Show "'i '’t ’ 4 4 A v BOOST FOB BEAR RIVER IS A BOOST FOR YOURSELF SEND THE NEWS TO l’S VAULEY BUT pi 0L I Garland Utah August MANY ATTEND HANSEN Th death of Hon Ariel W Hansen which occurred at Los Angeles Calif Monday of last week came as a gieat shock to the Immediate family and cast a gloom of regrets over the entire people of Fielding and Box Elder county as well as many who knew him in vai lous parts of the state Mr Hansen ably represented Box Elder county In the state legislature and at the time of his death was fiist ’tl J A'Vfaggot — to Bishop Horace L Richcounselorards of Fielding He followed in the xiilont footsteps of his father the late Will G G SWEETEN Past ard Hansen being a successful 'farmer Garland Lions Club and stock raiser His activities tended to many positions of trust and service both to church and state Funeraivservfces were held Friday at 100 p m in the stake July 27 — lr A Few Words this day of rapidly advancing civilization the march of progress in eve ry hue of endeavor and the growth and of local community spirit healthy with neighbors— one of competition tlic outstanding needs of any progressive community is a medium of Intercommunication and publicity The newspaper meets this requlrement-- i It has a field of activity distinctly its own and can not be satisfactorily met by ither county or state publications Recognizing the urgent "heed of local publication members of the Lions Club of Garland and business men headed by such solid- - wlde- -i generally awake boosters and men of modem progressive ideas as Mr G G Sweeten and Mr John J Shumway have to the given generous encouragement manager and owner of the plant Which is today making Its first appearance m Garland and the surrounding territory of Bear River Valley under the name of “The Garland Times” The venture Involves a considerable Investment and risk and can only become a success and credit to Garland and vicinity and a paying proposition to the publishers providing the citizens generally and the business men In particular will continue to recognize the value of its mission In this regard however we fell highly encouraged and grateful relying upon the support promised by the gentlemen and organization already mentioned with a good list of advertisements and a long subscription list Without these two factors of course paper can not exist or fill its mission Having met so many of the good people of Garland and other towns in the vicinity the publisher feels that he has cast his lot among splendid friendly and progressive community? who have given expressions of good will toward the advent of a paper they can call their own a adSo the vocate and representative "Gailand Times is here to make the attempt and hopes to grow In service in size and in popularity and usefulness as the years shall come and go The paper will be published every Thursday as a weekly to begin with We will be located in the Garland a I the of To tabernacle at Garland' Bishop Horace L Richards of FieldOur The ing ward conducted the services opening prayer was 'offered by Elder Packer and the benediction Ezra H Just a woid to those who have by Pres C E Smith placed an onhr tui an adveitisement Eulogisitlc addresses were made by with us lust ut all tiy to place church and yoursell in the custouuis the following prominent position— state officials: Hon C J Dewey memtry to think a he does lime me" what Box Elder he is looking for and then picxcnt ber of the jt W to him P To of illustrate: Hon the story goes county Epperson ' legislator from Davis' county that a man had lost his mule It had M Jorgensen of suayed oft and had been mi sing for Hon S speaker State several days Many m the uni souththe house of 'representatives ern village had gone out tq look for Senator John W Peters of Box Elder the mule hi cause the ovunr lud ofHon Ernest Bamberger candi- fered a liboial leward county One by one of date for U S senator Secretary the seurcheis returned without the Geo mule 8tate H E Crockett Governor At last an jpld negro came leadR Coombs ing the mule to the owner’s place Elder George H Dem in the bishopric of In his delight the owner exclaimed: second counselor “For goodness sake Sam how did Hon Milton H Welling presFielding you happen to find my mule?" ident of Bear River stake "Well suh’’ said Sam “I jest figMusicale numbers rendered during out I where would go to ef I Cornet ured the services were as follows and violin duet by G G Sweeten and was a mule— and I went there— and z there youi old mule wuz by Joseph H Kirkham accompanied So in advertising and many other Orpha Sweeten vocal duet Louis Bailm dea- mg with the other situations baritone solo fellow tiy to think as he does then ey and wife of Logan Mr Smurthwaite of Baker iCty Oremeet the condition from his standgon girls