Show ( THE GARLAND TIMES GARLAND UTAH UTAH BRIEFS HISTORY'S HEADACHES IIeler— Water mains are being stalled at the new Peerless tow twite io Price canyon Needless pains like headaches are immediately relieved by Bayer Aspirin as millions of people know And no matter how suddenly a headache one can at may come all times be prepared Carry the pocket tin of Bayer Aspirin with you Keep the larger size at home Read the proven directions for pain headaches neuralgia etc Pleasant Grove— A gatherlhgj’Jf'10 thousand persons entered the annua bike to the peak of Mount Ximpuuog MYSTERIES a Riddles That Stil Praia Authorities Mara and Abroad U waived Who Killed James May brick? H yner la Frenchman’ Suit Prison sentences totaling 75 years have not made Alphonse Rruneau of JRouen France lose his good humor Bruncau who ls serving one of his many sentences has filed suit against the municipality of Kouen for 100 francs a day damages for two years of alleged false Imprisonment Bru neau does not contend that his other sentences are Illegal but lie does sist he was Imprisoned for two years for a crime he did not commit lie alleges he was falsely Imprisoned for the theft of 12 bicycles which he really did not steal If Bruneau wins Ills suit he will have 73000 francs to spend but no place to spend them because he Is still In prison FARM mil bbiefued After Taking Lydia E Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound on account of the fact that was the daughter of a banker ROUND WORMS IN I'roVo— The second term of the B In Aiobile Ala and because the death Lickdale Pa— “Before was maN EXPENSIVE PIGS U summer school has opened w Ith s of her husband was surrounded by ned my mother and sister and I did all circumstances the most mysterious large attendance the farming work and trial the subsequent Imprisonment All on residents a Nephi— farm of Cjj years In Mistaken by Some Growers for eleven years I age or over were entertained at - the of Airs Mary Chandler Alaybrlck for married a farmer the murder of her English husband for Thumps or Influenza Pioneer Duy ctdebratlon and now in addcaused a widespread sensation on both Logan— Jos Naylor 11 w killed ition to my houssides the Atlantic and threatened by a blast of 250 pounds Wliaf the hog raiser calls thumps of powder for a ofwhile to ework and the care lead to a diplomatic Hone Built for Beatles set off In a local rock quarry Is usually of mv children I or pneumonia Influenza Ilyrurn— Eight bands furnished the break between Iondon and Washingbeetles are to be enworms help him with tho Bound worms In pigs cost Airs Muybrick’s final release In ton outside music for the Pioneer Day celebration work on couraged to do all the damage they hog growers of ensiern Carolina more BK)5 was heralded as a final confesour farm After at1 Logan can In a house that Is to be built money than any other one thing sion of error on the part of British my lost child was Nephi— Tbig district will have to“somewhere in Buckinghamshire" "There Is only one way to handle PARKER’S horn law a woman I vindication and the to began of tal of These beetles whose kin devoured thousand laying this trouble" says W V Hays swine HAIR BALSAM suffer as who had been wrongfully many BaaomDaadraff Imprisoned bens this fall atom fa the old oak in Westminster hall are women do Finally our family doctor extension specialist at the North CaroIvparU Color uS for fifteen long years But even this Levan— Seven and one told me to scibe sole the of to miles movable while half lina BMtrtrtoCraraadFxM EJ “Use stale occupants try Lydia Hai Pinkham'a college only lue MS II at road work Is underway In Salt Creek did not clear up the mystery connecCham' entists from several research Institu- Vegetable Compound I did and now I houses and self feeders Ss i farrowing ted with the death of James and I know that good canyon tions and government FLORESTON Bake up all the litter bedding and centers will am a newis woman SHAMPOO ldal lor om a better than richea’’— Mu health I'rovo-A total eonnrtao with PmrMflr'alJair B1mib lUkwlha of 10 car loads of look on and Increase their knowledge other trash In the lots and burn It hair uf t and Hulff 60 mta by mularetdnur I SnzwAX R 1 Lickdale Pa! cherries were Alary Elizabeth Chandler who aa shipped out of Utah Turn the lot with a turn plow Sow of the pests that reuse such damage Cltds !