Show J ) FOR DEAR TEACHER COOK NOT AT POLE -P- EARY Naval Commander take flowers to your teacher!” “Yes’m An’ I sprinkled lots of pepper on ’em so she’ll sneeze real bard when she smells ’em!” WATERY BABY'S Sternly Refutes Claims Made by the Doctor J ECZEMA Itched and Scratched Until Blood Ran TESTIMONY — $50 Spent on Useless Treatments —Disease Seemed Incurable Cured by Cuticura for $150 "When my little boy was two and & balf months old he broke out on both cheeks with eczema It was the Itchy watery kind and we had to keep his little hands wrapped up all the time and If he would happen to get them uncovered he1 would claw his face till the blood streamed down on his clothing We called In a'physlclan at once but he gave an ointment which was so severe that my babe would scream when It was put on We changed doctors and medicine until we had spent fifty dollars or more and baby was getting worse I was so worn out watching and caring for him night and day that I almost felt sure the disease was incurable But finally reading of the good results of the Cuticura Remedies I determined to try them I can truthfully say I was more than surprised for I bought only a dollar and a halfs worth of the’" Cuticura Remedies (Cuticura Soap Ointment and Pills) and they did more good than all my doctors’ medicines I had tried and in fact entirely cured him His face Is perfectly clear of the least Mrs W M spot or scar of anything Comerer Burnt Cabins Pa Sept 15 1908” OF THE ESKIMOS and Carefully Prepared Statement Given to the Public Amounts to Direct Questioning of Dr Cook’s Veracity— Is Signed by All the Principals of the Roosevelt Party Long New York Oct 12 — The following statement of Commander Robert E Peary which he submitted together with the accompanying map to the Peary Arctic club in support of his contention that Dr Cook did not reach the north pole is now made public for the first time The statement and map have been copyrighted by the Peary Arctic club Commander Peary’a Introduction Some of my reasons for saying that Cook did not go to the north pole be understood by those who read the following statements of the two Eskimo boys who went with him and who told me and others of my party where he did go Several Eskimos who started with Dr Cook from in February 1908 were at Etah when I arrived there in August 1908 They told me that Dr Cook had with him after they left two Eskimo boys or young men two sledges and Potter Drug ft Chem Coro Solo Props Boston some twenty dogs' The boys were and The Soft Answer I had At a dinner in Bar Harbor a Boston known them from their childhood woman praised the wit of the late Ed- One was about eighteen and the other about nineteen years of age ward Everett Hale On my return from Cape Sheridan “Walking on the outskirts of Boston one day” she said “he and I inadvert- and at the very first settlement I ently entered a field that had a ‘No touched (Nerke near Cape Chalon) in Trespassing’ sign nailed to a tree August 1909 and nine days before J‘Soon a farmer appeared reaching Etah the Eskimos told me ’Trespassers in this field are prose-- In a general way where Dr Cook had ufeJTT?' a d in a grim tone been that he had wintered in Jones “Dr Hale smiled blandly Sound and that he had told the white “ ‘But we are not trespassers my men at Etah that he had been a long good man’ he said way north but that the boys who were “‘What are you then?’ asked the with him and amazed farmer said that this was not so The Eski“‘We’re Unitarians’ said Dr Hale” mos laughed at Dr Cook’s story On —Washington Star reaching Etah I talked with the Esj kimos there and with the two boys How She Knew and asked them to describe Dr Cook’s The cartoonist’s wife was talking to Journey to members of my party and a friend myself This they did In the manner “I just know Fred didn’t want to stated below work at the ofllce last night” she R E PEARY (Signed) said “Why' how do you know?” wa3 Signed Statement of Peary Bartlett asked McMillan Borup and Henson in Re“Because In his sleep he said: ‘Well gard to Testimony of Cook’s Two I’ll stay but I don’t want to draw’ ” — Eskimo Boys Lippincott’s Magazine The two Eskimo boys who accompanied Dr and Cook while he was away from Anora-toIn 1908 and 1909 were questioned and and Independently separately were corroborated by Panikpah the father of one of them who was personally familiar with the first third and the last third of their journey and who said that the route for the