chorus of Felding ward uncRr point and you have the key to busithe direction of Mrs Emer Harris duct ness getting Another pointer m line with Lorln' Miles and Eunice Ransten the above the meet sful advertiser is he All the speakers dwelt in highly eulobefore the pub- who keeps constantly gistic terms on the high degree of lic with sonic slogan some part of his the and enteipuse energy lllgence or business stated in a line of In private and public affairs of the new formgoods letting the public know that All testified to his dependdeceased he is still nt the oid stand that his ability and usefulness as a public ser- business is moving riu'nt along and vant and mourned the loss which the growing The public likrTN the live mercommunity and state sustained in his chant the suae that changes its window display and lets the world sudden demise more busiwife A devoted Mrs Gertrude Earl know that they aic doing ness to day than yesterday Hansen and six loving children two A poem which appeared in the surviv e him to feel American Builder wall illustiaie boys and four girls and which has come drive home the point we are trying the pangs of sorrow to make it follows: to them through his Unexpected parture from his place m the family KEEP ON Advertisers a a circle The high esteem in which Mr Hanby the sen was held was evidenced which assenibledf in large congregation the tabernacle to pav their last respects to relative friend and “An inch won’t make you verly tall You’ve got to keep on growing One little ad won't do at all You’ve got to keep them going One step won't take you far You've got to keep on walkin' One word won't tell folks who you are You’ve got to keep on talkin' Day of The Mothers and Daughters’ Y theGarland ward sponsored b the The constant drop of water L M I A was held Tuesday afternoon Wears away the hardest stone 4 o'clock on the The constant gnawing “Towser” July 31 The the toughest bone Masticates lawn progtam Sugar company’s and The com ant cooing lover for the afternoon was interesting Instructive with the following numbers Cariies ofl the blushing maul And the constant advertiser A Community singing “Our Y L MI a guitar Is the one who gets the trade” lead by Mrs George Cluk of selection by Lowell Burton address Mr Peck of the Pecks Service Stawelcome - by Miss Lois Pettei wn the bv Rachel tion certainly has been doing a play “Mary the Third tire business this summer way lie Crothers was read in a ph corU of has pnwhased 248 tires since the fust by Mrs Parker Pratt of U He received a new shipnet solo by Joseph Kirkham fancy of the year and ment today that gives him a total dancing by the Wood sisters Vni “America of 57 tiies in stock and nearly every singing community Fay Mr Peck insize tube on the market Following the program reUc'hmcnts were served and the time spt nt socially vites car owners of the valley to come in and look over his stock of tues for quality and prices Mr A I Grover has returned home from St Anthony Idaho where he of his members Fourteen of the club services funeral tended the met at the home of their advisoi Mrs Mr Grovbrother Henry A Grover 2 Anthony Park Wednesday August lsi at er was pioneer of the St of hts o’clock It being near the close of where he was living at the tunc death Mr Grover was a Miner resi- the season's workAndplans were made for moved the and demonstrations contests time Utah dent of Farmington whlr and place to be announced later to the Idaho city 43 years up hn three The meeting was adjourned the two away Mr Grover visited m that ball teams of the club practiced for sister And other relatives living visitClub to ahn be held the County games section of the country and Mr Jiseph Day at Logan August 29th ed our former townsman Jensen and spent some time m usitihga to far several is relief F J Chisek of Deweyyille places In the sta'e Basim' ah'd' s'v c d”d cn" Upper agent at the O S L depot while Agent fine fishing in that vicinity A D Sargent is enjoying' a vacation Joy the m that Mr Grover reports the crons n' s and Dr and Mrs T W The Surgi and section of the country wombiful Innes are inw on o fishing trip In rd crop farmer should harvest a m More fish stories when they Idaho at Tetn return i After a two weeks vacation s her parents Mr and rG’irned Mrs Ozra Barnard had the m it forBernice Sargent tune ti catch her hand m an electric Sargent to Beh LI mangle burning and smashing it quite Wednesday of this week o We are pleased to report at Hospital at Colorado Springscom e m badly a where she Is pursuing ths wr’ing that the hand is much improvednursing With A pedestrian under -- -i-- hav e should control : - NUMBER I $ The world Is your yourself opening it oyster Don’t hurt ' Bank Building and welcome call from the people at any time r THe columns of the paper "wHI' "be" open