Show THE fARLAND TIMES GARLAND UTAH I KITCHEN CABINET- ii i WUri Union ) Nwpap gift would th aalt ware ba And cold th singing teaacbo to th that tha And dark gulf lyra If thing wera what they aaara If Ufa had no fair dream insert to tlplha dullaea No mirage Una with lira —Edmund WlJJIam Goaea ia (Ml g’ll LIKE meat and brolleu' or stuffed Howand roasted ever an older bird may be also made tasty PiRoiltad geon — Dress ('a la notoriously Wisconsin tlment On the other hand the Repubstrong licans say that ‘the Wisconsin swing effectoward Smith will he stopped tually by the prospects of a good harvest and that they are confident of carrying the Badger state In November John J Raskoh Democratic natlonul chalrmun bus resigned as chulnnan of the finance committee of the General It was because Motors corporation said some of the directors of the con Hoover corn who are supporting of the thought Mr lUiskoh's retention position would muke It appear that the Smith was Imiklng the corporation In his letter of resignation candidacy Mr Raskob recognised tills possibility ami also nthl tils duties as natlomil chairman would tuke all his time In one way It wits a Hoover week” The Republican candidate and Senator lllrtun Johnson of California elided their eight year old feud Robert L Owen former I’nlted States senator fromOklahoma and a I democratic lamer announced that tie would sup candidate the Republican port mail best qualified him "the lieving for I'resl any party ever presented of Seriutor F M Simmons dent" who opposed Smith's North T'urollna nonihintloiiy resigned ns n member cf committee national the Democratic and ofwithout explaining Ids Mellon ficers of the Daughters of the Con fed orucy In California deelured most of of the order that state’s Democrats In tin past would vote for William H Wood In president Hoover of the American Car and Foundry company und for years a member of the Mimchly Republican Union League chili of New Yoik came out lor Smith In CURRENTEVENTS America Assists but Japan Hampers the Nationalist Government in China EDWARD W PICKARD seems to he doing wlmt It hamper the new Nationalist government of China while the I'nlted toward recognl States Is proceeding and taking tion of tliut government to free China the lead In negotiations trestles that have from the unequal restricted the nation Only h few days was ordered of sgo the withdrawal Xr0 officers and marines American from the "danger rones" In China so there will be left In Shanghai and Tientsin only about 2(500 of onr troops Immediately following this Secretary of State Kellogg dispatched a note to the Nationalist foreign minister to begin at once negotiations for a iew treaty that will permit China to duties ns levy on Imports suritflttrlff she sees fit UndJlte old treaties with various powers China ts not permitted to levy duties higher than 5 Abolition of the pel" ceht ad valorem privilege of extraterritoriality and the recognition of the Nationalist govern merit will It la believed come along soon In due course of a new tariff The negotiation treuty will not subject American goods 1’ndcr the at once to higher duties Kelmade by Secretary stipulations logg Chinese tariff autonomy would effective until the unequal not are treaties with nil other nations This precludes disc rlmlna abrogated tlon against American expmts should other nations full to scrap the old treaties have already The Nationalists nounced their old treaty with Japan but the Japanese- - government refuses to agree to tills ticllon holding that s revision of the pact was not accomplished within the stipulated period It was uutomntle-ullrenewed for ten years Premier Tunaka’ told the foreign diplomats In Tokyo that Japan was unulde to accept the Nationalist demand In view of tho provisions of the treaty Itself and would lie unable even to agree to a revision of the treaty until tlie Chinese government withdrew Its notice of abrogation By JAPAN SMITH went down to a club at Hampton Bay for a few days of vacation during which he expected to make much progress In the writing of his which will be Speech of acceptance delivered on the evening of August ‘J2 from the steps of the state yapltol at Albany Herbert Hoover who has been resting at his home at Palo Alto Calif started on a llshlng and trip of nbout a thousand miles California Ills actltrough northern comIs practically ceptance address pleted and It will be made In the great the stadium of Stanford university evening-oAitgnst It 100000 persons will be Probably present to hear Mr Hoover and as many will gather In Albany to listen lint to the words of Governor Smith their real audiences will he perhnps a of the I'nlted third of the population