Show wwa 4fc NAMED A- THE FIRST REQUISITE Have Lacked but He 8brely Had Correct Anawer Bright Boy inality May FAMOUS OF COLLECTION NAVAL HE MASCOTS Orig- “This brave man beloved by all France was then burled full with military honors" a Baltimore boy read from the lesson when his name had been called “What are military honors’ In this connection?" the teacher asked and several boys seemed to be possessed of the right idea "And what must one be to receive such honors?" was the next question "A general?” "A hero?” “A captain?” were a few of the tentative replies Only the "bright boy” of the class remained silent “Have you no answer James?” the teacher suggested what must one be?” “Why I should dead Miss say Mary” was the reply ITCHING AND A Nice Distinction Senator Gronna discussing a knottariff problem said in a speech: "There is a nice distinction Involved You don’t notice it at first Once it Is pointed out to you however you perceive its immense importance “It's the sort of distinction that Gobsa Golde’s beautiful young wife revealed to him during a conjugal quarrel over a diamond tiara the old “‘People say’ quavered man trembling with rage ' ’People say you only married me because I had money’ "The young woman smiled superbly " ‘Rubbish!’ she exclaimed ‘My primary reason for marrying you was that I had no money myself ” ty here ” ‘Good for you Johnny!’ said a city to the little chap ‘Still missionary wearing your suit I see’ “ ‘Yea sir’ the urchin explained ‘I sleep in it ’’— Chicago riSITORS to the great fleet that has been lection of mascots the pets of the sailor anchored In boys being the Hudson had a chance most numerous and varied STOP SOUVENIR FAD Hotels Employ Detectives Stolen Goods Mania to of Collecting Mementos Not by Actore Any More Than by Others— Proves an Expensive Fad Practiced The man who invests in want money bad linen belong to women that In nine cases out of ten could buy up our whole supply with one day’s pin money They don’t take things because they need them” 40 WOOING English IN A CHURCH Pastor Hitt Twenty With Chance Shot at Couples One London— The Rev F B Meyer of Leeds admits the following incident In Midland chapel: The preacher was annoyed by the sound of whispering coming from the under one of the galleries At last he paused In his sermon and declared “If the young couple making love under the gallery do not come to me in the estry before service next Sunday morning I will name them to the church” It was a chance shot but next Sunday he found 20 couples awaiting him In the vestry The Rev Mr told the young couples Meyer that he does not seriously object to a “little courting” in chapel He urged them however "not to carry courting to the point of actual HEIR TO $25000000 AT WORK Colorado Man Continues Leather Carving Despite Big Share In California Estate Colo — Although he has of an estate estibetween $25000000 and Alfred Burrows thirty-fivyears old a leather carver Is at work on his bench in a local Eaddlery shop as usual and he Intends to stay at his employment until he learns more definite news of the legacy Burrows has Just returned from Lo Angeles where he attended a meeting Pueblo herited mated at A woman woman who CO crVTKO EPSON'S WATER lOILN L THOMPSON SON big Broadway N Y BUFFALO wind ACO Booklet free N ¥ Troy PISO’SREMEDY h Syrup TuteOood la time Sold by Drofiriit Use E22EHHIHHH took occasion to from their of taking that wasn’t nailed down “You know that old story of the the theatrical in all towels and hoarding houses so that actors couldn’t steal them” he said "Well that does for the comlo supbut It’s not fair The trunks plement ws have to rifle to rescue the house roller hotels bwt hotel vindicate theatrical people reputation anything out of a hotel see tbs world's greatest the heirs of the large estate of Mrs Arcadia B de Baker who died in Santa Monica Cal September 15 Burrows expects to make his home In California when the affairs of the estate are finally settled Mr Beetle — At the inquest of Mr At present Burrows readies with his several wife at 918 South Union avenue The Bumble Bee they called in estate consists principally of valuable fireflies Willie Bug — Well I suppose they ranches near Los Angeles Don Juan the of Burrows was wanted more light on the subject the friend of a Spanish admiral and Surprise for Mother inherited the enormous estate by virA certain mother given to mystitue of a grant from the king of Spain cism and impressive theories regardnatural children one RELIC OF NAPOLEON FOUND ing her highly was evening entertaining visitors Suddenly came the sound of little feet Goethe’s “Werther” Which General head of the stairs to the pattering Carried at All Times Discovered The mother raised her hand in solemn (n Samll Town In Russia warning "Listen” she said softly “The chll Paris — It Is reported here that at dren are going to deliver their goodthe town of Dorpala in Russia there night message It always gives me a has just been dlsclvered a remakable of reverence to them — relic of Napoleon’s Russian campaign feelingare so much nearer hear