Show THE OAKLAND THE THE A Romance of the Great Lakes By KARL W DETZER STORY hi From mother Norman In Erickson herlte diritaet tor life on in water which beyond the understanding of hla father Ouaryf Veteran At aallnr Mr t£rlrkon' death (liistat deto make termine Norman who has been working for grocer hi partner In hi fishing boat at In rebellious once mood Norman recks comfort from Julie Rlchaud French Canadian playmate of his school diis Kd Baker Norfisherman vojng man enemy fans III feeling between father and aon and Norman enters the lighthouse seryice at Blind Man's Eye Cuptain Stocking is In command living with hla daughter Susan From the lighthouse Norman sees a boat on the reefs Making his wav Uirough (hesurt to the wreck he is struik by the body of a dead dog Gusiat Erickson had been fond of telling a ghastly story of a sea dia- Bter in which a dead dog ured- tnd Norma it' as a child had listened to It In terror The dog eecalls the story' and unnerve! him tie abandons hla Idea of rescue Captain Stocking sets out In a boat for the wreck to the coast wending Norman guard station for help Captain Parish of the guard launches a boat Norman to go ordering with the crew He la unable to get aboard Stocking brings a man ashore from the wreck Captain Pariah accuses Norman of cowardice James Delong the a ''gentleman man rescued farmer" Norman detect Baker a packet In the act of burying He which Belong had dropped dig It up and keeps - It Norman give theha package- "to Belongto dammed a river Delong make a lake on hi farm and the neighbor are fearful of It giving way VIII— Continued CHAPTER —11— ride” called Jumes Delong Norman swung around Sue Slock Ing beamed like the sun Itself In her shining yellow flicker Nornmn saw was She her admiringly pretty with those bright drops of red In her "Better cheeks “Turning off here" Norman an- swered spattered away rounding a Nonnun lugged curve In the rond after them In the Tuiniirack river bottom a broad yellowish water with creeping edge covered the sheep pas ture Nornmn observed It uneasily The gnie was open Smut one hud Norman delayed while been careless fastening It to look hack toward lnke tilnck northeast cloud Michigan reached upwnrd toward the sun More' They rain Norman rapped at the kitchen door Madame Illcluiud opened It Her warm face was disturbed with anx friendly ety madatne” ‘‘Hello said Norman “Where’s Julie?” “Willi her father The little sheep Madame Ekbaud are drowning!" panted excitedly “Down there the lower pasture I” I'll find them" Norman answered “it looks like more ruin” “A ways 1" she cried "It stops never I" He proceeded through the barn Small roosters lifted tlielr leg with ridiculous precision In the mud Nornmn stepped around dy path them observing that the loose board of the walk from the home to the barn gate were covered with wider He passed around a dump of cedars and In the field beyond made oul Julie nnd her father They were peering up Norman run the valley “Ahoy there Julie'” lie cried Norman felt a The girl turned rush ot pleasure as tie tempestuous saw her hnndmne round head with Its hair atop IL What would she say? Would she ask him again to farm? Would she still see no vlr tue In his duly ut the light call ll a to do “wet buriness" have nothing with It? Julie might For all her manner the whole episode of have forgotten Ids other visit “Oh Norman!" she cried "Uuined! Everything- Is ruined I— - Tear stained Hint her cheeks “Thai water wicked wicked water It lots drowne the smallest sheep A dozen of them' above the will dam My father says tip If It does pff w!mt break this time becomes of us?" "Is It so bud?" Norma n asked “All watet "Bad?” Germaine cried If the dam breaks Why Is bad did they build a dam? Why did they come here resortin'?" Julie touched his sleeve "The rest of the sheep father" she reminded” him “Wecanie to drive them up to the barn" "You go to the house" Germaine “me tihe care of the answered jird sheep” lifted Julie over the Inst Norman A surly wind whipped by tlieii fence lie heads waves of mist trailed It steped behind Julie into the Ulchaad to oblivious the coming kitchen1 Hml storm to children to everything every one except Julie He felt words swell through him “Julie I’ve been remembering what was here - last we said whenl time have-- ! Nurma both her He caught "bin have?" hands “Jule Julie!" cadet her mother Madame Kkhnud Imd rushed to the Nor window Julie followed wide her his eye Dinn stared after he was pretty by Mackinac ja TIMES W N U Serr Copyright by Why :hi today! didn't Stocking show up at till In comparison Get in linn was