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Show IA- L 2- 10. C'j- - f - 0?0 - 2, moi 1 ri$L Sterling Scholars named Five seniors from Weber High School have qualified for state competition in the Sterling Scholar awards competition sponsored by the News and KSL Deseret Radio and KSLTV. The competition, which is open to seniors attending high schools in northern Utah, is to recognize students for scholastic excellence. Each school may nominate a student in each of 12 categories: Literature, English and Speech and Drama, Mathematics, Social Science, Science, Foreign Language, Art and Art Crafts, Vocational lettered in varsity football and participated in the science fair at the high school and at the Weber Regional Science Fair. John Johnson John Johnson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerald W. Johnson, residing at 2634 N. 200 E. John was chosen to be Webers mathematics Sterling Scholar. John was excelled in various extra curricular activities, such as being a member of Weber High illustrious Key Club in which he has upgraded his community to the best of his John was an capabilitys. official timmer to the marathon held last fall. Recently John increased his concepts in math by entering the science fair in which his project was entitled Education, Homemaking, Business Education, Music and General Scholarship. The students are rated on scholarship, leadership and citizenship. They are not Regular Polytopes and judged on one particular Their Relationship to event, but on their total school years activities. Expansions. John The students prepared a has also participated in various dramatic productions portfolio outlining their activities and qualifications and and has attended Utahs were interviewed by a judge. Boys State. He is listed in Whos Who Among American Sterling Scholar nominees from each school will receive high school students. His an embossed certificate, the intentions are to continue his finalists from the region education through college and later complete dental competition will be awarded a sterling silver sterling scholar pin, each runner up in the state contest will receive a cash award of $100, and each state winner will be awarded $250. In addition, most Utah colleges and universities offer scholarships to the 12 winners and-o- r the runners-up- . Several schools offer special awards, in certain cateagories to sterling scholar participants. Students from Weber High who will compete in the state competition are: Valerie Woodburg, Holly Chamberlain, Dean Maw, Mike Swenson, and Jeff Kennedy, the winners will be announced on the Sterling Club, German Club, four A.P. classes, and Boys State. Valorie Woodury Shelly Dickamore Dickamore is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Valorie Woodury state finalist in English is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Woodbury of Ogden. She enjoys writing, dancing, sewing, softball, swimming and needlepoint. She is the Treasurer of the National Honor Society and does volunteer work for the deaf. After graudating, she plans to attend Utah State Albert H. Dickemore. She received Sterling Scholar in Business Education at Weber High School. This year she has been president of the Weber High Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America FBLA. She plans to attend Utah State majoring in Accoun- ting. University where she plans to major in Special Education and work with Communication Disorders. Becky Brady Becky Brady daughter of E. Lionel and Manor. Brady 1827 W. Farr West Drive, was Jeff Kennedy Jeff Kennedy is a son of Mr. Weber Highs nominee in Homemaking. She has beer and Mrs. Walter F. Kennedy an active member of FHA for of North Ogden. Jeff is active three years, and is Presently in Debate and drama and has served as president of both the vice president of the Weber She is r organizations. He has been member Chapter. of FBLA, Nationa involved in science fair and Society and the student government AHonor Choir. She is listet Capella throughout high school while in Whos Who in Americar holding a part time job after School Students, and the graduation he plans to attend High WEBER HIGH STERLING , ... SCHOLARS ARF- the University of Utah and (Continued on Page 2) Taylor, Becky Brady; (center row) Valorie WoodburT Mike Carol Ann King, Brad Susan school. Michael Swenson Michael Swenson is a son of G. and Karen P. Swenson. He is the Foreign language Sterling Scholar. He received superior in National German test 3 consecutive years, 1st place German Song Festival, 1st place Weber State College Regional Science Fair, trip to Dale Iternational Science, Fair Stringer, .. rr. L-ss- Li. am sa North Ogden, Utah A luncheon meeting was held last Wednesdav at t: ,. Holly Chamberlain Chamberlain is a daughter of Jim and Lucille Chamberlain. Her hobbies are Art and music. She has