wltn a name that he came a collegiate word plunged to his death with five feltow and two passengers pilots on a Transcontinental and Western Air Inc air liner In the mid Kansas country Witnesses said the raft flying through clouds and fog ost a wing In the air and hurtled to he ground like a crippled bird Rockne bad enly recently recovered from an Illness which a year ago iad threatened to terminate hls ant coaching career last yefir however he developed one of the very nest of hls many excellent ‘teams and made a schedule for 1931 which dicated that be looked forward te an equally great team this year American football sustains f’great hat Americans lose one who typified EARTHQUAKES In and NicaraManagua gua took an estimated toll of 1000 and dead many ‘housands Injured °(IAN of many them Arrow Points Americana The to Managua American legation the British legation and Nicaraguan were all debuildings government stroyed Fire following the earthquuke razed twenty blocks of the business an estimated district propcausing erty damage of $30000000 were quick te American agencies The respond to the need for help Marines Red Cross rushed supplies sent to the little republic on a political mission seioral years ago w re used to maintain order and relieve disC4t mttAM Rowtwjrt of two professional judges five nontechnical citizens who called ‘‘assessors" But every one cannot he an of Only special categories who have high moral and Intellectual If not political attainments will run the risk of having their names In the wheel to be drawn as consisting and are assessors The reform of the courts of assizes and the abolition of the jury Is a result of the reformed penal code In Italy a work on which Minister of Justice Rocca and hls collaborators have labored for five years The reform was brought about by whilt were considered scandalous decisions often returned by Juries made up ef men of Insufficient Intellectual attainments to distinguish between the facts and the emotional bunk of the to know definitely disaster Managua’s of population was In the neighborhood 40000 The region of this city is dotted with evidences of Its volcanic character and history records at least two disasters Nicaragua mnjor volcanic has been less afflicted with earththan its Central American quakes neighbors So far as is known there is not a left in the once habitable building beautiful Ceptral American city the Presisecond In size In the republic the dent Moncado himself abandoned national palace for a tent for' 1 DDRIN0 mal adjournment sM of he German relchs- the Bruenlng cabinet Is armed with he tag parliamentary certi- Baseball fied dictatorial powrun the country next lutumn when the rrlchetag reconvenes1 The government also prepared to curb atmeasures tacks on President Ulndenlmrg The emergency decree enormously curtails the vital civic rights anchored to the German constitution Basing the action on article 48 of the constitution enabling the President to take dictatorial mensures when “security snd order are threatened" the decree curtails the personal rights of citizens such as the freedom of speech the Invlolublllty of homes freedom of the press secrecy In the malls the right to meet when unarmed the right to form assoclutloi a or own property Public announcement of political gatherings must be confined to the barest facta Newspapers Infringing upon the terms of the decree may be suspended for elgh weeks and other publications may be suspended for six ers to until nest son committees will continue working on a mass of Internal reform projects and the relchstag can be called together a any time on the IN 1 rrUSSIA bade open defiance to the luteruatioiml grain conference at when Abraham Klssin Soviet delegate declared that far from reducing her wheat production his coun try would Increase It this year and that Instead of giving up her policy of he Intended to ’‘dumping" tnerense her wheat export! In order to pay for her Imports which exceed $VX)(XXI(HX) a year “Any proposal to exclude from economic Intercourse a nation occu-itig of the world's surface Is foredoomed to failure" Klssin said Kussla s population Is Increasing at the rate of 4XK0X a year which Is twice as great as the proportionately tnerense of Europe's population therefore we must Increase out wheat proHome duction" The nlted States Agricultural department has estimated that spring wheat plantings would he reduced 147 per cent This exceeded the hope of the farm board for a 10 per cent cut Cuban court given a against Machado's $1000000 libel suit Gus O former prohibition agent filed against Mrs Mabel Walker former assistant attorney genIn In 1020 connection with a eral series of articles she wrote ahont prohibition enforcement was stricken from the docket In Federal court at St Louts for failure to prosecute Mr Nations said he could not proceed any further with the suit because he had been unable tq obtain service but be asserted on Mrs Wlllebrandt that suits for $20000 damages each were’pwdlng against her in New York for alleged Injury and Washington done to him by the articles The only observation of Mrs Mabel Walker Wllfebrandt to the news that libel suit filed against the $1000(KX) her by Gus O Nations bad been stricken from the record was: “The action speaks for Itself" (A 1ML W Mt tn THE hai decision President susenslon of newspaper publication holding that he acted In violation of the constitutional provision lor free speech when he shut down had presses which information published President and criticism distaste- Machado ful to the government Mr Machado set forth the necessity of public security and order as reason for the prohibition of publication but ' J I J Tl Arnold Bennett English literature has tost one of Its masters and an unbeliev-Jfl- i ably long list of nov- j els dramas and essays comes to an end Absorbed In the workaday world about him never a propagandist or a preacher the shunning mazy of the