paining toward the door waving hlf hands “It tomes1' he Heron mud “Julie! run the cows the tenm the (Jultk Dull k sheep! Help me It comes!” Nornmn raied after the girl The river slashed past over Its low banks Hn excited yellow current Far up the valley tumbled the positive voice of moving waters In a black convulsive torrent the flood swept down The Delong dam had broken “Jutle!” Nornmn cried A sudden of rain hurst blanked his sight ' “Julie!" The bellowing river unswered ll strui k the top of the farm and ripped down the last steep descent Wuiers roared like a bursting planet half a tulle away a quarter mile nn eighth In a minute hulf it min they would arrive ute “Julie!” Norman shouted “Julie!" James Delong's car splushed heavWuter streaked ily through the mud In a dozen arteries through the mid die of the road The ditches were brooks He slowed the car that Sue mlghl view the Delong property from a Sue gave a cry of delight She ridge never had seen fluids so clean and veil cared for This was a country Just like the onet sie hud rend about a prlvnte cattle drive barn hidden In trees an artificial Inke t minis' houses It might be Long Island Delong stopping the car Inhaled smoke lazily and threw the stub of his cigarette sizzling Into a roadslir pool “Here we are" he cried cordially “and over there you see my brother Fritz he stepped frowning “I wonder what's up?” lie pointed toward the lake‘ Rain was falling briskly agalu 01 r cling a thin second growth woods that acted as a screen between stables nnd dwelling house Delong had halted He helped Sue down from the car “If you'll wilt Just a second he hobbled toward the lake “I’ll lie want to see whut’s up right back over there" He left Sue by the car She hesl tnled a minute uncertain he what meant her to do and then started after him The Tamarack river once which had flowed as It pleased out of (he hills a slow Idle stream Unit soaked good soil Into swamp was tit milling now ferociously over the spillways of an artificial full Sue had expected nothing so Immense ns this She knew very little about rivers except to feel that Lake Michigan was Immensiir ably safer A half dozen menjswarmpd the nar row erntmpkment They were swing Ine spades sand shouting heaving and mud “Wlmt's cried wrong?” Delong ‘Fritz! Wlmt's happened?" A tall thin man in muddy flannels tailored on his knees halfway across He was much older than the dam ten years perhaps his brother with ' Tht HAPLAND UTAH “Julie!” Nortnim ere! Quick way! cried "Not that up to the hills I" did not heed Her remaining were around the pas sheep milling ture In the bottom at the very edge 'I the wilier Above them the slim! tiers of the flood pressed forward Julie (dunged toward them “Julie'" Norman shouted “This way Julie!" Tlte nearing waters howled louder is words were than he lost even In own mouth She was thirty lie charged after her "'e ahead Flie sheep recognizing trolled her l""lv in her direction “Allez!" she was scieainlng “You ro dish boasts I'p up' Norman reached Julies shoulder he was shaking her (Hilling shouting into her ear You are tiiatl Julie!’ “('nine hat k “No no"' She jcihed away “Would leave the poor sheep’" Nornmn while lie dragged Julie up the bill saw Germaine elawlnx along the bank below The old man had the new mower drugged halbysy Ihrotigdi the door' frying tosnve the tnovvet ? Norman sloud laiighptl fherew us no jul rib In his Jaughlpr Like Guslnfs It was lie pushed Julie it iw imi and ran toward the old man the mow abandoned er lie began crawling hack up the hill wlih wilier snapping at his heels The sheep trotted timidly (last Julie along the moving hank Normnn ran hack to her' Shs Co Jerked irouml Delong "Get buck tm tHnd 1" he ordered “Gel to up the house sharply Quit k runt" It's going He whs limping badly as he rushed Fritz be darn her— inward lie along long the useless shovel In his hands Ids mouth wide open already had stalled toward solid earth on the nth cr side The French Canadians were for safety scurrying Sue retreated lie half dozen steps Wet earth she had come sank like under her feet Behind her quicksand she saw the (lain sliding oul into A broad gash spread where space minute before men had been tailoring She sow Fritz Delong plunge lino the Tnnuirnck river with Hie ripping wall hla eyes wide bis gray hair standing up like Juniper brush atop Ills narrow head Ills mouth wide open to himself and no words swearing She saw hi red passing audibly his haired brother face turned to ward smile upon reassuring It Earth slid under his feet as he raced for Wafer engulfed safety him Only his shoulders