Show i r i TOE SPORT ITEMS Jay Frampton Te Cubs should surely win the nat- Ditched thLITnmni WU! thC Cr°P °f n the sunny Lmh Tmrn seventeen Iitclw5J's bUt Whpn the Sf‘a10n’ y will be on hr S and r°ur relief' Ditchers' aSi ' SVEETLM fTrvm ppAcirT 3 large birthday cake A delicious lunch was served to the 27 ladles present A good time was enjoyed Mrs David Larsen accompanied her mother Mr Steed of Syracuse to gan Wednesday They returned home Saturdy- The two families then °red to Syracuse to Mrs Steed's er‘s bhday Tile Larsen family turned home Isunday afternoon In the Sunday hight sacrament meet- ing the Relief Society furnished the which was a pagent on the Program rr s “llr‘ 2" iST S w by UTAH Mrs F D Baird of Brigham City was a guest of Mrs Lewis O Johnson Monday1 Local News Items COMING ATTRACTONS Mr and Mrs N Homer Hansen of Edna Lee of the Garlend school won Salt Lake are spending a few the championship days this in spelling and will week with Mrs Hansen’s parents Mayor represent County m a spelland Mrs A R Capener ing be? at Logan Friday at 3:30 p Among thosa attending the ward union from out of town were J Archibald and family 0f re- SaltfLak Cr°’"' “ " “ °"“ “' “S? rsx' - s? GARLAND: GARLAND Sandy : 1 ' UTAH FRIDAY & SATURDAY — MARCH 27-2- - Hr to P"B‘ “LOTTERY BRIDE” with JEANETTE MACDONALD: — JOHN GARRICK Joe E Brown : — : Zazu Pills Greatest Dramatic Romance Ever Put On The Talking Screen! Here’s a story of adventure of thrills of love and laughter filled with the sparkling gaiety of youth and the stark realism of the mining camps and the north country j - srnraM “ ff AT THE PARAMOUNT THEATRE Mr and Mrs Prank Hansen had as their guests Saturday Mr Hansen's mother and sister from Mr and Mrs Geo L Linford of pton den attended the ward reunion 77i Friday Garland' Treihonton Library evening and spent the week end with Club met Wednesday with th” c Ma B' l O' Mrs uric his parents Mr and Mrs J A Linford visiting for rnu Anderson of Tremonton Mrs 1th hpr Lucy itho White reviewed tile book “On and oft Edna Capener of Logan season by Bruce Burton spent A delicious lunch on week Mrs Joseph Smith and two daughters was served end with her parents Special guests were- Mrs Wrd James Walton Mrs C Beard Mr and Mrs J Mrs Orwin r and Dan Hiekman and Mrs Ell Ander-Vanola and Mr and Mrs J w m? J 4 Mrs 011 Jolamlor and son Junior motored or damps Cobs this yra? to Salt Mr and Mrs A Westergaard enter- Lake Sunday where they were dinner tained a numb- -r of friends s guests of Mrs Van Horne and B Whitley Sunday in honor of their Miss’ birthday mother of Mrs J w Orwin anniversaries which occurred Vanola a Eait the mie G“rand in remained the — A delicious oiivjtuu curry i: day luncheon was servfd has accepted a position city where she and Wriglcy to a worlds series Tuesday March 17th the Relief SoAmeron Buxton Roy Jensen Blanche Thompson went to and ciety sponsored an old fashioned dance James Shumway attended the li mi Monday to work In the State Salt Lake after Mutual in the ward hall Pies School tournament at Salt Lake Capitol were sold and a City quilt raffled off Miss Eric Northman has returned from a Mr and Mrs D E Eva Adams drew the lucky number Manning and sons Mr and frS- A‘ R Udy motored to ten days visit in Los Angeles LeRoy and D Henry were Mr Jeffs and son Dick and visitOgden Mrs ors Monday wwk on business Jensen and daughter Marion of Brig! Bligham Hugh Bennion is taking his ham City were guests of Mr practice teaching In vocational training at the and Mrs Mr and Mrs David E J M Sorenson and other relatives in Manning: visitB R H s under the direction of Mai k ed with their daughter Mrs East Garland and Vlctos Bott Nichols School To Broadcast Fielding at Brigham City Sunday Mr Wiilard Hansen of SaltFriday evening Lake City The Box Elder programs over K L gave an impressive talk at our Self Culture Club regular 'pw'Ladies wm Hugh Sweeten and Max Beal mission be O Sacrement imetlng Sunday every Wednesday night are becom- entertained Friday by Mrs Harold aiy companions of Oswald Michaelis Mr Arthur Johnson made a business ing very popular Radio Fan are tak- Persson attended the funeral services trip to Logan Thursday returning Fri- - ing unusual interest in the programs of Mr Michael is’ father at furnished every other Wednesday Honeyvllle Sunday e Coombs and Persson and the Blue Mr David Larson direction of George O Nye by Bell motored to Salt Mrsare Confectionery Paul Kennedy and keeping up with ®unday turning In the evening students and others In this vicinity the clean up Idea and have cleaned and land Kathryn of Ogden arechildren Max This affords excellent exjierience his daughter Marie who has guests this WPek of Mrs and painted up their places of business been John Benson studying music at the McCune for those with talent and opportunities School Mr Layfayctte a desire to take Grover Mr and Mrs Arch Mr and Mrs E J Holmgren and three part were sons motored to Snowville McKinnon of The program for next Wednesday among the guests at a on business party last Wed- - Randolph spent the weekend with their Just Wednesday night will be given by students of the