to correspondence and local news items and we shall be glad to give announcements of all public activities and function whether religious civic or otherwise As soon as we are more permanently established we shall arrange for regular Items of local news and as well as notices of public Importance From time to time we shall be glad to receive suggestions from any of our readers and patrons that might have a tendency to Improve the servile and In fact we want tope of the paper to be one of the’ family and In a position to champion your cause and extol your virtues ‘Ouf mission shall be to serve and not to dictate to stand by the wishes and desires of the leaders of the hi all moves that will tend to progress and uplift to avoid personalities and political entanglements to aid In the cause comof education merce and agriculture and the growth of the community In all praiseworthy endeavors We shall In addition be glad to get and job your orders for commercial printing work whether large or small on short order The publisher has been In the printing business all his life fust in connection with his father In the manaof a local gement and publication county paper and recently with laige commercial plants ’In Salt Lake City and understands it all Irom h l to the latest Improved linotype All that Is now needed to make the “Gailand Times-a paper ol winch you may all be proud is your united support your kindly feeling and patience until" we shall be able to our usefulness as a help to your community welfare and progress Having thus introduced ourselves and expressed our earnest hopes and desires we subscribe ourselves THE GARLAND TIMES By Roy W allien Manager and Publisher New Oakland Pontiac Dealers -- vc: Y f PRIMARIES OF BEAR RIVER STAKE TO Makes It’s Initial Bow In n 1928 IN T1IE PAPER APVERTISE THAT GOES INTO THE HOMES OF THE PEOPLE “THE GARLAND TIMES" “The Garland? Times” SERVICES FOR ARIEL 2 am - -- Announce Opening In Garland The Oakland Motor Car company announces another addition to Its rain pidly growing dealer organization the appointment of Messrs Peck and as Oakland - Pontiac dealGunderson ers here for the Oakland Six "and its companion car the smart The public New Series Pontaic Six is invited to visit the showroom and insjiect the various models comprising new lines the c sales The huge group with which the new dealers are now identified has shown one of the most remarkable growths in the entire automobile Industry dealers 4600 throughout the United States it now Is jnore than five times the size of the 1925 Oakland dealers organization The factory sales personnel and the district sales offices at important key cities have been expanded greatly to meet the needs of the growing dealer group W R Tracy in charge of sales has appointed six regional sales managers to suiiervise the district offices and a means of ready contact constitutes between the factory and the sales forces m the field A R Glancy president and general manager of the Oakland Motor Car company believes that 1928 will be the s Tentative company greatest year plans contemplate tte production and sales of 270000 mokiOars 42 percent greater than the salOgNif 1927 wasThe It 1927 sales total of 193?00r units Elk’s Frolic To Be Gala Affair Salt Lake City Aug Salt Dane Lodge 85 B P O Elks has one of the greatest tasks in lory of civic and philanthropic In its attempt to raise funds with which to transform itsYfid rlubh upe heie and the old Neighbor-hor- d h"'ise into gymnnasiums for boys aecoichng to announcement made here recently Atrorum: to lodge a huge frolic will be staged at the fair grounds during the week of at which time more Septenther 10th than $37 000 in prizes will be awarded the capital prize being $20000 in prois perty and through this medium It to funds expected to raise sufficient accompli h the" project as outlined in The frolic according to those charge of the affair will be one of the n greatest things of the kind ever'st&g-iwestern America to A show similar in size and quality the Ziegfeld Follies composed entireprely of New Yor't vtists vill bebeerectsented on the huge stage t) ed on the fair grounds while the Nesw Internationally York Hippodrome's li self 415 percent larger than the sales during 1926 c The remarkable growth In sales Is the most convincing endorsement of the company's policy of pioneering Important developments Such features as Duco foui wheel brakes chassis the oil and fuel filters air cleaners ci ank- case ventilation automatic spaik con- trol and depresslble beam headlights by foot control have eonlri- buted greatly to the fame and prestige of the Oakland Six Six with The Oakland ft new and larger engine longer wheel inbase and many other improvements cy- cluding the Under head has contributed farther to Another fea- success