lifted ahove It but the smile still was stamped She saw a upon bis lips higher wave hurst over his head then only bis left hand small and terrifyingly la showed above the swirl ol significant the freed wuiers She screamed again The voice ol the flood swallowed up her cry The tha the Delongs had built plaything Hung down the narrow valley ao un lustful glunt mad with disciplined long confinement rending smashing crushing the slow and solid structures of nature and the petty works of man still foolishly gripping the handle of his shovel staggered up the hank spitting mud He ell In to weeping straightway niuclt to his knees still holding the shovel Fritz Delong's thin white face bobbed to the top of Ute rising cur rent An undercurrent sucked blm '' — "Fame “My sheep I" He stooped over” picked her up fiercely and carried her twenty paces She was wet In his arms surprisingly light warm against his heart She kicked her heels angrily down t" she "Put me down demanded t" flinging helplessly to s short bouncs man ing log far out In the stream them by whipped Only his head a gray blot poked ahove tho upon the nngry black surface man I" Julie “A She screamed“And there go my started forward " swimming sheep Normnn caught her by the sleeve down "1 “Get back Julie I” he commanded Sue Stocking shut her eyes “Get there “Gel see a boat coming him I" she screamed I can get It I’ll him! You I” She wrenched at the let go my arm Frenchman’s arm ‘That Is Fritz Dego after that man nt long lie pushed away her hands gel him!" The little 'workman looked once ut down and yanked off his shoes She four five him three steps followed the racing wnter Then he turned Norman leaped Into the and fled then halted Of James Delong there was no sign river He felt the Jerk of the current The In his hand clutching upwnrd the suction of the undertow only Clint first horrible explosion of water capsized boat spun ntnrer Ills hands It turned nn touched the gunwale power Sue darted down a path to expectedly made nn nngry gesture blindly Jerked away from his cramped fingers the left along the (op of the river bunk It was tetl fuel here above the and sped hack to mldMrenm with the wuter The flood eureened past her shifting current shook n tnltly wnter from Normnn mocking her slow fccL A small burn He could see the man mo his eyes listing on one corner It flung crazily It Who was he? before Delong? longer tumid occur to him then Sue wliied the ruin from her eyes did not The lie know that he was the Inst to see It was ap cloud bluckened Fritz Delong alive? Three days later pulling such darkness at midday searchers when the water dropped hurst of fresh wind enveloped her from Madrid Ray found he botiv of whipping her wet torn yellow slitker James Delong's brother by a willow From the higher about her knees ground she looked nguln od destruct- snpllng flv miles below Normnn shook wnter from Again unable to help ion again It wa He could scarcely see his eyes dark an unnatural midday twilight white hire tree sp'nnlng In Ihe river blotted the scene before her Its gray ghostly branches twisted Ihe murky light It rolled through IX CHAPTER nearer Hazily N’ortran made out flg tires on Its trunk Men Two of them The Temper of the Tamarack Clinging with arms and legs to the With the first roar of released wu smooth hark ters far up the spongy valley a hank lie lie splashed out of the wnter hml missed that other man of yellow cloud rolled down the west he would em skv there must be And from the hills moiled not miss these a sound as ominous as any cry tlmi some wtty of getting out to them' ever burst n cross the lake the voice Twenty feet upf the bank the earth covered potato cellar of the Rlchmid of released Inland waters mud after tlielr long captivity howling with new farm hulked In the shadows Norm in freedom The air trembled Julie ran charged up the slope yanked at the cellar door It was a broad staunch past wBOjJtXKKHCHXMXHJOCHSOOOaOvXbXWOOCtCMaOOOOOOOOOOOCHXtOOOOOO His Th Wee Ing for Safety ' Scurry a nu rrnwTFia rpTuce shining now with lie was crowding santl perspiration Into a hole In the dike desperately When he heard his brother call he hut did not stop work shouted hat Inke spread The artificial three quarter of a mile wide twenty feel deep behind Its dam a blue swollen circle In the contours of the hills Rain was falling with s sullen hl upon the surface of the water tljat had alrentlv crawled to the very top Earth of the embankment caving from Its sides fell Into the water with rloudv vellnw splash it tJlsnptetjrpd and more slid after It 5 tie “Tun toward Hie embankment James Delong afler Jerking oft his cont had grnsped a shovel fromhe of a Trench t'nnndlan and 'was hand She belde hla brother working moved out recklessly upon the em- bankment “I can £elp 1" she cried Nights of Jollity While Wife Was Away him on Pennsylvania We run Into the avenue He looked like something to cut dragged In “My wife’s gone the ftiirtilry!’ lie said "Ah ha” we ventured "Stepping out eh? Ilurruyl Hurray I” “She's been gone seven days nnd four hours" lie murmured “And suppose you Hre out every nlgld ringing doorbells seeing people and doing things" snltl we I thought “To tell you thttruth the was" lie replied sadly “but wildest thing I've done so far Is go show a The first lo moving picture cuIDd up rev nlgld she whs away eral of Ihe olT jiing and they were The sec all enguged for the evening nd night I Imd dinner with a mur rled coude and we ml up until ten o'clock playing bridge The bird The worked at the ottlce night fourtn night went to the mov les The fifth nlgld I called up one of the buy the home with lie had and to slay The nilixus whs out kids while but sixth nigh: I went to Hie club Blackslone Sir IVIIIIant Blmksionp putdished in 1711 s volume emitted “Coiiirnen nf England— - 'I id lurle on the of Its wns the first und only hHk kind (n England and It came to tie revolu regarded us an aiiltiorlialive V'liile It has ceased lioo of tht law vu'tie cs ao to be of much pimlli-cit authority Id the courts It on arbiter on all public discussions the law or the const llutlon piece of twolnefc planking luld without lilngci Back by tbs He might stream he splaislied It down catch up wlib those men Might! Ue pried away troui the bunk a stick Id his bunds for a a onr He heard Julie shouting after blm A nils tleurd her but could not see bllng curent swept hliu out- - LIU raft Slid Into deep wuter Nornmn used the stick left and right lirst aa a sweep then as a rud tier Ills raft threatened to upset He dropped to tils knees (or a second and held firm balancing The door spun He wu only again twenty yard rrom the tree now lie snvv more dearly The heavier ot the two men was James Delong “Grub hold w lien f go under you I" Nornmn shouted “Hung by your d was nobody help there except the hired “Before wis married always had ' fo somewhere-t- o guiiieUTlng git and do but now I'm like n stranger In a foreign land Pien look married When a was hat lielor took care of all my laundry hut now have n pile of soiled clothes at home and swear I don't know what to do Ftnr Washington Outdid Louis Philippe Ihe unhappy King Mr Ralph Nevlll In “Et New” tells a cooC Jala — Twickenham where Revisiting home was he wns accosted by a man who pulling off his hnt resject fully Imped that his royal highnes was well “What's your name?" Inquired the lie wns told “I do not recollect It" said the “What were you h n rojul exile lived here?" “Please your rovtil highness" re man "I Crown-the the piled kept Inn close to the durance of Grimms house” "Did you?” re id Louis I'Idlippe — eWcll my good fct lovv wus 'unable ti you did what do" Concerning of Erimce hoes Old end Place No Belt Scientists bale ioj not mat Fireside eat row eieil llutl ev lias an even giuitu— turui tuid dim ov ol of nan Muddy River Water Rat Into His Eye bows overside Title plank won't bold us all sitting I’ll tleer to shore" The tree thundered along dragging on hoi lorn The roolhouse door swished Into the first thick branches "Jump!" Norniun cried “Quick I" James Delong slid precariously Into the wuter Ue clutched feebly for the Nornmn liotato cellur door steudled Sweat Denver Boy Winner Every mother realizes how Important It Is to teach children good habits of conduct but many of them fall to realize the of 7 Importance C their chll- teaching (Iren good bowel hab its until tho poisons from decaying ruste held too long In tho system have begun to affect the child's health Watch your child and at the first Bfgn cf constlputlon give him a little California Fig Syrqp Children love Its rich fruity taste and It quickly drives away those distressing ailments such ar headaches bud breath coated tongue biliousness frverlsh- ness fretful ness etc It gives them a hourly appetite regulates their stomach and bowels and 'gives tone ami strength to these organs so they con- tlnue to act normally of their own accord For over fifty yenrs lending physicians have prescribed it for bilious constipated children More than 4 million bottles used a year shows how mothers depend on It Mrs O G WUcox’ 8S55V4 Wolff St Denver Colorado says: “My son Jackie” la a prize winner for health now but we hnd a lot of trouble with him