Show lOTYOnit CALLED A GHAVEYMD OF Mil IUI DEAL ForlnfentsjindCMlen The Kind You Have CHARACTER UTB EDUCATOR Always Bought ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Vegetable Preparation for Assimilating the Food and Regulatthe Stomachs and Bowels of ing OKIES minus v Bean 'the Ca miHer Signature of Promotes Digestion Cheerfulness and Rest Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral So Busy Making Fortunes Men Have No Time to Learn How to Spend Them Not Narcotic hapt tfou DrSAMumars MttnpAi'n Jtx PrMldmt CHarlei F Thwlng Western Reserve University Declares He Would Not Want to Live the Jhu Cholly I’ve an and my Gussie Under Any Circumstances— Smaller Places People Have Not Forgotten Their Good Manners" — Life tn Naw York Too Fast It Burns Up Men City “In the Invited — What’s the time old invitation to dinner at watch isn’t going — Why wasn’t yeur too deah boy? PHYSICIAN SAID chap? seven bit A perfect and The' New York Man Is So Busy Making His Fortune He Has No Time to Learn How to Spend It ih a Smaller City There Is Time for Thought for In Cities the Smaller People Have Not Forgotten Their Good Manners TWew LAI I1 JL YORK— Writing in tl World Sunday Presldei Charles F Thwlng ol Wests Reserve thi university voices his opinion of Nt Yorkers: ' I have' been in the habit New York at frequent tervals for a ' period of 30 yeai With each succeeding visit I becan more and more convinced that visiting should nol want to live In New Yoi under any circumstances Why? The question is at once a big on complex apd serious It carries beyond personal equations It eludes tendencies and movements character and work of our people America is becoming the world at Its larger city is a microcosm Ne York is one of the largest Germa Italian Irish cities in the who world Scores of other nationality are here gathered and put into tl melting pot Besides racial elements other el menta abound The most intellects and the most stupid the most dl and the most obscure tl tlnguished most charming and the most uninte eating Aha most philanthropic and tl most selfish the highest socially at the lowest' socially the noble moral! and the unspeakable morally are bei mingled apd mingled not in quletnes but in surging forms and ways New York is dynamic not at a statical New York spells strenuou ness Now this condition at once fore ful and fascinating opens opportun lies for educational religious and eial service such as human history bt never offered The Condition is prei nant with celestial and terrestrli gravitation Servant Problem a Real Difficulty But this very condition creates a positive Not disadvantage many r women can endure such many men a life for a long time The pace kills New York is not simply a "graveyard of reputations" as it is often said to be it is d graveyard of real human character dead before prime Let me illustrate A friend of mine whom I will call Abbott went to China in 1875 He served there in the customs service for more than 30 years and became one of Sir Robert Hart’s great men Four years ago he retired He wished to spend the rest of his life in writing a history of China His familiarity with the authorities historical and literary would dlow him in doing this work to be nany part of the world He was an American born and bred His wife was American-borthough Three years ago be ame to America with the thought of possibly settling here living his life and doing his work After spending four months in New Yoyk Mount Desert and elsewhere he wtate me saying: "We are leaving' We ate leaving for two reasons First the difficulty of securing good domestic ssrvants Second and more the killing pace! We cannot stand the life" Less Orderly Than 8maller Cities returned to England and They sought a place in beautiful Surrey tome fourteen miles from London The case of the Abbotts is 1 think not poisonous as Is commonly suptypical Life in New York is too fast posed There is only one authentic case of poisoning by the centipede on It burns up men Now to the comparative side of the record for this country That was reA smaller city like Clevequestion ported by Dr Josiah Curtis ©f Washland for instance Is a city of diverse ington A woman was walking in her populations it is also a melting pot room at night in bare feet and wag of Medes and Persians and the dwell- stung or bitten by a centipede b Its forces are tween the toes ers in Mesopotamia The bite was folactive it too has people who are lowed by inflammation and severe hours the most distinguished and the most pain that lasted for thirty-sistupid the most charming and the Mr d’lferculals questions even this most Interesting the most phi- case because the symptoms were and the most selfish the very much like those produced by the lanthropies! highest socially and the lowest social- sting of a bee or hornet and also bely the noblest morally and the un- cause experiments bad been made with much speakable morally largef species of centiBut all these forces are not so con- pedes and these were always harmgested so crushed in together as they less In But he In New the smaller also finds the animal useful are York cities theTe is more orderliness Peo- On several occasions he came upon ple have not forgotten their good individuals of the species scutlgera manners or at least many of them coleoptrata catching files and other InThe centipede grasps the fly have not They still have time to be sects considerate The crush both physical with the front legs and quickly bites and intellectual is not quite so crush- it In the thorax injecting a juloe that kills the fly instantly When there ing are many files about the centipede More Human Than New York will kill several before beginning to feed