Show NOTICE ‘ OP SALE OF STECIAL TAXES r Electrical NElvyea ny Clara BY Aolc Uaw Appreciated We carry a full line of Fixture and Electrical 'Appliances IIAT was one New Year’s resoFrank lution he would keep Harris auf on the edge of his bed and stared gloomily out over the frosty housetops He'd never see Myrtle again Des- perately he shrugged off the quick of her blue eyes and soft memory Radio Here are some of our Xmas suggestions: A Radio a Waffl Iron a Toaster a Grill Iron Curling Irons Fixtures other Electrical Appliances Garland Utah 'iJ V SEE US BEFORE BUYING YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR YOUR CAR LET US INSTALL A NEW WILLARD IN YOUR CAR and Labor done all kinds of Battery Charging Batteries at Peck’s Service Station WISE and WOOD Managers Garland Utah tilted nose Never He To b on his sox viciously treated the way she had treated him And there couldu’t be any mistake Night before last be had gone there She hadn’t expected him but from things she hud suld before and had allowed him to say — yes allowed him to sayl lie thrust his jaw for Pecks Electric Shop Phone 10 her voice pulled and many wnrd angrily— he had supposed she— loved him Fool! That Bight he had Intended to ask her to marry him Had takan - along— D—o I — lie - bad taken along flowers the way they do How carefully he had tied —Fool his new and brushed his All the way he bad smiled shoe of and whistled In the anticipation her slim and - surrendering holding and kissing her The corners of his mouth curled downward os he thought of It Lord It was hard ne had Noticed a cn? out hi ‘front SO he had slipped up the steps a little more heaven — wondering carefully — thank If company would Intrude One look the vlndow of the sitting through room had sent ldra away In horror disillusioned He closed his eyes now as he pulled his coat miserably on—to shut out even yet what he had seen Myrtle In the surrender he had pictured for himself but to some one else! Oh there wasn’t any question' In stories It might turn out to be a brother but Myrtle hadn’t a brother and No this was a lover’s kiss anyway Next dy she had called Phone 50 NOTES HIGH "SCHOOL from Page Raisins New Crop seeded or seedless (limit 6 packages to a customer) per package Citron Peel newLcrop per lb 29c Lemon Peel new crop per lb 25c Garland Utah 7 5c Bell Phone 26 IS BUYING EVERYBODY “Utah’s Favorite” Garland UNDER Hotel NEW MANAGEMENT FLOUR" Rooms your dealer for It Wheat taken on deposit for Ask Floor Bran Wheat Short! $104 European and Up Plan and Bran and Kill Cleaned Mill Product Chopping HIGH CLASS DINNING ROOM IN CONVECTION JIIE Tremonton Milling BEST PRICES OF Utah I ordered Diner — “WIH the spaghetti be loot witres"? Waitre— "The usual length str” I M SERVICE REASONABLE FRASER Freeh — “What Smiths talk?” Manager did you thnv Wilson Lumber Company to Build Anything Tremonton Everything Phone 11 —jt — 4fc — iji Utah — — 4 — CijL IT WON’T BE Christmas IF YOU HAVEN’T GOT You to Meet My Friend Lee Mr Harris” Mr and Invited ldra for New Year's dinner! Beastly He jammed his hat on and started down the three flights and out for breakfast somewhere He’d been so darned credulous lie glowered There Suddenly his heart Jerked — In she was and with that man panic he tried to dodge into a doorShe way but she had seen him he’d go through Oh well smiled with ne "Hello Frank 1" she called tipped his hat and tried to brush past Ids arm He shuddered She “I want you to meet my friend Mr Lee Mr Harris” Lee bowed suave-ly Frank nodded One of those purlor sheiks! “You met Mr Lee’s wife at our house one evening when you He were there” Frank remembered started to go “I’m sorry you can’t looked come to dinner" Myrtle "Don’t you She ought to troubled No" think you could yet?" “Sorry Frank went on It was worse thun he had expected! A married man! Frank groaned and She had seemed so Innocent sweet There wasn’t any question about its being anyone else that felHe’d seen both of low was klsslug their faces cleaily He passed bis usual restaurant and walked on it But if sad he bad For you’r So every play Be sure away night that Santa is and night For not good you'll sure has a stick for each child when you put watching To see what you do right feel that's of you’r tired your old