been in all state choir, a member of acapella choir, in an advanced placement art class. Sterling scholar nominee in art. North Oguen Elementary School concerning the new Holly Green Acres School. Elwin Marriot of the Weber County school board met with the principal of the new North Ogden school, Doug Mann, money by building three new i.uV schools ideii ticulty, tVa uie same contractor at the same time. The other new schools are in Kanesville and Uinta. Mr. Marriot told the care that was taken in planning the new buldings. Many small committees pondered for many months over the special attributes they felt the schools needed. Teachers considered storage facilities. Janitors considered Parents and many other people with special concerns were able to contribute their ideas. Finally the ideas were compiled into a book of specifications which the architects converted into the plans. He stated one reason classrooms are being built in pads is to eliminate unnecessary hallways which PTA representatives and some parents of children who will be attending the new elementary school. The parents had expressed an interest and concern in the openness of the facility. They were given an opportunity to ask questions and present their views. Mr Marriot explained the reasons for the structura features of the school an pointed out many assets ii the new building such as th art center and gymnasium He stated the community wa able to save a large amount o increase the cost of a building Dean Maw Dean Maw is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Orlo S. Maw, 2456 N. 4350 W. main-tainanc- He is President of the Weber Chapter of FFA, Scholar in Sterling Vocational Education. He was star state former in Agribusiness, state foundation award winner in Ag. Sales and service $100, state treasurer of Utah Assciation 1977-7- Susan Engstrom Field Service. Brad Stringer Rulon N. Mitchell City Planner Resident serves on commission Brad Stringer is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stringer of North Ogden. He Rulon N. Mitchell, the is the Science Sterling citys new r member Scholar. He has been on the of the city ComPlanning honor roll 11 of 11 times, in mission, works for the Utah the National Honor Society, Department of TranWhos Who in American high sportation as the Highway school students, and the Design Engineer. He was born and reared in Society of Distinguished high school students. He is in the Idaho, moving to North Key, Drama, Skiing, and Ogden 19 years ago. He attended Utah State Science clubs. He played and five-yea- University and is active in the LDS Church as Ward Clerk in the 8th Ward. He has been Stake Clerk, a member of he 8th Ward Bishopric. Mr. Mitchell and his wife JoRae have six children. He says he is looking forward to serving North Ogden City. Weber Cone PTA elects new 1977-7- 8 officers for 1977-7- 8 elected at the Weber held PTA meeting evening. were Cone last Carol Wednesday Shaw was elected president with Mary Anna Carpenter as first vice president; Ron Stephens, 2nd vice president, Ranae Hoag, Secretary; and Deloros Billings treasurer. A past piesidents pin was presented to Pat Moyes, 1976-7president, by Mrs. Shaw. Prior to the election, Mrs. Moyes gave a report of the Cone PTA activities during 7 U.S. POSTAGE PAID OGDEN, UTAH 84401 PERMIT NO. 278 Thursday, April 14, 1977 School board discusses facility Scholar TV show to be broad19 at 7 p.m. on KSLTV. Susan Engstrom lives in Huntsville in a family, the oldest child. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jerald N. Engstrom. She is active in music and drama. She is a delegate to the Model United Nations and an active member in the American Engstrom. BULK RATE Vol. 2 No. 14 Winner WSC, Key Club, Ski D,Ckmor' Jeff Ke""edy, John Johnson, Paul enSn' Den MW' Holly chaberlin; (front row) JgJEM cast April Officers major in Education. the past year. The Cone PTA purchased a telescope of the North Park environmental center which is used year round by students in Weber County School district. They provided scholarships for two Weber High School students. have They promoted volunteer teachers aid progrms and health services which have been very successful. They also supported a Reflections cultural arts contest in the schools through out the cone. Cone District regional and state winners were recognized at the meeting. Their wares were displayed. Music 1st, Andrea Watkins, 2nd Stacey Frost. There were three students from the Weber Cone won places in the Regional Contest: 1st Brent Wride, Literature; 1st Jill Smith, Literature. 