Show NEWS SUMMARY - the initiative A bill providing fo and referendum was defeated in the Nebraska senate George T Oliver of Pittsburg has been named as the Republican for United States senator to sue ceed P C Knox Grieving over the death of his dog chef Martlne Aororio a retired to commit suicide In the city hall at Oakland by biting himself to death Lumbermen of Arizona New and West Texas met at El Paso Texas last week in secret Besslon It Is believed the schedule of prices is to be boosted Ruth Bryan Leavitt eldest daughter of William J Bryan has been granted a divorce from W H Leavitt Mrs Leavitt was granted the custody of the two children Mrs Lew Crist of Chicago shot and killed her boy and then killed herself at Rushville Ind The tragedy occurred at the home of a friend she was visiting The police of Oakland Cal have uncovered a plot which they claim has revealed a modern “Fagln” who has systematically trained a young boy to rob his employer 'Mans for an extension of the rapid transit system of New York City to cost about $50000000 are being prepared by engineers of the Interborough Rapid Transit company Thirty or more lives were lost sixty people were injured' and property worth one million dollars was destroyed as a result of the tornado that wrecked the town of Brinkley Ark The first death from cholera of an American in the Philippines for some months was reported to the bureau of Insular affairs- - last week the victim being Joseph L Larmour a civil engineer of Baltimore Md The National Horse Show association of America in session in New York City adopted resolutions pledging itself to hold a horse show in 1909 This disposes of all rumors that the horse show wasto be abandoned J J Mack Is dead Avery Bernstein Is in the hospital with a bullet over Ms heart Policeman Robbins is seriously wounded and Detective J E Stowe is slightly injured as the result of a shooting affray in San Antonio Texas The wife of a Havana cigarmaker already the mother of fourteen children gave birth to quadruplets two boys and two girls President Gomez to the sent his congratulations mother as a woman deserving well of the republic Don Luis Proto a millionaire ranch owner merchant and pioneer of the section was shot from ambush and instantly killed near Devisaderos starailroad tion on the while on the way to his ranch east of Magdalena Arizona The Kansas senate has adopted the report of the railroad committee on fare bill The recommendae tion of the committee was that the This ends the bill be not passed fare legislation in the Kansas legislature at this session Urey Jones on trial at Muscatine Iowa for the murder of Mr and Mrs Vanwinkle committed suicide in the county jail by hanging himself with Jones was to have his bedclothes taken the stand in his own defense on the day that he suicided Repub-- j John Godwin prominent lican politician of Wllmingtou Dela convicted of offering a money bribe to a voter at the last election was sentenced to a fine of $500 and two Godwin took an apyears in prison peal and was released on $3000 bail hunt the Chicago After a police declare that the murderer of Policeman Patrick H Duffy has been found Vincent Briscoe alias Britton who is serving a sentence for robbery in the San Quentin penitentiary in California is thought to be the man ' The court of appeals has affirmed the judgment of the lower court in the case of Dominador Gomez the Manila labor leader convicted some time ago of having written a threatening letter during the strike of the launch-mebut reduced his imprisonment to four months The spectacle of a horse riding in an automobile was witnessed on the The streets of Oakland last week horse which was attached to a light delivery wagon ran away and jumped into a passing automobile and rode for almost a block before the machine was stopped Edward P Moxey special national bank examiner whose work furnished the basis for the successful prosecution of Charles W Morse is about to retire from government service it is announced to take charge of tho accounting department of the Guggenheim interests A fist fight at Knoxville Tenn beMiller pastor of Zion Lutween theran church and Solomon McGam-moa member of his flock resulted in the arrest of ssveral members of and the minister the congregation The encounter was the culmination of differences JC WHAT But WIFE SAYS It Sometimes Is Painting “GOES” Bad for EliZEHA 30 YEARS: When a property-owne- r knows nothing about paint it is bad for the and bad for the painter It would not be bo if the property-owne- r would always hire a skilled painter and then really leave everyr so thing to him But the often fools himself on one or the other of these things The skilled painter in every community has some of the most Incompetent competitors that ever vexed a conscientious workman or fcontractor and the incompetents get Jobs generally by In the next place working cheap when the skilled painter is hired they do not leave everything to him as so boast they do many They interfere most Ignorantly and most fatally They 'Insist sometimes on using paint materials without investigating whether they are good or Or perhaps they insist on the not painter’s hurrying the work ' “I’m not going to have that painter’s mess around my house a month” the wife says and what wife says goes— at the cost of a lot of wasted