“ Hiw ChwteJ Work Ptcbou N destined to play a leading role In this county this season This is a slight deto Britain's buildings — Montreul some soy beans for the sows and pigs crease over last year The fruit was tragedy of legal mistakes married to graze upon In (he fall and then James when Alaybrlck of Liverpool shipped from I’rovo and Sprlngvllle plant rye and crimson clover or vetch Sprlngvllle — Eleven car loads of she was eighteen years of age Durfor winter and spring grazing" Reciprocatioa frying chickens have been shipped out ing the second year of their marriage Mr flays says before the sow Is put James did not wish to go to Suna son was born to them and later a this of the city during Into farrowing present season day school one Sunday morning and quarters clean them Delta— A new creamery is to be daughter out well and scrub with s solution mother said: trig HANFORD’S For eight years the married life of at an eariy date made of one pound of lye to thirty constructed It Is Children's day “Why Janies the Alaybricks appeared to be as hapPanguitch — Charter night Myrrft Wash the of the and you must not miss going" gallons of boiling wnter cal Lions Club was a huge success py and pleasant as possible Then constipation—even sow’s sides and udder with warm “Oh!" said James “and will you born cases— almost like Not Good without Figures a with large number In attendance apparently any explanation Sweetens magic soapy water before putting her Into give me a present?” “I lout you two og(s yesterday whatever Maybrlck developed the temstirs liver aids Ogden— Fifteen ctjes along the Unthe clean quarters and then keep the “No do ask?" you Why Mrs Brown You only brought one igestion GUARANTILD ion Pacific system will send bands to per of a brute finally beating lifs wife “Well on Alother'g day we always pigs on clpun ground where they canDruggists baek" take part in a parade which will be and turning her out Into the 'street not sufTer from worms give you presents and I Just thought “Only one! Then I must have made Evidence produced at the trial howTo do this will aid the grower In the opening event of the system athyou might give us presents on Chila mistake tu counting tliein"— lus-tlletic meet In Ogden August 15 and ever showed that Alaybrlck had bedren’s day" said James raising the snme number of pigs from K (drier Zeltung come a confirmed and Cologne less brood sows This Is MI this was understood to account for Brigham City— Based on estimated more economical The Universal Lament and also prevents Doesn't Always Work his sudden alteration in habits and of shipments ull commodities hy rail runts It helps to give uniform “Going my way?" They were discussing diet mid ths for the third quarter of 1930 Utah disposition — — talk became facetious “Yeli" thrifty pigs coming along six weeks the brutality of her husFollowing earlier than where they are raised In along with Idaho Wyoming Colorado “Kin I ride with to home?" you “I've eaten beef all my life ml my and Nebraska reflect less effects of band Airs May brick sued for a diworm Infested Such dirty "How fur awa'y la your home?" quarter now I’m strong as an ox" said he vorce but on account of the children a system also works In well with the the depression caused hy stock mark“Eight blocks" “That’s funny” replied she "Iia et crash in the east than plates of the the couple were reconciled and lived “I’m parked farther than that"— Shay method of breeding and feeding fish oil my life and I cant eaten together quietly for a short time In t is the ideal su m mcrtlme thirteen other districts of the nationand helps the grower to have tils aniLouisville swim a stroke" the spring of 18S9 however laxative al shipping bourd Pleasant and convenient mals fat and ready for the high marwas taken died a short and — Gentle but thorough in Its action Castegate kets In April and September Dependents of the 172 time later from natural presumably Check summer upsets with Feen-Mr Bays says the cooperative car men killed in the Castlegate mine dicauses The dead man’s family howsaster In 1024 still have $46000 coming lot shipments of hogs are Increasing mint at home or away ever mnintalned that there hod been where these sanitation suggestions are to them out of the $105000 raised for foul play and Insisted upon having their care at the time by popular subfollowed In Craven county nearly the body exhumed as particularly all of the growers and shippers are scription according to a report submit they announced that they had discovted to Gov Geo Dern hy the Castlfollowing a rigid system of sanitation no less than ered seventy grains of both In the breeding egate relief fund committee lots and the fatarsenic concealed In the room which Farmington— A short cut road to the The results are seen In tening pens Airs Alaybrlck hud shared with her Weber canyon is to be built soon a better control of worms he deelures husband Logan — Over two thousand In spite of the fact that minute expersons attended the Farmers’ Encampment amination of the body disclosed the Obsolete Animals Are Ogden— A number of Filipinos who of a grain presence of only Named by Dr Mohler had been imported into North Ogden of arsenic and medical authorities fields and cannIn order to keep abreast of the for work in orchards stated that two grains was the smalling factories have departed as the times the live stock Industry must est dose which could possibly prove of the action taken by the civic fatal Airs Alaybrlck was arrested on adont 1070 models of doing business organizations of Ogden the charge of murder and the ensuDr J R Mohler of the United States I’rovo— The annual of Agriculture Department outing of the ing trial was one of the most sensastated reclub workers of Utah In the annals of the British tional will cently county le held August C at Maple Doll re- courts The attorney for the defense Doctor Molder