Show THE SAUNA By C N Lund 6ALINA CALL CALLED TEDDY UAR UTAH UTAH STATE NEWS (The town of Murray Is to have a Carnegie library Tbs milk dealers of Salt Lake City bare advanced the price of milk to ten cents a quart A can factory with a capacity of 100000 canB per day may be establish d in Ogden in the pear future The Spanish Fork city council has for an inter granted the franchise wrban railroad through Spanish Fork One of the unique exhibits at the atate fair this year will be a trout ten pounds and thirty weighing inches long Beaver county is to have a tair at Beaver City beginning Sep tember 21 There will be exhibits and ports of all kinds is formed An ®8octation the being purpose of which is to better the agri eolUral conditions in the country tributary to Salt Lake City The grand stand at the Buena Vista race track Salt Lake City was de strayed by Are Thursday night the ' loss being estimated at 110000 ' According to the estimates of the about tate horticultural Inspector $400000 worth of apples will be ship ped to markets outside of the state this year "Harvest Home” day at Willard on August 31 was attended by hundreds from adjoining towns Feasting sports and dancing were the order of the being free to visitors day everything The Intermountain Good Roads association which will hold its annual convention in Ogden during the fair is making big preparations for the entertainment of the delegatee Another new bank has been opened at Ogden The new bank is financed by men of wealth and standing in the’ commercial world of Utah Nevada Idaho South Dakota and other V ONE OF THE GREATEST 8TRIKES IN HISTORY OF GARMENT MAKING COMES TO END AT CLOSV SENSATIONAL SCENE ROOSEVELT’8 OF COLONEL LABOR DAY 8PEECH Lost In Wages Alona Has Exceeded Ten Million Dollars During Nino Months Between Struggle fOOOO Workers and ' ptoyera Painter RESULT OF IDAHO PRIMARY J J later or the honey crop of The estimate $25000 Rmery county this year is and is considered a good showing as the bees are valued at about 26000 The strained In the entire county to honey crop will foot up from ten carloads What is claimed to be a sample of the richest and best yield In the country in the way of Elberta peaches is being exhibited by L Stokes a promiHe has nent grower of Roy Utah peaches that average three to the ponnd and 203 bushels to the acre in Sr the first time the history of the bee Industry in Mt Pleasant a carload of honey has been sold out of the town Contracts were signed bee men during the by the respective past week which bind them to ship the car September 15 The car will capacity be in Utah county who are Farmers suffering from ravages of the airalfa which is gradually working weevil south from Salt Lake county arp cutting and burning their lucern discing and harrowing their fields and digfence ging up the ditch banks and corners where the insect breeds the Stubbs Nellie Edward of Mr and Mrs daughter Stubbs of Bingham is dead from accidental poisoning at the home of her was The child uncle John Stubbs poisoned by drinking a bottle of which it found on the table Ogden Shriners are preparing for Ihe big celebation which is to be held at Devil’s Slide September 15 at the ceremonial of the Order This picturof the Mystic Shrine esque spot has been chosen for this convention and it is probable that future conventions will be held there United States Paying Expense of Colonel’s Trip PresiDisputing the Former dent’s Declaration on That 8core New York —The cloak makers' trlke one of the greatest Industrial disturbances in the history of American labor was settled Friday night thousand Seventy garment workers who have been idle for nine months will return to work 'Ten thousand and those dependent upon them— fifty thousand In souls all — were on the point of eviction and hundreds had already been forced on to the streets The industrial loss to employers and employees has run high Into the millions In loss of wages alone the total has been estimated at more than $10000000 while the loss to manufacturers jobbers and retailers the coutnry over has been computed at ten times that amount In spite of the stupendous readjustment Involved the strike ' has been In the main notable for peacefulness There were numerous cases of petty disorder and a petition of the manufacturers brought forth from Justice Goff of the state supreme court an injunction In which- he ruled that any strike called to demand the dosed shop was in restraint of trade Governor Brady Renominated by Reand Hawley Chosen publicans by Democrat Boise Ida — Returns from Idaho’s primary election show that Governor Is renominated Brady Republican by a handsome majority over all esstates timated at 2000 This is large conA movement is on foot by the farthe light vote and the nummers of the Plain City district to sidering ber of candidates