painting money If the painter stays away a few days to allow the paint to thoroughly dry the owner says: “That painter’s neglecting this work — guess he’s sidetracking me for Jones’ work I won’t stand it” What chance does a palnterhavetodo good work for a man who is continually nagging at him and otherwise handicapping him (without meaning it of course)? A poor job is the inevitable result of such Interference Poor painting costs the houseowner It might money — don’t forget that pay you to get the practical paint book painting specifications and Inadulstrument for detecting paint terants which National Lead Co are offering under the title of House Ad49 Owner’s Painting Outfit No dress National Lead Co 1902 Trinity New This York company City Bldg do not make paint (they leave that to the painter to do) but they make pure white lead (“Dutch Boy Painter” trademark kind) and they can tell you how to save money by securing durable painting CURES Wintergreen Compound Stopped Itch at Once— Disease Soon Disappeared “Eczema first appeared on my body when I was a child 8 years of age For over thirty years I scratched and It simply scratched and doctored “About one year ago drove me wild entire body the disease covered my My doctor from my scalp to my toes and my friends all gave me up as ’Then I commenced us lnic the D D P Remedy for eczema - The first application stopped the horrible itching and gave me a night’s sleep The eczema gradually left my body and am now entirely cured excepting a little of the skin on my left rouartiness aIIMr M T Firmln for the last 20 veara In the employ of the C S Daniels Furniture Co of Wichita Kan in the presence of Mr IflgPlnson of the statemade the above Drug Co ment We suggest that vou ask your more about D D D Prescription GOOD Told STORY by Rabbi elieves POINT TO Krauskopf B- CURED Scaling and Itching “I havebeen successfully cured of I was inspecting the redry eczema moval of noxious weeds from the edge of a river and was constantly in the dust from the weeds At night I cleansed my limbs but felt a prickly I paid no attention to it sensation two for years but I noticed a scum on my legs like fish scales I did not attend to it until it came to be too Artist — Yes my art is my fortune itchy and sore and began getting two Model (cheerily) — Never mind Pov- running-soreMy ankles were all sore and scabby and I could not wear erty is no crime I had to use carpet and felt shoes Second Thought I got a cake of “It cannot be” sighed the maid “I slippers for weeks the Cuticura Soap and some Cuticura respect you highly Mr Hunter but Ointment In less than ten days I we are incompatible” on my boots and in less than “Well I" suppose it cannot be could put three weeks I was free from the conhelped” the young man replied pock- founded Capt George P Bliss eting his chagrin and looking about Chief of itching Police Morris Manitoba Mar “But it defeats all my for his hat I had planned a 20 1907 and Sept 24 1908” cherished hopes house in which I fondly imagined we Potter Drug k Chem Corp Sole Props Boston It was to have had might be happy ATTENUATED a pantry twice as large as the ordinary size with a roomy closet in which utennew the stow to cooking away sils and things that a woman naturally buys when a peddler comes around" “Stay George” she said falteringly Give "perhaps I have been too hasty me a t’ay or two to think it over It is not impossible that — that —” DIDN’T REALIZE Coffee Really Was Many persons go on drinking coffee year after year without realizing that it is the cause of many obscure but persistent ailments The drug —caffeine — in coffee and tea is very like uric acid and is often the cause of rheumatic attacks which when coffee is used habitually become chronic A Washington lady said’ recently: "I gm and have had a good deal of experience with coffee I consider It very Injurious and the cause of many diseases I am sure it causes decay of teeth in children “When I drank coffee I had sick spells and still did not realize that coffee could be so harmful till about a year ago I had rheumatism in my arms and fingers got so nervous I could not sleep and was all run down “At last after finding that medicines did me no good I decided to quit coffee entirely and try Postum After using it six months I fully recovered my health beyond all expectations can sound and rheumatism is all sleep my “There’s a Reason” gone Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Read the famou little book “The Road to Wellville” in pkgs Ever rend the above letter? A new one nppenra from time to time They are genuine true and full of human Interest W niiri)! C30HIRI®? i— He — See Samantha that shows terribly thin some folks are how - Hubby’s Argument Mrs Hoyle — My husband declares that corsets are unhealthy he insists that they shorten life Mrs Doyle — Is that so? Mrs Hoyle — Yes he says he knew of a man who lived to be 100 years old who never wore them Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and see that it Bears the Signature oft In Use For Over I SICK HEADACHE The Reason I Hake and Sell More Men's $300 & $350 Shoea Than Any Other Manufacturer oH i feMiM I glv th wearrr tti bmflt of th comploU erf ntHtloa of tnlnsd ipwU sad bowaskw la th country other for (ach port of tho hoe Th HlcctioB of th sad oven dotoll of ho making la every depsrtaMBt