Show IWO With some incidental delation bm woman Cyrus Towhsznd Brady ktuarfiATONa DcnffoomMaviu mo cm" By fso avtomn SYNOPSIS becemoa foolish younf tenderfoot faaotnated with the bold artful wife of a drunken prospector In a western mining town They prepare to elope in a blindby the ing blizzard but are confronted He Is maudlin husband shot by thea boy pins wlfq but the ohlvalrous note to the body taking the crime upon himself In their night to the railroad herse station the woman's falls exhausted the puts her on his own and follows youth hanging to the Stirrup strap Seeing he Is an Impediment the woman thrusts her esoort Into a snow drift and rides on he stumbles Into the railroad station Just as the train bears the woman away years later this man George (n Netf Oormly Is a multimillionaire York He meets Eleanor a Haldane beautiful and wealthy settlement worker and with her in her work Gormly becomes owner ef a steamship line and finds himself frustrated In pier and track extenelen plans by grafting dermen backed by the Gotham Traction on a Company An automobile accident the HalStormy Christmas sve brings danes ts his country horns Gormly makes the marooned party comfortable In a confidential talk with Oormly Miss Haldane enthuses on her settlement work and longs that he shall benefit mankind With hla wealth and buelneas talent He determines to do eo and announces that ba will be mayor of New York aad deem the olty from corruption A CHAPTER say and content yourself with your— ah — proclamation s f ” "My experience has been that pubIs licity If coupled with surrender never very efficacious If I should accede to the demands of the Gotham Freight Traction company the fact that I had exposed them would be of little moment" "Oh then you propose' to do your own freighting by wagon and give up the battle?" asked Haldane hla eagerness a little more apparent than he Imagined possible “I have not aald so" he answered "What do you propose?" It was a blunt direct question and one unwarranted by the aituatlon "Well—" began the merchant slowly "I ask simply a a oltlien Interested In the welfare of the community Some of the backera of the Ootham Freight Traction company are friends of mins and from tonight I shall hope to count you also among that number" explained the financier —Continued 1 “Thank you” returned Gormly — r have learned that It is not wise to ' 1 know llttla about the aoclal obl- say what you aro going to do until re you are ready to do It that It Is igations of tba world to which you tar It bag not been my privilege to much better In fact to substitute hate an entranoa therein” doing for aaflng' "An excallent tnaxlm!” returned the on of a matter choice your "Merely part 1 am aure” murmured Haldane other with well almulated Indifference "All of your fellow citixena however ' deprecattngly "possibly” waa the cool reply “1 will be deeply Interested In the outhave not hitherto been greatly Inter- come of the affair I am an older man ested In effecting an entrance with- than you are Mr Oormly and may in the charmed circle nor am I es- therefore take the liberty not of adpecially now saving your presence of vising you aa to the conduot of your course and meaning not the slightest offense In the world" Is taken and I "None whatever You Interest pray you to proceed me exceedingly” "In my business Mr Haldane and I have no doubt that the experience Is your own I have found that what I supervise myself Is well done and what I delegate to others Is frequently done and sometimes not dons at T V "And you have no personal Interest chise under which ths line has been la ths matter?” constructed aid by which It Is operof which "I have already assured you aa to ated through the provision It win be held” that” "Have the people surrendered their "I will not accept any such offer to the Gotham absolutely If It ahould be made me by authority rights I will not pay a single cent over and Freight Traction oompany?" "I should say that they had” above the actual cost ef building the "Are delivered bound hand they witches and a proper and reasonable amount for the privilege of the con- and foot to this corporation?” “Well you put it rather poetically nection" but In substance your remark la true" "Of course you must make your “And have they no redress or reIn that case however own decision I fear you will never get the switches” course?" "Certainly" "I am quite sure that before I get “And what Is that?” through I shall have not only the “I haven’t the slightest objection to switches but — — ” the telling you They can revoke Gormly paused and looked his com— at the expiration franchise of the panion hard and directly In the face term” "But what?” said Haldane flicking “Is that all they can do?” the ashes from his cigar daintily and You see therefore all "Absolutely ths blue curl watching speculatively It would be quite hopeless for you to of amoke that rose languidly from Its to light this corporation even attempt end in the air with the alliance and support of the He was Gormly thought quickly people which It Is by no means cernot now deceived by the well assumed tain you could gain” He was conIndifference of Haldane “And that Is your unprejudiced opinvinced that there waa something back ion?" of of it that the relation Haldane to “It Is Therefore I urge upon you the whole affair was more than a the of my offer to mediate acceptance mere casual one that Haldane had not told him the plain unvarnished between you and them” "And you say your interest Is pursly truth "Well Mr Haldane I win be frank Impersonal?” "Entirely” with you I net only Intend to have as I said before to "I am glad but I Intend te my track connection know returned Gormly "behave the Gotham Freight Traction cause I that” should not like to find mysell company a well” in opposition to ons who has maniMy dear sir!” said Haldane