Show THE SALINA Br SAUNA C N und CALL PEACE ADVOCATES AT BJUIQUET Jr UTAH UTAH STATE NEWS Following a short Illness Dr James X Allen a pioneer physician of Utah died at hla home In Ogden Wednesday from neuralgia of the heart Dr Allen was 81 years of age Michael Doyle' aged 45 who was In ' Salt struck by a switch engine Lake died at a hospital as a result The injured man did of the injuries after the acnot regain consciousness cident Of the sixteen schools of the United StateB to compete under government supervision In the national shoot of 1912 one team will bs from the Ogto that den high school notification effect having been received last week man John Holt a young Springville was taken to the county jail at Provo last week to serve thirty days for of town In the dry Belling whiskey Besides the Jail sentence Springville Holt was ordered to pay a cash fine of $20 The rumor that the general offices of the Oregon Short Line would be moved from Salt Lake to Omaha has been effectually denied by the taking another ten years’ lease of the Deseret News building In Salt Lake A movement has been started to get for the boys girls and a gymnasium The Mutual business men of Provo Improvement associations took up the and hope to get a gymproposition nasium ready for occupancy by the first of Febraury comFinal arrangements are being pleted for the tour of the Farmers’ Industrial train over the Salt Lake ‘settleRoute covering the farming Salt betwen ments on the railroad The train will Lake and Moapa Nev leave Salt Lake January 6 Lake Salt Garrett E Conover of observed last week his one hundred and first Christmas celebration His first Christmas away back in 1810 of was when he was nine months age having been born the thirtieth day of the previous March The Gordon hall property In Salt Lake is to be sold to the Young Womfor a conen's Christian association $25000 sideration of approximately and the stipulation that the property should never be used for other than Christian educational purposes Work will be Commenced early next year reclaiming 5000 acres of land la line oi eastern Utah near the main An 1‘e Denver 4 Rio Grande railroad Irrigation project Involving an expenditure of a quarter of a million dob The work will comlars is planned mence at Marrs Without leaving a word of farewell A Charles to his wife and family Weber Clark a farmer of Liberty ' to county after his breakfast went hlmselt the barn where he hanged from the rafters with a halter rope The body was found by his wife two hours afterwards ' double The Southern Pacific’s new track between Lucin and Montello was used last week for the first time The new line is nearly a mile from the old line and the grades hare been so far eliminated that helper engine In pulling the will not be needed heavy freight trains - That the insurance companies oi this state shall do a legitimate business or no business at all is thq de termination of Willard Done state insurance commissioner who has issued an order giving warning to all companies and their employes to get in line and obey the law Mrs N J Becar whose husband it the proprietor of a rooming house in suicided Balt Lake by Wednesday re Bhootlng herself with a volver Evidently she had stood be fore a mirror and placed the muzzle as the of the revolver in her mouth skin of her face was not burned All the county assessors of the state have been provided with ’report blanks by H T Haines commisslonei laboi of the bureau of immigration and statistics for distribution among the farmers and agricultural producer of the state- in an endeavor to secure correct data to be used for the benefit of homeseekers The supremecourt has handed down an opinion affirming the judgment of the Second district court of Weber county in the case of the state the Greek who against Nick Vacos shot and killed John Cantos another Greek at Ogden April 3 1909 Vacos had been sentenced to thirty years' Imprisonment of a Stepping from the vestibule street car in- Salt Lake ‘Mrs T B Shaw was struck by an automobile and so badly Injured that small hopes are held out for her recovery At the headquarters of the Salvation Army and the Volunteers of America in Salt Lake on Christmas nearly 600 people were given a bounteous dinner Surveys covering an area of nearly 1000000 acres of agricultural land have been approved by the United States surveyor general’s office 1911 according to the annual report of the office which has just been issued On January-- 1 according to an announcement which was received last week by the Ogden officials of the Southern Pacific company the time on which trains of the Salt Lake dlvi elon will be operated is to’ be changed from mountain time 'to standard pa ciflc time President IN PRO8TRUGGLE DESPERATE GRESS FOR CONTROL OP PRO VISIONAL GOVERNMENT General Plaza the Liberals Who Is Supported for the Presidency Has Left Quito at the Head of Army to Attack Guayaquil Makes Answer Taft