the company's Six ture on the Oakland Is the gasoline pump which replaces the conventional vacuum tank Both the cylinder head and the fuel pump proved so effective upon the Six that Oakland they were included on the New Sei u at the auto- Pontaic Six Introduced mobile shows early in the year The Pontaic Six also adopted brakes and other mechanical advance- ments such as crankcase ventilation improved carburetion and manifolding new clutch and steering assembly The made possible by higher compression the new head and highly per- - cylinder (Continued on page five Ing brought intact from the eastern famous disappearing water show is for the occasion Tickets for the affair have been sent to practically every city and viiIiim in district dm nu the the Intermountain past few days and it Is rxpm ted that more than 75000 persons will attend the huge benefit show Railroads have announced that during the week of September ioth they will offer reduced rates from all points in the lntermountam district to Salt Lake In order that all who wish to attend the show may do so at a mini- mum expense to officials in The show according affair charge will be a continuous there will be something every doing minute for" the entire week and there for everyo re will be an opportunity who atends 'to win a prize of some be Property valued at $20000 will capital prize offered and is is ox- for this wdll bo pectcd that competition the keenest ever seen in any contest In Utah conducted ad- Aa the show is being nationally vertised it is expected that people from all parts of the United States will be In attendance and as a result the various civic bodies of Salt Lake and other cities In Utah have their given it heartiest endorsement stating that it will do much to Improve and boom business In the lntermountaln dis trict as a whole GIVE PARADE ' Li iiw- JOHN J SIIUMWAY President Lions Club of the Garland Lions Club Luncheon A Huge Success From the singing of “America" at 8 o’clock until the saluting of the flag at 10 o'clock the Garland Lions Club luncheon held at the Garland hotel was one round of Wednesday evening intense interest For the first time shire the election of the new officers for this year our tall twister Lion was in attendaWilford W Richards nce and to show that he was on the job he rounded a good many of the mi mbers who were found guilty of mls- demeanors to the tune of 10 cents each This is the first time where whole tables have been caught Indulging In to have the entire jdcvellry sufficient group surrounding them fined to this extent The miscreants cheerfully paid their tines and went on eating Just the same Lion J H Kirkham led in the community singing and the other musl-- I cal number of the evening was the of two trombone solos by Clarence Bigler of Colllnston Lion A R Capener chairman of the committee membership presented the name of Moses Garrett for membership and by unanimous vote of the club he was admitted The real feature of the evening was of the delegate from the club rnational convention of Lions Clubs held at Des’Moines Iowa In the This delegate was caily part of July Lion Clarence E Smith and his report In pint follows: Lion Smith had not of the distinction being a delegate only to the Lions convention at Des Moines but was also a delegate to the National Educational Association convention at held a short time before Minneapolis Lion the Des Moines convention Simili was one of the nine delegates chosen from the Utah Educational He soikuion to attend stated that was a very beautiful city Minneapolis with sheets paved with blocks of wood set in tar The city of Minneapolis boasts of the third largest University m America a community building capable of holding large crowd of people 28 children's play grounds 36 athletic 32 fields 131 tennis courts 6kating inks 19 bathing places After the convention closed he spent a day m Chicago and then went to s Moines where the Lions convention was to be held TJjj opening meeting Was held Tuesday ol the (invention July 10 at 2 00 p m at which time were 5000 registered delegates lime pjesent and 3000 delegates that were not li pestered making a total of 8000 Lions throughout the International organization that attended this convenThese delegates represented the tion clubs in the U S Canada and Mexico and foreign countries The meetings were held in the Shrina building ample in size ers Temple the large gathering to accommodate and built upon a very unique design having the apiiearance of meeting In the gieat out dixirs with trees flowers and the dome of blue sky In the evening the lights were so arranged that they had the appearance of stars comThis gave a ing out In the heavens setting for sinking and inspirational he many important things that were followed n that out programs in the givi