HaCongressman conserve the flood waters of Weber mer was defeated decisriver for irrigation purposes by con- ively standpatter former by Congressman structing reservoirs in that section of French French's majority Insurgent Weber county may reach 5000 James H Hawley Because he fell asleep in the specwas prohibitionist tator's division of the police court in nominated for governor on the DemSalt Lake City and snored so loudly ocratic ticket and A M Bowen for that he interrupted various pleadings The congress other candidates John Orsel was sentenced to two days known to have been nominated are: In the city Jail court Republican: Jus Supreme A carload of pipe for the Annabel N tice Sullivan renominated waterworks has been ordered and the L IU Sweetser lieutenapt Arovernor W d be will atronce Thit isystem treasurer o V Allen defeating the will give Annabeiia" supply of th Incumbent mine Inspector purest mountain spring water deliv- R N Bell Hastings auditor S D Taylor reered to the homes of the people nominated attorney general In doubt William Jeffries alias “Salt Lake between Morrison and McDougal InSpeedy” who Is alleged to have mur- cumbent secretary of state between dered William Coslett in the HeidelB E Hyatt and E L Whitney and berg saloon in Salt Lake City on the school superintendent between Chammorning of August 5 Is under arrest and Grace at Seattle and will be brought back berlain Incumbent for trial court J L Democratic: Supreme Mack an habitual “dope J lieutenant governor fiend” died In jail In Salt Lake City McClear W Jones auditor Hunter treas was He cocaine of an overdose from urer Joseph T Carruth secretary of brought to the station in a helpless V state O Badley attorney general condition by a policeman and died an Frank L Moore school superintendhour later Gertrude Noble mine Inspector Utah has two representatives at ent A Czlzek J conthe International Tax association It Is reported that not over 30 per vention which opened at Milwaukee on Tuesday the two being both sched- cent of the total vote went to the of the supreme On account polls uled for short talks during the held that the second and court having They are Haratn Bennion and unchoice vote was compulsory J Thomas less Indicated the first choice would Changes in the state school course of study have been made by the com- not be counted thousands of voters for mittee of county superintendents in wrote in names indiscriminately all grades below the seventh simple second choice in order to protect their This greatly delayed and first choice health and hygiene will be substitutthe count and a number of terribly complicated ed for physiology additional minor changes will be made LAW CONSTRUED CURRENCY twelve PHILIPPINE UPRISING QUELLED Jr (Copyright LEAPS FROM 1910) ROOF TO'UEATH Prominent Utahn Chooses Horrible Death ae Result of Financial Reveries 4 BRAVE MAN PREVENTS OF COLORADO MIDLAND TRAIN AND KILLS BANDIT Salt Lake City — David S Murray formerly of the general manager comRocky Mountain Bell Telephone Refused to Obey Orders When Cov Idaho pany in Utah and ere d by Revolver Wyoming in Hands of Montana from the roof of the leaped Robber and Began Shooting Deseret National corbank building Which Put Hit Comrades ner First South and Main streets to Flight Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock and was instantly killed Despondency difficulties resulting from financial Leadvllle Colo — As the result ol or alcoholic and the excessive use stimulants was the cause of t!he sui- an attempted train robbery on th cide between The skull was crushed by the Colorado Midland railway Divide one robber Is and Floressant and was broken the left leg impact and the bones jammed into the body dead Engineer Stewart shot in th The corpse was otherwise mutilated leg and an unknown hobo dangerous Mr Murray was born in Kentucky The other two robbers ly Injured and was about 48 years of age At the made their escape but a posse organ age of 19 years he came to Utah for ized by Sheriff Von Puhl has taken a visit with his uncle Governor Eli the trail When the Midland westbound No Murray who was appointed to the terof Utah in 1880 3 in charge of Conductor ritorial governorship Wesley and reappointed in 1884 Mr Murray Steele reached Divide one of tin in remained climbed on the tender and Utah and had robbers a high 32 gained position in business when the train reached and social circles in Utah and all the a short distance beyond covered En west He is survived by a wife and gineer Stewart with a revolver The a daughter train had stopped at this point tc Mr meet train No 4 eastbound was Murray Stewrecognized the United StateMas an art however throughout drw his revolver when which rellJs expert Jn jail to the robber opened tflre the bullet inwas He telephone service the striking Stewart