of Instead at its prey chewing PeopUin smaller cities are more human thgn New York people They it sucks out Ihe loft parts through a puncture leaving the head legs wings are less inclined to weigh all things and other hard parts in the sells of the mint If New York Another argument for the harmless-neshas mor LIVING smaller cities have of the centipede is deduced by more LfFB What you see emerges the from the fact that when author readily in a smaller city In New the animal is grasped it does not try In York one becomes so easily lost a smaller city not so easily Cleve- to defend itself' but seeks rather to It often escapes by “leaving land for Instance is large enough to escape Its legs behind” — that is the animal give a field for one’s forces it is automatically throws off a number of small enough to preserve and prolegs that have been caught by the mote individuality enemy and limps off on the remaining In New York this pressure has be- ones can easily spare a dozen or come a very materialistic one At two of It least the materialistic side is the ob- members itscanthirty legs for the lost be regenerated vious one Of course there are to be The is found pretty well found in New York great men and scatteredcentipede In all parts of the world greatest men in all fields of human in- The in the United terest But they and their work are States species common not so obvious to the passerby as are ed over scutlgera forceps was reporttwenty years ago as devotwealth the desire for wealth and the the nights to killing bouse flies ing seeker alter wealth And later an observer detected one New York Is too large (or many in a butterfly the act of capturing people to know people of other types much larger than Itself The insect intimately hides during the daytime under dooror window frames or in any steps Seek Only External ThVtgs crevice large enough to conceal its The young man feverishly seeking numerous — Harper’s appendages a fortune does not know the inner Weekly life of the man who has learned that great wealth has little value except Dog Kills Wildcat as a stepping stone to opportunities Punch” a hound dog He- sees only the owned for a larger life ranchby a Sheridan' Oregon livof external grandeur and display er performed an unprecedented feat He Is so busy making his for- a few ing days ago when he whipped tune he has no time to learn to wildcat in a battle royal spend it except in the obvious ways The owner of the ranch property was of’ the lust of the flesh the lust of accompanied by the hound and anthe eye and the pride of Ilfs took other dog when the hound In a smaller city where the pressure up a trail which he discovereddog in the time for of living Is not so great The trail finally led light fall of snow inthought time for to old an fir burned up snag where tercourse with men who have thoughts the hound and bayed Upon on other subjects than money are coming up stopped with the dog the rancher Such a life can be found in given found that the latter had treed a wildNew York by the man who Insists cat He was unarmed but managed upon finding It It Is obscured by the to get the cat where the dog could get external rush and dazzle unloss he at him The wildcat and dog "mixed” does insist and keeps on insisting with Immediately and were well nigh exoband bis which fervor a strength hausted when the dog getting his secvious surroundings are all conspiring ond wind obtained a hold on the cat to stifle which finished the latter a few Both New York and smaller cities minutes’ additional struggle ajter need and In New York more I think the lesson of Walter Bagehot If you Simple Treatment Effective have a mind use it It is the most A New York heroic The cities like mode of treatment policeman’s interesting thing was the means of America Itself used to be taught that saving a young baby’s life the other the things of the spirit are the real evening The child’s mother had althings that what one sees will soon lowed her baby to vanish that the invisible is the eter- chew a bit of apple and the child tried nal “that the lust of the flesh and to swallow it whole and It lodged in the lust of the eye and the pride of his windpipe Unable to relieve Its life are transient" and that the spirit ran the mother sufferings screaming of man deserves and Is really struginto the street w'ith the baby in her gling after the real truth of life arms A policeman thinking the child hurried him to a was in convulsions There the man learned DEFENSE OF THE CENTIPEDE drug store what was the matter and taking the Frenchman Declares Insect Not Only youngster by the heels shook him head down until the bit of applq was Harmleaa but RealComparatively When a doctor was sumdislodged Value ly of Much moned The centipede — which really never In spite of his has a hundred legs name — has always enjoyed a bad reputation A Frenchman M J Kunckle d’Hercul'ale recently came to the defense of this Insect In a paper before the Academy of Sciences In Paris the animal is In the first place he the complimented man and said that the baby was the worse for his experience policenone The Appropriate “Every ease” trade has its "Then I suppose shingles" peculiar carpenters dis- have the Per first xtle face neck and back came down with it When came under It Remedy Loss OF SLEEP Facsimile is so busy making bis fortune' he has no time to "When my little was about 'spend it except in the obvious ways of the lust of the eye months old she wasgirltaken with aeight very and the pride of life” Irritating breaking out which cam© on MHe N$w York is a Graveyard of Beal Human Character Life in New York Is Too fast It Burns Up Men Not Many Men or Worn en Can Endure Such a Life for a Long