Show mm THE SALINA CALL SAUNA AURORA To Mrs Carl Hunt a son Thursdiv The Anrori llrmnaiie Co will prea 3'it h tine iiIhv to lh Btthlta OU Ut'Xt 1'Vlday night tbud What the schools need is not ac much teachers who can spell as teach who can teach era tt It is a poor excuse for a bugaboc that cannot frighten the "(iOnal mllti interests' 'in Wall street If you attempt to follow the business rules of the sucevssful mun you wil probably find thai they do uot fit youi case "ew men are a Lie to put ten cents on the church plute as cheerfully as they will put a dollar on the bar at t saloon When we observe what some mei do and consider what they could ac coniplteh we niaryel at the idlosyucra sies of tfio human race THINGS Almonds aro Quito tious qualities in high cap which fits any head invented recently Watermelon leedl are delicacy in China At a Dlaad vantsga "I euppose you will mia your bo Vhfle be Is at college " "Yep" replied Farmer CorntosseJ will do without tlm "1 duiiuo what has new style of roofing steel coated with b?ad In Ostriches nnd allipators are raisec in incubators in South Africa Ecz'ma n J Itchir?? Cared The oo innw nn in Dr Uobiuli'i) bealipg in Olut Bitot eni evrv ttu kin '(:o of a it of all imperil ie: — opa it cl Or H Kcz rn (' ly Oin niBiii ia dflarantaad to apeadtlj heel ecsaSat farbet ringworm tat'ei aid uttir aoiigbtly erupt loua h rloator'i uia ulutiueiit prttfrip-tionot an aipariaiaft All drdfgtata or by man 5U" i' CbB)toal Co I'btladeipbla aud "t £x than half of the population Cuba is found in the rural districts o' A cloud of locusts brought an air man to the ground in France recent !y The eifr dustry $1000 if Ke Hi" bt nd MiU Uvea deal of jood in t are hay tiolnf bimint"-- move uVv1 itaannlatea Hva lihve the ido'i i': young Mr bi liiii'i to p"' KnUbt y ruuh 1" three ' rips ere in OODDMtiou Hi tbe uii ter au t Tu lay of tfatl veek bahad with liirn six a sot up ha oaliymi In nut OS It in nd the ilely 'hat he r ght tbu are often Honesty secrets prickh Europe's reveals buster seldom pays to a losing proposition any take from tin Greii' r ! hibe'tt 'i:'0' Et f"" ntni tl lb" IVtmary Anoautioti h"Id n Tiry OOoaaafal fair yesterday nrd cava a Hue ooneert laat evtnintr tiolh nf w'tiiih tin" a cu iil to to the clllieri Carter's Jewelry Shop and thai and There much nnd Br'a' here over tha nonting linn and it nan not be told whiuh will he ilaoiad GUNNISON prepared to Jewelry repairing at moderate prices and sc'ici£3 your patronage Beg to announce do Watch Geek 1 m Prank Carroll's Str3 offers Bargains to all bnyers in the followof goods: H ing lines of 1 JNDEBWEAE BIANEETS S high-clas- Watches Cleaned $ (JO Main they Spring $ are 00 Guaranteed year - hr etreitff And Here! Look Hub Axis Grease Light House Cleanser 6 for large 25c can 20c small can 2 i Mad by S:adebakcr3 and guaranteed by tlicrn lor a full year The best selling c ran thi Imericaa market today 25 33 and 40 noise ower Five and Seven Passenger Ask us for de n mskra 'i n at an ? time - Frank Cairo ms i am a GlNtnAl MtKUHANUlit $ 14 NOri'JETO Eila e r g OKEDITORS 1'h mas 0 O frtr Jeuaen Deeea- aer) Creititor will prMnt nlaiea with vou ltier- attached ti tha urirleraiind at his reailenne in ftalint S'vier C'liuu'v Utah on or Mora tbe fifit dav of Ifaroa A D 19U Dated at Halina U'ab tbia UOth flay of Oct ober 1P13 P ¥ Petroa Exeeutor of he Katate ot TbomwO Jenson Daiewied H N Haraa At'mnev for Exanrr 11 ri Yoy G3nnct possibly fanner in Salina h NEW GQQ9S esch and zvary weak I UL wt- - nuu uuy iwm 'order houses h' uaht a bill ad done tetter by buying - - of ot A