in the leg Stewart ventor of numerous devices now in promptly opened fire killing the msm use by the Bell and under his superAt this moment the other bandits vision many valuable improvements sent a fusillade of bullets into the were installed door of the express car but the ex1907 In Mr Murray was married to press messenger refused to open the Miss Olga Marix a sister or Mrs Wil- door By this time the train crew bur W Flagg and niece of Comman- opened fire on the robbers and they der Marix who served on the board immediately fled in the darkness An of Inquiry in connection with the unknown tramp who was stealing a Maine disaster In Havana harbor One ride on No 3 was accidentally shot daughter Genevieve was born of the by the train porter and seriously inunion jured tht Hoax Results In Tragedy New York — Ten Brooklyn firemen and policemen are under the care or lost surgeons after having nearly their lives as the result of being hoaxed by children The firemen were told by the children that one of their number a little girl had fallen through a manhole into a great The men organized truck sewer a rescue expedition and went into the big pipe in search of the supposed They were overcome missing child by the deadly sewer gases and were brought to the surface unconscious IGNORES UNITED STATES President Declares That Fargo N D — A man who fought bis Roosevelt and tray to called him a liar gave a bad scare to tbe crowd at Island park in this city on Monday Colonel Roosevelt helped to eject him from the platform The colonel bad Just finished his Labor day address which was delivered to one of the largest crowds he has met on his western trip' As he spoke tbe last sentence of his the crowd cheered and then speech there was a rush for the speaker’s stand by thousands who sought to get Dear enough to see the colonel at short range and shake his hand A small man pushed his way through the mass of people until he could make himself heard by tbe colonel He wore a battered hat and was unshaven “I have a question to ask you Colonel Roosevelt” he shouted "I want to know who Is paying the of this trip of yours about expenses the country?” The question angered Colonel Roosevelt and his face showed it He advanced a step toward his interrogator and shot back his answer "I consider that to be an impertinent question” he said “However I have no objections to telling you" He added that the expenses of the party were being paid by the magazine of which he is one of the editors “You lie” the man shouted So loudof persons in the ly that hundreds crowd could hear him As he spoke the words Colonel Roosevelt stepped forward quickly and seized his arm He explained just above the elbow later that he did not know who the man was or what his intentions were and that he had taken hold of his arm as a measure of His vigorous action did not deter the man from finishing what he had to say He shouted out: "Your expenses are being paid by the people of the United States” The man was arrested later and charged with "disorderly conduct Ha said his name was John Martin bis a painter and bis occupation rest dence In Fargo CONSERVATION CONGRESS President Taft Appeals to Common Sense In Dealing Conservation Problems OPENS Practical With Minn— After speaking Minneapolis at the conservation in St congress Paul Monday morning and at the Minnesota state fair grounds outside this afternoon President city Monday Taft left for Beverly Monday night by way of Chicago In his conservation address the president won a quick response from bis thousands of hearers by an appeal to practical common sense In dealing with conservation problems In the opinion of many who heard him he also made answer to the recent a for “new nationalism” agitation or a federal centralization of power by declaring that the only safe course to pursue was to hold fast to the limand to reitations of the constitution gard as sacred the power of the states of Panama Makes No Reference to This Country In His Message Panama — The political situation in the republic is unchanged On Thursthe national day afternoon assembly held its first session and President Mendoza’s message was read The document reviewed the events of the last two years and then touched upon In this regard it foreign relations said that the relations between Panama and foreign nations were most cor dial the republic having received dem“Peanuts” Knocked Out to Remain Summer Capital Berveriy onstrations of good will from all Utah— Jimmy Reagan with Ogden The message made no reference to Mass — In laying the cor Beverly Ruling Allows Banks to Add Five Hunnerstone of the new Y M C A build- the United States Ignoring that coun a choppy right to the chin In the thirdred Million Circulation President try’s recent pronouncement that Senor teenth round of a scheduled ing here on