Show n crzg- IS A THE BASIS OF PROGRESS EXINDIVIDUAL STRIVING FOR READINESS AND TO CELLENCE EXCELLENCE IN RECOGNIZE OTHERS Vol 3 No 19 Pertinent By V Garland Beet Growers Get Paragraphs Wm John! Partial Payment season of merry making is here It Is interesting to thinkmanthattowinter hide naturally the time for himself away in cold and seclusion has become the season for fun It is an indication that we have conquered pov- erty want and discomfort to a great The degree It is much to our credit thatbe the should one season of merrymaking in which we cast off our selfishness and self Interest to the greatest degree and Invite all to rejoice with us in the festive occasion It ' is even possible that the fact that we are less self centered at this time of year has much to do with the Joy that seems to be everywhere We have been told that no real Joy can come unless we learn to be as considerate of others as of our selvds and that the road to happiness is thru the vale of self denial Ideas such as these 'are today everywhere in the air in a land in which we are told that crime is the biggest single business That It Is the biggest business isn’t to say that it is the only busThere are many iness of importance business activities t 7- Utah Thursday December 18 1930 "FINNEY THE $200 THE YEAR MARK NICHOLS BACK FROM FORCE SEASON'S GREETINGS r TO YOU ): EACH i AND ONE — H''i SENDSyfHE BIG VOCATIONAL CONVENTION J ATTENDS INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK SHOW VISITS MANY PLACES OF INTEREST Checks Mailed Out Last Tuesday Represent Much Interest Shown $30000000 o The Sugar Co Tuesday mailed checks totaling approximately $300000 to beet growers as part payment for their 1930 crop The amount represents payment for about of the beets recieved on the basis of $2 a by the company e ton the per cent of beets recieved had been paid for previously to the growers In a communication it was explained that payment of an additional $5 a ton will be made as soon as possible The beets were purchased for $7 a ton Willard T Cannon vice president and general manager said that full payment could not be made in 1930 because of reduced business this year He has pointed out that the company now has on hand about 2000000 bags of sugar the 1930 production and 200000 bags from last approximately READ THE TIMES A PAPER CRAMMED FULL OF NEWSY ARTICLES CONCISELY WRITTEN WITHOUT COMMENT OR OPINION At Club Luncheon Interesting Discussions Hold Lions Attention AteOnpifc Dairymen BRHS Basketball Hold Team Shows Promise One of the most Interesting bimonthly luncheons of the Garjand Lions club was held last evening at the Garland Hotel where a sumptuous to about dinner was served forty members was in President P C Petterson as Peck and Millam acted charge secretary while Jim Wise energitic tall twister was also doing his bit gathering up his little tokens from the Lions The program consisted of a comic reading by Mrs George Clarg ' who made amusing comments about each member of the club which' caused much merriment and enjoyment for those present Community singing under the direction of Jos II Kirk ham assisted by Mark Nichols helped to enliven the luncheon During the evening several business transactions of the club were discussed at length and comments made upon them of the big New The announcement Years’ Eve Dinner and Carnival Dance to be given the Lions and Ladies at the Armory The committee in charge of the festivities are working hard to make this party surpass last year’s party So be prepared for a good time and also to help bring in the New Year brightly Theme Of Convention At Milwaukee "Education For Work” Mark Nichols returned home Monday evening from a trip to Chicago and Milwaukee where he attended the National Convention of the American Vocational Association held at While In ChiMilwaukee last week Mr Nichols attended the Intercago national Livestock Show and Americas best In beef cattle sheep and hogs horses He was particularly Impressed with the fine horse show of draft horses Of riding and light carriage particular Interest In Chicago was the great number of bread lines observed A1 which are operated by Capone for the of the city At Milwaukee the A V A convened for four days and discussing ways means of bettering vocational education In the United States and Canada The theme was of the convention "Education for Work” and this was no where better exemplified than the type of education being carried on at the Milwaukee Vocational School which was visited from educators all by This school Is the parts of America school In this counlargest vocational a try with an attendance of 30000 of high year made up of students school age and adults who wish for further progress In trades work An feature of the convention outstanding was the opening address of President Sutton of the N E A In which he was loud In hls praise for vocational Education and the great progress It is making in America In helping to better fit the average American boy or girl for hls llfes work Mr Nichols la loud In hls praise for the type of dairying he saw In a tour of Waukesha County