remaining third as shown by them was as described to him by his son after his return with Dr Cook The narrative of these Eskimos is as follows: Wve They with Dr Cook Francke and left Anoratok nine other Eskimos oueiuovoKQWwug crossed Smith’s Sound to Cape Sabine slept in Commander Peary’s old house consXvpaXvovv in Payer Harbor then went through Rice strait to Buchanan bay After a few marches Francke and three Eskimos returned to Anoratok Dr Cook with the others then proceeded up Flagler bay a branch of Buchanan bay and crossed Ellesmere Land through the valley pkss at MANurflcrunco ew the the head of Flagler bay indicated by Commander Peary in 1898 and utilized to the head of by Sverdrup in 1899 Sverdrup’s “Bay Fiord” on the west side of Ellesmere Land BOTTLE A DRUGGISTS 50 SOLO BY LEADING Their route then lay out through this fiord thence north through SverWhen You’re Hoarse Use drup’s “Heuerka Sound” and Nansen strait On their way they killed musk oxen and bear and made caches arriving eventually at a point on the west side of Nansen strait (shore of Axel Heiof berg Land of Sverdrup) south Cape Thomas Hubbard A cache was formed here and the four Eskimos did not go beyond this The first Gives immediate relief point Two others Koolootingwah and dose relieves your aching throat and went on one more march Inughlto Guaranteed to allays the irritation with Dr Cook and the two boys contain no opiates Very palatable helped to build the enow igloo then All Druggists 25c returned without sleeping (These two 'Eskimos brought back fgs Exx°3 Serna acts geu A pvow cwii bowels cleanses system ejjectuoWy assists tiabWuat petmuentW To Cetvfe bevvcjuivaV cjjcasawas buy cmmc te CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co CURE m list mmi m Dr will a letter from Dr Cook to Francke dated the seventeenth of March The two men rejoined the other four men who had been left behind and the six returned to Anoratok arriving May 7 This Information was obtained not from the two Eskimo boys but from the six men who returned and from Francke himself and was known to us in the summer of 1908 when the Roosevelt first arrived at Etah The Information is inserted here as supplementary to the narrative of the two boys' After sleeping at the camp where the last two Eskimos turned back Dr Cook and the two boys went in a northerly or northwesterly direction with two sledges and twenty-oddogs one or more march when they encountered rough ice and a lead of open water They did not enter this rough ice nor cross the lead but turned westward or southwestward a short distance and returned to Heiberg Land at a point west of where they had left the cache and where the four men had ' turned back Here they remained four or five sleeps and during that time went back to the cache and got his gun which he had left there and a few Jtems of supplies When asked why only a few supplies were taken from the cache the boys replied that only a small amount of provisions had been used in the few days since they left the cache and that their sledges still had all they could carry1 bo that they could not take more After being informed of the boys’ narrative thus far Commander Peary suggested a series of questions to be put to the boys in regard to this trip from the land out and back to It These questions and answers were as follows: Did they cross many open leads or much open water during this time? Ans None Did they make any caches out on the ice? Ans No Did they kill any bear or seal while out on the Ice north of Cape Thomas Hubbard ? Ans No Did they kill or lose any of their dog3 while out on the ice? Ans No With how many sledges did they start? Ans Two How many dogs did they have? Ans Do not remember exactly but something over twenty How many sledges did they have when they got back to land? Ans along the northwest coast of Heiberg Land to a point indicated on the map (Sverdrup’s Cape Northwest) From here they went west across the ice which was level and covered with snow offering good going to a low Island which they had seen from the shore of Heiberg Land at Cape On Northwest this island they camped for one sleep The size and position of this island as drawn by the first boy was criticised by the second boy as being too large and too far to the west the second boy calling the attention of the first to the fact that the position of the Island was more nearly in- line with the point where they had left Heiberg Land (Cape Northwest) and the