Wednesday bout at afterOgden Monday to the presiTaft announced that Beverly would Mendoza’s Washington — Secretary MacVeagh’s noon ended the career of "Peanuts” continue to be the summer capital of dency would be unconstitutional paruling on the term “commercial The blow Sinclair as a champion the country at any rate for two years per" in the interpretation of the more For most furious battles ended one of the Fasts Day Melville who Woodbury prelaw became emergency currency for ever waged in the prize rthg in Utah Denver Colo — A new record referred to known In Its full import here Thurs- sided at the ceremonies most dis- long fasting is believed to have been The victor gained his triumph after The way now Is clear for the the president as "Beverly's day and after made by Roland Mueller a young civil accepting terrible punishing banks of the United States to put Into tinguished summer boarder” administering a terrible beating engineer who after going circulation $00000000 In emergency to Work days without food Friday began takReturn Miners Coal Wyoming Intended to BloA Up New Bridge money at the first sign of a stringency Colo — Under an agreement ing nourishment in the form of orange Denver The law provides that commercial Peoria Ills— The contents of a Mueller and plum juices between Young entered into on Thursday currency paper upon which emergency can of nitro glycerine with phymay be issued shall include only notes representatives of the coal operators whose father is a prominent fuse attached cap adjusted battery sician his of Milwaukee Wls began actual commercial trans- and the miners of southern Wyoming representing beside It and small c’ock to time the his wnich shall bear the names several thousand men who have been fast for the purpose of regaining actions hidden steel girthe among He had been suffering from explosion on strike for a number of months will health of at least two responsible persons ders of tbe new bridge in the East and have not more than four months return to work at once pending ratifi- stomach trouble and a form of deaf- Peoria gave the first clue to yards he believed could be a ness cured the of that Joint cation to run agreement by the Identity of the men who blew up Mueller from eating to be held In Cheyenne on by abstaining convention the A Lucas & Sons plant and the General Wood Confers With Taft 148 weighed pounds at the time he structural steel bridge in the September 9 East Mass — General Leonard Beverly began fasting and now weighs 97 Peoria yards on Sunday evening Wood chief of staff United States Farmer Killed by Mad Hog In conference with PresiFire in California Ground to Death army was Hartford Conn — John H Bartlett dent Taft for several hours on Friday a farmer is dead at his home In Dala fierce Cal — After Auburn Rockford Ills — In the presence of fight on the estimates for the next fiscal ton as the result of a hog bite He with the fire which threatened the de- her father John McLee a contractor It Is the announced intention of was attacked three days ago by the struction of Forest Hill a force of 150 Jennie McLee was tossed from an auyear to and the general the president keep hog a white Chester boar weighing soldiers aided by hundreds of citizens tomobile and a locomotive against the army expenses to as low a figure 400 pounds and received a slight succeeded In subduing on Thursday thence under a railroad car where she as Is compatible with the efficiency of wound in his leg before he could es- the flames A large area of timber was ground to death The father Is the service over burned was land cape prostrated Makes Long Biplane Flight Blelovucci Poitiers France — M who in a Vols&in biplanp is making ara flight from Paris to Bordeaux rived here at noon FTiday from OrHe covered the distance from leans Orleans to Poitiers in two hours and minutes Doctors Made Mistake Berlin— L was officially announced that the medical authoriWednesday ties had established definitely by bacexamination that the nine teriological suspected cases of cholera that caused much uneasiness have been diagnosed as other maladies Bank Call Issued 19 Bride 11 Bridegroom of Washington — The comptroller Pine La— Ruth Harding of has called on national the currency is one of the youngest brides on banks for a statement of their rendi- record She is 11 years old It is stat-tion at the close of business Septem- ed and was married here Wednesday ber I Breeland I to William aged 19 years ' Killed In Street Brawl Okla — In a street brawl McAlester near at Quentin Thursday morning here Joe Dyer a cattleman shot and 25 killed Pat Robinson years old an interDyer is 55 years old and Choctaw married citizen Sunin Lake Quinsigamond drowned In changing seats in a day boat Mrs Perle fell overboard Christine Neilsen Weds New York — It has become known