before we found his trouble was and began giving hint constipation California It fixed him Fig Syrup op quick gave hint a good appetite made him sleep fine and he’s been In gaining weight right along since — tha- - first few days Taking To avoid Inferior imitations of California Fig Syrup always look for" Hie word “California’! on the carton yg Ww ' For Wounds and Sores Try HANFORD'S and the extra weight “You next I" be bade This uiun one of Fritz Delong's laborers a crawled nervously down it a brunch und stuck one foot Into the wuter Immediately be drew It buck Nornmn cuugtU hliu “Hold still I" be warned “You'll tip usl" Delong drew tils elbows up to ttie (dunk und stated buck the way be had Ue was come searching for some one “Sue?" Norniun demanded “Safe think don't know about Fritz Noirnan pushed on Ihe stick Sweat und muddy river wuter run into Ins He breulhed painfully eyes Here euoie Julie running toward Her cheeks him flamed tears and ruiu hml dried together on lier face rolled uhout her One torn stocking ankle Noinmn rplt out water coughed sat op on the gumml “You mi veil wo men I" Julie Rlchuud cried “ “No Julie “I saw you!" FHie bent down he side him her bright lips la bis cheek “I saw you!" bhe cried nguln "You saved two men!" “I did not I" Norman argued He staggered up Julies hands from blm Hail sbe not seen? ‘Tell tier Delong" be “tell her the straight of ll “I wouldn’t have "Delong answered made shore without you Erii hson-"Wotildn have ninde It?'' Norman his mil lit Again laughed old Gufdafs “I'm a yellow bellied lie said bitterly pickerel" You no! “Oil got us nearly In Even the Irenehie could winle" De long tumid "Where Is lliul fellow? nw him run up the hank Julie (pushed bat k the black wet hair dial tumbled uctoss her eyes She tinned and regarded the oilier man Xoimun seemed to be acquainted with him — ‘"I Ills Is James Delong Julie" Norman said “out1 of the brothers “A Delong?" Julie diew buck sh of "(hie She repeated An ua up the Tuniuiack pi inied iharitnble rage (possessed her She "Your stumped her foul In the mud cried soul is hpt Delong I” she furl "'Hie good God will uever for ppiisly Drown people’s sheep? My get it la tier's liny all the hay gone (lie liirn ruined Why did you build that lake?” ulle “Julie" Norniun teeggi-“This mat He pi in bed at her urtn lid not know Ihe dam would break! Ami lie’s hurt Julie!” “Hurt?" Delong turned with a mUerulilp "I don't lilnme you MU I! baud Her man “Hurl?" Julie repented to lbs "Gome aer i bunged ben" she bade She could b hnMile “Thunk the giant tn no one Just now Next time Mr Gial the house Is dry Delong you will not build s mu to lrown your neighbors” brood bud erenl Madame f The bill G Imuj— min no swearing mightily stood lo the Yet lent fiiiiiirnliig Ids ruined bum low water Mill poured by but the of the flood had swept paL eref-With It had gone Irretrievably the the sheep tli burn femes one cow t tie potato ill Gertieiuis maine's summer labor (TO BE CONTINUED) a is Balsam of Myrrh Al Inlm “Julia cialist" “What Culling — —tkwtul iirat U t hlaU4i rbtfa Ml Courtikip thut X rsy marrying can he see In spe- her?" — London WhenFbod Sours Lots of folks who think they havk "Indigestion" have only an acid condiIn five tion which could be corrected or ten minutes An effective soon like Phillips Milk of Magnesia restores digestion to normal Phillips does away with nil thut sourness and gas right after ineala It prevents the distress so apt to occur two hours after entlng What a pleasAnd bow ant preparation to takel Unlike good It is for the system burning dose of soda— which la but at best— Phillips relief temporary Milk of Magnesia tieutrnllzes many times Its volume In acid Next time a hearty meal or too rich a diet has brought on the least discomfort try — Phillips Milk of Magnesia Non Whatavar —"Do you Imre any trouble Bew maid?" “No we are careful not corner Province HAD TO with youl to”— Van VM TOO HARD E Pinkh&m’s Vegetable' Compound Gave Her Strength Lydia ML Carmel baby was bora Pa — “After my second I had to work too hard and be on my feet too soon because tny husband was ill After hla death I was In such a weakened and randown condition that nothing seemed to help me I am starting the fourth bottle of Lydia E Plnkham’s Vegetable Com- pound and feel a FFat deal betters-- 1 em tnoeh stronger' and don’t get so tired out when I wash or work hard I do housekeeping and dressmaking and I highly recommend the Vegetable Compound as a tonic I tn willing to answer any letters I receive asking about it”— Mas GFjrrBt-oDjcts 414 S Market ML Carmel Pa W N U Salt Lake City No |