described three types sort in Payson canyon A silver loving proved conclusively that Alaybrlck had of obsolete anlmnls as follows: FOR been In the habit of eating Those that fall to repay cost of cup will be awarded to the local club enough Baby ills and ailments seem rurtiw TrlUur ChrU your hand tall that presents the best stunt on the proarsenic to kill a dozen men and maintenance twice as serious at jrour furtunai luMru Ilona aim lllulrlM night A sudma romplBi WmiUrn paid ic ixmi 2 Scrub and grade sires gram and to the club with the greatest showed that he had continually bought den cry may mean colic Or a Co Boa ChMnlt Sparlall)r aka city Utah attendance from the farthest distance 3 Animals affected with communisudden attack of diarrhea — a conlarge quantities of this poison for his Pleasant Grove— Three cable diseases dition it is always personal use The prosecution counclubs important to have recently lieen organized here tered with the statement that this “There are" Doctor Mohler added check quickly How would you leged hnbit of the dead man was a “millions of these anlmnls" meet this emergency — tonight? Brigham City — Miss Florence AnMokoa - J skis tion always on hand beautiful also nmsnwna Prteell But don’t fabrication Invented for the sole purdrus won a beauty contest at Salt Have you a bottle of Castoria Some of the obsolete rwkMHtmanlrMiiovMfr-klUm4 practices on keep it just for emergencies let mr forty ymn tt and t iWttf Air being selected as “Miss Utah" la pose of explaining the arenlc found farms are the old hog lot n fuvor of ready? There is nothing that can huokl awt lew Aek ywirtiwl it be an everyday aid at write Its gentle In the house after Alayhrlck’s death a field of five hudred contestants take the place of this harmless the sanitation program the Incubator influence will ease and soothe the and exploded a bombshell in the but effective remedy for children tms replaced the hen ns well ns the Panguitch — The county commissioninfant who cannot sleep Its mild ers and illy council at a Joint sesrecommendation shape of evidence that Mrs Alaybrlck Slothing that acts quite the same affecting poultry will child an older regulation help had purchased or has quite the same which may be out of date from last sion authorized a fair flypaper containing arcomforting whose tongue is coated because of during Septemeffect on them Wall Worn ber Prizes w ill be given for live senic which she had soaked out statyear sluggish bowels All druggists For the protection of Teacher— What Is meant by “shining that she Intended to use this as a “In the swift moving era" the chief stock fruits grains wee have Castoria the genuine bears your egetables art complexion bleach one— for your own ing raiment?"' concluded “In which we live there Is and needle work The fair peace of mind Chas H Fletcher’s signature on grounds But as the concluding statement of Willie — A blue serge suit— Judge —keep this old reliable prepara- need to use the methods which enand race truck art to lie the wrapper and the counsel for the defense showed able us to meet the pnee set hy our placed la good condition repaired Mrs Alaybrlck had bee to s census fellow Industrialists According the first to made In Better healthier Ogden— An action Small Appetite Is Need for Long Trip being fjied j 1021 give the alnrm when her husband had Canada Imd 8788000 and more useful animal types are es- the federal court in Salt Lake Wife— Tin going to Wlflln — Don't you think that travby a hogive you a been taken and as her lawyer put Of these 2452000 weru of sential siery firm to test the mlldity of the It piece of my mind" Hector — “Just a el broadens one's mind? French extraction “If rfie had wished to set every new ordinance small helping — please' bouse to requliing Poof Yes You should take atrip darling"— one In the house and the doctors house salesmen to pay a Passing Show Feeding Veal Calves license of $15 around the world themselves on the scent of poison she could not have acted differently" Get Best Results quarterly Ogdeu— All American Air At the Fountain Tho Situation Derby flSir Fits James Stephen presiding For the first two weeks the calf iers are expected about “Got anything at the soda counter the 29th “Do you mind telling me what you delivered s long and rather 'udge should be fed three times dally Durto pep you up?” Nprlngvillo — Potato aed Is In for that car?" address to the Jury which crop paid rambling ing the first week If should receive good shape withjUtrfr yield "Ginger soda and snappy cheese” “Yes I haven’t" appeared at first to favor the deeight to ten pounds of milk a day and Tooele Ophlr canyon was predicted blocked fendant but which concluded with during the second week ten to twelve by a recent cloud hurst 90 what was practically a demand for pounds a day with the Fillmore Beginning Fifty her conviction and the Jury after bebred third week milk and grain supples were exhibited in mt horse hoW ing out only minutes rement or skim milk substitute und frora turned with a verdict of “guilty g — — grain supplement can gradually reSays The Georgia Medical Association