Wisconsin which is that states leading county In dairy lng Evey farm has a large number of cows and In some of the farms visited five and six hundred cows were being cared for In the most up to date and business like way On these farm certified milk is produced which retails in Chicago for 25c a quart due to the very high quality of the product with regards to Its cleanliness While In Milwaukee Mr Nichols visited the gTeat manufacturing plant of the Co and the E O Smith Corporation manufacturers of Auto frames 10000 of these the plant each day at the rate of one every 8 seconds At Madison WIs Mr Nichols visited the University of Wisconsin and saw Mr and Mrs Howard Gunderson former residents of this city Mr Gunderson is doing work at the University In the field of Vocational Guidance In returning home Mr Nichols is loud In praise for the type ofeducational work and Industry observed on the trip but maintained Garland Is still good enough for him Annnal This year we are for a real Christmas with snow and all the trimmings winter It should be one of happiThe Jersey Cattle Breeders of Box The We have more year ness and thanksgiving basketball game of the Joys of life than any other land Mr Cannon has Just returned from Elder County met in the office of Co played between North Cache and Bear but let us show that we also have the a business trip to New York He ex- Agent Stewart last Monday to review River High School was featured by for the pressed the opinion that the Inter- the work accomplished during the past very erattc playing The only consistappreciation greatest capacity greatest will to share This was the ently outstanding feature was the foulnational sugar conference at Brussels year and to reorganize annual meeting of this group of breedWith this little sermon off the con- although reported Monday as a failure ers of dairy cattle and they felt well ing of both teams Referee Johnson as far as the attainment of the obsurely taugh the boys one thing and extends science Pertinent Paragraphs pleased with their first years work as that was that they must not foul By was an organized group jective to stabilize the Industry best wishes to its readers for a Christmas of happiness and cheer and inas- concerned will lead to an understandReports were made by County Agent half time Green and Hess were warmIs in much as It getting late in the even- ing which will benefit the world sugar R H Stewart Pres M V Rohwer ing the bunch The score was Wm and F Mc- favor of North Cache ing we sign off with that beautifully industry modulated that we have "Goodnight” as Bride regarding the plans and accomplIn the playing of this game Bear "I do not regard the conference been practicing for the last few evenduring the past year River out scored the Cache boys from a failure” he said “1 believe good ishments Geo B Mann President of the Utah the field ings Goodnight — will come out of it because producing on their own floor The o State Jersey Breeders Association was A missionary farewell testimonial countries with the exception of Ger- present and congratulated the members Bears gradually overcame a big lead to s step out in front all during the last many hdve agreed on a plan” Box of the association on the commendawill be held In the Garland ward chapJournal to have Elder ble work the game taken el Sunday evening Decembsr 28 in they have set out to accompl- quarter only — o ish He also stated the State Assoc- sway from them by a lucky honor of Elder Cyril Linford who will Mrs Geo A Linford and son iation stands ready at all times to asThe Bears came home determined to leave early-l- n January to fulfill a Miswere Qgden visitors Monday sist the dairymen of the state Wednes-- 1 the even up following things sion to England O Arthur L Ingrataon livestock teed return game was played j nJi specialist of the Sperry Milling com At 3 p m Wednesday the scehe for Children Sat pany was also present and gave a very vengence All In occured Bear River openon the value of baltalk Interesting ed with a short passing attack that Notes anced rations for dairy cattle All is in readiness for the annual ' of Hess looked The pretty officers passing directors The following and Dance and Party for the children of Eskimo were named for the year 1931: M V Garrett Green and Ward was fast and this community to be held at the Mr and Mrs George Brough Mr Rohwer Henry snappy at times and then It dropped Corinne president nlte Dec 20 from 7 and Mrs Linden Barkle and Mrs Sorensen East Garland vice president off Into quite ragged basket ball It Armory Saturday One of the most unique Christmas Wm F McBride ito 10 p m given by the Ladies Self James Allred of SanPete visited Mr Brigham City was much Improved over the game u 1116 n u k season parties ever planned by the and Mrs Louis Dodd of Harper WedStanley Madsen Brig Richmond and shows that the boys Ward will A This is a annual event for the childcommunity will be held at the Armory ham City director John nesday be going great guns In a week or ren of the town The club extends a Mr and Mrs Chas Peterson were at Garland this Friday nlte Dec 19 