States In each case for arrangements have been made for n hookup of ninety radio stations for the broadcasting of the speeches GOV Al Iong'Island OY O WTISl’ funner Chicago of tlm Republican ni secretary tloiial committee mid a Deneen hcicnt In Illinois polities Wtis appoint ed secretary of the Intel lor to Ins Dr Hubert Work mul lutles in Washington He faced mo end big matters that will require bis lm hide lal action These the Hotilder dam Investigation big ret Imiiatiou and irrigation proci is oil leases on public lauds and tin- Alaskan In Introducing Doctor railroad Mr West expressed the hope that might serve even longer than Ids own five year term In view of Doctor Work's dose connection with Herbert Hoover Ids remarks were as Implying that he expect terpreted Mr West to remain In the cabinet In tho event of the cleiUon of Mr Hoover It was stated In Washington that I’resldent the Ooolldgo bail offered vacant secretaryship of commerce to William M Butler of Massachusetts former Republican national cbafrmmi nobit k smi the other of the Italia disaster at Oslo arrived on the Norway Cittn ill Milano and were immediately n armed put aboard a train for Italy seaman the vessel's guarded gang lo plank and no one was permitted AVI th see or talk with the Italians fbeni were three Swedes who took part In the sledge expedition to scurdi Amundsen and bis for Captain General lee breaker The Russian Knissm which rescued the Nobile party bad U nattier chance to save lives lived wireless calls fer help sent hy the German motorshlp Monte Gerv antes which with tfsX) passengers aboard bad struck a rock at Bell Island Spitz The Krtisslti hurried to the bergen rescue and sent divers down to ex to the German mfne the damage boat's hull Bert Hassoll and Parker Cramer TIE In the hopped off from Rivkford plane Greater Rockford on their projected flight to Stockholm Sweden by But vay of Greenland amt Iceland the plane was too heavily loaded and were Torced to land on the aviators Neither man was rough ground but the machine wits so hadlv jured styiashed that the’ (light may be layed for several weeks Paris Marrot and Cadou flew to the Azores from Brest on their wav to the I'nlted States but one of their motors was crippled hope-home Icssly and they were ordered hopes of the Democrats ONE of the winning of Wisconsin — was stimulated by the hot fight up there between the regular Republicans and the La Follette The young group radical senator Is up Tor renomlnation and Is opposed by 1 Mead mayor The real battle Rapids Is over the for which governorship there are three candidates (5ov Fred Zimmerman who Is a dry and has become rattier a free lance seeks re election Walter Kohler was nominated by the regnlsir Republicans on a middle of the road program and Joseph D Reck Is the La Follette candidate and for Volstead act revision of General (Stayer JOSE TORAL Democrats Celleve ' their cause would thht he was confessed be aided by the nomination of Beck tecommlt - th crime - by persuaded and La Follette n employee of the The primaries are to Manuel Trejo he held on September 4 The wet aea- - - p national arms factory In Mexico City wlio purchased and gave the pistol he used He said he thought he was aiding the cause of the Catholic church hut now reullzed he had been the tool of labor leaders A priest Induced him to make the confession by tpillug him he was doing great harm to the chtyeh by concealing the Luis Morones truth head of the Mexican lahorltes who resigned as secietury of labor and went Into hl? are bitterly big n rid Ids associates scored by the agrarian groups which were supporters of Obregoti The are that “till ij 'lmndlng agrarians bor In nonces" from tho national government holding them morally res onsllile for the lo mt oven H'k the death 'they Tornl lor Hut lag the week pt unity the Dbregoti'sta leaders were trying to uilne who should become on December It seemed probable that either (‘resident Calles would In succeed be askiu himself ijjji provisional ’resident under certain constitutional n lOijgomcnts which might bo made or rtTJu Aaron Saenz r of Nemo been would be favored KIN ltVNDAIl R15V KTDAVlDSON of CuTiTcFbury a ful us such prlinute of tho Church of England has announced Ids resignation which will take effect on November 1J He bus been In poor Iieultn lor several yeurs but the real reason for his notion was his recent failure lo ohtalii adoption by the house of commons of the rev Ised book of common prayer Dbctor Davidson wux eighty years old and hail He always lias pinnate since 'm3 In lliilllst taken keen miciest It was allalis mid economic be would be succeeded the of mk tirchbidmp irnland KING a debate on iincinphiy