afterwards Shortly charged" the place whole milk By the end of the Ogden— Monti forest has went mad and the Liverpool Judge TT7HEN a child comes down In much third or fourth week actherefore Improved by recent storms going to do about this danger? Tost In commenting upon the matter home with typhoid fever cording to the size and vigor of the Jour Be comfortable and safe Keep Nprhigillie— The primary said: “In fnnry one still hears the culf the whole milk can be omitted from which over 8000 orgnnlza- people die home e m"‘ your fanfare of distant !oiuSw°l the Spray Fit as trumpets the HllSVlle from the feed "I" The amount of skltu every year it is very possible that which is guaranteed (or money back) Daughter judges with quaint pngeuntry pass milk can gradually he Increased to the 11( the cause of thia disease is the to be apdown the hall and stm Hie mind's to flies mosquitoes n featur- sixteen or eighteen pounds dully ing'a l lg'"1 harmless parently common house fly moths roaches bedbugs and other homecoming ulobratlon eye sees the crimson clad figure of In The grain Is best fed diy beginning He buzzes in when the screen door is A the great mad Judge as he sat down household insects Yet its IH b with a handful after feeding the milk ta' new Tor ihree 7"""“" open lights for a moment on your try bis last case A trugedy When the culf Is one month old and Iv vapor is harmless to humans Began Alfalfa "grower room deed was dining table and may leave on played upon the bench no Flit kills quicker if you use the 0f Utah are being fed entirely on skim milk or less than In the dock” your food a dangerous disease germ fckliu in milk substitute clover hay and In the same time It takes a dose special inexpensive Fit Sprayer Inthe —for he carries 6 million Haring been sentenced to the galof soda to bring a tittle temporary grain the atnount'of grain can be germs on sist on Fit and don't accept a subaccording to lows Dr luiliUl Is Airs Alaybrlck remained In prishis hairy furry body What are the relief of gas and sour stomach At the end of two pound dally Get yours this very day! you stitute seven on weeks for and then after Phillips Milk of Magnesia has acidmonths It can be one pound and at haring been warned that her execuity completely checked and the dithe end of three months two pounds tion would fake place within a few gestive organs all tranqulllzed No further Increase Is necesdally Once you have tried this form of had swvntx-fudays was suddenly reprieved and her sary until the culf Is six months old relief you will cease to worry about stand dostroved sentence commuted to life Imprisongood groin mixture consists of 100 your diet and experience ment During the years that followed a new 100 pounds of pounds of corn meal freedom In eating an almost constant stream of ground oats UK) pounds of wheat bran This pleasant preparation Is Just messages about the American f0 of linseed ollmeul pounds and eight good for children too Use It woman passed between London and pounds of blood flour '"m‘d o whenever routed tongue or fetid Washington but It was not until fifbreath signals need of a sweetener? teen year after she had entered priswill toll you that every Physicians New Trementon on that Airs Alaybrlck was released Disease Twelie spoonful of Phillips Milk of Maghave CLEANSING on a “ticket to leave"— with the myspurchased for the boys' pig dub work nesia neutralises many times Its Anaplasmosis Is the technical name of what had realty caused the In SOOTHING volume in acid tery fiet the genuine county applied to a cattle disease which has the name death of her husband stUI unsolved Is Important American Fork— Alpine Phillips ANTISEPTIC In s recently made Its appearance Scenic high th Imitations WhreW t© do not act the 'same! br Svndlrsta) way in American Foik canyon U to Missouri Oklahoma and the be graded ' Southwest Jast Befora tha Battla The affected nnlnuils beAla nti— Prices come anemic and run high of wool have declln-eWife— Poor Eve one half in the last hut usually have a normal appeHubby— Why do yon pity her? months thirty according to wool producers tite The milk flow begins to drop and Wife— When she got angry at Adam Inter the animal loses Its appetite ' r“nKulch— The towns of Southern she couldn't threaten to go home to Utah are to make an united effort to mother There Is usually no Increuse In the flow of sails a and tears promote tourist travel About 30 Hubby —And lutky Adam Alidvale— About five Wife — Why lucky? per cent of the eases terminate fatally hnndred car W N 0 Salt Laks City No 3M930 loads of Irults and and death usually comes In week didn’t have any I r Hubby--Il- e 1 C wynilln Pry-vegetables reached UmUrnm Umm bait Laks in tbs past thirty to come and visit 'em days os ¥(h bAer OTII she I R - Balsam of (Constipation At home f or away When are upset CONSTIPATION 32EM to OF TYPHOID in Rural Districts Is Carried by Flies” thruh rStZtK byta0nw" '' A Sour Stomach Sudr!°7 '7' nre Errs " The World’s Largest Selling Insect Killcf Cattle Acknowledged as a protection against Skin PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia Troubles |