Show THE SAUNA By C N xund SAUNA PERFECTING TAPIOCA CALL Lace Utility Bodice Jt AND RICE PUDDINGS Two Ways of Preparing Each of Wholesome and Easily Digested Desserts Theta UTAH THE Whll Germany continues her an hltloue program of naval construction the admiralty authorities of the Em plre continue to discuss the practical Talue of the submarine torpedo boal tn time of war These authorities are a house divided and such a condition Is not likely to permit the best 01 even a commensurate development ol the submarine branch of the German Press navy says the Philadelphia Little Is beard In the United States of late concerning the submarine arm of the service but our naval authorities are known to be vigilant In watching what the other nations are do Ing Evidence accumulates that Eng land hag probably gone ahead of all other governments In bringing the submarine type of torpedo boat to a higher degree of perfection than has been' attained elsewhere It Is understood that a flotilla of submarines constructed as part of the British naval program is the most powerful and best equipped In the world British naval engineers are said to have evolved a type of boat having high speed 'both on the surface and under the water If reports are true the drawbacks of earlier types of submarines have been overcome The ma chlnery works perfectly and explosions which were formerly frequent tn this craft have been eliminated r A tremendous task that of counting the stars up to the nineteenth magnitude has been undertaken by the Dutch astronomer Professor Kapteyn who has collected all the material furnished by the most recent discoveries notably those from the American observatories Stars of less size than the fourteenth magnitude are found In millions in the Milky Way and the work of counting them from photographic plates can best be described as similar to counting blood corpuscles under a microscope Professor Kapteyn places the total at 842 million stars the average being 20400 stars to the square degree of the He has further calculated heavens that the total light emanating from all the stars is equal to 2384 times the luminosity of a star of the first According to the Dutch scientist the boundaries of the universe as far as human science has been able teasCream —Two level Tapioca three eggs three tatapioca blespoons sugar one quart milk and salt to taate Soak tapioca in Put milk cup cold water over night and tapfoca In double boiler When tapioca rises to the top of milk add the yolks sugar and salt beaten together and cook till it thickens When cool flavor with Beat the vanila whites to a siff froth add three taconfectioners’ blespoons frost Bugar and place in slow oven to brown Serve cold slightly Indian Tapioca— Soak one pint tapioca In one pint of cold water over In the morning night bring one quart milk to the boiling point then Inatlr In Blowly seven tablespoons dian meal and add one cup molasses Then add tapioca and a small piece of butter When well mixed atlr in 1 pint of cold milk and bake about 2 hours In moderate oven Rice Pudding — This recipe for rice pudding was sent In by some one signing herself Mrs D and I’ve never found any that suited my taste any better Take of cup cooked rice one quart milk cup sugar three eggs reserving whites of two for frosting grated rind of one lemon pinch of salt If the rice is lumpy separate with a fork and stir well then bake as you would a custard When done beat the whites of remaining eggs to a stiff froth add cup of confectioners' sugar and Juice of lemon pour over top and return to oven to brown Another we like much Is recipe one quart of milk two tablespoons of rice three tablespoons sugar butter size of walnut salt and nutmeg to taste Bake slowly for two bourB or until thick and creamy You can if you wish add raisins and reserve the whites of two eggs and frost poons SUBMARINE Photograph by Underwood & Underwood N T an evening toilet or Into Milady starts out for her costume visit economy of pack- make a gown suitable for ing as well as variety In little acces- afternoon tea hence It is called "Utilsories is prominent In her mind This ity” and Its right to the name will little lace garment will turn a sombre easily be seen WHEN MADE UP FROM OUTWORN HAT per and bismuth mines of the republic are among the richest In the world Novel Bag Favors Easily Made From the of Bolivia produces Material After It Has Served Retotal tin output of the world Original Purpose cently tin sold for $1000 a ton Tha whicu possesses no seacoast It ex- wealth accruing to the Andean repub Carefully preserve the white or lie a from would simple source colored be Milan horse hair Tusover an 708195 of this light area tends square arithmetical problem If this price was can chip or Panama hat If it canmiles and has a population of or 32 per square mile being the constant Fortunately during the past not be made over into headgear for most sparsely populated of any of the few years the value of a ton of tin another summer It certainly can be has never gone much below $750 and