Show J r A BOOST VALLEY FOR BEAR IS A BOOST YOURSELF BUT SEND THE RIVER FOR NEWS GT73 ADVERTISE IN TIIE PATER THE INTO GOES THAT nOMES OF THE PEOPLE “THE TO US $ VOL 2 No 18 c Pertinent By V GARLAND Mutual Program For Paragraphs Wm‘ Johns Conjoint Session UTAH THURSDAY NOVEMBER 29' 1929 What promises to be an entertaining and instructive program has again been arranged by the ward mutuals for their conjoint session Sunday ev- in Since the discovery of America 1492 It is estimated that only one billion three and one hall million ounces of gold have been produced In all the ening amount more world Of this than The meeting will begin with conMr Fred Nye gregational singing half has been produced since 1900 Mrs Myrtle Holmgren and Mrs Harold If all this gold were cast into one cube Persson will render a vocal trio number of which the conin the 'chorus it would measure only and Mark one half feet each way Its value gregation will be asked to join Nichols and company whose quartette roughly is twenty dollars an ounce numbers have pleased many audiences wUl be this Mrs heard again Less than half of all this gold 467 season million ounces is in the form of Griffin will present a reading An excellent speaker has been seThe remainder is used in the money cured in the person of Mr John Bennumerous forms of what we call JewelFolson of the high school faculty ry as well as in thousands of industrial lowing his address there there will be appliances a chorus by the Gleaner Girls and the Because it is neither too scarce nor repeating of the mutual slogan The too plentiful it is the final standard of meeting will begin at the usual hour world value throughout the civilized All other moneys including silver are Ladies Self Culture Club worth only the gold they will purchase m international trade Will Li- Present Revue It is also the ultimate mammon the root of all evil since all good is done for love and all bad for what there is Preparations are going forward for in it— if you believe it one of the most stupendous entertainments ever staged in this city On the other hand Mr Turner of Such notorious characters as ZaZa the U S bureau of mines says that"as the one origional wild woman Mile a basis of exchange facilitating” the and Spinel le Sicilian snake charmer of commerce among the Fatima the oriental dancing wonder development peoples of the earth its value to civilwill be in attendance to do their stuff ization exceeds all reckoning” Besides the special cast of characters n varieties there will also be of sweethearts wives in Harems playkiddles Circus attendants ground clowns and special choruses You will see sights that will make your 'dyes pop your teeth chatter your hair stand on end and chills and fever run up and down your spinal column 11 Remember the date —December which was Vaudeville The Agenda presented last Friday was acclaimed on 1929 at 8:20 o'clock in the Social Hall Utah Prices adults 75c all sides to be the most successful tills Garland ambitious club has yet attempted children 25c EVERYBODY COME This means that not only from a financial point of view but from the artistic and entertainment points of Criminal Matters view this effort has not been surpassed There was not a single offering on the Daring Past Week i which was not a serious contender -' till ior first honor or honorable mention The club members and sponsors and Lewia Jones reAttorney County sll who assisted are being Justly business ports the following county on the show transacted through his office during the past week: Friday December 13 Is being heraldIn Grouse held An inquest was ed already as another big show night Creek Precinct over the remains of The details have not yet been divulged Martin Goddard whose home it is is tut a superior entertainment guar- understood is in Idaho His body was Free trasportation from all out found some distance from the road and anteed King towns has already been arranged after viewing the remains and taking vid a clever advertising campaign the testimony of witnesses the coron- launched to spread the good word er’s jury brought in a verdict to the ef- to his feet that the deceased came sessions were held death from heart failure recommendPeppy separate JusTuesday by all classes of the school ing that no warrant be Issued of was tice of the Peace Philip Paskett Tne Freshmen class meeting leported by James Supan as follows: Grouse Creek presided at the hearing Henry Abbott spent three days in the County Jail after being apprehendThe Freshmen class meeting Tuesday We had a regular pro ed by Deputy Sheriff Charles Cheal on was pretty good tTam Rhea Johnson read a paper a fraudulent check charge He finally secured bail yesterday and his hearing a Janice the about Earl gave Annual comic reading which was good Zelda is set for Saturday He is alleged to Mess gave a reading also The Gun- have issued