Show I BURNING DAT LIGHT’ Jack London’s Great Story Begins In This Issue Subscribe And Read Reading Matter Is as necessary A Paper of North Sevier Offioial 'VOL VI SAUNA Stockings knit CA$H e ia d by Mrs paid for bad hens lay Geo debts Money bask if Conkeys not saiisfactory Cpukei'Laying to make Drug Co A “Black ITEMS LOCAL BOOST UTAH State-Wid- Boost helps 11 as food iGreat Movement Start-reat Salt Lake It For t'prfiham Layipg Touio Lewis Xnnio Franoy Co guaranteed sale by jLewis 1$ The Btu lentspf tbe 7ttp grade have effected a class organization with class name "Exoeleior” lbs officers of are as follow: Clinton Carroll Trail JEdi :d and Published by UTAHJVN or 99 Madams ds Thebesthe noted leeres s of Paris who is given credit for having predijtfd a number o(svnts and cHsiyaltlei luoludiughe assaislnation of President McKinley has just issued her foreoast for 1912 and predicts that it will be s "black year” According to this Frtnch' woduau there sre going b lively doings this yfaralt over th world especially in Franoe Germany and tbs States "Blood United £plaud “will eyrrouDd and fire” says abe Franoe” Spain ie also iu for t tumultuous tiyie but Alfous will contrive to save hie crown William of Germany will bcJejs fortunate for Madame de Thebes has him elated to loss bis kipgdcm and hi crown before the close of 1912 26 C N a knockhurtsll Lund 1912 NO 40 Redmond £ Christensen of Elsinors and Jobanueu of Vennioe have been iqEidipondwapdas mipprtps for the Mormon church 3 P Jensen who has been sioJ( is nowtuneb improved Pajil Madsen is on the eiok lint Ajorpriee party In honor of Christian jrrgeueen was given et his home by bb relatives and tbs relatives of his deceased wife last Sunday A fine lunch Was served and good timewke bed by all preset What prqjnises to be one of the best tlmeof this season is scheduled for nexC’rlday and Friday evening VA pabifodinner sod program In the day and dance at night In honor of oar retiring Bishopric Bp Martin Jenaen and oounoelore C M Miokeleen sod J‘ C Brejybolt Farts have Assigned to sl of tbe ward organizations and we hope to make these retiring officers feel that their eerrioes has been sppreo iated1 LaitSatarday njght Master Arthur Sorensen gave a party for his young friends' the occasion being hie 14th bistaiay LOCAL ITEMS Jennie N visitor this week Miss of elsen was a Eiohfleld Harry Hopkins spent the the week iuEiphSsId Lehl visitor Peterson n wae t jrfc Rick field the eply part a early part of ELICFOMERE Salina Cauypp to Be Stocked With fbe week BigiGame (The entertainment of the Primary Association recently by Jilrs E W '“Utah’s towns are unoomoiqas Crane was a fine eifair She invited ail Within tbs pegt few weeks ssversl their possibilities” dent Delauis Basuuseu tbioifloers of the old oar leads of elk wll arrive sc Sslins worker and “ There is a Utah that has been and dent Helen ficiltr-dso(Secretary ward aeeooiatiou to her borne and the They re now' betpg gathered in ths Gates Alva Treasurer there 4ea Utah that ie to be" Lauretta Chris eveuing waa pent iq pleap&nt games JaoksonHole country apd 'ill be trans"Utah Lae received more advertising teuseu Reporter Luuglas Olsen berg and luncheon served to Saline and turned on to the Arms eut at Lorcas and ooreuson ported than any slat lu the Uolon but it is The CALL is glad to correct its stateArtuur Williams Athletic Managers Fish Lake National Forest Reserve ment of last week in which it was said re The the hind of advertising that he Trogram Cmnmitiee la aa follows that Albert Bird was serving time in Tbe winters in tbe Jaokssn Hole oonnt-rceivss” Rose Hcgau Coalman Gee Kelt are toQ sever oq tbs elks thousands jqul for the pffeLte with which he was Manilla Bird “Theday of the hoccker is dead iu He did not sers soy time as freezing tq deajh every winter charged Th John Arueaon waa a business visitor ('Utah” the fine was paid In rela ion to Mr extermination of ths species is d “A a patjve son I will not strike to Richfield early in toe week James Sorengpu It may be said that he by fbs oold weather ppd ths govwae Mr and Mrs 0 N Luud attended arrested in bis pool ball and not hands wun any man who knocks Utah Is in th transportaplding in tbe back yard No liquor was found ernment The above are excerpts from