Baldwin 1'iune Mmtstei of told the luui'-of cotiminiis lower llal fielgld bulges oil nil led liallic ngriciilnu 'd including piodme coal and Iuimc hulildncs would go into elicit next Disemher earllei till months than had and would being Industrial planned a year eM minted lit iiNu miuminu-i he prime that tin- export credits scheme wlililr Is due to termlmile In Septeiybci of for next yenr Is to be extended other two yea is while the government will assist with money grants the of nnemploy mi nt labor from distressed mens to other districts Another si lietne of the British government announced by Chancellor of Is the sendthe Exchequer Churchill ing of more than BtrsiO iiersons to Canudii from the mining district at u cost of $30001100 Britain ElIEN TERRY loved actress und ulmol as known and well loved in America died at her Inane In Kent la her Iu deference to her eighty IlrM year own request there wus "no taflc ral held la the gloom" ut the ob'eqples village of Small llvthe und St Pauls iliunli Loudon mid her aslu weie In the irvpt of St Paul's deposited bo died during the week others liu bided Dr Geoigo Colvin president of the Cnlv ei'Mtv of Louisville und Rear Admiral gor retired w!l 1NG lie world ill 'J3 da vs mid hours Cum C B D Collyer John Demy Mears established a record when they stepp'd fiom a belli at the Bullcry New York HIV The journey was made by and iifi planes and they 'traveled all I'J''N miles at an average speed of SIO miles u day CIRfl and liew nations are Invited by L'METL'EN Fruue to send representatives to Paris for the signing ou August ''7 The of tb Kellogg antiwar treaty will tie held In the famous ceremony lbille d'Hm logo of the ministry of foreign ufiatrs and will be most elaborate to mhe ift the tinnt'y heavyweight chntuplim In his lust fight with Tom Ilecnby of New' Zealand he scored a technical knockout In the eleventh round The referee stopped the battle fleeary uneonsdous having been knocked1 It the tenth and being t Gene’t mercy It was estimated that Tex Klckar the promoter lost by th con Gene leL a Privilege to Live ' Utah O' in W AARY' GRAHAM (VtMni fiiMM BONNER Nivtfifu SALT LAKE — Specifications for 120000 motor proximately plates and badges for use in of automobiles next year hF Crocbjjwj been announced by H E of state secretary vehicle UNUSUAL ADVENTURE lecture and telof "I could give and be paid for It" my adventures said the mouse to the other mice "What woill you do with the money?" asked the other mice "Buy cheese" said the Lecturer Mouse But you can't buy cheese — You canteal It If you get the chance but you can't buy It” one of the mice said "Of course not" said another “"What would a lady do for example If she were marketing and sitting on a stool In a grocery shop giving her order for vegetables and groceries? “Just suppose you should Jump on would happen? the next stool “Do you suppose the groceryman would say: “ Tray pardon me Mr Mouse I am I will wait waiting oi a customer on you n Just a moment’ "Why he would shoo you away and the lady would be quite frightened and he would sny: without a doubt “ ‘I'll try to catch that mouse I do hope you weren’t very nervous my dear madam’" Wes I am ’afraid that Is what he would say” "So money would be of no use to you" said the other mouse "Of no use" they all said In their squealing voices j "v RICHFIELD— The crop outlook ih Sevier county for this year is ope of of the very brightest in This good season will —the county that have not make up for theseveral been so good and there is a feeling of optimism here which is contagious 7 SCIPI0 — Two combined harvesters the first to be brought to Scipio have been purchased for this section by F ThreshW and Samuel Memmott Some of the best dty ing has begun land grain ever produced in the valley is being threshed Jr clean and truss six then parboil pigeons Mix three Vtipfuls of bread crtwubs one half cupOGDEN— Sheep to the number of ful each rf melted butter and the 24093 by far greater part being from In widch TifrsJdjalg were Idaho en route to eastern markets and onion aw” pepper If arrived at the Ogden yards recently Cut puffings in six mounds Juice and were watered and fed before the and place a bird on each brush over for with butter and dredge with flour trip was resumed Sheep receipts the month have been unusually heavy Duke seven minutes then cover the Peck bottom of the pan with stock and the A branch of SALT LAKE— basic hasting again after live min& Hills Furniture company of Chutes Repeat until the Jdrds are tenwhich will serve the wholesale icago der and brown region will trade of the intermountain Macaroni Virginia Style— Break one be established in Salt Lake Beverly and one