Show r- V -- A Woman of Refinement rather hare one piece of dainty silver than a carload of ordinary bargains A tingle piece of nice silver will make a good present and it ia a start in the right direction for it may be added to from time to time until the lady has a complete set and the cost is never burdensome Bee our new lines snd start right now Would MYSTERY THAT HAS nr- AT THE MINEOLA RACES COULD BELIEFS SET SOCIETY Mysterious ON EDGE INVOLVES RICH AND GREAT Blacks and I7V tAR citi UTaM OF NATIVES Strange Affair of Mrs Frederick 0 Beach Whose Throat Was Slashed by a Man at Her Winter Home in Fashionable Aiken S C Ceremony of West Africa Worship Smallpox Even Put Their Facet Patient to Obtain the sired 8cara in Victim Against De- HARDLY MOVE Trouble Caused Miaary Mrs J S Downs 219 N Sixth St Chickasha Okla says: “My back across my kidneys became so lame 1 could hardly move My limbs cramped and stiffened and I felt completely worn out Nervousness and headaches kept me In an unstrung condition and frequent passages kidney secretions added to my discomfort I was soon relieved however after I began taking Doan’s Pills and when I bad used Kidney four boxes I felt like another woman “When Your Back Ia Lame Remember the 50c all stores Kidney Africa— FetlBh travCape Colony elers In West Africa are unfailingly struck by the curloue forme of wornae ship adopted superstitious Uvea They illustrate the truth of the statement that every human being acEW YORK— Society mys In his heart some sort of knowledges terles are the most bafworship to a deity but the varieties in fling of all mysteries Sothe dark continent are queer indeed Co ciety has a mystery today Buffalo N Y Take a stroll through any African that would require the town or village and you will notice a best efforts of a Sherlock EQUAL TO EMERGENCY score of with mud It thatched huts Holmes has little to solve In every package of Hewlett’s floors on which are thrown a heap of some elements In It that Products there is a premium coupon These huts are the are altogether unusual in ordinary atones fetish houses to which the natives go the affairs concerning the that will help you get GENUINE and salaam and ask their gods for This mysand great ROGERS SILVER free of any tery surroundsrich the various blessings after leaving offerattack that was Hewlett’s Products are of made on Mrs Frederick O Beach at ings of beads yams and nuts cost In some parts of Africa they even Aiken S C More than a month has highest quality — they are prepared assince she was brutally The natives treal elapsed worship smallpox m a modern sanitary factory and sailed in the darkness outside her the Infected patient with great reven home Mrs F 0 Beach Mrs Jas B Taller Slater of Mrs Her head was beaten with a F 0 Beach Mrs ence and even rub their faces on his you always get full value was fence to Mrs and F throat obtain the desired scars her body O Beach Johnston Livingston Sister of paling slashed with a knife administrators naturally r The mystery Is European Always insist upon still unsolved gard this form of worship sternly sion and conviction not only of Mrs Only the other day a chief waa susAll the persons whose names have posed that they were of great value Beach's assailant but of those who pended for having encouraged It are In the and that the motive had been robbery In this affair appeared next the found were had attacked bebut women pendants other Mrs front of belief rank The the native has in the efhigh society shortly And get the Coupons Beach before her second morning on the ground where the at- fore and soon afterward' The victims ficiency of or witchcraft Is touch marriage Excited Customer — A man just tack had taken place They proved to In these cases were servants and lng in the extreme Take the case ol was the widow of Charles F An Idealist can fool himself In exnone of them was hurt much Mrs Mr a man who believes hla wife Is not ai dropped dead on the first floor Moss the be of little intrinsic worth She was Camilla Floor Walker (In big department Iselln’s rewards heirlooms were said Beach such however have of family actly the same way a dozen times they faithful Moss of D him Courtlandt should be He to ag she daughter large stout strings to them that It Is promptly proceeds to the witch doc- store)— That’s all right sir You’R One of her slaters Is her mother had given her and she valPhiladelphia not likely any