Time i forConstipa lion Sour StomachDiarrhoea Worms Convulsions Fever ECZEMA FROM TEETHING CAME Sfd i WtokrffH watch The Signature of Centaur Company NEW YORK she In her festers eyes and on her chin then after a few days It would dry down In scaly white Guaranteed under the Food ant In the daytime she was quite Scabs Exact Copy of Wrapper worryBome and would dig and Bcratch her face nearly all the time "I consulted our physician and ’Twlxt Satan and the Sea The Ugly Brute tound she was suffering from eczema Doctor — You are In pretty bad “See that measuring worm crawlvhlch he said came from her teething You must stop going to tboss shape I used the ointment he gave me and ing up my skirt?” cried Mrs BJenks without any relief at all Then I “That’s a sign I’m going to have a cheap restaurants Patient — But doctor the prices at wrote for a book on Cutlcura and pur- new dress” “Well let him make it for you” the other places would make me still chased some Cutlcura Soap and Ointment at the drug store I did as I growled Mr Bjenks “And while he’s sickness It a have hookworm about send him found directions in the Cutlcura BookA' very successful remedy for pelvlo let and when she was one year old to do you up the back I’m tired of catarrh 1b hot douches of Paxtlne Anshe was entirely cured Now she is the Job” tiseptic at druggists 25c a box or sent three years and four months and she postpaid on receipt of price by Ths When Your Eyes Need Care has never been troubled with eczema Mass Paxton Toilet Co Boston since sh ) was cured by the Cutl- Try Huriae Ey Remedy No Smarting— Feel Fine— Acta Quickly Try it for Red Weak cura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment It often happens that when a man IllusWatery Eyes and Granulated Eyelid Mrs Freeman Craver Murine U knows his duty he tries to stave It 311 trated Book In each Package (Signed) not a “Patent by our Oculists Lewis St N Y May 6 compounded icine”— but used In successful Syracuse off by seeking advice Prac Physicians’ tice for many years to the PubNow dodlcsted 1911 Although Cutlcura Soap and lic and sold and at by Druggists per Bottle Ointment are sold everywhere a sam- Marine Kye Salve in Aseptic Tubes 26c amt Some men to avoid paying as Murine Eye Remedy Cf Chicago they go becausetry they don’t ekpect to book will ple of each with be mailed free on application to "Cutcome back Up to the Minute lcura" Dept L Boston in doing “Well she has succeeded When the Millennium comes Garfield Te the latest thing anyhow” and Huly Church will not be longer needed As It 8ounded to Him “What’s that?” Young Fred was on his way to his “Eloped with her father's aviator’ Some people love to tell the truth— grandmother's home The tram reachwhen they think It will hurt ed a small station The young man who marries an “Bunker Hill!” shouted the 50 wait to not heiress have may years putting his head In at the door in order to celebrate his golden wed"Bunker Hill!’’ Jfll c “Mamma mamma!” ding demanded Fred "What has she done that they treat her that way?” “What way my child?” Inquired his mother “Why” explained Fred “didn’t the conductor say ’Bump her heels?’” A “Don’t less — ” ask “Unless you unless “No Diplomat a girl' for why kiss action your you do datsOINTpiles cram in e to 14Pao Blind 60c The man who makes bay when the sun shines doesn’t have to borrow his neighbor’s umbrella when it rains I want person who la bilious constipated or hafe any stomach or liver rlli cut tn scud for a free package Pill mF 111 rlM ° "ant to prove that I UilJJLF I T 4VI I they positively cure I digestion Sour atom I ach Belching Wind 1 I I igl Headache Nervous-1 ness Sleepleaeneia and are an Infallible cur forConntlpatlon Tod this I am willing to give million of free packI take all the risk Bold by druggists age for £5 cent a vlaL For free package addree Frol Munyon 53rd Jeflenon St Pa Philadelphia 'ailVltll l I'vUr il Bfra Winslow’s Boothlng Byrup for Children teething softens the gums rednees Inflammation allays pain eurea wind colie She a bottle Pink Eye" Epidemic In the Spring Try Murine Eye Remedy for Reliable Relief passing pass Virtue may be its own reward but the reward isn't always legal tender at the corner grocery Tour druftfiMt will refund money if MENT fails to cure any case of Itching Blooding or Protruding Piles in 6 u14 days reflect upon the undertaking it conit — Jeremy Taylor Some women Rre some others cannot A long life ana a merry one may be pected by those who use Garfield Tea the natural herb regulator For sale at all drug stores un- want one?” you don’t" In every end' and In sider a 3 fair— and A woman seldom eats if else for her to do there is anything PleasantRefiesfiink 0 Beneficial KNOTEBTH EtKArM METALLIC HEELS Gentle and Effective awIOUNIBS Save Your Shoe Money — You Who Work in Mines Quarries and on Farms E Protect your (hoe where the wear come hardest —and they’ll wear twic long Metallic Heel are lighter than leather nd will Don't go without them outwear the shoe Your hoe dealer eellt them ready fitted on work ihoee Or your cobbler can quickly attach them If your dealer isn't supplied write ua Your inquiry booklet bring UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO in tfiQ 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Syrup Co W THE NEW Adame FRENCH St REMEDY THERAPION 8UIS8 CIKKS I’LCKkSSKfN mvslnp W N U Salt UNION Chicago hoINo 2N03 Howpitals with ('I Lake City PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster color than any other dye One package colora all fibers They dy Write lor free booklet— How to Dye Bleach and Mix Colora dy any garment without ripping apart In cold water better than any other dye You can DRUG COMPANY MONROE Quincy 1U |