Show - 7 I 'r - A BOOST VALLEY BUT FOR BEAR IS A BOOST YOURSELF SEND No VOL 2 TBS NEWS TO US 18 GARLAND Pertinent Paragraphs By V IN THE FATER ADVERTISE THE INTO GOES THAT HOMES OF THE I’EOPLE TIMES" ' THE GARLAND RIVER VOR V Win BIG JOBS BEGIN Changing conditions are demand to reing new laws new institutions place the old and outgrown ones that our inspired forefathers left us — We need Intelligenmen to build as wisely world as our country’s for the old t- and for Inspired our new built founders we answer It? not a simple thing No one can choose a place in the affairs of men and then merely step up and take it There is no charted path to any giver work No school graduates men into prominent places True worth is not always rewarded W'ith the greatest opportunity We are not all equal to the tasks we would like to do Erect Manufacturing Plant Here ' Assurance Of Cheese Factory For Garland Given by H -- S Brown General Manager Of Company —- Lions Roar Approval GROWERS OF UTAH TO (Deseret James Supan news items: Mr Smith two hundred I t 4 reports has the following just purchased dollars worth of about library use They will be distributed to the various English teachers to put In their library where the students will get access to them Last Tuesday the Freshmen class had quite a time getting their class but when they did meeting started get started they had a good meeting The program consisted of: a reading Dorothy Anderson a reading by Rhea Johnson A song by Thora Dur- - Committee Regar Further Construction Groups Join To Promote Community Xmas Party A community Christmas party featuring a program of dancing singing and reading with a real live Santa In attendance is being sponsored by the Garland M I A and the Ladies Self Culture Club The party will begin at 7 o'clock sharp Friday December 20th at the old Ward Amusement HalL No admission is being charged and all are assured an enjoyable time Sumptuous Banquet Served Testimonial Honors Local Future Fanners - The Bear River chapter of the Future Farmers of America the new agricultural organization at the local high school held their first annual banquet at the BjR It 6 Wednesday commelnbrate tW DMemlr"T8r"to completion of the 1929 agricultural of the members projects Regular members freshmen teachers business men and farmers to the number of 122 were present to enjoy the feasting speaking and music Milton Anderson president of the chapter was toast master for the casion Responses were made by C Ford E Smith Principal Richards James Walton J J Hyrum Marble Shumway County Agent Robert H Stewart and State Superintendent of Education L R HumAgricultural phries Songs and cheers were led by Bob Kirkham First second and third prizes for (Continued on Page 8 ) Beaver A most successful social was held Wednesday evening December llth at the DeavVer Dam Amusement' hall honoring Bishop R A Johnson and £otln splendid program in the ward chapel H O Durfey acted as chairman “Painting: the Clouds with Sunshine” sung: by Monroe Horsley Delbert Kidman and Seymour Johnson Bp Robert Potter gave the opening address of welcome praising the former was New Company Occupies Garland Bank Building MERRY MAKERS ORCHESTRA pic A three day training school for Scout officers and committee men Is In session this week at the High School A large number of local scout workers are taking advantage of this opportunity to obtain the latest developments In scouting practice Officials from the Ogden Gateway council have charge of the activities and instruc- tion Makes Christophersor (Ctffrfrf f KOI Mr L C Chrlstopherson local agent of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Is being congratulated sy his many friends on his recent He qualified under late of December 1 for the Club In production to his locality and stands among the leaders in the In record Manager Dgden District Tows together with superintendent on Vlmy heartily congratulate him his splendid work and service he is C£jrenderlng his community His qualification wins for him a beautifully engraved gold medal and personal enwith the emblem graved stationery disprinted on same trict are requested to send their weigh Mr Chrlstopherson Is very pleased bills to the president Riverside of the and wishes to thank everyone of his Farm bureau local as soon as possible in this district for their RIVERSIDE FARM BUREAU kind cooperation Offices of the Bear River Investment Company are now open in the old Sughroe Garland Bank Building All the orig- inal furniture and fixtures are back to their old places ready for the use of SANIES- - EVER tt)EVIVEO! the new proprietors Offices of the STALL OUE AMD SET UtO Box Elder County Warehouse Associa- kc 'HE wukV 1 tion and of John J Shumway will also be housed in the building John J Shumway secretary of both companies will have charge of the offices and will be prepared to transact business there from now on i f ! High School Students Pea growers of the Riverside iwverside Present Cantata The C - DECORATED — Presented with the proposition of 8 Brown of San Francisco manager of thet Cheese company at their regular evening the Garmeeting Wednesday land Lions roared In unanimous approval Every member pledged his loyal support to the nrove calculated to increase the rural and urban payrolls of the valley and bring a more healthy milk marketing cbndltlon the community is much In need of The of advantages of the establishment the proposed Industry here were set forth in a pointed speech by J Y comRich veteran stock man and munity booster Enthusiasm and good feeling characterized the spirit of the whole meeting An excellent Christmas address by C‘ E Smith outlining the origin 'of ' era Christmas in the when it was a pagan celebration Leo ’Walker who the represented Garland Lions at the Mt