remarks the annual meeting pf me Mate Tress lu bis bouse nor in bis back yard and tion of mny of th animals to plaoss Miads at the boosteijuieeUugq held lu Association alSall TiUke Tuesday Mr be aaintains that tbe liquor which tne where the wsa’heyi less severs The Lund w It’ great fun tocter he new year elected Zud is this la sqid to bs Ideal bah Luke lueeday ‘The tollowing re ol the association vicinity officers gof from one of tbe crowd had rauge wi bout a job and having a family defor elks apd ft it believed that under never come from hie place f The ofi port u from Wednesday’ Fun to hava Lauiel 111 beck of sterling has spent pendent on your labors etate federal and protection they wl'l fense with whioh he was obargod he publican: the week in bapna visiting wnu in the cost of living advanos while wages claims was not of the evening !n ques- thrive hare The first shipment is ex' ‘Let U tuh’s light shine forth that all sous and other relative remain stationary tion bat of Jan 12th Fun for ohildren Tbe CALL fold pected at Balipg early in February Tihe worid may see” was the inspire James Teters was a viaftpr iu the story as the sheriff told ft to the —Reaper to work from ten to fourteen hours a ! ' lion of six ‘‘boust’’ meetings at uis writer s fe w minutes before press time early iu me week In Aha Dark (Jay when they ought to be in school Mvor James M Peterson of Smoking Ball LiUe Commercial cub Tuesday Xavier ballon has heeu in Richfield Fun to trudge J 8 Heppler chBirmanof the CarlEagmusseu ys a Spring City According tq experts in the tobaepa along the road tramp Three of the puuuipai orgauizaiuuis of pan ot the week on court business tbe prevailing visitor tbelatter part of last week and business Impressloa and see Idle exploiters whizzing by in Ssvloy board of oountr corncoissloners that a capnot enjoy a smoke it the first of this week the state held besluus slid Olsoussed iqan Fqn to sleep outdoors sad F ViFitz Gerald editor of the Lehl Teteisou sr went to Salt Lake automobilee the dark Is erroneous It ail depend cold to eat cold vitnale begged Bleb field Reaper were vieitors iu ralt in cornthe and advuncemeatot Tbe two little Mr ueveiupmeul Uny Wednesday' non of on he cigar cording to tbe beat at back doors Fnn to have to always Lake Monday Mayor Peterson Is en and Mrs George in thn jnercisl and agiicnlturai activity lu tpe J jtl A bison the hustling mauuger ba Humphrey died at authority sight plays no on guard against swindlers Fun routs to California to meet bis famil’ the family borne Tuesday morning from enjoyment of a stnokej and part it Is potnfe slate General optimism prevailed end ol tne teuual tiali Tsumeis’ Ah to have to take in silence the nnjuat Ibeyisttora were the geest of tbe Com blind ed out that pen are most invetwith whioh it infuiseption Uaa oeeu doing Pusiuess IU abuse of your boss cruic- - ouange liiougu thete wae ounsioeraOle In Jact blind men am Bmokers Fun to ees your merJ-a- l oiub daring their stay in the had been ill eevejal erate days The father lem ol lUe woyk done iu me past mere lucoueid tuis week ohildren grow np illiterate and without city! j expert In telling gqod cigar from wae not at home at tbe time but of smell is poor one as their sens Atva Weal on ol the also was a general deposition to iuoa oblig obanoei when eohools and opportunRichfield beats manti Bingham iu the afternoon of the well develqped A New York cigar to are who ities are rioh r open no "he first baxketball game of tbe same day Funeral eervioes were held dealer people iug ceiks was a norm hound p to the future lor oetter things that qne o( Riq best cussays wiser or Letter by nature th3 f r on t euptaiday will at L D train lie the 8 house a meeting is LUeU man tomers series blind league Thursday County The uoaru ol governors ol in qndhe can tell Fun to uv slokori ii babies a r r a lew UieuU iu JO day I a gqod cigar frqm a bnd qne by l)In Vlsltlug peud f'yrd Saturday night at Richfield morning at o’clock Development league in sxecuave cum family while unable to pay ronni ana Ms Tieasaut sense of amell qyen when standing a j Riohfiield high sohool basket-Dr Freeee the quarantine physician uutbe oi uq Native auu ot Utau ins penass uuoh leas a dootc’j t”l yard or mere frqm hiscquner' am defeated the