Show rV DID REUGS Glimpses of Early Life Are Unearthed FOUND iri Egypt the Remarkable Diicoverlea Made by Prof Edouard Navllle at Abydoe and Ita Neighborhood— One of Richest Sites' In Old World ' - sea serpent be longer CANIs it the remnant of a species supposedly extinct or some adventurer from the deep sea lair of a modern race of leviathans as yet undiscovered by Cairo Egypt— Fascinating glimpses science? early Egyptian life were revealed Such queries I have been flinging at t an exhibition recently held In Lon- some distinguished naturalists with don The exhibits which were the rewidely varying results which I shall sult 6f the season's work of the Egypt proceed to report at once especially fund under the direction Inasmuch as my investigation brings exploration of the great Egyptologist established Prof Edou- to light ths scientifically ard Navllle at Abydos and its neighfact that August la our sea serpent borhood some Included month par excellence excellently mummies early implements preserved “I incline rather to belief than to unsnd carvings and some grotesque belief in the master” Director Fredvases pot unlike English Toby Jugs In erick A Lucas of the American Muthe great Temple of Osiris a carving seum of Natural HlBtory told me "The was found depicting the Pharaoh of biggest sea serpents we know of Vved the Exodus playing draughts' in the eocene period" says he "Take He would Abydos Is one of the richest sites for instance the zeuglodon In Egypt and many explorers have tally perfectly with some of the most reaped a rich harvest from its temples sensational sea serpent descriptions and tombs but the work of this ex- whioh we hear year after year The grew aa large as 70 feet In pedition seemed to prove that much re- zeuglodon mains to be done before the whole length and eight feet In diameter His On one head was small and polntel His Jaws story of Osiris Is revealed table were displayed objects obtained were well armed with grasping and from a prehistoric village the re- cutting teeth Just back of his head mains of which were found a little to be carried a pair of short paddles not the west of the great Temple of unlike those of a fur aeal “He must have reared at least a Osiris Hitherto the archaeologist has been dependent on objects ob-- third of his great length out of the water to take a comprehensive view talned from the graves of the prehisof the surroundings His tall must In toric age but this case the relics him at a speed of from of this ancient life were found on the have propelled 20 tq 30 miles an Bite of a hut village ho(ur They include were once very numer“Zeuglodons the long flat stones and corn rubbers which were used to grind the wheat ous In the Gulf of Mexico also the old southern zeaB of Europe They have sword pr durrah for bread bone needles horn borers and been called ‘whalelike king lizards mammals not and some slate palettes for but in reality were hairpins The zeuglodon is usually knives reptiles Fruit paint rubbing eye saws and scrapers showed signs of thought to be the ancestor of the I isthink whale but without he died use and gave all the appearance of v in which sue" being In the same condition One recent story In they had been left by their original which Director Lucas takes some owners These primitive men were no mean stock is 'that of the captain of the British ship Fly who states that while artists as the impression of a cyllnIn the In Gulf of California becalmed 12 fathomB of remarkably clear water o v: 1 some examples Let Us dispose of one of the most conspicuous pictures This of the sea serpent yet printed ie given In a work of Erik Pontoppt-dawho Norway bishop of Bergen wrote more than a century and a half ago describing giant sea serpents and mermaids which he believed really existed He bring a godly man should not be distrusted entirely "This monster was represented with lta front portion out of water and as having a large frill about its neck Its tall was long and tapering and ended in a spiral curve From its mouth Issued a Jet of water or vapor Now certainly such a form does not exist but what was It? “Well now let’a look at th cuttlefish or squid Some of these have been found aa long as $0 feet The tall of such a giant cuttlefish may have been taken for fhe head of thla monster serpent the fins of the tail correThe sponding to the frills described spiral tall might easily have been one of the great cuttlefish’s curved arms the water and the appearing out Jet of water might have been the siphon of the cuttlefish by which It propers Itself in the water How much would be required to add Imagination the unreasonable features of thla pic- feet attributed by Dr Oudrm&ns to hla hypothetical creature which he says appears to have a head resembling that of the sea lion an neck a hairy trunk with two flippers oo each side and a tapering pointed tail The males of thla species like those of the seal he thinks art probably adorned with the mane which figures so persistently In sea serpent descriptions SINGING FOR THE “RECORDS” Domestic Furniture of 5000 B C Trays snd a Water Dipper seal on clay representing a procession of animals notably an elephant and birds and a small clay ure of a dog eloquently testified The settlement belonged to the late Neolithic age but some objects of pure were found— a copper not bronze and some fish hooks An Important find In this ancient village was a furnace or kiln used for hankpottery of which ing the a model was exhibited the original having been retained at Cairo One of the moat Important of the works achieved by the expedition was or temthe excavation of the Osirelon This was a great subple of Osiris terranean temple consisting of a passage some three hundred feet long The leading to halls and chambers temple was the work of Setl II or the Pharaoh of the ExoMeronptah dus The walls of the passage are covered with sepulchral stones and scriptions describing the passage of the dread king through the gates of In one scene the the Underworld