to The ptesident s message the Lions Jn( rnatlon(ll Klvon by the Irvlng Camp was a plea for sympathy with an appreciation for the young men of the presmt generation and In his message he defended the modern youth stating that they were as gopd or better than tin ir forebears The change of loirs and the advance of methods was for the advantages inresponsible rational facilities of the youth and they jere equiped to take their part In tle world’s q flairs He urged a greater lspect and use of the privilege of fran- close and recommended that the Lions clubs use this idea as one of their local activities Some of the highlights gleaned from are: tho speakers at the convention In the service of Life finds itself others have their Cities and communities ' The Bear Rlver Stake Primary association announce a Imraile and pageant for next Saturday afternoon This Is to be a duplicate as near as conditions will permit of the great page- ant that was put over by the General Primary Board at Salt Lake City In June There is to be a queen and fifty attendants children from four to six It is expected that 600 years of age children will participate In the event all In costume The parade will be In miniature — doll buggies express wagons clowns clown bands and a representation of forty dilTerent' kinds of animals The parade will form at the Stake Tabernacle at Garland at 4:00 p m and will end at the sugar factory lawn where the pageant and program will be shown Each of tho 16 ward organizations of the stake is taking a part and each will present a different feature This is in cclebialion of tho organization of tlie first primary association In Farmington a half century ago in the grandstand will be 16 persons who weie first members of that association The work that this program entails is prodigious of Litej ally hundreds the stake primary workeis throughout have been busy In vaiious ways to muke this an epochal ev ent in the hisThe public tory of that organization can show their appreciation by being present on that occasion and though it Is a busy season will leceive ample reward for any sacrifice they may make to be there Thcie Is no dnuge Ideals as well as individuals Social liberty Is more Important than Individual liberty We are closely knit together’ no man can go to the heights of glory without No man can taking others with him go to the abyss of degregatton without draging others along Don’t dream about your yesterdays but learn to play the game of life Great demands are made upon our We are living by our faith citizenship in a democratic society based ujxm a Are we government representative keeping the faith by voting? The lesson of a public spirited life Is as a tree ever bearing new fruit If a community is strong and enduring It will do hoineage to the men who guided Its growth Every citizen owes his city a constructive Interest in his city’s affairs As Lions we're trying to uphold the three great pillars of civilization the state the church the home Utah Is out for the Lions convention to be held at Salt Lake City In 1930 and much active woik was done by the 18 delegates fimn Utah and Idaho to pave the w'ay for this to become a refor this Denver Is a competitor ality but the convention delegathe results ' obtained tion fool that Is in favor Let our through publicity us hope so This report of the meting would not be complete if mention was not made of the voiy eei Rent luncheon prepared by Mr and Mrs J M Fraser the new This proprietors of the Garland hotel was evidenced by the roar of approval given by the fifty Lions present when Mr and Mrs Fraser were Introduced after the luncheon Many compliments were extended to them by individual Lions and it is felt that the club luncheons will be well taken care of In tho future Call For Republican Primary VOTORB TO THE REPUBLICAN Notice U OF GARLAND PRECINCT’ heieby given that a primary of the voters of this precltu t is Republican called to meet In the basement of thu 7'h Arnold Garland Public Ilbitiry 1928 at 8 o'clock p m for the pii’pose alter22 delegates of selecting a' id nates to the Box Elder County Deleat Brigham City Auggate Convention ust 11 1928 when delegates Lom IloX Elder County will be ih scn to attend and Suite convention the Republican conventhe Republican Utah Aueut 15 and tion at Ogden 16th also to tiunsiirt such other business as may properly come before the meeting JOHN J SIIUMWAY Precinct Chairman EZRA JENSEN Precinct Secretary Walker Mrs L R entertained a number of small guests Sunday afternoon in honor of her son Junior’s fifth birthday Interesting games were played on the lawn by the children after which refreshments were served A fine daughter arrived at the home of Marvin L Nielson July 30th Moth-- ’ er and babe are getting along nicely and that Marve will recover n |