gently fested friendliness to such me as you not turning a hair before this astound"Are you aware that have" ing declaration Haldane looked up suspiciously the bonds of the Ootham Freight Trac’- appearance was abso tion company are two hundred and but Gormlylutely guileless fifty million dollars that stock for “For notwithstanding what you tell twice aa much more has been issued me” the merchant continued "all ol and sold and Is already at a premium which la doubtless true I propose t that it is In the enjoyment of a enter the contest with the Gotham franchise with the privilege I have Freight Traction company inof renewal that Its promoters never allowed myself to be robbed clude some of the ablest financiers In have never been beaten by trickery the city?" and chicanery and I don’t propose te "Much of what you say Is a matter be robbed or beaten now” of public notoriety You have given "Ruin you" some Information me however that said the absolute ruin is before other earnestly "If you enI did not possess and which Is of valgage In this contest ue" said Gormly quietly “But sir they are trying to hold mi Haldane did not acknowledge the — to use a blunt phrase — for a miltouch though he winced Inwardly at up lion dollars for a thing that should It not be worth a tenth of that amounl 'And yet you speak” be went on ” on a liberal basis Morally "Morals my dear Mr Gormly some how seem to have Httle to do with business You must do what they ” like or He shrugged his shoulders "We shall see" said Gormly "I be lleve though T am not a student ol military history that an able genera Is one who takes advantage of the mistakes of tbs enemy and that more battles are won by such sharp sighted endeavor than by deliberate plan- all” “Ths remark la as old as Gen Franklin” laughed Haldane "and the principle Is older still” But surely" he went on "In a great buslnees such as yours Is you can’t attend personally to every detail yourself" ' "By no means” returned the other 1 have succeeded In surrounding with a very capable corps of subordinates — perhaps I had better call them assistants —who have been tried and tested and upon whom I have' commensurate volved responsibilities with their capacities and from whom I expect results But I supervise ery department of the business myself I am In possession of frequent reports It even In Its details I concerning make regular and rigid inspections In short so far as one man can do so I have It all In my own hands certainly In my own mind” "My own practise Mr Oormly with my affairs which are somewhat large and extensive Is similar to yours" "I take It sir” was the answer "that we are in line with all successful men in that” It Irked Haldane a little to be so calmly Included in the tame category with Oormly for he had never been In trade and had acquired much of the old world prejudice against the keeping of a store However It was not about kvorth quarreling Not that Haldane had the slightest objections on the to quarreling with Gormly contrary he would hm enjoyed it and indeed intended In JahlensGl way or another to do that Very thing before he got through with him but It would he bad policy to do It without more preparation for victory taste to and It would be in execrable precipitate antagonism In the enjoyTherefore he ment of his hospitality his dislike and proceeded swallowed as follows: of subordinates "Even the best ones In a while” mistakes make “They are no more Immune from that" was the swift rejoinder “than the ablest of employers"It was Haldane laughed For the moment It well done even deceived bis acute companion lie spolfh with an air of the utmost one frankness have no personal concern of In the matter but I have greatly interested In' the remarkable series of articles that have appeared under your name I suppose you were betrayed Into this unfortunate position through some erro: on the part of (jne of your subordinates " “No" said Gormly "that was a mistake of my own one of thoso employer’s errors to which we alluded a mo"I course been ment since” "It Is like to coFt you dear I fanoy The Gorbefore you get through ham Freight Traction company which Immensely strong I hear is an and is financial organization relentless and inexorable In matters of business Is apt to exact or comp'Hnce with Its demands n as it were your warehouses the air" never credited them with "1 r h r Intent” " ' suppose In the end you will medicine as the young men t ning” "But suppose you did succeed whal then? How would that affect the Gotham Freight Traction company?" "Meanwhile” said Gormly and la this instance he deliberately laid all his cards on tho table “I propose to take advantage of the one blunder ol the Gotham Freight Traction com- FirstState BANK! Salina of W v ' Drafts drawn on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe Banking in all its various forms Accounts Respectfully Solicited Four per cent interest paid on time deposits New Train Service via & DENVER IN FART DAILY FROM BALT J:45 6:10 WITH TWO NIGHTS TO CHICAGO TWO NIGHTS TO 8T LOUIS THREE NIGHTS TO NEW TUSK TRAINS ' RIO 6RANDE CONNECTION Burlington Route Rock Island Route Missouri Paciffio FOUR LAKE a M w nr 4:30 p' m 7:10 p usT aid Pullman St Tourist Leuis without to ef cars J L A BENTON P A WADLEIG B G A P D QPi aid Chicago Sleeper change v v For further inform aitea ieW MForniy agant or address -- x local Salt Lake UL Denver Colo DC Why not say Hello to them? Your friends all want to talk to you over thejnhone Better have it put in With a Saline telephone In yonr home yon osn ran errands go shopping do bnelaesa oto without leaving home You will enjoy the Why not have It? Get aonnented this oomlwg week SAUNA pany” TELEPHONE COMPANY "And what la that?” asked Haldane with intense eagerness There was no longer the faintest pretense His cards were between these two on the table as well