the Creator they in the form of a copy of Goethe's we are and they speak so wonthan “Werther” which was Napoleon’s perOne of sometimes Hush! sonal property and accompanied hint derfully them Is speaking now" wherever he went Then breaking through the tense siThe volume which is bound in leath lence came a! shrill whisper: er and is in an excellent state of ‘’Mamma! Willy’s found a bug In preservation contains as well as Na- his bed” a curious poleon’s signature on the fly leaf by an unknown A Girl’s Pity hand stating that the book was stolen "It was King Midas wasn’t It who the emperor’s by a Cossack from to sledge one night during the retreat turned everything he touched of from Moscow Besides the date of the theft and the name of the thief details are given of the method by which the Cossack managed to possess himself of the volume Snake Captures Washington Court House O— Two children saw the head of a huge snake the ground a from in hole protruding Former Chief of Police McClellan grabbed the snake and dragged it It was eight feet long from its hole and escaped from a carnival company The snake is now on exhibition at the mayor’s office gold?’’ "I believe so” "Poor old fellow" “Why do you think he was a poor old fellow?” “He never could eat a pickle with his fingers” A Lucky with the ceremony of breaking out Mac Pope flags of the two countries of BaVmore a big game huntr took a moving picture of the scene Afterward all of us took a plunge in the Arctic but we did not remain In long "The Arctic coast is entirely barren Twelve miles back of the foot hills the mountains rise to an elevation of from 5000 to 7000 feet but there Is a The pass six miles east of the line only fuel north of the summit of the Arctic range is found In a few scattered clumps of willows and on the beach driftwood from the Mackenzie river There Is grass In plenty for horses along the streams and in patches on the tundra I believe our horses were the first to travel to the Arctic coast The Indians and called them ‘big dogs’ “Storms especially In winter are severe In tha summer when the wind is not blowing or Is off shore the mosquitoes and flies are almost unendurable They attacked our horses which dared not go out to graze Game there was in plenty The largest herd seen conalated of about 5000 caribou Herds of from 108 to 250 were frequently met We also found A G sheep In the mountains representing the United States geological survey made a north from Rampart house and and Canadian of gold north parties did not work reports few indications from the same camps but divided the of the Porcupine work The only exception was a party "Beginning with the monument on of six beaded by Mr Craig and my- the Arctic coast as the initial one self who Jointly projected the line By the monuments were numbered and using Old Crow river as a base sup- inspected from the Arctic to the Yuplies were carried by water within 25 kon 115 being In this stretch Next miles of the Arctic ocean monuments the be year numbered will “The first party of which Mr Craig and Inspected from the Yukon to the and I were in charge reached the Mount St Ellas Alps and the Rurvey ocean about the middle of July of the 141st meridian will have been and the final monument was placed completed” Evidence ”1 hear the gentleman who Is visiting your daughter is a coming man” "He must be for he Is certainly not a going one” BE PROTECTED Against So Many Surgical Operations HowMrsBethune and Mrs Moore Escaped Sikeston Mo— "For seven years I sufI was in bed for foul or five days at a time eVery month and bo weak I could hardly walk I cramped and had backache and headache and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded to see anyone or have anyone move in the room The doctors gave me medicine to ease me at those times anu' said that I ought to have an operation I would not listen to that and when a friend of my husband' told him about Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and what it had done for his wife I was willing to take Now I look the picture of health and feel like it too I can do my own housework hoe my garden and milk a cow I can entertain company and enjoy them I can visit when I choose and walk as far woman in aa any ordinary the any day month I wish I could talk to every suffering woman and girL”— Mrs Deua Bethune Sikeston Mo have taken Ly111— Murrayville dia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound for a very bad case of female trouble-anit made me a well woman My health was all broken down the doctors’ said I must have an operation and I was to to dreaded it ready go the hospital hut so that I began taking your Compound got along so well that I gave up the doctors and was saved from the operation”— Mrs Charles Moore R R No 3 Murrayville it "I Don’t Overlook This FREE Offer The Finest Opportunity Any Womens Ever Hod to Cram Alt About Washing Machines No matterwhether you have ever tried any other washing machine we ask carefully investigate right now our 30 Ooy Home Free Trial offer of BOSSWashlngMachln “The ONLY Washer Made Right9 