private detectives will tor and on payment of a fee varying find the “Undertaking Department” on Mrs J B Taller whose New York ued them on account of the associaSaving is not Stinginess — residence Is at No 43 West A motake them up and pursue the matter in amount according tions connected with them to the required the fifth floor on the speculation of collecting it is a street Another sister Is Mrs ment before Mrs Beach was assailed severity of the spell requests that a Pearl Hampton a negro woman In the MRS striking feature about hla letter ju ju shall be put on hla hated rival SELBY AND PRIZE BABY Johnston The Livingston Jr was felled by to the mayor was his expressed deslra When one of these rivals dies— from have an estate at Hewlett L I Beach family’s employ Open an account to aid In lynching the slanderers of a dose of ground or the thouFrederick O Beach 4s a member of the same fence paling and presumably glass “I have mail always used Cutlcura Soap Beach by and her husband sand and one ways in which the neveral clubs and a close friend and by the same man who struck down Mrs and no other for my baby and he has more and companion of William K Vanderbilt Mrs Beach This negress was near Mayor of Aiken to Make an Investiga- crime can be committed out there — never had a sore of any kind He the triumphant lover exclaims: When In the north the Beaches make an outbuilding used as a laundry She "Ha! tion does not even chafe as most babies it grow stories afterward their home at Hewlett and the do I feel sure In the winter told contradictory Then the mayor of Aiken threw hla See the power of the that It is all owing to witch doctor adds more kuefos to his 4 per cent com(hey shift their domicile to Aiken Mr of having seen some one run out of hat Into the ring figuratively for he Is fine and Cutlcura speakSoap In the the laundry and disappear and Mrs Beach are prominent memHe came out with the announc- reputation iastsW healthy and when five months old darkness just before she was struck bers of the "horsey” set of society pound interest too are carFuneral ceremonies ement that he proposed to probe the won a prize in a baby contest It Mrs Beach's screams when she was the colony that Is devoted to ried with out to the the to strictest matter regard makes my heart ache to go into so very bottom and that he Walker Brothers Bankers the neighborhood sports and gathers every winter assailed aroused was going to pursue his own private the appeasing of the gods Supposing many homes and see a Salt Lake City He at Aiken for shooting hunting and and her attacker was pursued His comand of the af- a man dies out in the bush personal with whole Its the head of Founded "A Tower of Strength1 investigation baby top and dodged into an alley and escaped Mrs It Is the Meadowbrook golf fair He added that he was not going rades strap his corpse to a plank and a solid mass of scurf caused by poor holBt it on to the head of one of their element trans- Beach swooned and was taken Into the to take any one Into his confidence Hempstead sporting I always recommend Cutlcura soap It is d fine thing to be a gentleman planted house The assault occurred Just out- but was going to and nine times out of ten the next get at the tiuth and number who leads them In procession a for was She side the long grounds except In emergencies In politics Both Mr and Mrs Beach Favorites of would make public In due time wha- to his home with much beating of time I see the mother she says ‘Oh! unIn a condition and serious time and yelling while another I am so glad you told me of Cutlcura Fortune tever he found out He declares he tomtoms detecand Mrs Beach is a noted equestrienne able to afford the police does not propose to have the repute native runs In front pulling the feath- (Signed) Mrs G A Selby Redondo She declares much assistance and very fond of the hunting field tives tion of Aiken suffer In the eyes of the ers out of a live chicken and scat- Beach California Jan 15 1911 a negro that attacked her one Her husband long has been famous as it was world and he is going to clear It of tering them broadcast Arrived at tho Cutlcura Soap and OintAlthough she does not remember ever havthat a driver of crack and as every stigma that has been put upon dead man’s hut the body is burled ment are sold everywhere a sample before Been a daring rider after the hounds His ing It by the Beach affair no matter under