Introspections ue school Bennett with mingled realism and romanticism the human comedy With portrayed gentle Irony and exacting attention to detail he laid bare the dull materialisms and the shams of civilization filling the most Insipid with exciting Interest but never receding from hls to turn crusader detachment Sufficient of bis works will survive to assure Arnold Bennett a permanent place on the world's bookshelves demand of of the members or the council of elders can authorize such a special call by majority vote THE lose two of its major In the passing of ErB John- Barnard and Byron the president and the S of the American league dying within' sixteen hours of each other Both devoted their lives to the American national game Their terms of service In the presidency spanned the life of the league Itself When Johnson quit the sports desk of a Cincinnati newspnper to eek bis fortune la the business administration of baseball James J Hill had arrived as the empire builder of the Northwest and John D Rockefeller had established the dynasty of Standard Oil As each of those in hls wore the Napoleonic sphere mantle so Johnson did In baseball Under hlsTeadersblp a rather rowdy sport became on Its artistic side a and economically entered profession the company of large affairs It was Johnson's that wrought the genius miracle Mr Barnard would have been years old on July 17 He bad been president of the American league for a five year term Hls with the draft activity In connection controversy and In ttie adoption of the schedule Is believed to have hastened hls death months The public speaking “muzzle decree" the old timers eloquently claim la more severe than a "ukase" tn the days of the former kaiser During adjournment fire urn tress It is too early the extent of the la wvers Discontent with these abuses had In less than s century accumulated for the Jury system was only Introduced lu Italy In 1843 program mountain in ABLIZZAItD statesRocky took a toll of eleven Uvea Including five children Colorado In two men and a woman condition Scores were In a serious from frostbite end exposure Thousands of cattle perished In a Colowide area Including Wyoming and rado South Dukota Nebraska the western parts of Kansas Oklahoma and Texas In the southern part of the storm area peach aprlcot and other crops were rulnwl The child victims of the storm were pupils at Pleasant Dill school Towner Colo The morning of the blizzard ended the teacher Maude Moeer laesew because of the storm Carl Miller arrived to take the pupils to their homes In the school bus Miss Moser started to walk to her home children In There were the bus when Miller started all between the ages of eight and thirteen Three miles from Fleasant Dill the bus plowed Into a snow drift ten feet the mass deep and stalled Outside obsnow was a curtain of falling scuring the road tracks and coverMiller tried to hock ing fences toward the echnol but could not get the wheels of the bus free from the drift After remaining with the children for many hours Miller realised he must get aid or all would perish In the driving atorra he started out thinking he could reach a farmhouse on for more than three Struggling mile he fell exhausted In a cornfield and perished Five ef the children were dead when a reeculng party found them but the refit were saved There were other tragedies In the etorm that swept the mountain states and other sections hut this tragedy was one to arouse the utmost pity Bravely the children met their fate! boxed and played to They Rang and keep warm as they were told by the driver before he left hem to seek aid as urged by the young leader put In charge until the merciless wind and chill benumbed them Into helpless drowsiness wideawake useful Intermountain News —Briefly financial organization with AVAST of capital to relieve the cotton producers of the South from the distress caused by low prices of their commodity la declared to be In process of formation by Chicago capitalist headed by William Wrlgley Jr Details of the scheme have not been reveuled but the main Idea la understood to he to accumulate lerge quantities of baled cotton and hold It for Cotton Is now selling higher prices at prices rulnons to the planters snd ts a drug on the world market The plan Is also eald to embrace a system of trading credits by which the vast surplus of cotton will be exof which the changed for commodities cotton growers stand tn dire need These Include farm equipment of all kinds groceries and clothing PLEASANT WAY after UTAH GARLAND TIMES 6sl0 Told by Busy Readers WHITE HOUSE SUMMER DRIVE PLAN PUBLICITY TO HOLD STOCK SHOW TO PROTECT GAME SNOW IS SCANTY WIO— Plans for CHEYENNE Whit jstabllshment of a summer House on the shores of Brooklyn lake in the Jackson Hole country are going forward In anticipation that rreHldent Hoover might Bpend vacation there this summer the Mt States Telephone and Telegraph company is planning a $200000 telephone circuit Into (he territory GRACE IDA — $2(X) has been appropriated by the county commissioners to finance the annual Black and White day to he held here In May IDA— The local POCATELLO chamber of commerce will make a of Kem merer and good will tour other points In Wyoming In May IDA— Members of the NAMPA are Nampa Fish and Game league of planning to construct a group trout rearing ponds with a view better a of making the Ilolse valley place to fish and hunt IDA— Members of CALDWELL from of commerce the chamlicr Boise to Welscr are planning a for operative campaign of publicity western Idaho The main project inforcontaining will be a booklet the of section this mation about state COALVILLE UT— Snow depths watershed of upper AVeber river serving the Eelio reservoir are less several seasons for this joar than to data gathered by a according snow survey recently IDA— A financial POCATELLO report presented recently to the showed Pocatello's incity council debtedness has been reduced from a year