Show The Cured Asthma-Catar- Salina' Call Editorial Pag The Salina Call! Sixth Annual in Published A Weekly Newspaper Expert Medical Scientists Announce Btarlmf? Results Obtsinpaned bf Heue New York:— Thousand are taking Every Friday At Satina Utah by the advantage o! the generous oiler made Co! N Lund Publishing by the Woodworth Co Dept O York’ City re 11(11 Broadway New of Price $50 Per Year In Advance (meeting au experimental package li ‘pt'l’'’ Senpine the great discovery for AsthH ma Hay Fever Bronutiit is and Catarrh’ Entered as Second Cjusa Mail Matter which is mailed free of charge to all A s It is curiDg who write for it of the most stubborn cases It makes no difference how long you have been suffering or how severe the clima-ticonditions are where you live £ will sure you Ry Charles Ferguson If you have experimented with other BritEurope le a bi lling cauldron find treatment)) and failed to Relieve in yourself cure do not be discouraged bnt send ain France Germany Russia Spain It means courage and fortune f6r a trial of this wonderful truly ineri and Norway are in ebulllt'on Turkey It means confidence at a time when tous remedy wbicb'is ascienlidu com o and by1 a J’rofesser pound discovered The hangar riots belief in your own powers la valuable are at war Italy Vieiina University end is bain recomo means life to the bldod and spa kle to It Vienna put the and martial mended by thousands the eye when your vigor nd sincerity Austrian empire In the pot with the are under the IT’S EQUAL DON’T EXIST microscdpio test of hostile of other countries Europe No one ha ever made a salve ointexamination There le a universal popment or balm to compare with The poise of the orator the Arnica Halve It’s the one nerfeot ular protest against the light cost of of the swimmer the vim and aggressiheeler of Cute Corns Hums bruises living corns from veness of the good fighter Sores Scalds Boile Ulcers Eczema Never were the teebtloal arts the Skit Rhernm For Sore Eyes Cold Sores and no man who believes of arts aud or Bands it’s manufacture supagriculture Chapped Hpraius in himself is ever afraid of losing his job reme Unrivaled for Piles Try it 'On advanced to so high a pitch as now of power Fear is the and If 25s at all Dtugafeta Never before were such Titan tools put and of men is fear of circumstances into the hands of mankind and never The Blrigham Young University simply another name for lack of confibefore was nature more responsive ' at Provo beg'ne work MONDAY OCTdence in self IIow then d oee It happen that everyOBER 9 of etudente Registration first To get others to believe in you where throughout the grand circle of Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday believe in yourself not as a matter of Oct 10 modern commerce the mass of the peo October 3 4 and 5! but pure logic through pie find it harder to- make a living for the world knows that no man can The lowered purchasing power of a accomplish anything without fkith’ and The day’s work is a universal fact cause of it cauu it therefore be local The case hha been aggravated no doubt by the Budden increase of tbs output of the world’s gold mines But “bard money” men cannot afford to The editor haa received alt ecep- press that argument very bard lest the tionally good lettr-froMies Stena radicals leap upon the implied confesSalitia’s best educated sion that the “gold standard” is a pre- Scorup one of and cultured tuost ladies for carious foundation for modern lift Behighly sides everybody sees that the cheap- years a teacher here but now laborimof should raise gold the ening pieces ing as a Mormon missionary in Illinois prioe of labor as veli as of other “com- and Mioiiigan We give epaoe to a modities” ard that the latter process should follow hard upon the former as portion of the letter which ia one of most beautiful appreciationsthe Mr Ilearst said in London the other the Call has ever received end' thail be day) The London Lancet says that the la- tucked away in memory asone of the bor troubles of England are oaueed by and best helps in a hard t the hot summer— but the world la not bright lights existence She is a compeetruggHe-foconvinced of that and CHnnot be f Come and be convinad that tent judge of the Call and its work Surely as a matter of mer& intellecyou cannot buy cheaper j any' tual curiosity— to say nothing of the Flint Michigan Oat 4 1911 where more paesidnateconoerns f life— there EditorCN Luni Salina Utah is no problem that can possibly comDear Mr Lund: pete in common interest With this prob Please pardon my writing a few lem of the universal rise in thB cost of words to you personally but I could the necessaries of 'exletauoe not resist the temptation aff6rfny exRedmond It it the Spinix riddle of the age We perience of last night We came must answer it if we would eat and in from Chicago and I fouud just here four not be eaten CALLS as we have now been gone for four weeks' There was no other" message from home but I had a good visit WHAT GIVES THE TOWN A at Salina nevertheless