the floor and all the relations of each with book will be and friends come In and drink gin Naturally every one began to ask 'whose feelings are hurt handsome face has gained him the on application to AT YOUR OWN PRICE mailed free Why should any one atof “Beauty” That is the present status of the and feast In a beastly orgy for as Beach His questions sobriquet Dept L Boston Mrs Beach? What possible moas the family has money many If wife is very pretty nights It She is still under tack is ever unraveled and If the motive had mystery 35 solution gets Into print It seems but looks almost ten years tive could there be? had e Sale of The Oh Learned Judge been robbery why her assailant the younger likely It will be one extreme or the A California decided judge that attempted to cut her throat and add other Either It will resolve Itself Mrs Beach’s first husband Charles Exchanged Pianos a Winner there Is no Judicial authority to keep to the crime? F Havemeyer was the eldest son of murder into a case of unprovoked and brutal When we commenced this sale we a man from making love to his wife in Who Revel Morsel for Those a A Choice enorTheodore by assault It else or the Havemeyer negro did not expect such a magnificent may drag although It could stop his beating her Scandal to light various society skeletons Her mar mously rich sugar king As response as we have had We have cause of this remarkThe remarkable was considriage to Mr Havemeyer already sold a reat many If you Starting with the known fhets so- It stands now it has all the elements able decision was that a woman in want a bargain in a Piano we would ered a very happy one Two children ciety at Aiken and elsfewhere straight- of mystery that are essential to the Los Angeles had applied for an Injuncsuggest that you hurry up There blessed the union In May 1898 Mr way became more than busy It must first 4000 words of a fine Sherlock her tion to restrain husband from inis no time to waste killed himself with a pis- be remembered Havemeyer that In a small place Holmes story All that Is lacking Is sisting on being attentive to her Thla tol at his home at Roslyn L I Au- like Aiken where the exclusive social the solution — and It would take more but he realjudge was not a Solomon REMEMBER the PRICES gust Belmont summoned the coroner circle Is limited the vital thing of than a Conan Doyle to invent a climax ized that only a Solomon could be A jury was hastily Impaneled $87 $92 $112 $137 $182 It con- each day's existence Is gossip It is that exceeds In thrills any of half a trusted to rule upon the whims and sisted exclusively of men in the same like life in one of those little garrison dozen that are being whispered behind Inconsistencies of womankind $198 242 $267 ' social set was the towns In India that Kipling has de- closed doors In Aiken August Belmont foreman It met at midnight and de- scribed so mercilessly Therefore A Many of the great makes-- Man Charge Made Involves Frederick O was no evidence that every one began building a fabric of “Mr Wombat!” Beach Knabe Hallet fc Davis Kimball clared that there had fired the bullet Into theories as to how It all happened RaVemeyer of suffragettes out here “Couple Miller Steinway C’hickering Frederick O Beach and Mrs Beach bid brain with suicidal Intent— that After two or three each stones at Everett Storey & Clarkrepetitions throwing your window” Estey returned from a trip abroad the was an accident small Incident was distorted Into a recently bawled the policeman and others Beach learned that he was From her husband’s estate Mrs thrilling bit of gossip- which presently where Mr “How long have they been doing In Aiken wanted S C for trial a on Inherited a great sum of was passed along as a matter of fact Havemeyer TERMS that?” of having attacked Mrs Beach About a year and a half after In this way the Beach affair soon be- charge money “Oh several hours” Beach stated that he ran from there his death Mrs married came an inconceivably Havemeyer $ tangled skein “Let ’em alone It amuses the girls PER CASH Frederick O Beach As a girl she of surmise and suspicion that widened the house to his wife’s rescue when and I don’t believe they’ll hit the her screanfs he heard was rich a widow as she Ticher was AND MONTH day by day and involved more and After Mrs Beach’s recovery she and still and as the wife of Beach she still more people ( had a greater fortuneat her command One