fraudulent checks to sevand eral merchants In Brigham City nell twins gave a comic dialogue Bertha Robbins sang a song for uss A demurer was filed to the action the State Security Bank Theral Bishop talked about Annual brought by Co and First We sang a school songwand were dis- Tremonton Banking National Bank of Brigham City to remissed strain the County Treasurer from collecting their taxes this year It being Excitement was in the air Wednesday set out in the demurrer that national as it was the eve of Thanksgiving and state banks’ were improperly enA special program appropriate V to the occasln was presented in one action and that the by the joined banks must first pay their taxes under Speech Department of the school protest just the same as any other citWith the close of the football season izen and then bring suit to recover the amount of the tax It is understood of B R H S comes the beginning basket ball that the County Treasurer will proof the long and interesting season The class series was run last ceed to sell the banks’ property for of taxes unless a reweek and was won by the Seniors of straining order Is obtained from the Coach Walker had an abundance rteller material on hand from which court before November 30 us in to choose a quint to represent The Bear River High Observer 111!!! in J 1 f V competition was further celebrated Wednesday Music was furnby the Ag Club Hop ished by the Bluebird Orchestra from A turkey and a box of chocLogan olates were given as prizes — LIBERTY— THEATRErGARLAND I f 4 PROGRAM F- - — FOR WEEK Holiday Sunday - Monday— Sailor's "Are also Pa the all talking comedy Scotchmen Tight?” - CJesday - Wednesday— Light Fingers a mystery picture with lots of action Columbia all talkie “Cocoa Nuts’" a Paramount all talkjpg Comedy with a laugh from start to finish also two reel comedy “Stage 8truck Susie” and episode No 2 “Queen of the North mounted Wood? yfcoyal The Christmas Seal $200 THE YEAR Presidents Welling And Capener The TOWN DOCTOR SAYS 1 GOLD TIMES’' GARLAND MOST PEOFLE ARE Are Honored At Testimonal LIKE DUCKS who does not Socially’ the fellow hold up hi end Is a poor sport a short horse a and a moocher Worker You say “He has fish hooks in his To pockets” which is anything but complimentary and something that you would not want said about you In detest such people you fact did it ' Retiring Presidents Milton H WelThere really isn’t a great difference to make money You You want A R Capener of the Bear wouldn’t be doing what you are doing between things social and things civic ling and River Stake were handsomely feted by if you didn’t Believe it or not the except that there are more short horses of present and assemblage fact remains you cannot make money entered In the latter event Many of a large stake and ward officers and unless your neighbor does Therefore you who 4re good sports socially are former at the stake tabernacle what you do to help him helps you moochers civlcally— not always Inten- their partners Monday evening and were presented and what he does to help you helps tionally so but so nevertheless Most of you are like ducks Ducks fitting tokens of the esteem in which him are held President Welling reYour neighbor Isn’t Just the man are used to water— In fact can't live they next door but the man next door to without it While they have It they ceiving a diamond pin and President don't worry because of the lack of it Capener a gold watch him and the man next door to everyof the comIn other words but if their pona dries up they quack C J Dewey chairman body else In Garland mittee in charge of party arrangewho the their heads off are people your neighbors ments was master of ceremonies The make up your community Others are working to keep water In evenings entertainment which began If your neighbors didn’t do for you your pondr-- to Insure continual exi- with a pipe organ rendition by Mr stence can’t You in and be? where would growth prosperity your Eugene Halliday you orspecial visiting do a thing by yourself You can’t eat town that you and your neighbors may for the occasion and came to live work play and make money Re- ganist sleep work or play without others enan end after the large body of tering into it in some way Sounds cognize it appreciate it If in the past workers had enjoyed a social rediculous doesn't it— but try getting you have unwittingly been a civic hour over their punch wafers and dethere is no time like the licious home made candles was one of along by yourself and see how far you tlght-wa- d present to come out of it get long to be remembered harmony and happiness The gathering was a fit1929 A D Stone Reproduction prohibited in whole or In part Copyrighted tribute to the men who have so ting Is published by The This Town Doctor Article one of series of rendered distinguished serunselfishly Garland Times In cooperation with