Manti high wishes to Mi LUara 01 Richfield le give no ice that chicken oox to be thrown on the when smokers do not like tqsmq$tn ' grand souucti or in same oody in itam 42 tc 24 before one of t he a a quarantine disease for th pattent in Moat in Os lina witu nor pareute Mr- and to the dark They say It Is necessary wK' you begin get gray having J’ress Abtcruuau and two loiut tibia Cl Ouuuvvstk "rowds that has ever attended Bu(j children and that the quaran- to watch the emqke ascend and to spa any provision for tna future Fan in K( toe lit Truaa boys nD8 lasts two weeks au l'eveiopment SbBious All oases should the rings curl tn order to thoroughly yslGfisWiTheRiohfl-lciommisskier u W Crane aud r Levfar' beimi able to' hfeur the great showed got T form ana will m£w E b e”i reported tqEer'1For authority lur ibugue rounubtl out a lutl day sucn as MUU Mill O iUAiU AUCUUttU musioiane the great dramatist or to In fhe cast he championship of this she refers and net strong btl'for aeyone 1 seqiion 1113 Joyment Is really And all this VUWTlUOUV read the great authors ball hake rarely hue seeu neiore “list MTIPVliUAt Ml klfttt Oall In their dlvi ton the odor and the sense of tagt The lineup: XI of the pmended laws of tbe last to the workers alone and Li©toUV 4110 Ohawo oomei fun AooHooublou to an anu make needs no light Spent! money lor the tRiobfteid smoking enjoytogeiner Manti legislature aiU lii© iAblV Ooum Ml UUUI HI uuU comes to them because of the wages able e ChristensHn veilloliig ot toe state” wae tue ecuu moao How we ought to love that Ogilvi Ah felitta© Ui VUUa system biiio a coil A Elgin Beal Lf autl it Brown LOST— fluent most oiten Xpieseu Mao Ui liiO itaactaitoU watch OUBUiift ej stem- !- Appeal to’Reason Claud Finder return to please Bean luuou ready e Vorhees uuui at lUe le UlwVCUAClliO Ui© MiObMl Ml UiAllt Chidester suits ol tog meetings cannot he gauge r g Tuttle Burgess OCT OF THE GINGEB JAR Aii© UAAaiiiaa liMC Alltel ViewoU iUt now out mat insj win Oe la Porter Madsen Tbe writer brings regards to all of The g Lumber-Cblow from cow a Is s real Referee Henry Rose kicking friends as he saw has disolved Nephi Sorenson’s audpeimaoent is Oeyund 4000 tlou ol Uocio Ji© cat oiuua iris lotUiuUuUl partnership and ask those — " — waftilMiiiitt Uul it 10 uuueidtuuJ iiiat lie milk punch? Count him lu Salt Lake City Wednesday having accounts unpaid to ths comM vows often arstco followed Osveral hundred peisous from van UM IvUuU iiw MeutOl Arriaga He looks bettor tuan ever tilHU frUUiiJ morning pany to bare same settled as soon a OUS seclolte ol me state lieteuen y by marriage rows JOtflpls James 8 Jensen has been in Rich- possible with aneanoou auu eveuiog to in Everybody has to hustle even the iiii MUU 1U1S JjaViU Hitt btttP field aud Monroe during Jbe week JogH AkPEbON Last Larsen was Utau weekiCharles ui is toe Juml seeslona oftenpinch oompelled to scramble lleveiopmen bleu UUDU OiMlUa lilO ou tbe benefits of the farmttAU H1©4 egg ed to the amount of $250 after having leotnring ' times league tua Otsu lJi ess eeooiatiuo and MUCH iChUlu 11111 UfUiOUi© AcVau ers’ organization of which he is presito of Au plead‘d disposing guilty the native Coos o Utah society fiqnor who Those rise sarly in the morning nui iiiitj uiu vtoiftiMl oovo&ai luuutUi to not dent lucre suoosstul kodiutereeiug meet are more likely to rise above troubles illegally and pledgin' Aia V©iftttOiif A I AiiuioaeiMii uU tll Later Ed Jones Mayor Martin bss been on he sick repeat tbe offense lOg ever lias need Odd lu tnia etate “The Tie That Binds-February it s true is s little short penMentiy played by the iUlU li©Aoeu Aitea ill DMlplU UUftiU before ‘bis booof’ list this week wun such su ooject lu view— toe from his odd suffering appeared but it t likely to pull through with- and night voluntarily confessed to a similar ailment stomach trouble ol Utau Tweiiyuiue cit- UiO was one of the finest out ever March bankrupting wrong and got off wHb a fine of $50 A ies sod towns lu me state were repreidio uatulida Neisou wpUt lu Dan O Cuddebaok wae taken suddenMr on tbe lioal stage Fredrick Moore put t From February Farm Journal betaken was of s miruira tor orod sented and several couuty op UULV Call Iu tue week lor a auultstaj ly sick Saturdiy last