Show t: A iv i 4 THE GARLAND The hiblshed Every Boxelder Thursday County for CASH and Garland Phone 6 Pay Tremonton LESS Phone 33 Buying in large quantities and PAYING CASH makes it possible for us to do this and passing the savings on to Qurcustomersaaves--thenrsomethion every article purchased here B Mr and Mrs Nate Klikman chlldien Sunday ' in Salt as guests of relatives Miss Esther Elmer with friends from Ogden are enjoying to Little Cottonwoood Canyon for ten days Mr and Mrs Jesse Llllywhite of Ogden aie passing tlie week In this city vlsiing with relatives and Lake Kenneth Anderson of Provo Russell Anderson of Salt Lake sending a short time visiting at home of Mr and Mrs W L Larson PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Nyal Remedies Kelleys Ice Cream Brigham City Soda Water Also a fine line of Candies and Tobacco Agency for EASTMAN KODAKS and CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS Bell Phone Nol and are the Bishop Chilstlan ITarfuss of Ldgau returned to his home Satuiday after L passing tlie week with his son C Barfuxs Knoth Pharmacy G Night Calls 121 J Rhodes Mr and Mrs L R Walker returned Sunday from a trip to the Yellowstone Park 89c Lake of Howell spent fi lends and rela- visit- Mr and Mrs M J Richards motored to Ogden Saturday afternoon and Isyent Sunday with relatives EVERY SATURDAY Mrs Alice Leavitt Monday visiting with tives in this city is Mr and Mrs Geo Scott were Ogden and Wellsville visitors Monday and Tuesday of this week GROCERIES W Lee and clvildren left Wednesday morning for a two week’s stojl In Ogden where they will be guests of relatives Utah Barnard O Mr R L Sweeten of San Francisco of the "Manager of the Silk Dept t Emporium one of the largest store on the coast is the guest of 4us hi other Mr O G Sw'eeten He to Gailand by his vos accompanied father Mr Robert Sweeten and a sister Mrs Barlow of Salt Lake City to 2l $139 work shirts or postively the bet you Have a look at these buy for the price 59c 85c and 98c prices T to Perry Mrs Emma of Harper Ward ing at tlie home of Mrs J G for a few days ALWAYS THE LOWEST PRICE ON Mrs trip Myral Clark of Logan was in this city during the week visiting with fi lends Mens Miss Larekia Capener entertained as her guests Friday Mrs Lee Capener of Riverside and Miss Vera Dahl of Suit business Mr Geo E Barnard of called on his mother Mrs Tuesday of this week ng I’aracord soles Special a large Galvanized Bucket full of Soap "WATCH FOROUR30’ClOCkSPEClALS Miss estation Follow the crowds to our Miss Dorothy Leavitt of Salt Lake Is as a passing two weeks in Garland Wise guests of her cousin MissYhzzie and Miss Grace Marriott Mrs Steillng Huish and small son and MLss Melba Nye mototed to City Wednesday to spend the day with friends John Leavitt of Salt Lake City spent the week end with his mother Mis Cynthia Leavitt also was a guests at the home of Mr and Mis Thomas Wise and Mr and Brigham Marriott Mr and Mrs L V Barnard return-'efrom Los Angeles where Monday they have been since the fust of tlie for year Mr Barnard left Ihuisday Montana a Honoring Miss Alta Llllywhite biide of the week Mrs Milton Peters of Brigham City Mrs Jack Burton and Miss Trilva Peck entertained at and shower social evening Monday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs The color scheme carried F S Peck out in the home decorations and luncheon was orange: green and white' Early shade and fall flowers in the orange shades the tally cards also In those The entertaining featum were used with Mrs of the evening was Bunco Lewis Llllywhite and Mrs F A Drlggs favors Bunco Following receiving was served Present were luncheon 30 guests Station for Goodyear and Firestone tires and Our sales of these have almost: doubled tubes this year over last Our community like all others are demanding more of the two leading tires manufactured' to day Up Don’t Run Those Old Tire Buy New One and Ride in Comfort ' You Can’t Afford To Run Those