of the stories that started no her husband returned north and sailImportant to Mothers Later a warrant was All her life therefore she has had all one knows where and spread with the ed for Europe Examine carefully every bottle of FREIGHT PAID CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for the money she could possibly need utmost rapidity was to the effect that Issued on the affidavit of a detective to youi Railroad Station Infants and children and see that It Beach millions of dollars a close relative of the woman slashed accusing Beach of the attack Aiken is one of the most fashionable Mrs Beach’s throat and that the as- cabled from abroad that he would reBears the Every one of these instruments in winter resorts within easy traveling sailant and his friends conspired to turn home at once good shape Signature of distance of New York It vies with hide his guilt by charging an unIn Use For Over 3oVeara Write for complete details Palm Beach In the luxurious Parrot Stops a Fire way 'of known negro with the crime Mr Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria living pursued by the fashionable col- Beach because of the Inactivity Never again will the pet parrot In of ony and Is far more exclusive than the 'police and the activity of the gos- the Clark home in New Rochelle N Not In Any Way Desirable the famous resort on the coast of Florsips employed two of th most prom- Y be punished for violation of the “Do those people who proved Into ida It has been celebrated for years inent lawyers in Aiken to look after rules of polite conversation or for the flat across the hall seem to be deMENTION THIS for Its mild climate Not only those his Interests and brought down a de- any other cause If It hadn’t been sirable neighbors?” asked the man of riches and leisure but many who tective from New York for the The detecthe Clark “I watch-- ' “No” replied the woman are suffering from weak lungs are at- tive spent several days In Aiken but home might today beparrot In ruins While A POSITIVE and PER ed everything that came out of the Underwood Copyright a Underwood N X tracted by Its balmy atmosphere If he accomplished It was polly was endurfng her punishment MANENT CURE FOR anything by van moving They haven’t a thing Great pine forests cover the country not made public This furnished more Incarceration In a Bmall cage In the All at Homs in an African Village Drunkenness that we would care to borrow” and for miles all about Aiken and the air food for the gossips and Mr Beach attic she discovered a fire there and to buy liquor Included In these celeIs soft and mild no matter how bitOpium Diseases spent day after day closeted with his gave the alarm her brations Consequently When Your Eyes Need Care ter may be the cold in New York lawyers there la much firing of guns Tim b m rwllidtr M ickMM ldie treated term of three weeks’ Imprisonment ahd their tom of ewe drums a hundred to scare off evil Try Murine Bye Remedy No Smarting— Feels printel IN rich and fashionPerhaps beating The parrot had Excite Ire of C Oliver has been recalled Soath Temple Street jTITUTt Lake Cite Fine—Acta Quickly Try it for Red Weak able families from New York Tenderfoot white men are Watery spirits Phila- Whisperings been so disobedient of late especially Ryes and Granulated Eyelids Illu Iselln Book Murine in each Package delphia and Boston have their winter ia In the matter of the looseness of her detracted by the racket but after a trated by oar Oca lists —not a “Patent MM compounded Then a new figure appeared in the conversation homes there Then there are many that she was put In the time they treat It quite as an ordinary Jclne’’— but usk1 In Physician' Practice for many years Now dedicated to the more who run down to Aiken to spend case with an astounding proclamaoccurrence Her pleas for mercy were In lic and sold by Druirglsts at attic and 60c per Route Oliver C in Murine tion 26o iselln and a fortnight or a month Another naira the millionaire curious Tubes Kye AiepUo Some of the practice dating vain DEVELOPING AND FINISHING Murine Eye Remedy Co Chicago from the dean of the are great estates New York banker places of residence Beet equipped While workmen were cutting down of an very early times Is the playing plant In the west Quick work Instrument called the oro This among the most magnificent hull line ot all eupplics In Amer- Aiken colony came out with an an- trees near