Show V The Salina Call Issued On Friday Store At Drug present If Applications For Grazing Permits NOMcE is hereby given that all for permits to graze nettle the sheep within FOREST NATIONAL during of 1012 must be died in my season tbs on or before Utah office at JBalina January 15 012 Full information In regard to tbs grazing tees to be oharg-eand blank forms to bs ued in mailing applications will be furnished upon request C B ARENTSON Supervisor for you want a nice mother sister or sweetheart call in and sea our line of goods Wa have Kodaks Talklug machines and Fouutaia Pena la the Jewelry line we have Bracelets Nenkcbatus Watches Rings Manicure He is Pius Brooches and many other things we will abow you when you come iu Silverware Lave we Iben Spoons Knives and Forks Huger Bowls Creamers Sugar Shells Haled Po'ks Butter Kolves Gravy Ladles Nut Picks Oyster Forks etc Then there is the Stationery Chris mas Perfumes Cigars and a Hue tins of Cut Glass Before making your purchases for Christmas oomn in and see us Lewis Drug Co Don’t forget oir Christmas Candy 2 iba for 25c Lewis Drug Co horses and TERRIBLE A BLUNDER te neglect liver Never do it troiioie Take llr King's Net Life Pills on the biliousness first sign of constipation nr inactive bowels and prevent virulent indigestion jaundice or gall stones They regulate liver stoma h and bowels and build np your bealtb Only 20c ut sll Druggists a Taxes Of W C Wright Delinquent OF SALINA SEVIER COUNTY UTAH FOR THE VEAU 1911' Netice Delinqueaf Breaks Dam The TEMS or GENERAL INTEREST ers furulu U good FOR WOMEN Miss woman Frances Duncan a society of Boston thinks that horticulture is fine for women but she gives them a hint that may be of use She says that many women living in Italian villas surround them with Dutch gardens which is of course not at all proper The work of pardoning she says requires skill to- FOR H OTlOG ail Drug) pay Express Charges 6’a E W Crane went to Hermitage Coromifsloner Old Crow 5’ Bingham Tuesday to visit with It is sou DISTILLERY and other relatives there’ He will alWashakie 5’s so spend a littl a time in Halt Lake Silver Dell P F Peterson and son Curg went to Black Fox Balt Lake on Tuesday and are spendOur Joe 5’e ing several days mere bid MoBrayer 5s Old Stone 5’s Gen Fuust on 5’ Paul Jones 5’s Oil Crow 5’s He milage 5’s Canadian Club 5’s & Rest Utah barley Purest mountain brook water Choicest select- S ed rice and the most FOR 25 Gld Crow 25 Hermi'age I50 75 175 75 1 25 1 25 1 25 125 250 100 oO 1 25 1 25 50 8 years 10 years years 9 AND BRANDIES 2 00 Pure California Port 200 Pure California Sherry 2 00 Pure California Angelica 2 00 Pure California Claret 200 Pure totaling 400 Pure Grape Brandy 400 Pure Api not Braudy 4 00 Pure Peach Braudy 4 00 Fure CogiiH) Braudy 2 75 Iler Eagle Gin 850 Gin Pure All goods are packed in plain oases A Liquors cannot bs sent C O D draft or raouey order for tbe fall amount of purchase must be enclosed with order WINES GINS y Here too Yes we have givsx bargains Come n w 'If Louis Jacobs £r v t'Vi j V’ JllllifM'P'gll'VR Prop MAW Aifc kMnx f' $: :vi' Christmas ' y vs v 'I' S y f' :3'!ldiiMa r GENTLEMEN — HANH rUFl' Pres uHAS LAMMERSDORF Cashier- A V HUlS DIRECTORS— Chas Lamrfiarsdoi f ia''8 Tuft W H Brown neiwen P C bcorup A y Hgih James Farrell Chris Jor First State BANK of 01(1 J 1 5n ' Kleiel 1 25 15U for — PLACE 1 25 " i 00 4 00 4 00 4 50 4 50 4 00 6 09 600 6 00 them in every every day line of Merchandise This is the only place in town that tries to rvr J OUTFITTING ioo 1 00 ' v My ANEW 75 350 in y Confectioneries Cigars Tobacco Ice Cream H Jur Joe 4 years B ScaffeJJ Heading Rye 5 years Cuokeuhemer Rye C years Old McBrayer 7 years Old Stone 7 years Sunny Brook 6 years W BARGAINS tv K g 0 Gallon $250 800 300 arid may it be Merry to You ’V: V GENTS FURNISHINGS "5 Tts Chris’mas f sanitary and brewery in the west make it “better by test than all the rest” Write us for price list Send orders to us HouseSllna 1 150 1 t n - ' ft $500 Intending Us your Orders for Liquor you Violate no Law Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Go to HOMER RASMUSSEN’S Cash Store 1 25 75 Dry Gm Cordon Old Tom Gin Cordon Dry Gin Cordon Sloe Gin s Office aJWbite Washakie Silver Dell Black Fox 'BOTTLING Iler - x'VvTa Call at Salina Salina Utah We have a fine line of Caskets in tock and can please you than IN JUGS Per WHISKIES $125 BRANDY AND GIN California Grape Brandy Gallfoi uia Pea-Brandy I’alifornia Aprioot Braudv California Blackberry Brandy Hennesiy Her Old Tom Gin Dr R W K0GGAN UTAH IN BOND Per Bottle M’hite 8oo’ch Vi EPHRAIM more PRICE LIST: Report oomee from Vigo Christoph-ersowho is attending the Acacemy in Millard county that he is a filleted WHISKIES BOTTLED with scarlet fever and together with severs! other students has been quarCuokenbeimer Rye 5’t antined for some time He baa been Sunny Brook 5’ Did Klesel 6’ quite sick but is recovering OLSEN Coffin&Casket work Orders amounting to Excepted) on all (Beer to fake Saline Ulaok ad Salina Co op Agent We DeWaisSiotoh Farmers J?W J KIESEL CO Wholesale Groceries Mail Order Liquor Department Utah Ogden Ephraim Ask the ClerksVwhst Is going place on New Year’s Day at the to exercise just how HORTICULTURE A stock of general wit merchandise valued at $1 000 00 Amount of taxes hereon 14710 8aid perso tat property is the same as assessed lu Book MA” pegs 21 line 21 of the asse smeut Roles of Sevier County Utah tor the year 1911 and In the original assessment thereon was with and atassessed in connection tached to the retd estate and bniidiDg belonging to Sarah E McCienneham located at Salina Utah end described as follows Commencing 148 feet E of the N W deroftbe board f directors so many A” Haliria shares of each parcel of Wat r right Cor of Block 12 Plat W 89 as may be necessary wi b sold at tb 8 USfeei Towosite E 89 feel N 113 feet area 010 acres which front door of tbs Halina town hail Sal said original aisssHmeut was erroneIna Utah at tha hoar of 2 o’clock on should Saturday December 80th 1911 to pa ous in that said have been made against said personal the delinquent aasesemeois there right the owner together with the cost of adverilxin property and W C thereof at the time of the assessment aud expense of sale 0 M independent of the said building in 8ecretai) which said personal qj property was found and add erroneous assesment was corrected by the Assessor of Sevier County Uiah by and with the con tent of the G unity Attorney of said J H Nelaou gives out that Mr David Bevier County U ah prior to tha sale Of said property for delinquent taxes Holmgreeu president of Baer River was Farmers’ Aosoo a ion will be in Salina end after the original made in accordance win Section 2673 tomorrow Saturday nut will lerture Compiled Laws of Utah 1907 tom kilt conform to the faa's as they exist to the tarmera iu the evening et the L D 8 ohurou of Redmuud and as ae forth herein People C W POWELL JR Salina aud Aurora are invited County 'Presenter of rtevier County H ate of Utah LIGHTNING KILLS FE V lu 19U6 ligb uii g kdied