Willard director two In spite of a frigid appearing atmos- The annual fee for the year 1931 was hearty Invitation to all children and given a pleaiant surprise Saturday evand Atkinson When Hawkins Grover en voted upon The program for the their parents to come and enjoy the ening when old friends gathered at phere patrons will receive a warm and year was worked on and every got into the game it did not seem to dance A good time Is assured all their home The guests included Mr hearty welcome at the door from an suing slow things up any one present enjoyed the meeting So with such com- who attend clad Eskimo householdand Mrs Joseph Scothern and son Ear appropriately - — o petition we can expect every one on — — rel Mr and Mrs Reuben Fuller Mr er who will greet them and Introduce o Death Claims Young Baby their toes and working The score for and Mrs Chet Green Mr and Mrs them to his icy home this game was in favor of Bear Baby Thorpe Succumbs The visitor will have to enter thru John Barfuss all of South Tremonton Death claimed as its victim Tuesday River From Pneumonia of door of Eskimo's Garan Mr and Mrs" Chas Barfuss the living room night little Joe Edward Haskell two Immediately following the first game land and Mr and Mrs Alfred King of where Mr Jack Frost a special guest months Gloom was cast over the home of old son of Mr and Mrs Cecil the second string put on a game and Tremonton Games and cards were en o fthe evening and his prospective Haskell from the work of several of the boys Mr and Mrs Lyman Thorpe last Tuesand one of a pair of twins served will Miss aU Dutch a escort bride lunch at and Joyed Frigidaire The little one made a real struggle we can expect to see them In the lineby the sudden death of their little day itthe to hall main dance which will twelve o'clock for life fighting a severe attack of up very often The score for this game six months old baby boy The child Mrs Barkle will stay and spend the self be a wonderland of ce and snow in favor of Bear River about a week was stricken with pneumonia while at but he was From the ceiling will hang tremul- pneumonia for holidays with her parents Mr and The following schedule Bountiful and despite all that loving ous icicles and sparkling snow flakes was unable to resist the ravages of the was Mrs Adams care and medical attention could do desease arranged: possible everything Prank Hall and Ted Newton have Thru the brilliant storm cheery win- was donealthough to aid In his recovery The the little life was ended Dec 20 Morgan at Bear River had electric lights installed In their dows lit with candles will gleam the Funeral services will be held SaturDec 23 Bear River at Preston There will be polar bears seals float- Sympathy of the public goes out to homes this week ward Dec 30 Preston at Bear River day at p m in the Garland parents O L Brough was attending to Farm ing Icebergs and Eskimo villages The sorrowing chaDel services will be held SaturFuneral 7 Jan River at Bear Logan out of place decoration will be a Bureau business In Collinston Wedne- only The many friends of Mr and Mrs o’clock in the Fielding ward Jan 10 Bear River at Logan real Christmas tree from the United day at sday In extend their hour sympathy Wednesday City Thorpe night at Brigham Charles Peterson wm in Wellsville States of America As Alvis Anders- chapel the League schedule was drawn up with of sorrow on business Monday en’s Eskimo syncopaters swing into deKILLED YOUNG BOY Box the Elder Ogden and Miss Virginia Carter of Tremonton melody this will be lit with profusion drawing of red and green lamps of Margaret was a week end guest IN AUTO ACCIDENT sirable numbers on the schedule The BOY SCOUTS ROLL schedule follows: A number of and Junior SHOWS INCREASE Seager With Bill will be In Miss the found land ice Mr and Mrs O A The girls Seager of many friends and acquaintaMaudell Seager and Miss Virginia Car- and snow read to hand out sparkling nces of Dr Asa Dewey brother of 127 Boy Scouts have gone up to Troop t ter and Miss Alleen Calderwood were glasses of punch esklmo pies were Tremonton of and Jess Dewey second place in the Ogden Gateway Los s is a story of a popcorn balls from behind little Council In number of new scouts engrieved to learn of the death of his shopping In Ogden on Saturday worn old dollar bill- - and an Idea stands Mr and Mrs Charles Peterson were little son and the injuries Dr Dewey rolled The officers and boys would The Idea occurred to Judge E P This great community party should sustained called to Logan Wednesday because of in an automobile accident like all the boys to come and Join Woods and Roy L Reid both of the serious Illness of Mr Peterson’s receive the support of both old and on the state highway near Layton Sat the ranks and pay their fees of 30c Belvedere Gardens The bill came mother from 9 o’clock young as it is planned for an evening urday evening Dr about Wood’s to will Judge 1st pocket which June pay them up 4 At o’clock O L Brough was assisting the Farm of fun for all Dewey his wife and two small sons A special feature for next Tuesday Friday they put the dollar bill Into