the estate a by expert Write twig became Boston Pun for eataloRuea and developing prices Is made of a piece of native wood or ica others are big comfortable nouncement In a letter to the mayor live A a wire gust of wind “Let me see was Rome founded by SALT LAKE PHOTO SUPPLY CO of Aiken that he would take pleasure Ignited by Iron houses like a surrounded which to shaped by dagger spacious blew It Into the attic of the Clark Salt Lake City lt9 Main street a long string Is tied One of the most opulent and in the lynching of the person or When this Is Romeo?” grounds home a window having been’ieft' open was “No Juliet who was found it who were select country clubs In the south Is at responsible for the for the benefit of the bird Soon Polly swung around and around rapidly it lead by Romeo” MEN AND WOMEN that had been saw smoke Learn Aiken' The building In which It Is slanderous accusations produces a truly sound coming from the celling WANTED Barber Trade Only to8 wceka like a housed is large and luxuriously ap- floating about since the murderous aswall sound Is This required Tuition including her screamed and alarm Paxtine Antiseptic sprayed Into the et of tools $f0 Mr Instruction Jselin’s It Is the headquarters for sault on Mrs Beach pointed supposed to be the crying out of dead Barber in demand Write Molar Barbar nasal passages Is a surprisingly sucthe smart set qnd many of the society name had not been mentioned In the spirits and only the men can safely Commercial Col leg Street Salt Lake City cessful remedy for catarrh At druglook on the oro and live To Throw Deadly Projectile dispatches from Aiken before that people stop there In their If a woman flittings 25c a box or sent postpaid on regists He is fully as rich and as prominent back and forth from one Planned to throw a projectile weigh- looks on It she dies— the native will place of Ths Proof ceipt of price by The Paxton Toilet as the Beaches leisure to another tell you by spells His estate ing 2000 pounds with socially but in by Co Boston Mass reality "You don’t scold your husband la one of the velocity a distance of fifteen being struck on the back of the head Not Motive for Attack on at Aiken Hopelands when he bag been out all night do Robbery show places of the south It Is named miles a new by the whirling piece of Iron Rather Disinterested Mrs Beach you?” after hla wife who was Hope Go- gun has been designed by the United The African Is very fond of proces"Let me take your sister apart” The attack on Mrs Beach occurred ddard “No but how do you know?” the daughter of Colonel William States navy department The gun sions and a very common sight la a “Don’t She is all broken up as It on the of evening Monday February Goddard “He told of Providence you made the They have will be 67 feet long and a new type native dressed from head to foot in Is” 26 She was returning to her home five children best Ice water he ever tasted" Mr Iselln is famous as of will be neceswith a wood-clothing when a strange man sprang at her a He la the owner of the sary for Its use No battleship now In en Idol on his head leaping in the yachtsman Tea Garfield is unequalled either as aa knocked her down with a blow from a Its Drawbacks Vlgllank and was one of the manag- commission In any of - the world’s air and waving hla arms followed by ' occasional or a dally laxative paling which he had torn from the ing owners of the Columbia and She — Why don’t you dance other navies could withstand without injury an admiring crowd of men women j feiice that surrounds the Beach place who puts up a good fellow Many a His home is at New the firing of the new weapon cup defenders This apparition Is held At and children you like It?” and slashed her throat with a sharp Rochelle He — Oh yes I like It all right but present the largest rifle on any war- by common Consent to be the spirit ' front ia talked about behind bis back knife Mrs Beach's In Mr Iselln’a letter to the mayor ship Is a firing the music always seems to put ms torn from her It wasearrings were gun projec- of a dead man paying a visit to ths at first sup ha offered rewards for the apprehen tile of 1400 pounds eleven miles Even the man may earth out and the girl gets in my way have a good presenco When easily a woman boss she finds a man she can It usually overdoes Ask your Grocer for the Free'Coupons Hewlett’s Products duty with$l or Today watch at PIANOS X KODAKS IK: r |