omy 1G9 pen ENDS WINTER'S TROUBLE pie iu hi whole country To many winter la a season of troub hence ol dea'h by liabtuing are lest le The frost bitten toes fingers than two iu a million The oban e o chapped bands and lipsr'hilblainscnid (lea h trom liver kidney oi stomach Sores red and rough skins prove this trouble le greater but noi it h But troubles flv before Bucklen’s Electric Bitters be used as Robert Arnica Salve trial convin es Great- Madsen of West Burlington la provest healer of Burns Boils Piles Cuts ed Four (loot irs gave him up alter Sores Bruises Eczema and Hpralos eight mouths of suffering from viruOnly 2fio at all Druggists lent liver trouble and yellow jaundice He was then completely cured by Eleo trio Bitters They’re the beat etomsch liver nerve and kidney remedv slid blond purifier on earth Ouly 60c a et oth- the Year THE FRED Academy The Clnrity ttivt forgives tic h it as follows $150 Power and Milling Company’s nNervoir dam broke and washed out Monday afternoon end the town was iu dai kneed for e spell Tbla Great Big Candy Hale every Day till loss and dieiaoointme ut New Year at the Halloa was a p to tbe ccnipeuy as It was built last Mr A DaUrud’s family should have si in uier at s cost of several thousand a good family reunion on Chr 4 mas as dollars lu tns hops that it would furn-s- h four of their children are coming home wuter power wheu tbs stream fail-e- d Either sod Annie will bn down from The old ditch will bereafier be Bait Lake end Andrew and Lillian are used coming home from the Snow Sivixr Light Office of Treasurer of Sevier County Co To W C R cky Ford Canal end Irrigation ttabDeoember 14th 1911 Ut and all other persons who ere Principal place of usinese Salina There are delinquent upon the concerned in the following delinquent described water rights on taxes: nd knowledge rather than great of an assessment levied on the Yea ere hereby notified that unless and 21st day of November 1911 the Beyers) strength consequently tnost the taxes below advertised together with are amounts set opposite the names of the women are equal to the cost of publication follows: as shareholders respective paid before the 30th day of December 1911 the personal property opon which said taxes are levied will be seized and sold according to law 'Said peisonal property is described Wright Editorial Page Salina PAINTER and PAPER HANGER A W FELD MONEY - Salim UnL ALL WORK FULLY GUAKAN TEED OR MONEY REFUNDED ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK AND GENERAL CON-- i RAO I'ING— GIVE ME 4 CALL I CAN HAVE YOU MONEY PhiinM'iir HhII h Hnrucss Shoo Don't i saP F PETERSONS 3KSjSS!SfflSSSS: represent $93000000 F 0 IN You furnish the ssenrity will furnish thn money Rjclp 0 Kea H N Hayes r' Utah LTCTT’IFLn -- A IN FURNITURE C4RPETB TRUNKS’ WALL TATER ETC LARGEST STOCK All Goods Delivered IN SOUTHERN freight RUG- - (ALL blZEH) UTAH AT LOWEST prepaid lo nearest PRICE railroad station A DOLLAR KAVED 18 A DOLLAR MADE WE CAN HAVE WE HtVE MANY DOLLARS LARGE STOCK OF GOODS r a Vry Low Price Qneliri- of Goods 8l UTAH V A li lafp1 field DEALERS and onable interest Liberal preusymeut options I make Limns not Excuses Office over Saliva Meat and' fuppjy Company Store OtFICE 15 TO 30 OF MONTH Salina Richfield Furniture Company place out oh FARM LOANS to BULLOCK DENTIST Drafts drawn on all the principal citics of tlic United States and Europe Dauldng iu all its various furms Accounts Respectfully Solicited Four per cent inteiest paid on time deposits want You some ? f YOU FOR |