laiiniv wuo iicii atait wuh goods here and to their surprise me Come in and learn how to LOUIS JACOBS - d nail they I it - 5aar Mmp ' I Atfornsj 2nd do your shopping ' Asnts ! t' Hyns CALL IN HERE for 25 3 jk N All N sw Goods AUTOMOIILES 5c life day ' t:aaeed H It the wt good to tin- 66th birthday hi iuionda noted pionaar Mr N I Chrtetenann A' but area ago be ra hale aba hearty b ok u! Innkf pieaaure on h's s natsii at Halina Utali tliia 20th October M& Ina Hyrym S Aniierson of th Gustaf Brandt of ar The las a Brigga and Larsen our lady t'Uiilarn here ot to KMna Sunday with a nrig man and tonkin thersceaand 'he akbta Thay alao a eut to y tphy'a for melona hud a brek dowu and were forced to te yenng man waa tike a lung wait In tba acvantb baaran liii out with ladiaa 4beaeto fair young SIIO&S SHIRTS KOS13 SWJiJ&TEBS Reduced GLOVES Etc Etc CHILDREN'S ROODS I "It bf sr SALINA UI annw ami liepalr-nof Lad tea' and H Suite gu to Htm itzii Is Incn'ed above the Work gn il 11 n Kule atuie teed and price reasonable Call aud give me a nail b't eln 000 New Tailor For Expert ut a Chroic Dysprpsia NslttttM The foll owing tin- should chi- alnl ba audi til tp HI o'i hope and uouiase 0 ti with chroaio dysptpsia "I hsve ' olirimin flyap ptl lor yar aort I Iih" ill the (Iha'iihi i'laiii'ii TaWelti "" W WOao v ( good thnn nnvi lilDir Via' isin No 7 Jt navili N Y kk Site by Ail Daat? value of the attar of rose in of Turkey is estimated at tbt iy unpleasant trust The Prop of ffloQr Iluva the largest asunrtoiBnt evar oaoja to Southern Covering Utub auub as K'u Linsulauta eta ud wa invite the good oitiatua who read tbe Mil inn (JALb to come and vit It ua whether they buy or not We an ioritatiou ionII peoplatoaall unci aeu theH fine otfurluga Niaon aa SteiM Smu up of Salioa leotured tn de ruung imliea and youua oaan Ca - lay Mveiilng au i juve tbem atim' pll(Jtd advine Christiansen e fe It's ah Balkans Mr Oluf Andaraon to Mju Fernlth the nintriage tu take pla a it Dacaoabar Soren Furnit-urCo Tbera will be a big Hallowe'en dance road have hnn purohaaedfrom here 'oul(jbt 'i'x Oranda known that theae Mr k Au Ieiaoi'n little A Marvelous Eicap h tva had worfcMan in m eanyon efir a m My little boy hid a rasrveloas or m ir dfttliat 'or coal ilauiibtar la sink wr li ptieuui inia M is also Mm Aiioe Jirgeuavu'a Prlnoa a id bey haT scape" writes R F fi'inid 'hat to the Botu ar ij'ii'e hick ooaur-aoii Albert OBpa of mdliope Wtiile a fewnjll'n n ton ey i in the middle of tha a M N tit Ha got moil' bad Btinnt tufy iiln A A Anderson bus a t led a Uluernoai u very severe atta 'k of croup Aa luok tfefly sure that here will be some to bit hotaj wuou bta laip'ovcii u ootd liHVe it I had a Urge battle of r'hr derAfcrtpmentft right away gi Hy Chamiierlain'a in tha Cough Rama houae After following the lirantions lhe beet 0t p 1ms proven tc ba The F mi!y Cmfi Medicine laat though an for an hour and twenty mi nu tea he was (bm la avafjr bom f Iter ihpatd he hrutigti all dituner" Sold by tall dealer in my uorea wata plau'ed ot lir KiugV r :dy Discovery ' ir iitnnediata use when aay ni 'inher Ar'lmr Sinitli lafl W4oatay fur if Ilia family aontfMta a on Id or a Epbraitu lu utteia tbe 8uow A'ndeiut Probate and Guardianship Notices use will top the sprei Mr (ieorge Colamaa family if BickuefiM B Atld of Miaou Onnault County Clerk Or The Canada and will just in "My win Ie family depuinla nn ve Signers For Further Informtiereulttr ruhlde iu ii uiuuml r Kh g'a New Dtaeovaiv aa tb at loo A world ' ittf h ind co'd nedlnlna in th r"t-'- i ti'liK from tbe a' ti li bofUd hare and in bottlaa eur-- me