The tlaboTate decorations To It they Bureau membership drive in Riverside of the were enroute to Deweyville to visit his nights meeting will be a talk by Harvey appended a notecirculation a blank sheet of hall was made possible by the coop- parents Mr and Mrs J E Dewey and He reports the membership Monday Ault relating to his experience as an paper The note and simply asked all who eration of the M I A the Ladies met with an accident on the slippery coming fine flier airoplane came into po session of the bill In the Mrs Ira Frldal and Mrs P E Ault Self Culture Club and the Lions club road when an automobile o course of Its travels to Jot down their plowed into attended a farm bureau meeting in and will remain up for the dance on his car which resulted in the death oi W J Cullimore and J D Gunderson names on the sheet as well as the use were the local to attend the Faculty Club Hold sportsmen Tremonton Monday Mrs Rena B Christmas and New Year’! Eve his son Richard 8 years of age to which they had put the bill Dr Basket Ball Rules meeting and take — Christmas Maycock of the U 8 A C and Miss Dewey sustained four broken ribs and the Party JustAt 24fourhourso’clock Saturday afternoon examination Izola Jensen home demonstrator were NORTH SIDE PEOPLE later the currency found and a broken pelvis bone He is non The faculty Club held their Christ- Its way back to Judge Woods as present in the L D S Hospital and Is expectASK ROAD IMPROVEMENT Miss Helen Harvey has returned mas party at the High School Saturday But the appendaged requested Mr and Mrs O A Seager were speced to recover his condition home although from a two weeks visit with evening A beautiful Christmas tree sheet now bore 182 names It had ial guests at the Elwood Reunion Tues considered Mrs fi lends in Salt Lake serious very hands exactly that many changed A large crowd of City and Santa Claus were there day representative Dewey and the other little boy were times In the period In other men were There N W Olsen was In Nephl Sunday to residing on the north string high not injured thirty persons present $182 in business in BelvedMERRY CHRISTMAS Games were played and luncheon serv- ere Gardens attend the funeral services of his way appeared before the board of The body of the little lad has been ed niece As for the Idea — Beverly Jean Davis who died county commissioners and shipped to Richfield where the family Monday Hosts and hostesses were Bp and "Well If ft single dollar In a period of spinal meningitis the board to grade petitioned and has resided the past five years Mrs W W Richards Mr and Mrs A of 24 hours can produce Mr and Mrs Warren that much — o Wright of improve the road north from Brigham J Taylor Mr and Mrs C H Last Miss business in this little community what Salt Lake City visited over the week to Beaver Dam YOUNG COUPLE WED would happen to these bad times If Those who were present at the meetend with their father K H Fridal Sr LEAVE FOR LOS ANGELES Margaret Woodsidc Miss Ruth John- ten million people put an extra dollar son Miss Edna Mrs were: Eurnham Oneta and Miss Mae Frldal George ing May Henry Yates into circulation say cnce a week”? An Mr and Mrs Nick Charnous went nebert Potter J A Bigler £ Emery Shurtz Mr and Mrs Hugh Davis Important announcement we Judge Woods put the question and t Salt Lake City Tuesday and will Job Adams Frank Germcr W J Baty failed to make in our lost issue the own answer Attends Funeral of Brother madeIt his remain for a few days visiting relatives Leonard E Pierce Frank Hunsaker marriage of one of our local town bo seems simple to me there Jus I wouldn't be any depression Mand Mrs Calvin Kay and Zeb B Parry M G Parry J P Barnard Charles J Munns son of Mrs Charles It would be whisked a ay in a week’s time were A Munns Dodd R W Baty Louis Germer and Mildred Wood the charmiWhite attending to business in L Mr F J Limb returned home today Jos A Erickson J E DeLong from Beaver City where he was called Goods would move from store shelves ng daughter pf Ellis Wood of Howell Brigham City Monday Labor would have a tremendously The need of this improv:ment is and recently a nurse at the Valley on account of the serious illness of chance Cephus Anderson was a business visto work I think we could reitor in Brigham City Wednesday apparent and during the winter and hospital The marriage took placo Dec his brother Frank Limb who died be- store good times If not general proso— early spring is an ideal time to do a lot 4th at Malad Mf and Mrs Munns fore he reached there and services perity in short order”— Burley Herald A fine baby girl was born to Mr and of this work before planting time accompanied by Mr Glenn Archibald Mr Limb was acwere held Tuesday o Paramount Theatre Mrs Marlon Summers at the Bear Riv-- J cemts next season Box Elder Jour- left the following day for Los Angeles Mr and Mrs companied by Lester Limb of Park David E Manning to spend the winter nal er hospital last Sunday motored to Salt Lake City Tuesday Wednesday and Thurjday City of r For Beet Crop - East Tremonfon Big Xmas Party For Hite Readiness For Meeting Ball 139 Accounts Paid $1 |