transformed ' into a bag for holding American republics by flattening The vast plateau which Includes over at the price the Bolivian tin miner is handkerchiefs simply out the brim facing it with a shirring 40000 miles at an average altitude assured a good profit despite the diffiTin as a of chiffon of whatever shade 1b to be of 12000 feet above sea level and on culties of transportation which are situated most of the larger component of bronze had its uses as the color scheme of the bag finishing cities of the republic is the most noted a metal thousands of years prior to the its edge with a quilling of narrow ribmost remote history As to when it bon and then putting & deep full linfeature of the country topographical atkiund in mineral first assumed a separated characteristic ing of heavy silk into the crown of The mountains the hat j wealth Tin silver copper and bis- composition we have no Information economic Certain factors operate This lining is made in the usual muth with rubber- are the principal the highest exploitation of tin wavwtth drawstrings at its top but to penetrate extend to exports Coffee cacao tobacco sugar against tucked in' Bolivia neceasaAS backward the of namelybeing thousand light years cane and other products pf the tropcrown It is drawn upwarej by ical as well as many of the temperate heavy freight charges the dependent f £ coca on the price of Straits tin the expotv luy'fcmentary straps of ribbon' are successfully cultivated zone Bolivian conditions ot But these its sides and these in turn from which cocaine' is derived Is duty and the fluctuation of the wind and weather are after all only raised and exported in large quanti- money In times these handicaps will Are pined to the center of the strings a part of the gamble by the ties and the forests contain numerous be overcome and the proceeds of the or handle attached to two opposite Bolivia mines tin of sides of the hat’s brim To make the proportionately fight bis fruits and grain from species of valuable woods including The 1910 production reached Illusion of the hat more complete the beginning of summer until the rubber and cinchona trees the bark creased bolitrimmed the crown is sometimes of the latter being used for the manu- 830 long tons valued at 30000000 frost If early still another enemy vianos 12000000 American gold with large bows of ribbon or wreaths or of facture quinine comes to relieve him Local weather of flowers but its top must always be Under the constitution which was dollars Is also an Important factor Com may Next most to tin the Important kept flat so that it may set squarely on October 17 1880 the promulgated easily be checked in its maturing product of Bolivia is rubber the an- upon any smooth surface has a democratic representa- nual weeks by incessant showers or may republic Another novel handkerchief bag export value of which is estimated tive form of government GovernmentOats of the which will do as a favor for either a be stunted by lack of moisture The at $4000000 exploitation disto three al powers are delegated rubber lands is In the harvesting are delicate things by law man or a girl at a dance may be regulated branches — legisand tinct deToo means an tax annual export to handle of much rain made from a half yard through length lative executive and JudicialCacao and coffee are cultivated in China silk lay in housing the cereal and too The legislature consists of two the One end of the silk Is hemmed departments of La Paz and Cochamuch dry weather means destruction houses the senate and chamber of bamba while other valuable vegetable over a wooden small embroidery ring to the corn and other cereals in the deputies the former consisting of 16 are produced in the depart- across which has first been stretched very next field Altogether the far and the latter of 75 members both products Coca a piece of the same silk to form the ments of Beni and Cruz roer’s life is net one cf unalloyed houses being elected by popular vote from the leaves of Santa which the alkaloid bottom of the bag whose other end Is the former for six and the latter for of cocaine Is He gets no summer vacation bliss is one of the drawn over a second embroidery ring produced citizen male over four years Every pud must not only expose himself to most valuable products of Bolivia which is left uncovered When held twenty-opyears of age whose name all the elements with unremitting toil The present government impressed upright by this second ring the bag is on the electoral register who of stimulating ag- pipe shaped with the Importance but must do these things under the appears and has an open top read and write and who has a can closed by hauntlrg fear that some peculiar and fixed Independent Income has the'right riculture in the republic has imported but it may be securely freakish vagary of the weather will to vote The senate is renewed by wheat of superior quality from the twisting Its center and dropping the United States and Argentina for the upper ring squarely upon the mass of coirfe along and sweep