Show V I NA: Of Special Interest Social Personal Salina Going Mr and Mrs H 8 Crane vent to While there Mrs Balt Lake Mouday Crane will undergo an operation in an endeavor to regain her health This is the third time the hae been operated upon and her friends hope he may derive much benefit and be re stored to health Mr and Mrs Bans Dltlevsen had the misfortune to lose the twin baby girl almost within a week of the death of the little boy The ohild passed away early Monday and was bnrried on Tuesday a very fine little eervloe being held attbe boms Josepo Sorensen has just completed his new residence and now has it very comfortable Mrs J A Kearns returned home do Salt Lake yesterday after a week’s visit with bar relatives and friends at Ibe White Houee She was’ called here on account of the illness of her sister Mrs Lewis Mrs A Lewis who has been very and was to death’s door has pass close pretty ed the danger point and is slowly rethe baa bad tha best of covering Care and treatment that thia part of the country affords Dr Btttner has been called three times and one visit lusted a couple of daye looal physicians of com ee being in attendance the time tick for a couple of weeks Salina sustains a substantial loss iu the departure tf E M Peyton former station agent here He hue gone to Salt Lake to aot as traveling freight agent for the next three months There is a probability that he might return if it should ao happen that he does not like the work He is snoced-ebj Jud Wilson who took immediate charge In Some This Year Boom Is On Here and At Redmond A good sized boom is on in North No such stir as is Sevier this season seen here non has been witnessed since the canyon railroad was building a fen years ago Thelium of building and development is heard on all sides and a good healthy growth ia imminent on ' a Work will begin Immediately twenty thousand dollar water system dollar The second twenty thousand sohool house is being built The ten thousand dollar meetinghouse big is about roofed in Thousands of aores of land are being added to the farmAll is well with Salina ing dietrlot A similar boom la on in Bedmond The ten thousand dollar water system Is about completed and the new emus ment hall and meeting bouse is about and thus development completed goes on High School To Present Play The Salina High School students under the direction of their teachers will present a dramatic piece at the It Opera House on Tuesday evening is eutitled“In The Wakeof Paul The piece ia a historical one and the people of town will undoubtedly be interested in it Ail the patents should try and coma out to aee what their obildren can do At Aurora Ambrose Draper is seriously ill at Aurora and some doubts are entertained as to hie recovery The town is in the grip of whooping hie parents and having a good time “ cough at present A sort of a farewell party was tendLily Murphy Cloward of Aurora ered Mi9s Annie Bird last Friday birth to a fine baby girl Tuesday evening by a number of her frieuds gave A comj lainthas been eworn to beA jolly good time was had during the fore the justice of the peace at Aurora Bird and evening at the home Miss ber mother are shortly to depart for charging Ezra Stevens of that place with assault on the person af E B Idaho to remain indefinitely Andersen It will no doubt be a surprise to Vnany to learn of the marriage Of Miss ’Jennie HalJ one of Salina’s fair Such is tbA fadt She was led Mr and Mrs John Gates and family to the altair last week in Salt Lake by one W 0 Clare of Minneapolis a desire through the Call to express betheir Ainoere and heart-fel- t thanks to young man with whom she has come acquainted while in Salt Lake all who in aoy way helped or aided or encouraged them during the recent Success and happiness to them illness and death of their belovedaon Miss Vilda Nielsen of Oak Oity was And brother Earl Operated upon by Dr Freeoe WednesC day at tba home of 0 M Hansen The For Call Phone 23 red as nsnal For years she has suffered with r fits and tha Dr believes that this leader in the person of Prof Theodore Operation will give desired relief France of Marysville Idaho' formerly Good old genial Gus Brandt Went to stake choir leader in Cache county teonfereuoe in Salt Lake from Idaho He Anil be herein foeek or ho take Falls and from there took A ran down of the choir Besides being to Saline for a couple of days stay charge a choir leader and music teacher he is Visiting his old friends And relatives also a band and oroheitra than and a Re has a warm spot ih his heart for good piano and organ tuner Hope Salina he’ll oome And stay foir a life tints MVs Sophia Carlson an elderly lady The regular theetlng of the town of town has been quite sick of late oounoil wa9 held Monday night inMrs AnnieNlelSon lost afive dollars stead of Saturday night The regular somewhere routine business was transacted and greenback Wednesday p about the oi near it Finder some phases of the water works were will confer A favor by leaving it with diaoussed At length her dnugfer at the Call office Prof Bishop of the public 'schools N P Bas&ussen wto has been out has been ill daring the week with He has suffered considerable at the m ning claims In beaver county ' for several