Pleasant charter flight ceremonies made a reof his a visit reporting very port pleasant trip An' organization of 20 members was formed and given the charter of the national organization Fresh strawberries were served at' the luncheon according to Mr Walker1 Petterson reported the latest developmeiits’ln thef Wdrehdllse situation declaring that six hundred thousand bushels are now signed up and that two additional units each larger than the one now built will be put under construction about May 1st 1930 Leading Record This Week ANNUAL Dam Bishop bishop for his excellent service during his twenty-tw- o of service as years bishop of the Beaver Dam ward and with fitting words of love and esteem piesented him with a beautiful ring First Councelor Thomas Y Simmons gave an interesting talk and presented former Councelor Frank Durfey the with a gold ring Special guests pres- on Page 8) (Continued King of Kings by Fred Holtona delightful Christmas cantata was sung byy a chorus of seventy student voiceWjpder the direction of George O Nye as a special feature of the assembly- of the Bear River High School today Some excellent An exceptionally fine review of voices in the solo parts appeared in our national capital and The quartette number was' rendered doings elsewhere thruout the world is preHeusser by Miss Louise Jdlss Lulu of the issue TIMES sented this in Miller Warren Conger and Dean W Pickard the well Hales by Edward Soloists were Miss Adena known Journalist The World Court Adeena Wood Louise Heusser and ' “"a ulu Eart a can such way that you up in easily Requests to have the cantata sung understand them as part of their Christmas festivities This paper is full of valuable Inhave come from several wards of the formation Read every' column of county and If the group can be as your TIMES sembled it Is the dqsLre of conductor Nye to again present It a phy a song by Francis Bourne number by On November ISth the o special Whistling and a speech by Dallas Sugar Company sent Out checks to White beet growers mounting to over four miillondollars Everybody enjoyed the program December 27th ding Mr H general News) T The Observer wishes to announce this column will not appear for two weeks as the Bear River High School closes Friday the 20th and will remain closed until January 2nd The Observer extends to all readers of the Times the season’s greetings Hear Report of Warehouse ize Observer that Of Cheese Factory A URGED SELL IN WEST Bear The Wednesday assembly program was furnished by the Tremonton Pep Club Thursday a special assembly was held so the students could hear a Christmas cantata under the direction of Mr Nye r (Salt Lake Telegram) of a statewide coThe organization operative for the handling of the wheat grown in Utah and a closer contact with the California market would do much towards solving the farm problem in this state James R Howard special representative of the said Saturday federal farm board He is en route to Wyoming after viswheat districts of Idaho the iting be afforded wUl Every assistance the farmers by the board in forming but it is the desuch an organization sire of the government to have the taake the Initiative in the producers matter Mr Howardstated The that has been cooperative formed by the farmers of Box Elder county is one of the best in the country and its policies could be folof a lowed out in the organization state organization he said Utah wheat growers should organa statewide cooperative and deal their natural through California Declared James R Howard market special representative for the Federal Farm board who stopped off In Salt from Lake Saturday while enroute Thus will come growth and opporAnd with Idaho cities to Lusk Wyoming tunity to do bigger things “The federal farm board will get bea fair amount of good fortune we hind such an organization and will may find ourselves at the great task fa forming we would rather do thin anything assist Utah wheat growers it but it is my opinion that the local else' farmers are resourceful enough to do Mr Howard declared it themselves The visitor reported the warehousing River The and cooperative of the farmers of Box Elder county are among the best in the country They report 131 mem- High bers a ho have contracted for ten that they will years and estimate bushels yearly million handle over of Wednesday- - tthe fourth number A state wide organization of this kind school the searchlightpaper appear- would be the solution of Utah’s farm the ed containing winning prize added he which problem poems and Christmas stories were the result of three weeks of spirChristmas Dividend ited contesting among all of the EnThe studglish classes of the school For Bank Depositors ents were placed in two groups Group one was made up of Juniors A 20 Ci dividend that will constitute and Seniors while group two comgift to residents prised members of the freshman and a welcome Christmas The winners in in the valley is being mailed out to deSophomore classes group one were Poem "The Story of positors of the former Garland bank from of office state bank comthe the Old” by Ruth Peterson a Junior The dividend which totals Before missioner “'Twas The Night story Christmas” by Helen Harvey a Jun $27000 will be more welcome than usual this season of the year ior Group two winners were Poem "There's Still a Little Fun” by Lavon Spencer a Freshman The judges were careful to announce that their task was a difficult one because of the abundancy of good material This is further testified by the large number of stories and poems awarded honorable mention $200 THE YEAR 1929 Coming as they do almost epneurrent with the announcement that grain warehouse facilities here are to be increased to approximately 900000 bushels for next year the following clippings should