king Is represented playing draughts with pieces in the form of animals The construction of this subterrane-aThe walls of the shrine is very fine chamber are of the finest limestone covered with beautifully cut inscriptions The great hall has a bath of sandstone faced inside with red granite No royal body was found in the tomb but there is little doubt that It rested there for a time until removed to the tombs of the kings at Thebes where It was found a few years ago The In How many of those who on a summer evening listen Idly to the music of the phonograph reeled off ao easily and carelessly ever stop to think how these records were made or to wonof the der what were the emotione musician who poured sweet Bounds into Inanimate ears without any ol the Inspiration of lights flowers beautiful clothes and an applauding audience? Although it doesn't bring so much glory as singing at the Metropolitan Opera house this business of singing for records is a very lucrative one Caruso is said to have made $150000 and a year In this humble fashion (tars of lesser magnitude may count on $2000 annually which meant much more than It would If gained behind ture?” What proved for a time to be the footlights because the phonograph most successful aea serpent hoax on does not demand that Its entertainers record according to Dr Gill was per- keep up with the latest caprices of fashion In the beginning however petrated In New York by a entlst Dr Albert C Koch In 1845 He 'it is rather trying exhibited on Broadway the skeleton of “Stage fright la nothing to the feelan alleged fossil monster which he ing with which one confronts that awnamed the “hydrarchos” or “sea king” ful horn” testifies a young woman The remains Including the head and who Is now singing for those silent vertebrae measured no less than 114 audiences according to the New York feet over all and the people of New Tribune “and afterward when the recYork as well as of other American ord is played and one hears every of one’s were greatly excited false note every clearing cities visited over the discovery of tangible proof throat even an audible swallow It is sea serpent ex- a wonder any one ever had the courthat the isted But finally Prof’ Wyman a nat- age to try again Yet it Is a wonderful uralist of considerable circumspection and one realizes as one experience examined the skeleton and discov- never could otherwise how truly marered It to be a composite including velous is the talking machine the phothe bones of several zeuglodons nograph “The room where we make our records Is an absolutely bare barnlike place with a board partition at one end dividing the room proper from the small space where the recording The horn Into Instrument is placed from which one sings Is suspended fi gTit!TrrifffSS Dinner ENDS A MOTION PHOTO FIGHT Montclair N J- Lets Amusement cerns in After a Debate of Two Years Con- Montclair N J— After debating the the subject more than two years town council has decided to grant a show In license for a Montclair The applicant will spend on his building and plant and $100000 No will pay a fee of $1000 a year vaudeville performances will be alFor the past lowed under his license the two years Montclair has enjoyed unique honor of being the only city of Its size in the country with no moving pictures Use Alcohol to a report According made to the Eugenics Congress by Ur Magnan chief of the Paris insanity bureau alcoholism among women Is increasing yearly More London-- Women saw crawling extraordinary he over the bottom an monster with neck Bhort $ail and long serpent-liklour flippers like those of a turtle The naturalist regards it as remarkable to say the least that this skipper who doubtless had never heard of a plesiosaur should thus describe Dne with amazing accuracy both as to (orm and probable habit The director regards It as just as possible for the plesiosaur to survive as for some of our sharks which date back to the same geologic period In the accompanying group of three gigantic sea lizards you will perceive In the left foreground the terrible elasmosaur the most colossal and most serpent-llkof all that ancient With ts body long group and flexible neck short paddles and serpentine tall It would answer well to of the sea popular descriptions size Is atserpent Its tremendous of some tested by Its vertebrae which now preserved are nearly as large as those of the elephant In the of the picture is its right background of which no cousin the mosasaur Fewer than ten species are known to have inhabited this part of the world six having been found In New Jersey This terrible sea lizard attained a Its head was fiat length of 40 feet and pointed and Its lower Jaw was provided with an attachment of cartllege by which It could open Its mouth to enormous extent In the same manner as the modern snake The central figure In this group Is another of these creatures known as the laelops a lizard which fregreat kangaroo-likquented the land i v sea ser“There are no monsterpents" was the emphatic reply of Dr Gill N Theodore the distinguished of the Smithsonian InIchthyologist “There Is no animal of gistitution the sea gantic size now living In which could be properly classed as a Berpent or even a reptlla “It Is possible that a great selachian related to the frilled shark of Japan may be found In the seas This would have an body a fin back of the bead and if verjf long would agree to some extent with descriptions of the 'great sea serpent' As a matter of fact there was discovered not many shark reyears ago a small sembling the grap sharks found In the Pacific” “Do you regard all reports of monster sea serpents as pure figments of the Imagination?" I asked Dr Gill “Most of the wonderful creatures of made the sea serpent subject stories doubtless are living animals of “I will give some sort” he replied mm strung together When last heard of waa by Dr Gill this “sea serpent” sold by Koch to the museum of Dresden The accompanying photograph of the skeleton of a