Show G4: THE KEEPAPITOHININ YE "RING” coriuBGPoixrBEncB Dearly Beloved Pitchinini—'Tvc well as vandered by the brookside” as I had an y the side of U P R R to having )bject in view my wife objected ne around home so I thought I would risit Ogden Hole arid contiguous places f summer resort I might have traveled of Railway )y rail but for prejudices Americans who against free:born tro deficient in supplies of green paper lence I preferred my sober old mule vhich has been an heirloom in the family br four generations After excurting a ?ew miles I thought I would interview the nulc and ascertain what mildness would lo for him as my left leg (the onethat I found jarried the spur) was giving out tfter a prolonged conversation in aloud one of voice emphasized with a club I hat he was fearfully demoralized subsequently arrived at Ogden a small own on the U P The people seemed ather under the average of our american goes owns as far as intelligence iVasn’fc asked to take a drink but once tnd “left in disgust” Started next morning up Weber passed widet little city called Uinta saw a awake enterprising and intelligent a peoI left here with ple as can be found and contiriued up 'egret (also my mule) he meandering valley to Petersonsville than ten lovely little town of not more housand inhabitants passed on up to once owned Morgan named after a horse I bund an orderly well conducted1 people lidn’t s6e a drunken man while stayca m After I left there I found that own were iarrow was the way as the bridges I naturally oneon the Weber could travel any mulo on the rliere a‘‘R R could and kept ' saw a locomotive soon I rack! Pretty undo online at full speed but knew the any locomotive on the line He turned: tail hacking up towards it and just as he" thought he was going to knock that train endways it got past him he only missed it one inch arid would have hit it and if he hadn’t been so slow He’s always too slow he seemed quite dejected about missing that train and didn’t seem to care about going any further but after some persuasion I again got him1 started and soon arrived at the renowned switch n where the noble quarry men with labor hurl the massive granite from its century old bed to mend the R R for the paltry sum of 75cts per day and what the vulgar herd called grub If I were one of the directers of the U P R R I should blush with shame to call myself an American after luring the poor Irishman from the happy home in the Emerald Isle— the Gem of the sea to work for a 75cts a day and his grub and whisky fifty cms f1 Ptn Here my mule interviewed another mule and if it hadn’t been for a man with a crow-ba- r I should have been located as the miners say After passing this place I soon arrived at the 1000 Mile Tree I really had no idea of going so far from home and if I hadn’t seen the sign on the tree wouldn’t have thought I had traveled more than five hundred miles although that mule acted as if he had gone at least fifteen hundred Being so far from home I naturally felt anxious to find a Hotel which I soon did and rested ’and fed I may incidentally that-wato pay request anybody going that man a dollar as I didn’t have anything less than afifty dollar slug with me 1 left the town which I couldn’t spare precipitately in the evening for reasons best known to myself Yours Truly was equal to J ADVERTISEMENTS STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! M ALLEN & Co take this method of in- forming1 the world at large that they hare one of the largest Stocks of Stoves in the Territory of Utah including the celebrated Charter Oak and other superior Cooking Stoves which to dispose of on terms to suit the they are willing i times J M Allen & Co Opposite the Elephant East Temple St J : : Truthful James ' IT IS FREELY ADMITTED THAT the Germans are the finest soldiers and machinists in the world— HENRY RISER is a German Watchmaker and Jeweler If the work is not satisfactory— no charge He is not so heavy in his charges as the other Prussians Try nim Near Teasdeldc Co’s East Temple Street tfeodfaw:295 CHINESE CHEAP LABOR PLAYED OUT ! a few thousand industrious PARTIES wishing to work for nothing and board themselves will dowetl'to send for Italian Bees by the undersigned who starts for the East next November ana will also purchase and deliver Live Stock in this city oneapy terms Address WM D ROBERTS Provo THE KROWN PRINCE IS MARCHING He will enter at Kelson's Golden Gate where large stores of Kandy Kakes and Krackers are kept Kali kwickly before they are konsumed by the light infantry on Paris kon-stant- ly IF YOU WANT YOUR PURTY TAKEN with a high forehead and smiling go to Savage & Ottinger Goand MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE See the Razor that shaved Barnum from 9 a m to 5 pm TTnTANTBD-Wo- rk XJ w young man ' by a steady active accustomed to gardening Apply at the Herald office |