weeks past returned home this Winter with illness Moriday evening and reports things PoUlsen a first clas carpJoseph in fine shape there lie hai been do- enter of Fpbralm has tnoved here ing assessment work with his famjly and is now living in Be will Fllen resldenoe Mrs Humphrey ba& been Very Hugentobleria remain bare daring the summer and sick with the prevailing o'ouih for perhaps lodger couple of weeks Miss (Geneva Cherry of Ephraim Manager C id dstiseA of the Aajna Coatriiryhas fixe! up a little office sister of Mrs Lebl Peterson jr has lx his bms where he has it very oou1 been spending the week in Salida on a Venient He has just put in a fine pleasant visit has everything hp todate ilUsjk J W Humphrey ranger on tha Bp Lorentzen reports that he has Manti forest has gone baok td his at Orangeville choir post a competent Vrttically engaged Card of Thanks 'r j ii nl V o This - Issue k "XU Richfield News Shooting At Burrville at the Bicb field April 6— A change goes into effeot this morning one of Of special Interest first foremost Mg mercantile institutions the 8 H Crittenden presented hie and all ths time laths looal news in AH that resignation as manager to the directors any newspaper happens Is on L Saturday night and it web accepted hare The story of Lucky Ballwin on page Bishop d W Coons former manager five will be found highly interesting of the Model Meroantlle company waa eugnged as manager by the Regulator and oarriestbe thrill of romance "Seen and Heard In New York" is oompany and takes oharge today of more than usual interest this Mre Budd of Salt Lake Is quite il! While riding along the highway on it on page four at tbe home of her parents Mr and Tuesday within a mile of Burrville All the oonferonce news All about Mrs Robert Leigh of Elsinore W L Sheffield was shot at from ama terrifflo earthquake the richest Venice ia at last free from tbe small bush the murderous attack however in the world' and a hundred in the but viotim resulting missing which has prevailed other things Keep yourself liberally pox epedemie Dr McGregor the diath of tha horse Later W A educated on current events by reading there for some months of Burrville was placed under Lipsy raised and diainfeoted the quarantine The Call A arrest oharged with tha assault upon the rem lining places on Saturday o Mr Sheffield and released under bonds striot quarantine has been maintained and the disease was kept within tbe until the time of his hearing The attack upon Sheffield was families of those who were exposed to made on the road between Bnrrvilie the first cae Give and Lea Ha was carrying the mail Riohflld April 7— The county com and waa jogging along the quiet roadThe Ladles of S !ioa have before missioners have been in session this way when suddenly hie horee eh led them a pleasant competition in flower week with Commissioner E W Crane and in almost the same instant a shot growing The Lewis Drug Co has of Salina absent as he hae not yet re- rang out from a thicket of willows The fringing just received 20000 sweet pea aeede covered from a serious illness the roadside Tha bullet from Rieger tbe California peifumer most important thing which the com- struck the horse- which staggered and which ate to be gign free to the ladles missioners did was to raise the lioense chen fell The rider waa able to free And the Drag Co will offer a prize to forretail liquor dealers to $1 200 per himself from the stirrup and esoaped the ladv wno grows the first flower annum No further attempt without injury A ceil at the county jail was let to waa Another to the lady who brings the made by tbe assailant to shoot first boquetJuly 15 and still another Richfield city for (30 a year and Mr Sheffield made a hasty return to the one whose boquet contains the In tbe tn&tter of road improvement to Burrville where the marahal wee greatest variety of colors the tecWtaissioners have discovered notified Every lady U welcome to enter the that the 6rder riiade last fall giving Shortly afterward Lipsy was placed The seeds are free tbe districts the privilige of gravel-lu- g under arrest suspicion fastening competition Step into the Lewis Drag C tnpany’b him by reason of a long atAndiDg the roads has praotioally used np store ard ask for a trackage im grudge between the two all the avilable funds for road o provethent and the order made last Dont use Blue Vitril for your grain AMUSEMENTS mouth for tbe drainage of county roads use Formaldehyde for the prevention will hot be put into effeot because of f Smut ask ue about It Lewis Drug Bert Martin' the mowing picture Co the lack of funds man who has delighted thousands ot Recorder submitted Burr name the his ehofrs at fine will be peopla by SEED POTATOES of Seriuda Jorgensen ab 'deputy the Salina Opera House tomorrow m i r vloe Mrs LydiaCewl?v' reSatnrdaj gening with A nice c‘f eu A limit t bf Idaho Rural performance' PeOpTe who etfHythis signed They asked the recorder to the kind t&At eel) Foir kind of eutertainu&ent shriuld not eecire Assistance for her office when potatoes ale by G Brandt' ever nesseaary and sudmit a claim for fail to attend this performance the number of hours in Which a deputy Rex Poultry Tonlo is the thing ta Mo Ewea the mind reader