channel between Amund RIngnes Land and EUef Ringnes Land From this Island they could see two lands beyond (Sverdrup’s Ellef Ringnes and Amund Ringnes Lands) From the island they Journeyed toward the one of these two lands (Amund Ringnes Land) passing a small island which thev did not visit Arriving at the shore of Amund Ringnes Land the Eskimos killed a deer as indicated on the chart The above portion of the statement of the Eskimo boys covers the period of time in which Dr Cook claims to have gone to the pole and time during back and the entire which he could possibly have made any attempts to go to It If it is suggested that perhaps Dr Cook got mixed and thaLhe reached the pole or thought he did between the time of leaving the northwest coast of Heiberg Land atCape Northwest and his arrival at Ringnes Land where they killed the deer we must letthen add to the date of ter of March 17 at or near Cape Thomas Hubbard the subsequent four five or sleeps at that point and the number of days required to march from Cape Thomas Hubbard to Cape Northwest (a distance of some sixty nautical miles) which would advance his date of departure from the land to at least the 25th of March and be prepared to accept the claim that Dr Cook went from Cape Northwest (about latitude eighty and a half degrees north) to the pole a distance of five hundred and seventy geographical miles in days After killing the- deer they then traveled south along the east side of Ringto the nes Land point indicated on the chart where they killed another deer Two They then went east across the Did they have any provisions left on sc uth part of Crown Prince Gustav their sledges when they came back to sea to the south end of Heiberg Land land? Ans Yes the sledges still had then down through Norwegian bay about all they could carry bo they where they secured some bears but were ‘able to take but a few things not until after they had killed some of their dogs to the east side of Grafrom the cache From here they went southwest ham Island then eastward to the lit CHART SHOWING WHAT PEARY CLAIMS tle bay marked "Eid’s Fiord” on Sven drup’s chart then southwest to Hell’s Gate and Simmon’s peninsula Here for the first time during the entire Journey except as already noted off Cape Thomas H Hubbard they encountered open water On this point the boys were clear emphatic and unshakable They spent a good deal of time in this region and finally abandoned their dogs and one sledge took to their boat crossed Hell’s Gats to North Kent up into Norfolk Inlet then back along the north coast of Colin Archer Peninsula to Cape Vera where they obtained fresh eider duck eggs Here they cut the remaining sledge off that is shortened it as it was awkward to transport with the boat and near here they killed a walrus The statement in regard to the fresh eider duck eggs permits the approximate determination of the date at this time as about the first of July (This statement also serves if indeed anything more than the inherent straightforwardness and detail of their narrative were needed to substantiate the accuracy and truthfulness of the boys’ statement This location of Cape Vera is mentioned in Sverdrup’s narrative as the place where during hitf stay in that region he obtained elder duck eggs) From Cape Vera they went on down into the southwest angle of Jones Sound where they'- killed a seal thence ea&t along the south coast of the sound killing three bears at the point noted on the map to the peninsula known as Cape Sparbo on the map about midway on the south Bide of Jones Sound Here they killed some and continuing east killed four more at the place indicated on the chart and were finally stopped by the pack Ice at the mouth of Jones Sound From here they turned back to Cape Sparbo where they wintered After the sun returned in 1909 they started pushing their sledge across Jones JSound to Cape Tennyson thence along the coast to Clarence Head (passing Inside of two small islands not shown on the chart but drawn on it by the boys) where they killed a bear thence across the broad bight in the coast to Cadogan Fiord thence around Cape Isabella and up to Commander Peary’s old house in Payer Harbor near Cape Sabine where they found a seal cached for them by Panfather From ikpah here they crossed Smith Sound on the ice arriving at Anoratok (Signed) (8450 R E PEARY ROBERT A Master U S N BARTLETT S S Roosevelt D B M’MILLAN GEORGE BORUP A MATTHEW HENSON D) IS ROUTE TAKEN BY DR COOK |