be of especial Interest to people in this district and the entire state as well our world must be the Consequently world that is at our door We must be near sighted enough to realize its - needs and energetically apply ourselves to them Then we must be far sighted enough to discover Just how our little world fits Into the one that is around us and as we do that we will find ourselves growing gradually into greater and greater ability and opportunity to be to do other things that need WHEAT done We now have something to do It matters not whether we be farmers merchants or tradesmen Business and social needs attract our attention We can apply ourselves to what we see to do AND WE CAN VISION THE GREATER FIELD GROWINO OUT OF IT 19 Kraft Cheese Interests Political and social service call for very best that our land can product The call is to you to me to all UTAH GRAIN BODY WOULD AID FARMERS who can appreciate the need EXPERT DECLARES Is THURSDAY DECEMBER Bring Publicity To Box Elder County the How can UTAH Garland Warehouses John WHERE It r — Lineman Sunday school at ten A E Ault Superintendent Church Junior service at eleven A story about Christmas by o'clock the pastor 8pecial music by Junior Choir Epworth League 7 P M Wil- ham Jenkins Leader Christmas gram by tilt Sunday school" at o'clock — Christmas' tree MONDAY ard party beginning at seven o'clock in the everung Following the program Dr Hancher Superintendent of the Mission who will be present will con- duct the first quarterly conference A cordial invitation is extended 'end all of our services oa all The Season's greetings to all ALVIN R DICKSON Paster — 1$ Injured SUNDAY— M Mrs BY C Perkins telephone lineman’ of Collinston sustained badly burned hands and fingers in an accident which occurred while he was working on the todedendent telephone line Thursday Static electricity from the vhlch runs high tension power above tthe telephone wires was remisfortune for the Mr sponsible theZtoshal!16d fall to tthe groundol Perkins rendered unconscious by the shock was saved from what would perhaps have been a fatal fall to the ground by his belt which held him to j J iently to his CLIO CIRCLE CLUB REFRESHMENTS — Further Impetus for County Prosperity Seen in New Industry A new market for dairy products In Bear River valley that will bring to thousands of dollars every month producers throughout Box Elder county will be assured with the erection of the plant of the final arrangeCheese Company ments for which have been completed busibetween representative Garland ness men and officers of the cheese Mr Brown' of San Franccompany comof the isco general manager pany which has plants in ail parts of the United States was here Tuesday and left the assurance that work toward the building of a plant would proceed soon after holidays and would this winter be rushed to completion He declared himself as being partic- ularly pleased with the dairy prospects In this county The company accordr no ing to his statements asks for guarantee of milk from the producers either now or later but will enter In- -' to the market on an entirely competitive basis with other buying concerns It will make a determined effort stimulate the growth of the dairy In- dustry in the county in order to ere- ate a sufficiently greater supply c milk to meet the needs of its factory Those acquainted with the situation declare that a cheese factory will fit admirably into the economy of the valley In addition to tfae ' Increased supply of money it will brln it will relieve many farmers of the necessity of separating to secure a supply erf pro- tetri feed for their hogs and thickens Since the wjiry jviir go far toward this need XL enUmice' or other powerful Buying concern in' thsT to also help should local field maintain milk prices at a level equal to prices in other sections In the state The present developments come as a culmination of plans that hive been Mr taking shipe for some time past J Y Rlc$ cannot be given too much credit for the turn affairs have taken The project has thd hearty support of every member of the Lions’ Club which Is taking an active part in furthering this move toward community betterment and also of County Agent Robert H Stewart It is also anticipated that the farm bureau will endeavor to give the work the hearty support With this united that it deserves backing a cheese factory in Garland that will serve the entire county should be an assured reality' and success" A meeting of farmers and business men to talk over the details of the company's plans has been called for A Saturday at 2 p m at Garland of the cheese company representative will be present to discuss the matter for the benefit of all who are interest- the ed After his visit fiere Mr Brown Avas accompanied by Mr and Mr! CL G Sweeten to Ogden where he took the train for the coast Tremonton Young Man Dies Of Pneumonia a i Joseph' Vayne Forsbucg age 18 son of Tremonton of Mrs jack Winn died Tuesday December 17th of pneu- monla He Is survived by his mother and four sisters Funfour brothers eral services for the young man will be held Friday at 3 p m in the Tremonton ward chapel J P healed to work Dance At Fielding BALL GIVEN GOOD FLOOR Collinston Telephone Methodist Church Notes allow him to go POPULAR' PRICES: Stake Choir To Sing V Cantata Sunday Eve The Stake Choir under the direction of George O Nye 'will qtog the Christmas cantata "Peace On Earth” Sunday evening at 8 p m in' the Stake Tabernacle at Garland Mrs Pearl Peck will render the pipe organ accomAll who enjoy music pro paniment invited by the officers of’ the cordially choir to be present at this Christmas music festival Sacrament meeting will close early to allow ail to attend December 27th ‘ OF back FIELDING GENTS 50c - — rLADIES 25c ' |