Lodged Inconsistency of Arbitration' to AT PEKIN HELD CONFERENCE TO BE AND ABDICATIONSEEMS CONCLUSION A FOREGONE of- Charge Against Advocates by Ecuador — The coast Guayaquil provinces of Ecuador have recognized the provisional government proclaimed at Guayaquil by General Pedro December 28 six days after the sudden death of President Emilio Es trada Serious fighting has occurred at two of the western provincial cities Communication with Quito capital of the republic and with other parts of the Interior is interrupted In a battle fought at Babahoyo capital of the province of Los Rios force was vicGeneral Montero’s torious Another fight occurred at Machala capital of El Oro province but the result is not yet known here It is rumored that General Leonidas Plaza who is supported by the has left Liberals for the presidency Quito at the head of a large army with the intention attacking Guayaformed are being Regiments quil here to oppose General Plaza Railway traffic between the two cities hae been suspended General Eloy Alfara who went to Panama after turning over the reins of government to General Estrada Is expected to arrive here some time during ’the week Now York— Preceded by dlssetf for a time to slons which seemed threaten a climax anything but pacific Saturday the peace night banquet realization everything that proved in Its name Implied — so far at least as Its attsndant conditions concerned President Taft who was the guest of honor and speaker of the evening while arguing for the pending arbitration treaties between the United States and Great Britain and France at similar as he has done previously gatherings went further and replied specifically to some critlciBmj recently made against the principles embodied in those treaties He also made answer to the charge of inconsistency lodged treatiagainst advocates of arbitration es who did not favor arbitration in the United between thq difficulty States and Russia correspondent London— The Pekin the Daily Telegraph says that another conference was held Sunday In the palace and that abdication is moot ed It la announced that the emperor ceased his studies oi of 28 which probably meani December his father has removed him Is stated that the empress dow with the members of the court Prlnc will proceed to Jehol while with his seo Chung and the emperor clan will go tc tion cf the that It user Imperial (Copy right 1912 J TO BE CONTINUED PROBE Leaders Indicted by Loe Grand Jury Los Angeles Cal— Three labor leaders of national prominence were Indicted and arrested here Saturday in the of men alfirst round-ugovernment’s leged to be connected with the nationwhich federal grand wide conspiracy here and In Juries began Investigating directly 'after the McNaIndianapolis mara brothers made their confessions 1 on December The men taken Into custody were r of Olaf Tveitmoe State Building Trades the California council and head of the Asiatic ExorAnton Johannsen clusion league ganizer for the State Building Trades council and J E Munsey head of the Salt Lake local union of bridge and structural Iron workers Three Prince Chung May Go to Mukden Pal ace Which May Give the Japanese to Seize the ai Opportunity - Province Labor EXPECT A DEADLOCK WOULD IMPROVE HUMAN RAGE Angeles Assistant WESTERN WOOLMEN DO NOT BELIEVE DUTIE3 WILL BE LOWERED DURING SESSION Would of Agriculture Secretary Classify all the Peoples of the World Mukden palace This last move says the correspon a fruitful dent likely would prove and Korean source of complications history may be repeated in southern Manchuria FURNISHED REBELS WITH ARMS f Cargo Thought to Have Been Intended for Portuguese Was for Para-- : J guayan Revolutionists Antwerp — The crew of the steamer: which sailed from here on: Zeebrugge the night of October 12 with a cargo it wai of arms and ammunition thought for the Portuguese royalists They returned Sunday to Antwerp related a remarkable story It appears that the steamer and car-Portufor the go were not intended but for Paraguayan guese royalists revolutionists She carried 250 tons of powder four large cannon one ma- ' chine gun 63000 rifles a wireless apparatus uniforms and other military There were two English and supplies five Spanish passengers Arricos by One of the Spaniards name assumed direction of affairs as soon as the steamer was out of sighj of land Instead of proceedThe Zeebrugge ing for Fort Stanley Falkland islands for which she had cleared headed diThe Belrectly for South America gian sailors then learned that It was the Intention to attack the Paraguayan la del Plata' villages on the Rio After many adventures and narrow escapes from capture the Paraguayan border was racbeef and the captain j announced the men were free to leave the Invitation of Arricos to Refusing the crew made join his expedition their way to Buenos Ayres and thence Passengers Washed Overboard Stevens a San Francisco— Robert cabin passenger from Portland was washed