and is The matter was le't give your ohlokens and trirkey b soengsged Get been wonder who has psychic perfor- thus a package to day and befcln feeding It ming for Six or more weeks in Salt 25a and 50o Lewis Drug Co Which bad coma A list rif property Lake And who ban tbe very best of — reccomendations will appear at the into possession rif the comity by reason j of taxes in the yeai looal Opera Hoase on the evening of of April 19 He gives good clean enter 1905 and whloh the lav requires shall be put up for sale after four years This perfortaining performance At the Call office Von cin alwayea mance is worth tbe time and money of was submitted and the commissioners all theatre goers The king oh enter- set FrldAy ipril 15 for going over the find a Notary Pnblid day ®r night All kinds of work properly and neatly for sale tainers and entertainer of Kitkgs the list before adversiting it attended to Any kind of papers made Great Mo Ewen with his clever compThe revenae from the forest service and acknowledged Tbe work stands any will present an entirely new pro- in 1907 whloh is given trithe county mind sohool fdtod amounting to $61068 the test of the law as has justbesn gram rif magic hypnotism A feature was ordered distributed td tbe various proven in the matter of deeds held in reading and vaudeville esorow All papers neatly will be made this season of big acta districts At a peroapita rate Tbe latest and most widely ackin hypnotism and from the flattering Claims to tbe amount of $1515 26 book of forms and press notices we haVe seen Mr Me were ellowed Of this amount (128 65 nowledged standard law constantly on the desk Ewen is pleasing hia audiences in no went Come for roads and bridges and $233 75 arid get the eervloe of modern here uncertain manner was spent by the health board the nffloe fcirapfcemali of at Venice epedemio smallpox being responsible for most of it Pineules are for Paekaobe and bring quick relief to lumbago rbenma tism fatigue and all other eymptons A number of people from here attenof Sidney diseases They are a tonic ded the conference at Salt Lake during to the entire system and baiid ay the week Those going were Franklin strengt and health Price 60o anb$l 00 Luoil° Nielsen Sina Willard W Sheffield Fired Upon From Ambush Drug Company To Prizes Notary Public Kedmond News sen and CarolinA Christensen Peail Jorgensen A Wardrobe worth $2500 to the one C T Nielsen went to Ephraim ooming first at 1350 dont hesitate Saturday to attend the funeral of Mra About it at Furniture Store in Idaho Charles jensea whom Have you noticed tbe Saw Mill but was taken to Ephraim for burial building lately? Look np and you will She was the mother of seven children aee that it has received a coat of paint Ludella Tolstrap spent several days and And presents a fine apperanoe in Ephraiiri this week visiting trienda have It you seen the Call building? Mrs Florentine Sorensen went to ia reckoned to be the finest painted Provo Tnssday 1(5 visit with her daugh frdpt in town Try and look it np and ter Mrs T A Petersen don’t fofget tbe number A rare bargain a good second hand Moroni Pculsenand Andrew Hansen came home from Provo Friaay where d hole Good Luck Range- for Bale very come quick to P F Fetereen they have been attending school cheap store They will return Again did ' Parley Petersen went to Idaho the other day to remain ten days on business A baby boy was born to Mr Mra James A Hansen on Monday and James Boornp is about to start on a trip to Han J dan Whore his cattle intercuts are in ohftrgs His partner Albert Scorup General MAnager Ridgeway andSup’t bailey of trie R G W By went down over ' the road late last week iu their private oar on a special tour and as near can ba learned from all sources they were down considering the advisability of running the road on into southern Utah at the some time that they builT the Salina out-o- f TheDirie country to the sodth la rioh and well worth building Into That arid the would be a mint for tbe f compauy Commissioner E W Crane is gradually being nnrsed back to health and You people looking for Baby Carand will soon be able to bs about riages call aad sse the Fiaeit Lias i Again if all goes well the oountry Prices to suit all el Furniture Store ManZan Pile Remedy is put in a tube with nozzle attached May be applied directly to tie affected parte Gaaranted 50o Sold by Lewis Drag CO All of the people down at Thurber have deoided to sell their homes and farms for tha big reservoir projeot which some capitalists from the east are undertaking The amount of money involved in the transaction le All of the something like $200000 deeds to the property there will ba held in esorow by the local bank and through it the money will be paid in due time thus doing some good all aronnd Work on the new sohool house goes merrily on The oonorete work ia finished and ready for inspection by the A very good job architeot hs$ been done n this part of the structure! The mason work is being begun and nothing will bs allowed to interfere with the ingress of the house Tha work is arduous on the trustees aad keep -them going M John Ewlesas a Richfield visitor daring the week taking la the eights of tho prohibition oity 8 Coutianedoa'psgs v |