half cupfuls of macaroni Into Cleridenin chairman of the new S In Imli one boiling pieces and cook committee of the chamber industries salted water twenty minutes drain of commerce has announced In a pour over one quart SALT LAKE— Harold M Stephens of cold will An Dut half In a buttered tmkjiig dish dot with bits of butter former judge of the district court in teaspoon-Salt Lake county who has been a nml sprinkle with to codify nl of mustard and member of the commission cupful of grated choose the laws of the state has tendered Ins repeat pour over of white to the supreme court and one and ontUmlf cupfuls resignation No reawell buttered with cover Mince the same has been accepted crumbs and bake until brown sons are assigned for the resignation Boiled Fish With Hot Tartar Sauce Rich county commiLAKE— SALT — Tie a mealy white fish or uny kind ssioners are duty bound to appoint the well dressed and firm in a ehefse fuccesor to the late county Into slightly acidulated Drop (Imli who was accidentally killed a few w titer anti boil until tender Remove weeks ago according to an opinion from the cloth and place on a hot rendered by Attorney General Harvey platter Prepare one talilespoonful of The opinion was requested H C’lufF t utter and one of flour when well of by P D Moffat county attorney of milk Blended add Rich county Hring to the boiling point and add Mind" Didn’t "Dicky one half talilespoonful eafi of olives OGDEN— Surprise that morcitten-tioall wcdl pickles capers at)d ptlrslfj is not being'paid to the hog will lecture free" said Well then chopped tmo fourth of a teaspooirful Lecturer Mouse dustry' whs "expressed by W E of lemon V of salt one teuspoonful of Urbana professor of And we will listen free” said the a of cupJuice and lastly swine hudiandry at the University of mice HeiH ful of mayonnaise dressing Illinois who visited in this city and lived In an ‘In the (good old days but do not ullovv ov er water until called upon Secretary Jesse S Ricapartment to reach the hards of The Ogden chamber of7om' "I was theonly mouse In that apart Capape— Take one half cupful of "fck merce ment It wnsin the big city mimed tVli (hiked or any seafood “I lived on one floor PROVO— The I’tah County Fmlt ndri Igne tmrd pA'hed egg There w£s7io cellar and no garret Growers' association at a meeting re otm of diced chopped moved and y wnsJglmVwtion onuntv cently held In the city and of minced oncelery one did liuse onejeood friend though discussed problems of fil building ion one cucumboj pickle clioppeik and That was Every night nyennarw bird oral regulations for the marketing of micunKo two tnhh'spoonTut’e-f- if I used to go he Dbly's cage nml share to the attention with fruits particular Spread on rounds' ofhTttered nut tils seed and vrater with him regulitions limiting the n mount of Dread didn’t hurt "Dickv didn't mi nil arsenic that may lie piTnit t ed Dishe Seasonable him Of course-!people used to Movement to estalib-l- i i fruits The following ts u good meat tie angry vvlqjjihoy found the seed cooperative piiking nnd grading I'luiit w blcli may be served oilier went so mmli more quickly ut night was liunc tied cold ns desired than fn the daytime Meat Loaf - CliopV one RICHFIELD—' Vhil° the repent It was ray' "They didn't uiideisland from the best fields of this pound of Iresli 'ftwrkMat general hut when they mouse appetite one pound of good me nml bum county have been rosy up to the made stub n fuss that I saw they new veal and two pounds of time it appears that there-ididn't like to stay In ran away for in some Mix amt add otic some little discouragement that house or rather in that apartA of breud crumbs cupful j ment parts especially near Venice Farmone cupful of milk or the sav long Jeo section that from ers that "Yes I have leiil many adventures tomato juiie drouth has brought on blijiht in that ce hut the greatest of !?'“” spoonful of sal' section and that theie are farms on was my sharing of the bird's seed teaspoonftVP-stieighth tnc which crop will shrink about 40 to call each Ills a night paying ' poiqier nod three eggs slightly beaten per cent cuge Shape In a loaf put Into n pun nrtd "Don't you tlunlt that adventure SALT agencies pracross sir' of sail slices fat Iny pork worth two of any other kind?” into comust take budgets one eparing and one half lumps bastKonst "It Is” agreed all the oilier mice nsideration the surpluses carried ovei tng every Ion minutes al first with "It's a most unusual adventure" from preceding years in computing hot water then from the fat In the t their revenues it is held by Harvey pnn Itenune to plat fer pour around The opinNot Fit to Marry H Cluff attorney general tomato or brown sauce