most of his f thirds every two years and of a of silk high purpose supplying grade In a single day of the chamber of deputies is renewed seed to home profits away Cattle sheep growers every four years Congress meets an- and llamas are abundant and to enScissors Case T he declaration has been made by nually at La Paz the actual capital courage the live stock industry of the A pretty scissors case can be made on August 6 the session lasting for a Chicago police Judge that society a national veterinary by cutting two triangular pieces of is there country of 60 days which may be exwomen who play bridge whist for a period for a recently established cardboard institute and a little larger than the size It may also be 30 days tended money stakes are gamblers and that convened In extraordinary session by agricultural school There are several of the scissors they are to cover and In the country and a shoe a 8 mall breweries If he Is called upon to try a case piece to the president of the republic also many minor industrial serve a a flap to the case factory where women are accused of gam The president and two Cover all with silk satin or any establishments ' are elected for a term of four blmg at bridge he will treat the ao of fancy material piece turning in the cused exactly as he treats men gam years and may not be for edges and whipping the silk on the Radium Breezes for Gout This may be relied upon to the term immediately following biers The Now sew the longest edges breezes are the very boards It annual salary of the president is 18000 cause a fluttering of devotees latest things In the treatment ot gout of the board together and the flap to bolivianos ($7200) It sbould put an end to playing bridge 3ew a One of the papers read at the German the short edge of one board The republic Is divided into eight Medical whist for money stakes society In congress which has Just been pretty cord gilt if possible all the which are again divided held be departments would oft better way around the edge of the case and Wiesbaden was on the appliChicago Into provinces the latter Into cantons cation atof radium In the aerial Btate fasten the flap down with a small bow or districts and these again Into mu- Radium “‘emanatorla’’ This have been es- or ribbon or a fancy button A Chicagoan It’s an til wind etc nicipalities Congress at the close of tablished In Berlin and at Bad would make a dainty and useful holi1910 authorized was pushed off a moving trolley car the creation of an now Ems Is to have one A day gift If fitted with a good pair of and additional department to be known as However and found $50 In the street scissors radium special apparatus from which de los Chlquites” the "Departamento we do not favor the pastime of pushin a current of fresh Is the capital of which will be Puerto cooltransported off street cars indiing passengers air Is fixed In a room and the Her Gloves Suarez on the Paraguay river The deFor tailored suit wear for mornings scriminately have merely to sit In the patients partments are governed by prefects room and talk or read the radium in shopping occasions and general work appointed by the president for a term solution in and the does rest In tha the air the always popular capeskin The weather men are telling tbs of four years while the provinces are affects' the blood through the lungs pretty autumn tans will he the glove also by governed subprefects even appointrecom!he will adopt This treatment Is especially people to reject wild geese and ed by the president DurFor the afternoons however and the mended for all gouty ailments the goosebone as weather forcasters Products and Industries The weather men can best advance ing the last hot summer It has affordevening she will divide her choice — is more her wealth mineral for to It upon ed the that will be the soft gouty subjects something people their cause by furnishing — the republic mainly depends and pres- than an amelioration amounting almost as fashionable as the with better forecasts for ent conditions all point to increased most to a pleasing compensation and fine French kidskins Plain white of course will be very activity in the exploitation of these their aches and pains A New York woman wants a divorce resources through the constantly Ingreatly woru but pale tans —biscuit because her husband has not spoken creasing foreign demand for the minPoor Conversationalist dellca'e mode pearl gray champagne be baa six In of Possibly years the to her eral products "Is your husband a good and the creiwny yellows will also come country In for a due share of attention The mineral wealth of Bolivia Innever had a chance talker?" "No Indeed As soon as he’s bad cluding nearly all known metals Is distributed and and lies dinner he couch on down very rich the and widely who White Gaiters Are Worn prayed The Kansas City citizen of ore containveins word Great falls abundant never The woman who has pumps and get a asleep and lo loudly that he disturbed the neighthe precious metals are found In out of him" does not wish to get high