toys each day you that is wrong To see If some toys to you bring Or a very long stick with or he shall an awful sting So you’d better be a very good child And don’t yell or shout or act like you’r wild But do to the other person too What you would have them do to you Anna Wahlen Garland Utah Eighth Grade Candy But when you buy Candy be sure as to it Don’t imagine that anything that QUALITY is sweet is PURE Don’t court sickness among children through impure candy 20c to $150 per Pound Every ounce of candy that leaves this store is guaranteed to be pure GOOD LINE OF FANCY BOXED GOODS Blue Bell Confectionery Garland Utah S' The Wholesome Food people had their high electric sign on changed the hill It rend “Start the New Year He Frank smiled Ironically right I” had lie — Suddenly he stopped Maybe he hnd walked frightened He too fur delirious! was lie passed Ids hand across his eyes and It was clutghed the railing near Mm still there a photograph of what he had seen that night A picture of In the was it Yes Myrtle Myrtle He raised his arum of that fellow “The Community Playhouse eyes He found a Friday night” telephone "When was that picture taken?” he demanded of Myrtle's voice ‘Thn you know?" Myrtle laughed "I hoped I could surprise you Frl- day n'yht when you’d go and dlscov me us leading lady" “But when was It taken?" ' "Night before last We hnd fcearal at our house Why?" “Sayl Is It too late to come oter for dinner Y” Frank whistled on his way to Myrtie’s Up on the hill the Wholesome Food sign blink'd— “Start the New ne Year Right!" Frink laughed new tie and! felt his csrefulr-t:?Ci box of flow ran bi ers and wl” M -- "tr t’oleb) ta Itr er Company Trenoataa X will come with a very large pack Held by a rope across his broad back ’’The sack will be filled with toys for all A train for the boys and for the girls a doll Want SPECIALS their continued good will Santa Home Quality Merchandise SATURDAY for their past patnnage and hope to merit j CALENDAR enudren you’d better be good And do the things you know you should Is drawing very near Christmas And Santa will come to bring you cheer MEATS and GROCERIES AND MONDAY We wish to thank our hundreds of customer DON’TFORGETYOURSYSTEM For plying everything in our line to make the Christmas We have a very good stock of Poultry complete such as Turkeys Geese Chickens and Ducks at very reasonable prices i f ’ Little We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we are ready to do our part by sup- Year SPIRIT CHRISTMAS Richards Market A Happy New 1) The Domestic Art girls are busy of Ruby Saunders resignation presents this week making Christmas The assembly of Friday December 14 was given by the Lion's Club of Garland The numbers were song by Lion members Prayer Bishop W W two numbers by the Lion’s Richards orchestra talk by Dr Chambers clarTalk by inet soltr by Nate Kirkham Ezra Jensen and quartet by George Nye Joseph Kirkham Fred Nye and Mr Nichols from Mr Taylor has been absent school this week because of illness Last Friday the program consisted of cantata under the direction of Mr Nye and a one act Christmas play under the direction of Miss Burninglwun The student Ixidy and Agenda Club program and gave a Christmas and nuts wptc inee dance Candy to the students by Santa presented Claus V r & And - (Continued f Merry Christmas ft Mm Gifts Are Noticq is hereby given that Special Taxes for Street Paving Curb and Out ter are unpaid in Amount and upon the land set forth and de- scribed in the dellquent Ust hereunto attached and unless said taxes to- are gether with cost of publication paid on or before the 26th Day of December 192 the real property upon which such taxes are alien will on said day be sold for said taxes costs of advertising and expense of sale at the front door of the Garland Libra ly at the hour of 12 o’clock beginning noon continuing until aR of said pro- perty shall have been sold ' Property Advertised for Sale for Taxes Special Improvement Mrs A C Rainey and Albert Peterson 8430 front ffeet Lots 1 and 2 Block 4144 7 Plat D R T Shaw and Wendell Grover front feet Lot 3 block 4 Plat 4919 E H A Hall 7450 front ffeet Lot 9 3667 Block 3 Plat E — Sam Morris 22 front feet Lot 6 block 4793 5 plat E HAROLD PERSSON Garland City Treasurer of Mr Jj |