nesday evening at the home of Albert JauglUer Mrs- John Benson Miss Rosa Deinigear of Bothwell Bear River High School Holmgren in Bear River City V W Johns Visited with MrMrs Saturday Weldon Grover and A number of the’ Garland school family fac- Sunday with relatives in Ogden Mr and Mrs J M Sorenson went to motored to Ogden 'one day this Club ulty Meets Beaver Dam on Logan business Monday Hugh Sweeten of Holbrook week to visit with their Miss Mr and Mrs C spent the J Hansen motored to here Jane White who has been sUer at her Brigham on business last home the past two weeks Miss Monday Mrs Marvin Simmons entertained White there Work and Business is of the the Young Married Ladies Club to be much improved Relief Society was held meeting at her and expectsreported Miss Alissa at the to be back at her work and Miss Marrext garet Harned Manning Ms W A Adams After the home of home in Beaver Dam Saturday The of Salt Lake were week meeting afternoon business hour was spent in week the time was turned into end guests of Mr and Mrs a social in electing officers and D E Man honor of the President work planning ning Mrs Grace Haws Mrs Sophia Dainty refreshments accompanied Mr were served Larsen It being her 73rd and Mrs Victor Hanson to Ogden Mon- I J mrnt dramatizing her lifebirthday Thompson of Salt Lake day was given spent th week end with The members also his family presented her with a Subscribe Times Mrs Annie Ooates of Lelii is a this week of Mrs Annie Munns guest Margaret Manning of the U S A C and spent the week other relatives end here with her par-er- a njw'i I- “ GARLAND TIMES SUNDAY & MONDAY — MARCH 29-3- 0 “MIN and BILL” with MARIE DRESSLER rtl : — : WALLACE BEERY You’ve always wanted to see these stars together Well here they are inoutstanding a that sweeps you along the road of laughter picture tears tense drama to an unforgettable climax! ed At TUES & WED— MARCH 1 mmZ r Greys ‘FIGHTING with a GARY COOPER for the Firestone Tires and f ! t —1 Batteries AND ALL KINDS OF ACCESSORIES c a oJ s 2 Id X H i u Ir 1 a W L WOOD CARS WASHED SATISFACTION Mr and Mrs Garland were ward reunion R T Shaw formerly of in attendance at the Friday evening Irs' made R d°hnson hurried visit to and daugliieTS Ogden Saturday Mr 1 Mr and Mrs E J Holmgren and daughter Beverly spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs Holmgrens parents in Logan GREASED GUARANTEED Among those 8T:lcfffor Anything in fresh green vegetables A large variety to choose from Garden seeds shrubs flowers We can furnish you with your Tomato plants when you are ready for them It is time to put out your Perennials now See what we have to offer Jo Wo Tremonton who attended the fun- Mr’ R’ Michaelis Alfred Michaelis which were held at Honeyvllle Sunday were: and Nfrs A R Capener Mr andMayor Mrs D E Manning Mr and Mrs J Shumway Mr and Mrs George' o Nye Mr and Mrs Frank Peck Z' R'MrV“nneet- Mrs' John W ChaS Mark Nichols Mr and D Henry Manning and Mrs Z j j Thompson Mr Ray Elsinore who pilots a plane Ci PcMto Cd quit a sensation in East Garland last Tuesday when he flew excedingly and Pl letter for Mr Ve Shaffer Mr Elsmore Is a frInd of att I couldn’Mff1 ahort in East OwlimdPlaCe’ Mr and Mrs Marx Nichols had as week end guest Mrs Myrintha Bur nigham a sister of Mrs Nichols Mrs Mark Nichols entertained at dinner Sunday for 10 out of town guests busi- Weather Specials BOYS’ WARM BLAZZER JACKETS MsBowall PRODUCE Utah 95' MENS’ WARM BLAZZER JACKETS BOYS CAPS BOYS WARM 50c 95( and 95c UNIONS 75c 95c MENS’ THREE SEASON UNIONS Spalding National League Jr Baseball Spalding Official 120 P B Playground HIGH SCHOOL bi FREE B R H S 95c Ball Jape SUITS FELT CAPS WITH EACH 50c PURCHASE OR OVER Cream And Poultry Phone T D Davis was an Ogden visitor Tuesday Welling was in reunion Friday Mrs V L Minear of San Salvador Central America an aunt of Mrs Lvnn Williams was the hondred guest at a bridge luncheon given by Mrs Williams at her home Wednesday afternoon You Will Find What You Want Here Sell Us Your Eggs TV Mr and Mrs Ernest bpencer are joicing over the arrival of a 6 pound a baby boy born to them March 11 ness j t i LILY DAMITA Frank Riser and Miss were Ogden visitors Sec of State m! H attendance at the ward evening MANAGER AND and Mrs Harvey Dorothy Wednesday Service No U u The Social Hour Club of North Gar-land were entertained Wednesday at the North Garland school house by Mr and Mrs Ray Hougaard Nineteen members were present with Mr and Mrs Randolph Gee Mr and Mrs Wal- ter Glenn Mr and Mrs Vern Hill and Evan Gee as special guests Refreshments were served and games and mu- : Ernest Torrence — Tully Marshall— Fred Kohler So vividly real you want to yell! Indians in flaming feathers and gleaming war paint! Dauntless pioneers battling their way into a danger-infestewild erness ! A man a girl— and inspired love! sic enjoyed Blue Light V o h Mr and Mrs Glen Baron and son of Brigham City were guests of Mrs Baron's parents Mr and Mrs Geo O Nve Monday CARAVANS’ Tremonton —- Utah Coombs & Persson Company Garland Auto Salvage V G Bowcutt— Mgr We pay top price for old Automobiles and junk ' SEE ME FIRST Garland Utah r— |