All you do la asa the washer for foav weeks washing If you don’t the Boms all we claim for it if ft doeen’ wash quicker and easier without strong soaps—and more economically than you have ever washed e don’t keep the l w mac ne and your trial eosta yoa nothing erated by hand water electric or engine power Write tor Trial offer and Bess Washing DcptllOncinnsrtQ FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS If yon feel “out of aorta— "ran down’ or “got tha blues "suffer from kidney bladdernenrousdlseasea a Iceraskin eruplionspl lesAc chronic weaknesses write for my FKtvtfl book It Is the must ineiructivg medical book ever written It lolls all about thesa bvtheNaw diaeasesandtheremarkablecnreseffected French Kennedy “THKRAPION NolNoS No and you can decide for you rself fills the remedy for' our ailment Don't send a cent li absolutely DrLeClarcMed j'RKM Co ilaveratock Rd limupitead ImUm tag Make C50 a week as our agent The Jewel Vacuum Sweeper sella on sight Demonstrated loan stant Attractive Kasy Write Payment club plan Row for our liberal proposition tory ticosroi Ailioacv Koclsr Is and exclusive terribcptt'Rsdae4lvWlw- Live energetic Salesmen Wanted to sell our We splendid Coast grown Nursery stock have an immense Stock of fine trees In apples etc and the hustling man can make big money working for us Address SALEM OREGON COMPANY Pettits W N U for rawsI wEAiti IsoreBjlX-Jeyes- Lake Salt Salve No City Stops Backache Sloan’s Liniment is a splendid remedy for backache stiff joints rheumatism neuralgia and sciatica You don’t need to rub it in —just laid on lightly it gives comfort and ease at once Best for Pain and Stiffness of Welch Okla writes — “I have used your LinMr Gko BncrtANAN iment for the past ten years for pain in back and stiffness and find it the best I recommend it to anyone for pains of any kind” Liniment I ever tried is H t Find “Where’d ye git your new hired man?” inquired Farmer Heck "He came along as a candidate and did a little reaping for me I persuaded him that he had no chance of election and he decided to remain with me permanently” Negative It is says ”5 col- CARRY FLAG NORTH - Her trunks and bags on their way Survey Parties Travel Far in green goods downstairs are carried to the base- ' ment floor and there the house detectFixing Boundary always suspects another ive with the aid of a skeleton key never sheds tears goes through them in search of lost Americans hotel linen and Canadians SeJ Up Monuments From Sea to Yukon— It Is very gently removed and checked list up on the housemaid’s Find Almost UnenDO Mosquitoei BAD BACKS and the trunk Is carefully repacked durable— Taka Plunge in Sea MAKE WORK HARD and relocked Nothing Is left to give Backache makes the daily toil for warning that the search has been Alaska— Thomas Skagway Riggs And nothing is said to the demade thousands an agony bard to endure chief of the United States boundary parting guest Many of these poor sufferers have survey party which completed this She goes on her way and Is usually kidney trouble and don’t know it year the marking of the line dividing perplexed to Account for the fact that Alaska Swollen aching kidneys usually go and Canada left here with Ihe towels and pillow cases that she hand in hand with irregular kidney his party for Seattle dizziness nervousaction headache knows well she put into her trunk "We left Seattle April 29 with 26 afid ness despondency lave disappeared men and 35 horses” said Mr Riggs And in the case of silverware When suffering so try Doan’s Kidthe Coffee creek on the Yukon river matter Is almost as simple though “At ney Pills the kidney remedy these thefts requires taki- we picked up 42 more horses which remedying had at the head of the White ng into your confidence at least the river wintered Here’s an Oregon Case and May 25 we landed at Ramman who pays the bill Every waiter L has his eye trained to count up the part house on the Porcupine river Ora Buys: 65 miles north of the FI contracted arctic circle silverware while be Is placing the where kidney W F Reabvrn one of our surtronble throngn flQger bowls and if so much as one lifting heavy with’ five men There was a small spoon is not where it should be veyors had wintered ache and had a line of caches as out steady laid bill It Is placed upon the across the small of my buck und tho boundary crossing of Old It used to be a fad to have a collect- far as Aver knife fnine like shot Crow so the ps could take ion of spoons from the hotels and the through me Held without delay cafes The women seemed bent on Doan’s Kid Fills cured "J D Cfaig chief of the Canadian to hey off prove that something doctors carrying after failed and now to party with a similar outfit had Joined they had been there — or perhaps my baok la at White Horse I T and traveled of a party remind themselves stronger than they us beforeinears” with us to Rampart house where subdidn’t want to forget Get Doan's at Any Drag Store 50e a Bos One of the house detectives of a parties were sent out The American must to when wife WOMEN SHOULD fered everything be ’’missed’’ DOAN’S" Different Youth “Good morning Mrs Ales’’ said a grocery boy awaiting an order from a lady In a suburban town answered "Please call me Alices the lady “That’s my name” “But I don’t know you well enough to call you Alice” rejoined the youth confusedly IN BUGVILLE New York —The concerted action of the house detectives of all the large hotels in America has removed the points from two formerly excellent stories the first ascribed to an actress who when asked once If she had ever been In Kansas City replied "I can’t JuBt remember but I will look among my towels and see” and Sacrifice Made for Dress Using the Log Angeles fashion show the second the narrative of the young for his text Dr Alfred Jones a distin- man who was obliged to break off his engagement because as he left the guished nerve 'specialist of London now visiting the California city made dining room of a large hotel with his the assertion that "dress is causing fiancee a number'd forks and spoons the ruination of more lives in Ameri- fell from the sleeves of her gown ca than malignant disease” He said The house detectives have devised s the intense Competition among Amer- plan whereby the man or woman who to take a souvenir from a big ican women of all classes to keep up wants hotel finds his path blocked with the pace set by fashion was any obstacles and First the detective Is provided with list of everything which t complete Important to Mothers Then he deleExamine carefully every bottle of la owned by the hotel for the care CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for gates the responsibility Infants and children and see that it tf them to various head waiters wait-rand chambermaids housekeepers Bears the Then he gets a list each day of new Signature of arrivals and of those who are preIn Use For Over 30'Years to leave From these lists of Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria paring rooms the detective picks pccupied put the places where trouble might Of Course arise and into these he goes with his "Doesn’t the sight of a peach make subdivided lists and a checking-ubook you want to smack your lips?” "No Indeed The sight of a peach Is required to The chambermaid makes me want to smack her lips” give an exact accounting of every piece of linen she has supplied to the man A man isn't far from right when or woman who is about to leave This he’s willing to admit that he is in the Is in turn taken to the laundrleB where a balance is made If there is wrong a precise balance the matter ends Urn Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children there but woe to the woman who teething softens the gums reduces inflammabelieves the towels she placed that tion sllsys pain cures wind colic Sfio a bottle Adv carefully in her locked trunk will not FOSTERM1LBURN NO CHANCES Mr Underwood paused then added: "I heard recently of a little boy to whom a warm and comfortable suit had been given The boy’s father was a drunkard and it was feared that the suit would soon find Its way to the But a week after the lad pawnshop had get the suit he was still wearing BURNING "Cuticura Dept L Boston” TAKING The Rev John N Underwood one of Pittsburgh’s most and eloquent earnest ministers said the other day: "In a temperance address In the spring Probably I pointed out that drunken husbands “A thing Is never bo kill every year with revolvers and hatchets and clubs 3600 wives That not so”bet “I’ll it Is if your 2500 babies are killed drunken by fathers who crush them in bed That Is” 90 per cent of all our divorces are due to drunkenness” 1768 West 46th Ave Denver Colo — “I had a very sore leg It troubled me for some twenty years and finally broke out to a running sore with much fever and terrible Itching and burning It burned and Itched so badly I could not rest day or night and was obliged to lie In bed The sores were in spots Just as raw as a piece of beef I used medicine yet It wouldn’t heal Seeing the advertise ment for Cuticura Soap and Ointmem I immediately wrote for some The Immediate’ cure was more remarkable than I can describe I was complete cured” ly Mrs Curry (Signed) Brown April 11 1912 Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world Sample of each free with Skin Book Address Adv WAS 8mall Boy’a ' Precautions May Hava Been Exeeealve but He 8till Had the Suit ISM good for sprains strains bruises cramp or soreness muscles and all affections of the throat and chest Cot Entire Relief of the of Maysville R D Burgoyne Ky RR I Box 5 writes:— “I had severe pains between my shoulders I got a bottle of your Liniment and had entire relief at the fifth application” Relieved Severe Pain in Shoulders Mr J Underwood of 2000 Warren Ave writes: — “ I am a piano polisher Chicago by occupation and since last September have suffered with severe pain in both shoulders One of my I could not rest night or day friends told me about your Liniment Three applications completely cured me and I will never be without it” Price 25c at Send for 50o and All Dealers $100 free book on hones Address Sloau’s Dr Earl S Sloan Boston Mass |