and has been and Tearl Ethier have sell am if ever m of under and tbe influen ing liquor supelloteodeut ol eououls aui ooufiued to h'B bed ever since with an appeared to oetter advantage and their cole aied uer fTU one of them was fined $50 for bis part IObicis weie pieseul it wae a great attack of brain trouble He has been support was excellent a uumoer ol Ucl inhering “treated” tbe boys and be and is nay lor toe ouoaLer and he was given vuuiuaj aueadaj Un Monday night January Q9tb this Dr West and Dr very sick weie Were uleuei wed and to rest answer be will piopout before TOn swing required ll liail tue advise given Ealina Is to bare a postal savings H’einer have been doing aJ Iri their company will present be roarlngfaroe-comedausai timed could Oe oained to a detinue concilia bank as is given oat Jby the following the juvenile court fortfeeir conduct "When Wives Are Away" power for him aqd it ia to be hoped Ton TjtaO would become thi greatest to the associated press: flank Taylor bay that the lowu dispatch The Daufe aoving that he may recover pictures made Slate ru the union tittid suuuid pada an uldiuauce com SOME NOVEL FRENCH CANES Jan 22— The postoffioe Washington sit people np and take notice and Th htih sohool bae a debate this uiauuiug eveiy owner ot noise u onug at Saline Utah bss been designated a and sqtssL they made some oreep forenoon "Resolv The is: question Retuem to iUalu Sliest aoU tuuiuiug auu poetal savings are Did yoaflnd your place? They are LEAP YJJ Ait depository by the post- - Handles of ed that Immigration is a detriment to tie buelu tuoie lor tu day ceptacles for Coins Matches and pr at least master general a marvelous creation (tine turned down the lights and the parthe United States” Edgar Tborsen Other Things ui t euay Get tue lueV o Pours tneive and Clarence Brown have the affirmalor waa dim Mia Tlarvey Jloatu leiuiued Monday About the Puttener The ingenuity of the Frenchman tive and Raohael Rasmussen and Asel They sat lu the dusk side by aide Horn a The art of puttering consists of do- has not been confined to tho making t'urtisbave the negative Visit lu Josepu City tihe whispered alewgeufie whisper s of weapons out of apparently lor yourself slowly and inefficientui mm — Mr and Mrs heat ol itlonileiU speul ing An allotment meetlagfor the grazsre canes In fact there is quite a ly what yon can pay some one else ‘Ob thi is ho suddeu!’’he crid wnu me iai s puieuts Mr to of ths Fish Lake Forest will he held in Oduduy do for you quickly and well It variety of uses which the cane Is STONES THAT ARE SOCIABLE Alelseu idtiUUa y tusy is hard work that you do not have to aud Mis made to serve Safina on the 80th Inst to allot the FOR SALE One of the canes la fitted with a went to iliautl un seine Ousiues AH do strenuous loafing that invites the range for tbe coming season Pebbles of Nevada When Traveling coin box and a match box these besoul grezars are invited The Cattle and Jama Farrell ol DHit Lake waa Separated Move Rapldfy Toward FOK SALE— 25 acres of good land works In pure love ing contained in the head which Is Theputterer Sheep grazers asaoniatiocs ywill meet a Common Center and il the produce prove a poor thing provided with a carefully concealed wub new brick house good out build baima Visitor eailj lu tne weak also on that day More is expected this lid The coin box is arranged to ho wives ot tue uiemoeis ot the tt is at least his own To he a perfect lu and orchard Fur particulars see "Traveling stones” from the size of year aw 129001) acres have been added Of depositing and easily removiputterer Is to achieve a liberal eduWoodmen Louge surprised t sir air ante Bp G Lorenlzen pea to aix inches la diameter are tathe reserve recently and that is $0 ng the coin by a slight pressure of afound cation In Nevada be ailited UomerE'Feon Wednesday evening by coming assistant the thumb thus obviating the necesIs a tonic relaxation from two l''0U BALE— My residence When distributed on a floor or oth- District Forester aud Chiei tua Utidj Hom tUe noma ui Mis Geo thePuiterlpg cLCrpzjpg sity of fishing for coins in the pocket mechanical efficiency of our dilicka soaLh ot Main etreet on fiial proa er level surface within two or three will be present Anna Uaies to ihe iuoge rooms wiere