ago to $382000 at $015 present IDA— 150 men have NAMPA been employed by the Oregon Short Line railroad for the work of reballast lng ftO miles of the track on Its right of way between this city and (Henna Ferry UT— Citizens have orMORONI ganized a local corps to fight the coddling moth and to preserve apples und other fruit from destructon ion UT— An extensive war TOOELE has been started by the farmers of Tooele county for the eradication The pocket of ground squirrels gopher campulgn started early In March ha3 been successful PROVO UT— Adoption of a unfor strawberry iform wage scale pickers was agreed upon by unanigrowmous notion of representative ers of Provo Bench at meeting held recenlly at Orein UT— The dates FARMINGTON for the Davis county farm bureau day and fair were sot as August 25 and 2C at a meeting of Davis county farm bureau officers PROVO UT— Sttong condemnation of any increases in tills year's tax levy in I’rovo City and school district whs voiced In a set of resolutions udopted by the members of the Trovo real estate board at a recent meeting UT-14th Ward OGDEN L D 8 chapel at Adams avenue between and streets erected at a cost of $530tX) was damaged to the amount of $20000 by a fire FORK SPANISH UT— At s meeting of the Nebo district board of education members voted to bond the district for $250 0(X) in order to carry out a building program The board will conduct an educational campaign for the informing of the public as to the need of the expansion MONROE UT— For each quart of flies Monroe residents catch and bring to the city council in April fifty cents will be paid In May the price is to be 25 eeuts per quart This announcement wns made with' the order of city officials to clean up yards ditches and corrals TONOI’AII NEV— A new ore body 30 feet wide has been struck on the Gold Dome mine 30 wiles south of Battle Mountain The new ore wns opened on the 250 foot level and will be developed MOSCOW IDA— Cohccnt rates to the amount of 38701 tons were produced by the Iloola Mining company operating in the Coeur d’Alene district in northern Idaho the past These concentrates had a year value of $1700709 IDAHO FALLS IDA— Declaring that Idaho needs greater outlet for her potato crop If the state Is to continue In the market the Idaho Potato Dealers association decided to file a freight rate complaint with the interstate commerce commission and the Idaho public utilities commission Reduction on all potato to territory shipments east of Chicago will be asked OGDEN ITT — A lady recently arrested fy the police has brought suit for damages totalling- - $15000 for alleged loss occasioned by the arrest CALDWELL C5O0 automobile licenses have been issued in Canyon county this year A reduction of 3000 licensee as compared with last year Is shown SALT LAKE CIY UT— An crease of $08853216 In total resources of all 12 banks of Salt Lake in the comparative City is noted statement of 1930 snd 193L A DOCTOR’S ADVICE for Stubborn Bowels “Drink at least six glasses of water dally — preferably before meals Eat bulkier foods such as vegetables fruits and coarse breads Use a mild laxative as needed” That Is Dr Caldwell’s advice te He people with stubborn bowel specialized on the bowels treated thousands for constipation and its Ills The prescription he used over and over In hls practice has become the world’s most popular laxative! “Syrup Pepsin” as It is was tested by more now called than 47 years of practice Today you can get Dr Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin at any drugstore In America It Is always the to made exactly according same the original prescription from laxative herbs pure pepsin and other valuable Ingredients Nothing In It to harm even a baby It does not gripe sicken or cause any discomfort But It moves the bowels It gets rid of alt the souring waste which clogs the system makes you bilious headachy gassy bloated A doctor should weak know what Is best for the bowels Syrup Pepsin Is a famous doctor’s safe choice of a pleasant effective laxative for men women older folks babies and children Da W B Caldwell’S SYRUP PEPSI N A Doctor's Family Laxative Rooster “Firebug” A Brunswick (Maine) farmer has a firebug on hls farm In the form of a rooster He reports that while on the way to the barn he smoked a cigarette ami placed the lighted end on a well curb before entering the barn A moment later the' rooster entered the barn with the cigarette still burning In hls beak The fanner shouted and as the rooster turned and ran It dropped the cigarette into chaff which burst Into The blaze was stamped out flames bofore it had spread far 'ptiev eCOUGHS First jfafrffe dose toothes In Relief 4 ql cVv with - Boschee’s At all druggists Welcome Syrup Prohibition Friend — Of the two apartments we looked at the other one s lined much the better Why did you choose this one? Bride— In this one Young forbid all cooking — Boston they Transcript Some youthful “acting the fool" dHs no harm Indeed It may be necessary to ripen Judgment PILES Tile sufferers from Protruding Bleeding Itching or Blind Piles can now get relief from very first treatment by using QR Pile Ointment Q R (Quick Relief) Pile Ointment Is a new remedy for the treatment of pile sufferers no matter how long afflicted guaranteed to give satisfactory relief or money refunded Before placing this pile ointment on the market for sale It was put to the acid test In both mild and severe cases never falling to produce wonderful results If you are troubled with piles do sot experiment Get Q K Pile Ointment If your druggist does not carry It In stock fill out the blank below and mall It to Q R OINTMENT MFQ CO 373 South 5th East Balt Lake City Utah Q R Co Gentlemen : Inclosed find $100 P 0 Money Order for One tube of Q It Pile Ointment to be mailed prepaid to Name P O Address On conditions that If I am not satisfied with results obtained I am to receive money back upon to your laboratube returning tory |