zeuglodon properly mounted has been furnished me by Dr Gill and was made from the unobtained equaled specimen by the Smithsonian some time ago from our southern coast The federal bureau of fisheries has been hunting the sea serpent ever since it was founded Its second officer In command Dr Hugh M Smith United States deputy commissioner of Fisheries told me yesterday how he has personally followed to their lairs two or three of the most horrible of these creatures While scientists are not In accord on the question Dr Smith thinks that some circumstantial evidence recently gathered “will perhaps weaken the belief of some Intelligent persons who have heretofore denied the possibility of the existence at this day of marine monsters comparable to those of geological 'times” A zealous champion of the sea serpent’s reality Is Dr A C Oudemans the After cozoologist llecting all obtainable reports of sea serpent visitations along our eastern coast and throwing out palpable “cheats and hoaxes” he has obtained evidence of 66 such monsters reported between Newfoundland and Florida within a period of 139 years These monsters he says are and that they do not like cold water is shown by the fact that none has been reported along our coasts between November and January Inclusive while only two have been seen during February March and April Their return with warm weather however Is shown by the record of three In May nine in 'June seven In July and finally a round couple of dozen In August which as stated Is our sea serpent month par excellence After this the visitations taper off— four In September two in October and none in November The fact that comparahave tively few of these monsters been reported from our Paclflo coast is according to Dr Oudemans due to the fact that the greater ocean Is far less frequented by ocean passengers rather than to the probable absence of such creatures from Its waters The sea serpent Is a great mammal most nearly related to the sea bear according to this naturalist In view of some zoologists the great zeuglodon was closely related to this same species but Its greatest known length 70 feet Is far surpassed by the 250 Buying of us by mail Is Just as satisfactory aa If you came to the (tore In our new homo we are better able to serve you than ever cure LAKE If Ntrt 160 Mala The man who Is industrious able neighbors has no business for tbe Nine times out of ten when a lover horoscope reader — Judge t tells his betrothed that he’s not half good enough for her he speaks only half the truth We make a man of youtboy nati Enquirer Odd and Interesting Occupation Which Men and Women Receive Good Compensation celling and protrudes through an Grouped opening In the partition around It are the musicians of the orchairs chestra seated on elevated their music hung In front of them on et'lpgs and weighted so as not to fn any chance breeze swing too much The Instruments themselves are the strangest looking things the violins Instead of the regular body a hollow tube affair in which are arranged the strings The cellos are skeleton In construction — no sides and very slight wooden supports separating the top and bottom of the body And to every is attached an aluminum Instrument horn directed toward the large horn In the wall to concentrate the soutJ wave “The singer 1b placed on a little platform directly In front of the large receiver then when all Is In readiness he or she sllpe down out of the way A light gives of the sound waves the signal and the conductor who Is perched even higher than the musi- the dor The Santa Thing The orchestra played No 6 a selection that seemed to the bachelor very beautiful He leaned toward bis companion and whispered: “How lovely that Is! What Is It do you know?” She smiled demurely and replied In a low thrilling voice: “It Is the ‘Malden’s Prayer” And at the same time she handed him her program pointing to No 6 with her finger He read and started for the real name of the selection was Mendelsohn’s "Wedding March” The bachelor bought the ring next day — Cincin- At the cians starts the orchestra side of the soloist is an assistant who when the orchestra begins puts into the mouth of the horn a large extension so as to catph more of the sound and when the Introduction Is finished Then the soloist quickly removes it rising nd standing quite close to the It is rather distracting horc sings fer one hears one's voice become at and more vibrant once concentrated than usual and one must remejryher those dreadful little sounds which an but would scarcely notice audience which the horn records relentlessly “On finishing the verse one steps level of ths horn down below th The assistant once more puts on the extension and keeps it in place until the second verse starts This assistant is a most useful persons for' those new to making recordB for he sways one first forward when one Is using thq middle or low register then back If the singer for the high note If anymakes a mistake he stops thing goes wrong with the recording instrument a bell rings and all stop to begin over again at a given signal “After the song la finished the recOne listens to see ord is played where It can be improyed Perhaps In places the orchestra is scratchy If so they rehearse the weak spots once then again they take their or twice positions await the red starting signal and try once more “The wax disks on which the records re actually made are behind the partition and all about la a mass of what at first looks like fuzz or fluff but to In reality wax spun off by the needle These wax Imprints are sent to tho factory — about foir or five are made of each song— where a metal ImFrom pression is taken from them this pattern the hard block records are manufactured The right way All Hallows To begin College the day Sah Lake City Hewletts Fresh Roasted Utah Boarding and Day School boys Minim Academic’and Senior department Classical Scientific end Commercial Fall term commence! 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