fessional selves Another cane handle contains a corrective of the feet of one another they Immediately West which consists of four as Ue men Weie Uuidtug of tbe known was outfit game extreme specialization that otherwise complete meeuug it fur hree a Tetlts Chevaux When the lid ts begin to travel toward a common cenroi ms and lace CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED TUe evening was would result in oun becoming all foot genuine surprise ter and there lie huddled like a vith Loftal Applications as thsyoan-nj mole rooms Has orchard and good lot spent playing progressive live Puna led or hand or head The putterer makes open betting can begin and the bores clutch of eggs In a nest h reach ttie seat of the disease first wins the stakes Also my blacksmith shop and tools and the wire crossing and breaks laws laws and breaks aUd a delicious lUnoneuu was served at A the One of the latest Parisian novelties stone removed to a disIs a Wood or constitutional single ttee me for price and he makes He (he ground produces startling tance of three and a half feet upon htkeuua’i conleouonery pallors laws in order to oure It yon most and handle In consists ladies’ a parasol terms Carl B Nielsen tialina IJteb variations from type An Cataraka internal remedies IlilTs inspired once being at released with it wa a leap year attalr aud the ladle fool started which wheel containing a roulette heV a creator— From the can comical cel- rh Cure 4s tak n Internally and act be used for gambling at any place wonderful and somewhat paid tor the pien’s supper Atlantic lireotiy on the blood and mucous sort erity to join Its fellows or moment Hall's Catarrh Curs is not Mrs Lehl i’eteraou A DEKO aud Mrs A J IN Jl LIGHTHOUSE These queer stones are found In a aoefe These handles have become very mao joasdioine It waa prescribed by region that Is comparatively For years J S Donahue Bo Haven Lewis arrived in tiaiti-gkWeduesdsy level and workmanfine of are ns o' the best physicians in the jonnt-popular 'They e a civil war caotaip as a rJMn h FRIGHTFUL little more than Rare rock Scattered POLAR WINDS fioui Calilornla where they have spent or and is a regular presorlp-io- n of and silver rears for ship gold generally over this keeper averted awtul wrecbsbnt the winter Tney will return tottaliua blow wTh terrific force at ths far north barren are It is composed of the best tonics region little One handle con tains almost everyta queer fact is be might have been a from a few feet to a cod or two combined with the best blood nown and play bavoo with the skin oansirg hing that one would be likely to need In mieuh himself if Electric Hitters bad directly rifiere acting directly ontbemnoous diameter and It Is in the bottom of wound ts A long sheet of paper or red sore mot prevented “They cured me cf hands rough and around chapped Mrs W II Brown has been on the these that the rolling stones are found ui faces The perfect combination of which from the rod pieces trouble aud ohills” he writes ‘‘aft- lion that need Buoklen’s Arnica Salve be two Ingredients-iwhatprodnqes The cause for the strange conduct notes be torn off for taking ar I had taken other so called cores for sick Hat for about teu day but is Im- to h sal them It makes the skin soft may of these stones Is doubtless to be uoh wonderful results- 'n raring When the lid Is opened penknife penBend for testimonials free years without benefit and they also proving aud smooth Unrivaled for of which they cil nail file combs and looking glass found In the material F J Chenxt & Co Props improved my sight Now at seventy Mrs vUited of are Ogden am foellDg fine” For dyspeysia Fitzgerald also barns boils sores nloers cute are disclosed which appears to ba O Toledo composed These objects are lodestone or magnetic iron ore— Harail stomach liver and kidney with the Freeee family this week and bruises and piles Sold by all Druggists prioe 75a small but large enough for practical Only 25 cents at troubles they’re without equal Try also visited relatives Id Kichfleld per’s Weekly Take Hall’s Family nils for epnstJ use— Scientific American Druggists Only 60 rts tt all Druggists Oh It’s Pun bn Richfield le tth Notice j From Centerfield Amusements Postal Bank Here Forest News trr Ar r'''r2T aUqn |