garnish with ion was given following a question rial Jr just seven was struggling parsley that arose in Nephi where the city Clean singe valiantly to teach Anna Jean Just Maryland Chickenhas an unexpected balance remaining Despairing finally of and cut Into plecovfor serving two five to rend P N Anderson city from last year the success he expected he suggested Blunge Into cold young chickens that they day house nnd have a tea water drain but do not wipe Sprln-attorney submitted a query as to wltlf’ whether the city is entitled to cany salt and pepper and eont k c party this as a surplus Over the cookies and ndlk Anna thickly with floti£ having as much Jean's mother Anna Jean flour sillier to the chicken ns possprovided SALT LAKE— Holders of more than said sweetly "Let’’ play we'it marible Try out one pound of fat salt one hundred gas and oil permits will cut Into and our Is cook tha this ried Hal the (deeos very pnd polk he notified by Eli F Taj lor register own home” chiiken slowly In fat until lender of the local government land office Then "All right " agreed Hal Jr and well browned turning frequentthat these permits will be cancel ly Serve with n white saiice made of suddenly shaking Ids head he sighed less action it taken in the near futuie Don’t cream and milk Anna Jean “Nothing doing Most of the permits have been held for of Lobster — Ucmove the talk to me about marrying when you Bisqu several vears without any improvemeal from a tvvouund lobster Add hnven’i gumption 'nougb to learn to ments being made or an extension of two cupfuls of cold water to the body read” time asked Mr Taylor explain! d Eutomes mid ends of claws Bring to less some action is taken all of the pethe bo'llng point and took twenty Tell Me rmits will revert to the gov eminent inlnules Drain reserve the Ihpmr Willie— Daddy are flies files because OGDEN— Utah spends more money mid llilckcti with one fourth cupful they fly ? each of butter and Hour cooked tofor road maintenance than Idaho hut I suppose so Father— Idaho has more money available this gether Scald four cupfuls ot milk VmIIIc — Are lletis (Jens because they construction work than Utah with the bill meat of ftq lobster fine flee Strain and add lo the it was announced by H E Kerr chief !y chopped Sure What of It? Father— salt Season and with cayenne of the state road commisIhiuor engineer — are teacher bees told Willie bees then odd the tender claw meat cut sion who accompanied B W Matte'on because they be — Ladies’ Home Jour Into dice nnd alo Hie body meat and E' E Kidder of the federal bureau naL Summer Squash — Steam well washed of public mads on their annual summer squash cut iuto small sleii of I laho roads tnis year The Having a Commotion wlllumt peeling When lender ion t"ii ou T e n'“d :ty ‘Or d ko Vff ic a! pieces nfid season with a generous Jimmy aged fmjr was having a fine weeks iti making the inspection of the tnnsh tm playing ball with the g’ownups Idaho roads this year portion’M butter salt cayenne' and of his family Fsually he could be a little bevy r renin lured away by an Invitation from his RICHFIELD— There is coniri"nhie Sponge— Melt throe ttdo But this playmates across the s'reet spoonfuls of buitBsTtiiM one foun of mining activity in the mineral Of one fioll time when they Called "Janniie-eeH cupful cupful of canvon near Stlina Sevier in gion Come on over'" he re scalded milk gradually Bring to the Several companies and some county Add (jne tablespoonful plied "Aw I don’t want to We're Foiling point individuals are at work and have been having a commotion over here” of ovarii Juice and one teuspoonful On one shaft to the yolks of for moie than a year of grided orange so xvell that a work has four cgs and bent until thick then Doe It? y arid one fourth of n cupful of sugar depth of over 300 feet has been reachRobert— I've a to nib and fold In the mixtures Combine through lime ed where crosscutting Iec— All right shoot xvldtes of four eggs beaten stiff Turn and sha’e with results that are very Robert — If the boy is a lad and the buttered mold tunl steam thirOther has been started Into - gratifying f ltlier— had a dud sir erve worked with minute's in a similar five orange claims are being ty Leo deily I: f “rede d -- Go on sauce manner sinking shafts and running ' R"1rT away)— Does thai tunnel iu an effort to find ore p e tadJeT? — The tie lnJ a (at 2 — Geiierul 1— Warreh view of the funeral pro- D Itobblus of New York new American minister to Salvador cession of General OUreeon leaving the national palace In Mexico City It Mears and Cnpt C B D Collyer landing at the Battery New York after record breaking trip around the world News Notes f - - t r ‘f t rij j- - V i P: |