overboard and drowned and William Dahl a ship’s carpenter was dashed by a sea against a winch rewhile a steamer broken the leg ceiving Roanoke fought its way through the great combers rolling over the Columbia river bar of Washington — The classification all the peoples of the world in a great Opinioh Is Based Upon Belief That international census giving each per8enate and House Will Fail to son a number In a single world series to the end that the human race may Agree or President Will Veto be improved by scientific marriage Bill If One Is Passed was the plan advocated Friday night by W W Hays assistant secretary of before the an in address agriculture McClure of Washington — Secretary one American Breeders’ associationassociathe National Woolgrowers’ of the organizations making up 'the tion and other representatives of the American Association for the Adwestern woolgrowers in Washington vancement of Science Mr Hays proare expressing the opinion that there poses a classification of all human will be no legislation lowering the beings both as to mental aptitude tanlff on wool during the present sesand genetic efficiency sion of congress This opinion is "The world numbers’’ said Mr based upon tbe belief that the senate Hays “would serve to join genealogies and house will get into a deadlock on into one numerical system so that the question resulting in no legisla- all relationships could be traced Each tion or if the Democrats aided by person would have a number of perthe Republican Insurgents secure the centage that could be averaged so as passage of a bill reducing the tariff to give the family values of each perrates below what the conclusions of son the tariff board show they should be "The proposed plan would divide the president will veto the bill people Into classes but the classificaIn the house the Democrats are di- tion would be beneficial because It vided between advocacy of free wool would be based on racial efficiency The wholesome iryanttes and allow ad consideration of geby Underwood and his sup- netic facts will’ lead to less divorce porters The outcome In the house It greater temperance and better morals is believed wilt be a bill placing an Raising the average efficiency of the ad' valorem rate of 25 per cent upoh human race probably would also inbe crease the number of would wool importations which and geniuses about 12 cqpts per pound on scoured leaders’’ wool at present market prices and 8 THREE CORNERED FIGHT cents per pound less than the rate which would be acceptable by the ReGrand Scramble for the Presidency of publicans and by those engaged In the Ecuador May Result In War If house the business woolgrowing bill carrying ad valorem rates of 25 Washington — Ecuador Is drifting torevolution as a per cent should receive the support ward a of Senator La Follette and his Insur- result of the sudden death of Presigent allies it would pass the senate dent Estrada on December 22 would It is believed The government was left In charge but the president elecveto it br any bill not conforming to of Senor Zaldumbide pending the conclusions of the tariff hoard tions to be held next month to select and not carrying specific duty rates a successor to the presidency Advices to the state department deTAFT IS FOR ECONOMY clare the troops at Guayaquil the have arisen principal city of Ecuador Plea for ContinuaPresident Make and proclaimed General Montero suCommission tion of Efficiency Meanof chief the preme republic are ortold while formidable movements Washington — President Taft of tbe ganizing in favor of General Plaza a delegates to the meeting former president while Colonel American Economic association Thursa former a of conAlfaro rumors had that nephew he heard day gress would make no further appro- president is also a contender priations for his economic and efTAKE TABRIZ RUSSIANS created a year commission ficiency ago to take up “lost motion" in the Nine Days’ Siege Results In Complete government machinery’ of Czar Victory for Followers He made a plea for support in urgTabriz Persia— A nine days’ siege ing congress to grant the money and of this city by the Russian troops has such predicted that only through scientific investigation of the ma- resulted in the complete occupation the Russian forces and the dischinery of government could the by to United States be run on an economi- persal of the combatants belonging the constitutional progressive party cal basis the Fidais were sustained Numerous casualties Cotton War In England both sides the Russians alone Manchester England — Both sides ly from 100 to 200 men while ihp In the great cotton war which was losing losses of the Fidais were severe albrought about by the refusal of two though the number cannot be ascerwomen and one- man to join a trades tained union and which has caused the lockout of 160000 weavers and the placReyes Before Military Court who ing on half time of aq equal number