a looked oner by tho bM thoomuaro la the hoe tndutry It I oould mow you how corofuily W L Dougloo Sr mode yos would thou undentond why they bold that aha pa It bottar sad wosr ioogar than nay otha asks My Method of laming the Sotee makes them Mora Flexible and longer Wearing than any othere fthwes for Every Member of the Family Women Mlasei anal Chlldrea Ifes lloya For isle by shoo dealer eyerywhers Donglsg I None Kriiuino without W PAIITinM Until IU11 I hams and price tamped on bottom Tut Color Eyalat Vaod Ezoludvdy Catalog aallad bat Mzzs W L DOUQLAS M Spgrk St Brockton Positively cured by these Little Pills They regulate SMALL PILL This Trade-mar- k Eliminates All Uncertainty They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating A perfect remedy for Dizziness NauDrowsiness sea Bad Taste In the Uouth Coated Tongue Pain in the Side TORPID LIVER the Bowels Purely Vegetable SMALL DOSE SMALL in the purchase of paint materials It is an absolute guarantee of pur ity and quality For Genuine Must Bear Signature 1902 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES EyeWater Thompson’s your own see protection that it is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy PRICE CAD OC £911 bottle opener run WtiAKDCO W N IEA0 Building Nw puaipalti torraulat mice forever milk llOH Watmvh Ave l’btcao we will annil you got rltl of rats and Tree U( Salt Lake City No 12 1909 For Lameness in Horses HIM Eczema Came on Legs and Ankle Could Not Wear Shoes Because How Injurious - MORAL Who “Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf our eloquent preacher” said a Philadelphian “sees good rather than evil in the frequency of American divorce He sees in it a sign that American wives will not endure the treatment that European wives put up with He sees in it a promise that the married men of the future will live better "Discussing the divorce question the other day he told me that they who perceived only evil in it reminded him in their illogical and confused viewpoint of a little boy with whom he once took a stroll “As they strolled they passed the young girls of a neighboring boarding The school out on their daily walk girls moved in military formation two by two In front were the youngest In skirts to their knees Next came the older ones in the order of their ages with their their skirts lengthening years And in the rear came the oldest of all the young ladies whose skirts hid even their boots “The little boy looked at the girls Then he frowned and said: “ ‘Why is it that their legs grow shorter as they grow bigger?’ ” Of Bad Clutchcr L and S— Did you ever see the Venus de Milo? Agric — Naw but I seen tho Merchant of Venus onct — Wisconsin Sphinx in Divorce CUTICURA CONSOLING OIL SIMPLE the Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect See that your horse is not allowed to go lame Keep Sloan’ Liniment on hand and apply at the first signs of stiffness It’s wonderfully penetrating— right to the spot — relieve the soreness — limbers up the joints and makes the muscles elastic and pliant Sloan’s Liniment will kill a spavin curb or splint reduce wind puffs and swollen joints and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula sweeney founder and thrush Price 50c and &100 Dr Earl S Sloan Sloan’s book on - - Boston Mass hones cattle sheep and poultry sent free WORK SHOES Tough stock heavy soles solid counters double leather toes double seams e and workmanship are what make Mayer Work Shoes last longer than any other kind Farmers miners lumbermen mechanics and all classes of workmen can get double the wear out of MAYER WORK SHOES They are honestly made— solid through and through They are "built on honor” Their strength and wearing qualities cannot be equalled To be sure you are getting the genuine look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole Your dealer will supply you if not write to us FREE— It you will send u the name of e dealer who does not handle Mayer Work Shoes we will send you free post size 15x20 paid a beautiful picture of George Washington We also make Honorbilt Shoes Leading Lady Shoes Martha Washington Comfort Shoes Yenna Cushion Shoes and Special Merit School Shoes F MAYER BOOT MILWAUKEE SHOE CO WISCONSIN For Pink Eye Eplzootta Shipping Fever & Catarrhal Fever Bure cure end positive preventive no matter bow homes at any age are Infected of acts on tbe Blood ami OlamJtt expels the "evpotfed ” Liquid given on the tongue Cures Distemper in Dogs and Sheep and holer la genus from the body poisonous Cures La Urlpt among human being Poultry Largest selling live stock remedy and is a fine Kidney remedy 60c and tl a bottle $5and 110a dosen Cuttlilsout Keep Causae it bhow to your druggist who will get It for you Free booklet Distemper and Cures Special agents wanted Chemists and Bacteriologists — iPiOi Years A COUGH It dreadful to suffer and despairing to bear Why threaten the health of your lung and the peace ol your family when you can obtain immediate relief from Piso’t Cure 7 Remarkable reiults follow the first dose T aken tissues lacerated loosens the clogging and heal the soothes it regularly Pleasant to the taste and free from and stops the cough phlegm For throat and lung disease no opiates Children enjoy taking it matter how far advanced PISO’S CURE IS INCOMPARABLE because they are fond of music r I |