2nd Ann Pobanz. Brent Wride won 2nd place in literature on state level. e. without adding to its useable pn-- e saiu me co.si m the building had to be weighed He teams. Mr Mann stated the role of the teacher has changed due to the growth of technology The teacher has become a manager of community resources. He said no one teacher is best at everything, a balanced team utlizes the strengths of each member. One might be best at music while another excels in against such factors as safety. services provided, flexibility, quality, storage, usable space, and vandalism prevention. Some of the parents expressed a concern over sound traveling from area to area and distracting the students. science or physical Mr. Marriot asserted over education. Parent-teache- r or crowding is the cause of clashes are problems with sound. He often prevented with the explained the carpeting on team concept. Mr. Mann stated the walls, ceilings and carpeted floors would do much to childrens well being and alleviate this problem. good education would depend more on the teachers and In response to a question administration than on the concerning team teaching building. verses the self contained Half of the teachers from classroom Mr. Marriot North Ogden maintained The best school will go toElementary the Green teaching is in the best Acres School which is located child-teach- east of the North Ogden shopping Both plaza. elementary schools will be hiring some new teachers and some teachers will be taken from Bates Elementary School. PTA elects officers Officers for will be 1977 elected at the North Ogden Elementary School PTA meeting Thursday, April 21, : 30 p.m. at the school. The schools Singing Club will give a special program. The Singing Club, directed by the principal, Douglas Mann, is made up of students from the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. at-7- Weber FFA sponsors activities, proiects The Weber Chapter Future Farmers of Americ has 164 members. Th chapter has sponsored mar activities during this yea The members of the chaptt attended the state fair la all and September, exhibited many projects ai showed their livestock. C October 16, we held our a nual turkey shoot, mai members and paren participated in this activi! Prizes were donated businesses from throughc the local area to be given the winners. Dean Maw a Dean Ellis attended the 4! National Convention Future Farmers of Amer held in Kansas City Missot They represented the chap to receive the Natioi Chapter Safety award. T1 were selected for this aw: public speaking, parlimen tary procedure and foundation awards. The chapter won awards in the public speaking. Tom Carver was the area contestant. The parliamentary 21 through The procedure three foundation Parliamentary Procedure team went on to state competition to take fourth place. The team consisted of Dean Maw chairman, members Dean Ellis, Gene Moyes, Roger team took first place. We had award winners, Dean Maw Ag. Sales and or Service, Dean Ellis Ag. Electrification, Tom Story, Julayne Maw, and Colleen Skeen, attended too. Dean Maw was named winner of the Union Pacific Scholarship worth $400. All state farmer degree. Dean Maw was named star state farmer in Ag. Business received a $200 check, was nominated and elected as three foundation award state treasure of the Utah winners went on to take first Association for the year of place state honors and to On May 10 and 11 the state receive a $100 check. They judging contests will be held will go on to region and then at Utah State University. The national competition. Dean chapter will be competing in Ellis, Dean Maw received the such areas as Ag. Mechanics, Land Poultry, Meats, Dairy products,' 77-7- crops, livestock. To conclude with the years activities the parent and member banquet will be held April 21 at 7 p.m. Here the chapter will award recipients money for FFA accomplishments I by participating in Mountain Bell Safety fair the Browning Armory I May. National FFA week i February Carber Live stock Production. The 49th Annual State Convention was held in Salt Lake City on March 31, April scholarships. those people who have contributed to the chapter, and Sweethearts. Also the new V officers for the coming will be introduced. Our year guest speaker will be Steven Cook, former state treasurer. Our Star Chapter Green Hand is Tom Carber, Star Chapter Farmer, Dean Ellis, Star Chapter Ag. Businessman, Dean Maw. The Sweetheart for the year of 1976-7is Lynette Shaw, 1st attendant Robyn Favero, 2nd attendant Ann Miller. Chapter officers for 1976-7are President, Dean Maw; Vice President, Dean Ellis; 25. Wednesday 23 the chaf held a safety day. Authori on safety were invited in the class speak Thrusday the 24, Steve C the state treasurer spok i f. 7 our chapter meeting, conclude the weeks activit we sponsored a stomp Fri night the 25. The band S L.C. it was a great succ The area contest was at Roy High School on Ms 9. The chapter c.rnp.ete and We will honor i 7 OFFICERS and their advisors admire -0 Ton, Corver. TherCd "" the Qoople, i . Secretary, Cindy Morse; , 7.N i'iid Deo' eIi" Sentinel, Tom Carver. IK |