Mexico City — General Reyes of (ppinners are determined to fight voluntarily surrendered and confessed The mills In 4 score of towns in the his failure to bring about another revnorth and northeastern districts of olution on Friday made his prelimithe county at Lancashire are at a nary declaration before the military standstill In conforcourt that will try him mity with the law the proceedings Boss Croker Sued were not made public Croker and his New Fails Magazine Company sons Richard Croker jr and Howard Croker were made Joint defendants in New York—J L Gilbert vice by president and treasurer of the Nationa civil action begun Thursday John J Breen to recover $100000 al Post company publishers of the announced Friday Breen married Miss Ethel J Croker Success magazine that because of lack of funds it had daughter of the former Tammany al1910 and 28 on been decided to publication chieftain suspend April leges that his wife’s affections were with the current issue and to turn the the property over to creditors alienated by Croker and his sons Follows In Johnson’s Footsteps Ohio — Newton G Baker Cleveland Tom L Johnson’s political heir began his regime as mayor and his official family comprises the heads of departments who had held office under Johnson Fireman Kills Wife and Self Tuttle forSacramento— William merly a Southern Pacific railroad fireman fired three bullets into his wife'g breast late Saturday and then turned his revolver upon himself Both were Instantly killed Fair Lillian to Viti Again New York — Lillian Russell the actress will marry Alexander P Moore publisher of the Pittsburgh Leader in May according to the Sun It will be Miss Russell’s fourth matrlmontkl venture Afraid to Appoint American Smoker Dies at 127 Cigarette Sonora —Pablo Moreno reNavajo Teheran — The Persian government puted to be 127 years of age died here has declined to appoint E E Cairns one of W Morgan Shuster’s American cigarettes He had smoked Friday for 115 years and always lived on assistants to the post of treasurer-genHe had never seen a eral from which office Mr Shuster coarse food railroad train or an automobile was ousted Hospital Open Underground 111— The Collinsville first underground emergency hospital in Illinois was opened Monday t In one- - of the It largest' coal mines in this vicinity Is designed 'to 'feive flrdt aid' to 'the Injured Financier's Wife Suicide T: Haskell Chicago — wife of the of the Illinois Trust & Savings bank died ' ata She had nighthospital Shpt herself through the right temple while In a fit of desDondency Health Officer Removes Governor " Dix J has Albany N Y — Governor immediate resignation asked1 as health offiH Alvah Doty of Qr a posiYork New of cer of the port held slued' 1895 tion1 which he and whose term expired last January The Lid on in Seattle Decides Against See Seattle Wash-Sunday closing laws Chicago — Another avenue of escape from the penitentiary was closed to were strictly enforced here bn Sunhell Many of the chut Evelyn Arthur See leader of the ‘‘A- day bsolute in Life” cult when Judge Honors services on Friday denied a motion to vacate hotels and restaurants’ were r s n rr this nrlann RpntpncA until Monday nieht GUILTY OF BRUTAL MURDER Convicted of Crime of His StepNiece Cal — A verdict of manOroville slaughter was returned Monday by the jury In' the case of Arthur Lewis the young man tried In the superior court here for the murder of his stepniece Helen Californian ' Mrs Rumball stepmother of Helen Indicted jointly with Lewis willx be brought to trial later Helen Rumball was found dead in the attic of her home near here last September In the morning of the had day of her death her Btepmother her and bound her to the whipped Btudding of the attic because of an alleged falsehood the girl had told her It was one of the hottest days in the jrar in thfs vicinity andwas the conseIncreased quent heat in the attic by an incubator in operation Yhe testimony was that Lewis came home in the evening and went to the attic where he berated the girl for her behavior and made fun of her position Leiws admitted this but denied that he badiused force on the Medical examination showed girl however that the child’s neck had and in been broken In two places to the such a manner that according physicians It could not have been caused by hanging Admits Killing Ala— Mrs Mary T Gedau Mobile on Monday gave details of the murPoliceman Fred der of her Wassertaben She said she shot once while he was in bed and then shot him again as he rolled DUtof bed “to prevent his lingering In Buffering" She then dressed him in hie uniform and carried him from "I hauled the the house in a wagon rain to a pond the body through backed the wagon into it and dumped the body out” she said Physician Killed by Feudist’s Son Charleston V Va— Dr Edwin O a well known Thornhill aged 53 physician and business man of the southern section of West Virginia killed and was shot Monday