although he had not admitted - DC SAUSAGE it "In order to make the franchise ol the Gotham Freight Traction company fresh asd Fine Like Mother really of value to complete the system without which It begins and ends used to make In ths air they must have the old New York Street Car company franchise which expires next spring It covers the only available routes and the only available streets to connect the two ends of the Gotham enteror other the astute Somehow prise -minds controlling the corporation failed to secure the renewal of this The White Front franchise It has to 4e voted upon and passed in the spring” GLONG was The present administration” the quick reply "will be In power unThe franchise til the April elections No rs grant of It expires in March It will ba could be made until then renewed before a new administration could supplant the old even if our wild dreams were successful” "That Is to be seen” answered Gormly coolly “My dear sir It Is self evident" “By no means Public opinion shall be aroused on the question of the reHarness Saddles Horse Blankets Tents and Wagon Covers and of the New newal of the franchise We want your trade full line of Men’s and Boys’ Dress and Work Shoes York Street Car company with a clear Our goods aro the best and our price the lowest Drop in and look over our line and be convinced of the principles and conexplanation to such art extent fgng-sequences Involved that I do not believe any sdmlnistra-tloon earth will dare to counter It" "And who will do this arousing?” "I will” "How?" "By offering myself as a candidate" for mayor of New York and by fght-lnCollections the battle on ?bat Issue and that HotaTy Public Choicest line ol MEATS and GROCERIES W Gormly Deliberately Laid All Hie Cards on the Table "of controlling the oompany?" but of saying In a friendly “I do" way one or two things that occur to "This Is most interesting I am cuThe first la that as a business me man I know that this publicity Is more rious to know how you propose to do or less distasteful to you I assume It? Gotham to be Freight It the lhat "The business that you have built up wijl Traction company which I believe Is Is evidence of your capacity In that a very worthy concern desirous of line but you have I take it never minding Its own business and exploit- mingled In Wall street never dealt I think mying its own properties on the exchange?” self viewing the situation ImpartialI didn’t mean to either” "Never ly that you have been hardly dealt "How then do you expect to obtain I don’t want to see the affair control of such a corporation as tbto with advance any farther for the ciedlt especially when It has back of It the we Suppose of thh community city government as well as the Sachthousand dollars em five hundred say alone” society?” for the connections and nothing more "I might" said Haldane slowly aftThe question was one Gormly could the It in public moment — "I to appear about have declined to answer without a er a deeply thoughtful presc?" moment’s without giving might secure the privileges you desire hesitation " burst out Gormly —” “Is this —conditioned was It for one offense Halthat any you dane had no "Is this a compromise quickly "I don’t desire them now Mr Halright to ask He thought are off ' dane” returned Gormly "I am in the deeply If swiftly and before he spoke iing nothing” returned Haldane continued: ”j battle to stay I ask nothing from the it Haldane gbtly almost Indifferently "You are I take it a wealthy man Gotham Freight TTaction eomrany sha’l “I am not In position to offer anything but no single man could command the can confer no favors upon me As stated te you I am simply a citi- resources of this corporation that Is take what I am entitled to by the of will zen who wants to see this unpleasathe the peono single man outside of those few who grace of Go$ and the parers are In It” ho went on "and It would matter removed from ple” where such things are discussed by be sheer madness for you to attempt Haldane stared a long time at the Intemperate writers without any real It" dark determined face of his host of the issues lntolved "Mr Haldane” said Cormly coming comprehension "You will make a splendid enemy and I offer as the friend of my friends to another conclusion "there Is a pow"The be said at last Mr Gormly” and If I may so call myeslf as your er in this country greater than the battle between you and the Traction friend to bring you two together” money power” company will be one worth going “And what may that be sir?” “You are not empowered to make to see” distance long such a proposition?" ‘The power of the people” At that Instant the tall clock In the “In this Instance' the people are al- hall struck the hour of 12 "Certainly not" was the specious answer “I simply take advantage of ready on the side of the Gotham "I have the honor”'' said Gormly the fortunate chance that gives me tho Freight Traction company” "to wish you a very bowing formally “Are they o?” of your acquaintance to do privilege Merry Christmas Mr Haldane” their represenwhat I conceive to be a most Impo“Certainly Through (TO BB CONTINUED) rtant public service” tatives they have voted them s fran business MM '(S’ Leather Goods Harness Shop 2 The Advertised Article (Is and Store Shoe N J BATES Lawyer IUCHFIELD UTAn ons in which the merchant has implicit faith — he would not advertise it are safe in patronizing tho whose ads appea: this paper because their and never are R Again We Say Succeed when everything else fulls In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy as thousands have testified FOR KIDNEY LIVER AND STOMACH TROUDLE it is the best medicine ever over druggist's counter nil ii ii'iiiiiiriiiiiiisnuiiiiiiiiiiisiMiMi—ni sold Subscribe for THIS PAPERj TAILORING Step up stairs over the lie store and ask the man suit pairs cleans and makes August Ericksen re- to |