I was in school BETTER SERVICE THAN again at the ball game in the theatre aud with all my friends EvTHE CALL? ONLY en the case of the man who was lost in SENCL'IT IN NOW AND HELP Office evir Salina eat Dry t kt V C J is®--- ' r Clothing Will be’ closed’out mediately at H- - PRICE O Nielsen! Utah F 0 BULJ0CK DENTIST $150 ail Supply OFFICE IN Salina Utah - PAINTER I PAPER !f if 9 The Election Compjtry Store 5 TO 30 OF MONTH and HANGER : Slloa A K'FELD ALL WORK FULLY OOARAN- TEED OR MONEY RSfUtllDED-jALL KINDS Off CARPENTER CON- WORK AND GENERAL TRACTING— GIVE ME A CALL $ I CAN BAVlE YOU MONEY Phone or Call at Harness Shoi Uil DrK:WH0GGAN Veterinary Sorgeon and Dentist Offlcsa’ White House Salina Ut A AAA Ttili A A f A AA J t J a TTTttTw’WtTTtttTTtttTTtTtt r When you’ fwT lazy Half Sick Stretchy Blue and Out of Sorts look to the Liver it la Torpid HERBIME Is' the Remedy Yoa Need Invigorating tonic for The first dose a torpid liver few days brings Improvemcntra use puts tho liver in fine vigorous condition Hcrbine also extends its restorative influence to the ptomivCh and bowels It helps digestion and food assimilation purifies the bowels and brings back tho habit of regumovements lar dally bowel When tlio stomach liver and bowels are active bilious imno longer ' obstruct purities functional processes the result Is renewed of Whichenergy mental and cheerful activity spirits: " It jj Irtee B0e per StLoulsMO JamtsFE3allardProp Iz Use Stephens Sore Bottle Salve It Cures Eye Eye 'i'tfSioAweRtco— for rfOrrBv Lewis: t)rug Co t COME The time for tbs municipal election isupproaching and some thought must be given the matter immediately The prohibition people have decided to pat a ticket in the field right away and there may be a Republican ticket a Democratic and a Socialist ticket in the field before it i through with The more thfe nfofrier But what we are most concerned about is the men We advise that who shall be put up each party be very careful and select only the very beet men representative meu men who oau and will do men who have some idea of proand above ail gress and modernees meu who will uphold the law to the letter We appeal to the voters not to allow any ticket to be put op that if elected would follow a policy of The world le movin and Selina muet move with it Turn out to your cauOG meetings voters and see to if' Help the today j Call with AN ENGLIAH ' HORTICULTURE - Phone 80 fjJJllUllllvJMUi Krwawi SUFFRAGIST" Can Train Yen In Your Own Home During Odd Hours to lie a BOOKKEEPER STENOGRAPHER SALESMAN us help you learn the branches — bookcommercial stenosalesmanship keeping and tfra penmanship graphy similes that go with them Tuition includes books stationery and supplies of ewery kind Including: use of typewriter in your own llama without extra charge sarir home FCHOOt part of THHJ ORB AT BTtOWN bTTEMrF 29 Colleges rantee of the thor Of OUT oughness imovN's BV7 vc method Send FREE FOR WOMEN for Ulus t rated catalog Addressing Miss Frances Duncan a society woman of Boston thinks that horticulture is fine for women but she gives them s hint that may be of She says that many women livuse ing in Italian villas surround them with Dutch' gardens' which' is 'of course not at all proper The work of gardening she says requires skill rather than great spd knowledge and consequently most strength women are equal to it “temtswsciiL Eighth a Pint Sts StIouiv1o AMBITION TALKS of the© now famous In book form— rovers —64 pasteboard pa?ea with an Inspiring suggea tlon on earh page Mailed prepaid 25c Business Publishing Co Ith and Pin Pit 8L Lou's Mo Flxty bound r World” Denver Pueblo Lake Ogden Lebl American Fork' Proven Springville Thistle Castle G’t'e Helper Brice aud Orsen River Correspondingly low round trio rae from o’her Utah’ points 13 1011 Ticket! on sale October 1011 12 IS Final return limit October 81st 11)11 S'oporers allowed t all points in either direction except going passage must be oompelted wl hiu ten days from date of sal For further detaled infoinititiou apply tu'looal Denver Kio Grands agent I' A BENTON G A P D FRANK A WVDLIIGH ' Salt Lake City Utah Denver Colo li fThings for Homefj PURNITUREi the weeels has been of great interest ioine‘and itwasindied gratifying to know he had escaped It has always been my aim to be loyal to home interests and ' particularly to a paper i that is endeavoring to uplift the and boost the town but never before have I realized just what the home paper mesas to “the strkDger in a strange land” The CALL is indeed a ' ' welcome visitor I trust that all is well with you and that you may be blessed in Jhe good and heble work you are endeavoring Paint Oil Glass Stoves is to accomplish lu Salina There kb Cream Separators Pianos eurely a great field there and if the uncould see aud but young people derstand wbat the world expects of them they would eudeavor to live up to some of the ideals your paper is May ’he good placing before them spirit attenffyou always and give yfcu those blessings that will help you most” Miss