the Garland Lions Club vice of the quality that has characterized the w'ork of these men The was offered by Patriarch J P Christensen The male quartet composed of Nichols Castleton Arbon and men You read about There Is no such' thing No man ever made himself Other people did it man was The just smart enough to know that every time he did something for others others would do more for him— and he Present Symbols Of Their Regard Retiring Presidents Appreciative Farmers Pass Resoluliohs Endorsing Commissioners Tax Stand Last was received well in two numbers They were accompanied on the pipe organ by Ralph Kirkham Miss Rhea Winters read "The Passing of the Swan” and as an encore number "Renting Him Out” Public gratitude and public esteem are the only rewards of those who devote their energy and tallent to the furthering distinctly public Interests of this nature That President Welling and President Capener have won both of these was evident The diamond pin and the gold watch which were to Presidents Welling and presented were tokens of respectively Capener the places they hold in the hearts of both workers and lay members in the of preBear River Stake Speeches sentation were made by P C Petterson A vocal duet “Goodand O D Luke was Mrs rendered Sweet by Day” bye O A Seager and Mrs O L Brough on the pipe organ by Mr accompanied Andreason Norman Refreshments consisting of an abundance of punch were home made candy and wafers served stand K H America’s Winter For Refusing To Pay Tax' And For Not Cooperating With Farmer To Secure Tax by Note Valley Progress a That recent progress In dairying and Death Valley the remarkable level winter playground of America poultry raising is attracting attention has just opened for its fourth season was evidenced by the visit of another of Cache fanners as a winter resort following the close delegation Valley of most of the national parks for the last Tuesday They were accompanied The farmers are not the only ones ing houses were present winter season The’ fact that it can by Mr E R Aulton manager Mr E who are unable to cooperate for the only be visited in 'Comfort during Che E Clark field manager and Mr Gus Resolution Fused public good became evident ai discuswinter months is just one more of the Richardson of the Globe Milling ComFollowing the discussion of the probsion of taxing difficulties progressed features of the place pany They were favorably impressed paradoxical the resolution a commending at the mass meeting called by the lem Many of the unique characteristics by recent developments and predicted for refusing to Farm Bureau last Saturday night County Commissioners as well as beauty of a bright future for the Bear Rlv?r the authority to remit 65 peassume banks taxed are Regularly organized Death Valley are described in detail in Valley out of proportion to competing con- rcent of the assessed taxes of the banks a new While In Garland they visited with booklet Just Issued by cerns doing a banking business but passed In the booklet the O G Sweeten local representative for the Union Pacific Banks are within their legal rights outstanding features of the Valley such the Globe A- Feeds complimenting have no moral right to throw an additional burden upon other tangable propin standing for a reduced tax schedule as "The Devil's Golf Course” which is him upon the market he has built up erty was the concensus of opinion ex- and will have little difficulty In secur- the lowest land in the western hemis- here for these feeds pressed at the meeting ing it it was decided The injustice phere the old ghost city of Rhyolite was arises from the fact that home owners County Attorney Lewis Jones which was once a roaring gold camp Weds present to present the legal aspects of farmers and other holders of real ethe borax mines the sand dunes and Tremonton Young Lady state will have to assume the additional the case Ephriam Bergeson president Furnace Creek Inn Death Valley’s of the Utah State Farm Bureau whose burden unless moves now being made modern hotel November 27 Miss Vera are all described in Wednesday of an at Salt Lake City to secure a more “travelogue” long activities in the interests was married McDowall of Tremonton style In the booklet’s disimproved taxing plan for the state Just taxing method are successful cussion of the railroad's system of to Mr Reynold Green of McCammon have made him a recognized authority Even then many departments of the escorted tours These tours last four Idaho The Nuptials were performed the tax situation was also local government units will have to days and each of Death Valley’s' feat- at Tremonton by the Reverand Dickregarding in attendance and took an active part have their budgets reduced Since ures are described as a portion of one son The young people will make their ' in the proceedings A large group of there are only three banks