of nm ninon liO TIOK TO OBBUITOSS of other famliex have aptntari me eaaa pools a to trying to i ism sq'iully bneil'ed and depend IraO tb lOUf Ol the typhoid p) BfHti nf ate Oa'easoi 'iily Bpan Dr King's New Diooi tHiuiB He 01 del derrd h(4' hjuieg uid ''reiiilorsnf Gnt arlU praaaoi eUimi with tf'j in cure tin ir oiiiie colfla ttircat lOlng up be doue vonohere undrr at hit to the nd ielpdose 'e Every ing 11 son of Mr the Ralph Suvier at BHiina FI K naideripe Cointy All druggist M 60'M't and Mr Green iacni'e ill willipneu- - U'lih on or he'ora lh firat d y ot Lnul Go Foiiade'iihia-MPnaktaa naoia nnd D l'Jl Ia ir-a- ooitf It now only remains to cricket championship a way Britain tB D wiitpb MI "" of their dniea and "ei AH the RMtwt i?ood advice tl'i od ward auibnril wM Var stMke prefldency visits eveiy 11 ward in tbe stake in 'lta way 'n'! n a year and it keep nearly all liue They ure MdHplioi ' ally strong msn In evar) wav hi r tq dn ure calling on tbe peeopl i" ta ii Hud to be tn ira ex"m i'iny tention consists There are 4000 employes government printing office be li tn'blt beet considered A He got tbe live stock ao they would ri' move tttilesa tie Rive em Uie :! t rait an' can't remember It" nutri Richfield REDMOND S ("npld hha been t'Sdeptionally huay moreniant is on foot to build a Aoordine ""b ' f railroad tnrimgli rtalina Uanyon Ttls liere of ia'e and as a reult tin nie bold oiofrOoaJ Pr engHgeaieiitK bavi been aooounoed the two war s Hun day a new luovttinent aud - not Mr Vaaue Fiatidei to Mma 1'rari K V miu Oln Vatuiaaiid Kl the Kin The idea is to lorganieti tB uiarri iga to twlie plaOl 4Ar t" 'be Set to tiauaen atteudi-a rtta i to the great oonl deposits November ud ward and Fred-Bt- ' i £ 1'?" " Mr Caartd E Peterson to IUm Kara ward it tbe ItfMitportatioB of the (oal and visited otuiOuriatMiaeu Nelaoii tha BJtrrtaf4 tu to take plan for reports froui tbe biali feir travel as well Jasse Knight bey November li! aud the touple will ton pa and the head af atlfll orWAnit' iut tan illiam and a company of In s ui tt ey spoilt 10 the popl tfter to on torn The beat KNOWING A 4ro?en than Tt'8 WORTH BuildRailroad To Ward Conference EDITORIAL S initial M nrrnnnn ho haa proven by actual extierieii?H that it paya very wbII to feed sheep lor ui rk in and who Ima wiuter rttinouatrated t h it one dollar'pr Ut ml oaM be cleared in g irig hut it would be a ood tblu to orania a Shaea Feed-Ansojmiiiu tot Haiti pnti and counties so M to bava uuifuru u pritea sail make it so bnjer to the miij-waoipper would h Hud inrtna in iver flMue ooudlu partof the two unm-- mni o unite till taedari tut amnii benefit Tht would tie asplau it i NgU and leading bep men aboutd lock into it Itii faeduifc of aheap tor m rket guin to b h Uliotf i'l tbi aa'timl parts that a prnit of $1 per ead can lie made ! will inenii mujh bHer prio ea furbnj mid uratu it will uiri good fertilization to Hi' soil nd ui ru money all an uid li is saiii thr one can last buy eprinks lauiba buy all fbe hay ani araiu and make ttli above mentioned pri ll ? Hw much butter if one fed hi own hay and uraiu 10 'oil- of hav and TJ0Q pounds of gram will rauey mutton oat of 100 Jamba Ttieae ld ia mid flinirei were given us by Mr lorgeneen aud be hat UTAH V k A ir "He Paints3' paint at the PEERLESS 4 Harmon Andbas V OTbeSTAR CAFB Christensensen ((fall bc for1 $ Neilsen ail hinds cf : Proprietors Befb'eo eool Famous Royal Bread 2 and Parties get yeur Ice Cream in bulk Call on us every day gallons and up delivered free FourDsors East of Postoffice Main St Salina Agente for For Socials ' iifnw m ajar Iri |