Christine Neilsen the actress was secretly married on July 15 In to Joseph Leffler a real esSaratoga M'ss Nell tate dealer and horseman sen will not retire from th Wrecked by Dynamite — The Lucas & Peoria Bridge Iron company's large plant In this city wrecked by dynamittvas completely ers Sunday night Three terrific ex educed the plant to ruins a plos'ons oil as fix adjacent huildinas that "jc Husband and Wife Drowned Worcester Mass — Louis and the latter leading lady Manhattan Opera company Perle Kittle of the were Former Governor mented Trouble Mandac Who To Over to by Nativea Turned Constabulary Manila— The uprising in Neuva led by Simeon Mandac former governor of Iloca Morte collapsed oa Saturday when Mandac who had been seized by the people of tbe province among whom he had sought to stir up was turned over to the controuble stabulary A few of Mandac’s right hand men also were arrested and his other followers dispersed It is estimated that the band of outlaws originally numbered 500 but it dwindled soon to 200 and these had few arms An Interesting feature of the uprisof the naing was the tives in running down the disturbers Mandac will now probably serve the senfourteen imprisonment years’ tence which has been hanging over for killing a him since his conviction prisoner while he was governor POST KEEPS UP FIGHT Want Doesn’t Settlement Between Buck Stove Company and Union St Louis Mo — C W Post of Batfiled suit on Saturtle Creek Mich day in the United States circuit court for the eastern district of Missouri Federation of against tbe American Labor and the Buck Stove & Range company of St Louis to restrain the officers of the latter from carrying out an alleged tentative agreement with officers of the former to make the St Louis institution a closed shop The complainant Post states in his petition that he Is a stockholder of the Buck Stove company and that his terests and those of the company will of the proposed suffer by reason agreement SQUADRON MAKES A HIT Praises Men of Correspondent Asiatic Squadron Berlin— The Lokal Anzelger prints a long letter from Its correspondent at Tsing Tao in the German territory of Klao Chau China dealing with the recent visit there of the United States Asiatic squadron and the admirable made by Rear Admiral impression his f Hubbard the officers and the men and ships Although 600 American seamen were ashore at a time the correspondent says there was not a single instance behavior of disorderly The men got on splendidly with the German sailors which was due partly to the fact that spoke Germany of the Americans man German JUST LIKE BORDER DAYS Bandits Murder and Rob Paymaster and Driver In New York State Hudson N Y — Masked men sprang out of the bushes along a lonely lane afternoon held Saturday up Dent Fowler paymaster of the Atlas Brick company and his negro driver shot tbe driver dead mortally wounded Fowler and made off with a chest of pay envelopes containing $5000 the driver died inGeorge Ragsale stantly Half the side of his head rewas torn away by two volver bullets Fowler was wounded over the heart and died without ever regaining consciousness THREE IMPORTANT EVENTS Will Be Full of Interest to St Paul Visitors St Paul — Never before in its history has St Paul been so gay with as bunting and flags and decorations It is in honor of the visit of President Roosevelt Taft the National Conservation congress and the Minnesota state fair ail in one week The state fair is an annual event but the other events have been almost overpowering and to do Justice to them the "old saint” has ‘arrayed himself in holiday finery to an unlimited extent Week Tragic Ending of Mock Duel Me — A mock duel fought Kingman by two boys may have a tragic ending for Floyd O’Roak son of Deputy While playing Sheriff T J O'Roak Clifford with Tarrabee aged 12 O’Roak proposed they have a duel using a revolver and rifle They had that the revolver containod forgotten loaded cartridges and when they turned after having stood back to jack and walked the agreed distance and fired O’Roak fell with a bullet from the revolver in his left breast May Be Cured of Leprosy MasBaltimore — Mrs Providencia cagni an Italian of this city who was removed to quarantine last May sufto has improved fering from leprosy such an extent according to a report by Thomas L Rickardson quarantine that she may bo completely physician cured by Christmas Wilson Drops Out of Race United Wash — Former Seattle States Senator John L Wilson publisher of the Seattle on Sunday withdrew from the nominafor the Republican campaign tion for United Stales senator to sucIn ceed Senator Samuel H Lyles favor of Judge Thomas H Burke Has Million and a Half Philadelphia of Washington — The population Is 1649008 an increase Philadelphia jf 255311 or 197 per cent as com1900 1293697 in with pared |