in Box of each days’ travels The booklet has home in Salt Lake City where Mr farmers and other property owners as Elder County the amount lost will not a highly colored cover In the moder- Green is employed by the Filer Seed well as representatives of local bank be large nistic motif and Is Issued by the Union Company Pacific Railroad Company The Times Joins the many friends of the young couple to wish them a Mrs F A Drlggs entertained Tueshappy and prosperous Journey through Tum Do Good Scouts Entertains Faculty day evening at a birthday party in life h honor of her son Jack and Junior whose birthdays fall on the same A Hobo party was given last ThursNovember 28 the scouts The faculty of the Bear River High Thursday School entertained at a delightful under the leadership of Charles Last day Games were played and a delic- day night by Miss Ruby Anderson in honor of Miss Mcdowall went over to Simion Albers's and chop- ious luncheon was served Seventeen dinner party Saturday evening Novemcandles topped the birthday cake ber 23 at the High School It was ped his winter wood shower Friday night a miscellaneous The scouts wrere: Carl Bishop Ralph five of which represented Junior's age given in honor of Mr and Mrs Howard was given by Mrs George Raeuber and B Gunderson and Mr and Mrs Don- Kirkham James Austin Theo Limb and twelve Jack’s age Mrs Henry Foxly at the home of Mrs ald D Davis The table was decorated Gale Smith Wayne Rogers Wayne Mr and Mrs L R Walker and child- Raeuber in honor of Miss Vera with a Wedding cake and brides and Capener Jed Hall Glen Rhodes Miss McDowall was the reby Miss Bernice GleaTed ren accompanied grooms reminiscent of the weddings Wendell Lewis Dale Hardman that occured during the summer va- Burton Kenneth Boss Dean Andrus son went to Pleasant Grove Wednes- cipient of many beautiful as well as day useful gifts day night to spend Thanksgiving A glass luncheon cation set was pre- Dean Archibald and Max Chambers The amount chopped was twenty-fo- and also to attend the football game sented to each couple by the faculty School McDowall’s in Salt Lake on Thanksgiving Miss day Sunday trees or a little over two cords Progressive Whoppee was played durClass entertained at the home of RevWe think this will be a good Thanks ing the evening Mr and Mrs John do think of the Christmas erand and Mrs Dickson In honor of J Shumway and Mr and Mrs J D giving— Dale Hardman and Dean Arch- What Seal?you Miss McDowall Saturday night Gundersen were special guests of the ibald “What do you think?” said I faculty at the party “It maketh the Christmas spirit real: Mrs A E Collins of Wendell Idaho Mr and Mrs J David Stevenson than buy you gifts 'Tis greater visited the fore part of the week with Mr and Mrs Charles Shumway of and children of Layton were guests at For it proveth better than Jewels can of TreClarkston parents of Mr John J the home of Postmaster and Mrs Ezra That your heart hath room for your Mr and Mis J W McDowall monton and Mrs Bryan of Garland and Sunday Shumway day Jensen last Saturday spent Thanksgiving Mr Hale McDowall has been confinvisiting at the home of Mr and Mrs They were accompanied on their return home by Mrs A Vanfleet of “Who glveth a gift to his friend has ed to his bed for the past week sufferJohn J Shumway ing from a bad cold done Farmington who has been visiting Mr Kenneth Shaw who has been ill Mr and Mrs W R Vanfleet went for a short time with her daughter No more than a gracious deed to Salt Lake to spend Thanksgiving Mrs Jensen Mrs Stevenson Is a sister But the seal proclaimoth the man as for the past week is better and is now able to be about again of Mrs Jensen day with relatives in that city ir Green and wife of Tremonton went to Salt Lake Wednesday night to For Cod who mrkoth the sparrow’s Equality' Injustice Admitted Glveth This Coupon Ticket Good for One Admission THE to LIBERTY THEATRE GARLAND When Accompanied by One Paid Adult Ticket (Good on Wednesday Nights Only) fall not to and all Ills - Annual Future Fanners Ball - B R H S Gym friends but to spend Thanksgiving HOSPITAL shown" Bdgar X Guett day ' NEWS The following had their tonsils removed at the Garland hospital SatMrs Dewey Lamb of Plymouth urday: Doris and Delos Gibbs of Portage and Ethel May Manning of Garland A fine baby girl was bom to Mrs Wallace Hess of Fielding at the Garland hospital last Thursday Mrs Couch underwent an operation at the Garland hospital Wednesday December 6 1929 - Elaborate Decorations r FREE REFRESHMENTS - L one “So I look at the Christmas Seal and say This friend who remembereth me Hath also thought of the sick today Wherever they chance to be And he glveth not only to cheer hla own But to all who hath need is his mercy Copyright 1 it Serial A the Farmers And Millers Playground Opened Bankers Censored two large tables near was pronounced Benediction at Fridal Sr ' ) t ! |