shoes until borhood must have been praying for ing the mountains of the republic and late In the winter can now use her trouble while their exploitation is carried on Sounds Like It cloth gaiters and be very much In on a considerable scale yet due to the "Pop will you tell me one thing?" White ones are quite the fashstyle "Yes Willie" The swat tbs fly days having fled It lack of labor capital and adequate ion and their rivals are pearl gray "If a man makes soda water founThese are worn with the black shoes behooves householders to awat the transportation facilities they are not culwith all kinds of gowns that are short fully developed and in many Instances tains ain’t he engaged In l window screen remain entirely virgin The tin cop ture?” and for the street of Bolivia republic the third largest of the South American republics is one of the two countries of the American continents WHITE IN OR BLUE SERGE HE i Outfit That Can Not Help Complete but Look Well Made Up of Either Material Either serge looks The skirt Is having a wide and sides joining up center the front is joined to sides by well made a front back navy In or white this style pattern When making sweet croquettes add little sugar to the crumbs in which the croquettes are to be rolled to warm Cold watpr is preferable for scrubbing doors because It does not sink into the wood and so dries a quickly In putting down linoleum or oil cloth have strips of molding nailed on the edges next to the baseboard This prevents dust from getting under and preserves the edges the Holding tomatoes over gas flame will cause skin to burst and come off easier than when scalded and the tomato will be less mushy than when scalded brass may be polished Neglected with a paste of powdered bath brick and oil Take two pieces of the brick This makes a finand rub together er powder than if scraped with a knife Cut hams may be kept from molding If the cut end is wet xylth vinegar each time after cutting Vinegar will also keep beef fresh for a time when you happen to be without Ice tempo- rarily To frost over a window without the room dissolve epsom darkening salts in hot water and paint over the window while the water Is hot then allow to dry This is easily removed and is entirely opaque while on In the Sewing Room To do good sewing requires good or working implements implements Necessary include shears needles thimble thread pins tape measure emery and beeswax Shears with long sharp blades are materials best For a wrapped seam and buttons add a finish at foot The fronts of coats are cut and are laid to sides prettily with a wrapped seam buttons formThe large collar ing the trimming is faced with black and white plaid silk straw Hat of navy trimmed with wide glace ribbon 5 Materials 46 required: yards Inches wide 2 dozen and four buttons yard silk for facing collar 4 for lining coat yards satin Stationery It is entirely a matter of choice whether one shall use white or tinted writing paper and whether that paper shall have a linen or as it Is called lawnette finish or a smooth Domestic paper Inclines to surface the lawnette finish and to somewhat decided but quiet colors such as the new Helen pink (named In honor of fawn colthe president’s daughter) or which is being used a great deal and the the popular buff— Continental newly introduced Harper's Bazar Favored Styles is largely towards The tendency suits having trimming on the collars on cuffs and revers and occasionally the skirts Many of the rebent models have revers which almost close In the front thus making them practicable for cold weather A number have the long single revers which can be fastOthers ened over on the left side coats are made In shield effect and have small standing or turnover col- lars ' young sewers the ground down and medium length needle Is recommended The milliner’s needle s long and la considered excellent for basting A bent or blunt needle can Bpoil an entire seam making It crooked and Much of the difficulty by sewers can be traced of too coarse needles a ing in uneven sewing no much care is put Into the experienced to the use fault resultmatter how stitches Swiss Eggs Cut quarter of a pound of rich cheese in thin shavings Bytter an a dish or small atone china plategg ter and spread the cheese on it upon the cheese distribute a little butter broken Into bits a little salt cayenne Break eggs into mustard and cream a dish and stir together until mixed then pour over the other materials and place In the oven Bake eight minutes Peanut Brittle Boll together one cupful each of molasses and brown sugar one tablespoonful of vinegar and three heaping of butter when a little tablespoonfuls Into cold water is brittle dropepd add one and a half cupfuls of blanched e peanuts remove from the fire level teaspoonful of baking soda and one teaspoonful of lemon extract Into bard well and beat buttered pour tins Grape Fruit Salad Remove the pulp of a grapefruit lay It on lettace add a few malaga grapes which have been seeded and a few English walnuts and serve with may onnalse dressing |