Scorup alsowrites interesting ly of her labors aud- experiences 'aod especially of a recent ‘conference htld pi at Nauroo the early home of her church She visited Cartbege jail and which still all the cld laid marks stacid as memories of Mormondom a 3P J prices Ranges Wall Everythin? Par per Carpets Phonographs to furnish hmi at iowpnoes F PEDERSON cheaper than ever at the old reliable stand Clothing Shoes- - Hats Millinery Groceries ' Dry Goods r at prices below houses mail-orde- wl you want eut flowers funeral pot plants eto just calf the designs 1’rovo Green Hoixse Oo YVe ir the LIue of Colorado Sprin $22 50’from Salt - but we are obliged to ask for reuewals in subscription invariably cash in ad vance Help uh with one or two years’ subscription We algo ask the bn si cess men to take all the advertising they ca and turn in all the job work We are compelled to they can use appeal to our patrouR for all the help they cau give as the business of publishing a newspaper here is passing We Lave through a critical period sent statement after statement but Bills are tbeydonoi bring results now piled sky t igh on us and winter is about here so if you wafit to make a rift in the cloud for ns send in a How tuuk it over or two Can’t you pay long since you paid? once or twice more? Help u out lSlll October SS3SSI Wbbn that lubitripiion Misa Margaret Sond field whi ia in this country is said to bs one of the best ipealers in London on the subject of votes for Yromen She was once a shop girl but is ndw the best speaker on the labor platform in England1 She was a candidate foi the Woolwich representative of the and polled 7000 county council vote although it was the first time that ‘a woman was eligible! to election to “Seenio ' ' of the Call IN AND HELP THE CALL f publish this week a couple of of The CALL After havall the ing read them and recalling good thinge you bave'heard and know about the paper we think you will be in a good mood to receive a few suggestions Kindly bear mv We undertand that three newepap era came to'a ead deal h in HaRna pre Vious to the Cali’s coming The' business men and the citizens should not permit another deatn and it is not at all there will be one but we’re here to say that times are terrible and all poswible support must fas ene not onlisted for be home paper ly need immediately all money due us We Ooloradb Springs Dow Round Trip Rates jvia Denver & Rio Grande R R ' begins in the soul befbre it finds way into the mind To believe you can do a thing beto fore you have done it is necessary The mind ef the man who has growth!' no faith that be can do a thing unless he doomod is to perpetuha3 done it before and decay And he al Lilliputianism who even limits his to what others add much to the have done will never real progress of the world man is he who has The the courage to attempt what has never been done before and the faith to believe he can do it To enroll aijong the immortals it is to do a new thing only once necessary But the man who accomplishes the untried once never stops for he has learnThose who ed the secret of growth never grow are the helpless and inanimate who are not willing to believe that they can do a thing once An Appreciation All HALF at Colorado fkith its Farming Congress ' BELIEVE IN YOURSELF What Is Wrong? Clothing !iL - ftrtlcJf i Pain in imii Heart “For two years I had pain la my heart back and left side Could not draw a deep breath or lie on left side and any little exertion would cause palpitation Under advice I took Dr Miles’ IIeartRemedy and Nervine I: took about thirteen bottles am in better health than ' I ever was and have gained 14 pounds” Strong ReasonsIf it’s B surface to be painted enameled' stained varnished or ' finished in any way there’s an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose The wood' is thoroughly drySummtr't sun has removed Paint penetrates ' dry wood ' The LILLIE THOMAS Upper Sandusky Ohio For many years Dr Miles MRS deeper it goes the all fioisture deeper into better it holds Fall Weather is warm dry and dependable' Little danger of cold dhmp rainy endanger the durability of the paint' Heart Remedy has been very successful in the treatment of heart troubles because of its tonic effect upon the heart Even in nerves and muscles severe cases of long standing it has frequently prolonged life for many years after doctors had given up' all hope as proven by thousands of letters we have received from grateful people Dr Miles’ Heart Remedy Is sold by all If the first bottle faila to druggists benefit your druggist will return your money M1UES MEDICAL CO Elkhvt lit TTrf WJ'W iwni)J uipiiiux 4 Wet weather decays and de- stroys unprotected surfaces Lack of paint means valuable property Si Co-o- lest Fall painting keeps out winter moisture The greatest all struc'urtu The unsightly and to the enemy ' life and beauty oft ) 'Ask us about ACM'B QUALITY' HOUSE PAINT It insures the greatest and beauty at the least cost service Questions cheerfully protection per year of answered ' |