by Willis son of the feudist “Devil Hatfield in- a drug store at Anse” Hatfield Hatfield shot Dr Thornton Mullens because of the doctor’s refusal to issue him A prescription for a pint of whiskey Fourteen Hurt in Wreck Peters Mo— Wabash passenger No 1 from St Louis to KanCity left the track fit the station here at 11 o’clock Monday night were injured and fourteen persons All but two coaches turned over and One of eight of them were burned little the sleepers crashed into the itation and toppled it over St train sas Aviator Atwood Drops Into Bay Lynn Mass— When but a few hundred yards from the Point of Pines at the start of his flight to Portland Me Harry N Atwood met with Monday an accident and fell into the icy waters with his hydro aeroplane Ho craw and sd upon the top of his machine waited for a boat to come to his assistance VICTORY FOR HONOR SYSTEM Returns Convict to Prison After Earn- ing Money for Family Salem Ore — Honor bound to return to serve out his life sentence so soon as he had earned money to pay off a ‘William debt owed his afMack is back in the penitentiary Mack ter an absence of six months Is serving a sentence for the elaylng of George Carter at Grants PasB In order that he might have money to defend himself at the trial his mortgaged his home Governor West learned that Macb'TH: after his In destitute circumstances conviction Bidding the prisoner to go out and earn enough to pay off the his family mortgage and provide for West released Mack With the man’s word of honor as security BROKEN Six RAIL CAUSES Passengers ' Down Killed When Embankment WRECK Cars Roll N D— Train No 3 of the Sharon the "OregoGreat Northern railroad nian’’ was wrecked four miles west of Finley Saturday with a loss of six known dead and thirteen Injured The wreck was due to a broken rail The dining car the tourist car and the first and second coaches turned over The dining car tourist car and the first class day coach rolled down The tourembankment t a ist and dining cars caught fire and Efforts to put out the were burned snow flames with fire extinguishers and wet blankets were without avail Unsettled Year fn Wall Street New York — Relief rather than regret is'felt in Wall street at the passIt has been a ing of the year 1911 year of decided unsettlement in both finance and business Activity in almost every line has been repressed Trading on the stock exchange dwindled At no time however were there threats of widespread disaster The condition was one of dull suspense rather than of actual retrogression Business was sound but the charactervim was lacking istic American — Banker Slain by Robber Wash — A lone robber held Centralia bank! Merchants and' up the Farmers Saturday night and shot and killed The robber the president L Barr entered the bank at 7:15 o’clock and pointing h pistol at the cashier and a boy obliged them to hold up their hands President Barr entered the banking room from his office and the robber at once fired at him killing him The shooting attracted the Instantly attention’ of the police who captured the murderer to Antwerp Will Provide for Homeless El Paso Texas — Advices from Chihuahua says that the Sautena hacienda owned by Inigo' Neriega Barrpu Zayas and General Porferio Diaz has been acquired by the Mexican at a cost of $17000000 and will be put under Irrigation and sold to homeless Mexicans upon such terms as will enable them soon to acquire own ership Mexicans residing in Texas will be Invited to return to Mexico and settle upon these lands Wife Charged With Murder Chicago— Mrs Rene Morrow widow was taken into of Charles B Morrow by the police Sunday when custody of Morrow’s death was investigation a coroner’s Jury had rereopened after turned a suicide verdict Morrow a former wealthy inventor was found shot to death on a porch of his home Mrs Morrow at the inDecember 28 quest said her husband had been deinspondent because he had failed to terest capital In certain inventions Real Estafe Dealer Shoots Barber Cal— After shooting San Diego flva a barber Frederick Kneebone times In the head as he sat in a barber chair George Harrington real estate and to the turned salesman proprietor said: "Take me out and buy me a a drink Al’’ The proprietor led the way to a saloon Harrington was arrested while drinking He collapsed Kneebone is dead Tariff Board Plan to Abolish — Democrats the of Washington House of Representatives plan to eliminate from the next sundry civil appropriation bill the $225000 appropriation for the president’s tariff board the $75000 appropriation for the econoand the $25000 appromy commission priation for the president’s traveling expenses Federal Inspector Stain Cal — John Gofleld federal Stockton inspector directing a squirrel poisoning squad in this county was Bhot and a killed Sunday by Harry Ashland after the shootfarmer Immediately at police ing Ashland surrendered had his wife He said headquarters been assaulted by Gofleld |