Old Ones at the Present Prices PHONE 50 GARLAND AT Peterson’ Barber Shop Garland Insist on PEP gas and VICO motor oils for Your CAR 13th AUG MONDAY S465 Tires from WAVING PERMANENT G- Peek-s-Serv-i e“I'n"' PT Mrs Andy Jensen is visiting with her mother Mrs- O Barnard for a few daj s sizes 5 can O G Sweenten and Mrs matter Frank Peck made a Ogden Tuesday Ladies new felt hats just unpacked special at $198 98 Alarge assortment of small girls hats special at r Ladies house dresses new attractive patterns in prints and voiles 98 and $198 Fine quality Rayon Bed Spreads extra large Rose Blue Orchid and Green colors $398 Our Mr spend a parents LOCAL NEWS It is always our aim to sell High Quality Merchandise at a lower price than you can buy it for elsewhere ¥ - Chldrens leather Oxfords at Garland Utah motored to Salt Lake Sunday to spend the day with friends and relatives ROY WAHLEN Mayor and Mrs A R Capener and Publisher and Manager family motored to Salt Lake Monday -evening following the Ladies Self 2 00 a Year in Advance ure ciub party at the Lagoon Rates on Application j)ng Wednesday evening to their home while Mrs Capener remained visiting with relatives until Saturday evening before returning class mall Buy Mulliner and baby who will few weeks visiting with her Mr and Mrs J M Oaddie Times Garland UTAH TIMES GARLAND BERTHA COMPTON call J Fur appointment Brigham Or 5701 Garland R F D Fix You Up A Cozy- Corner - Liberty THEATRE and Friday We have a complete line of building and Hardware materials Paints Var- Aug Saturday THE PACIFIC ACROSS Sunday A cozy corner in your home will be the most used nook imaginable and Monday nishes and Kalsonmine Tuesday - 21 Aug Let us suggest the necessary items THE STORM AFTER and Thursday Wednesday Aug A Overland Lumber Company WOMAN’S WAY “One Board or a Carload” : — : Garland Utah Admission Phone 18 Adults 25c Children 10c Aftei spending the pnst month with his grandmother Mis A II Huish and his aunt Mrs F A Dnegs Bovd Park v ill ret urn lo his home in Kamas Sunday Mis G B Hughes and Miss Bertha with1 Hughes left Thuisday morning friends from Salt Lake and Pi uvo for a trip to tlie Noith West letmmng home by the way of California Dr and Mrs Chambeis and Mr anti Mrs R D Chambers and families evenmc for a week's Wednesday vacation While away tluv visited tlie Yellowstone Mr and Mrs O L Wnteis M ss Rhea Winters Keith and Baine V Intel s wll leave Satuiday morning for a motor trip through the scenic canyons In Southern Utah Mrs H L Moore and duighkis Miss Julia and Helen returned dunng the fore purt of the week fiom Ocean Park Cali when?' they have been spending the summer Mr and Mis A II Huish had ns their guests Wednesday Mr and Mis N Y A D Keler of Schenectady Mr In Utah visiting and Mrs Keller are with relatives for a short time Both were foimer teaclieis at the B R H s Alta Llllywhite daughter of Mr Mrs Lewis Llllywhite of this city Lynn HodgeS a prominent school teacher in this county were married Thursday August 16 in the Salt Lake Muss and and Miss Trilva Peck in company with Miss Ethel and Miss DeEsta Holmgren of Tremonton motored to Preston Ida Tuesday to attend the funeral services held for "Juli ITT o fi hSo u father of Miss Johnson a friend of these puls belonging to the same sorority at the U A FEW OF THE NUMEROUS SPECIALS Large Cans Pineapples lb Pail Peanut Butter 1 Guart Jar Best Cocoa 5 Dozen p Jar Pvings 3 lbsBananas y Two-li- and wife of Fait visitors at the has more than doubled since 5c fate took effect on August Miss Mary Gaddie returned he week from Idaho Falls She was the 54 30 25 25 10 Bars P and G Soap 4 Large Cans Kitchen King Salmon 2 lb Dinner Ware Special Coffee 1 Gallon Can Best Honey — - - 37 $100 $100 — 9 - - $100 t WE HAVE A FULL Frank E Barnard Lake Citv were $100 2 43 LINE OF POULTRY FEED FOR SALE WE ALWAYS PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR EGGS new during Idaho accom- - Eggs Higher Poultry Feed Cheaper I |