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Show Ben Lomond Beacon voy r..y Page 6 i Thursday, February 17, 1977 4 1 3 $T5 Classifieds Get ResuSvs $2 per week $6 per month r? 73 exc. cond., very low ml., spare tire rack, back seat, toolbox and dble. roll bar. Must see to apprec. Call 825 Best offer. 6328 or tf Ask for Randy. FOR SALE: 69 Chevy Impala, has only 2,000 mi. on rebuilt engine, $500 or best offer. Ph. 250-234after 2:30 p.m. CJ 5 JEEP, '69 Chevy Impala, has only 2,000 mi. on rebuilt engine, $500 or best offer. Ph. 250-2347 after 2:30 p.m. TAKE OVER lease Toyota Celica GT, 76, vinyl top, radials, AMFM radio, 5 speed, exc. cond., for sale or take over . tf lease, call FOR SALE EASY INCOME! EXTRA $500thousand stuffing envelopes Free supplies! Send stamped addressed to envelope Progressive Enterprises, 1130 Third Ave., No. 1506 A, Oakland, Calif. 94606. OVER 60 years of age? Want to build a future? Part time or full time business oppor. No investment. Help others while making an income. Call 825-299- 0 bet. 8:30 a.m. and a.m. forappt. 75 HONDA CB 360 T elec, starter, low mi., MUST SELL. Ph. 766- 0509. REDUCE safe and fast with GoBese Tablets and "water pills" Cyprus Drug. TRIM OFF unsightly pounds with "Extra GoBese Cyprus Drug. WATKINS Quality Products, No. Ogden and Pleasant View area. Contact George Elmer, 782- tf 9131 . Mountain Ph. windows, NOW HIRING. Have openings for operator to work with hydro-ai- r equipment, $750 No month. experience necessary. Company training tf 532-302- FOR SALE: Mechanics personal cars. 1972 Pimo wagon, 1972 Chevy Luv truck, 1969 VW with rebuilt engine, with 200 miles. All in exc. 1974 Jaguar XJ-cond. Call 782-948- make it STORAGE WHEAT: $7.50 for 100 lbs. sacks, PINTO BEANS 50 lbs. for $9.50. RED BEANS 50 lbs. for $10, WHITE BEANS 50 lbs. for Feb. 18 session Mid-Ye- luxury for travel. Hit8 or park it and your home. 773-576- $10. Contact Kevin or Tim. Co-o731-100. Far- mers Grain teachers; one from eacn ot the districts 21 elementary Schools. This eight-hou- r course is being offered by 3 volunteer instructors from the local chapter of the American Red Cross. Junior and senior high school teachers and administrators will meet at Roy High School. Their program be a four-daholiday for there will begin at 7:30 a.m. with registration in the them. cafeteria. At 8 a.m. in general will Elementary teachers meet at Weber High School session will be held in the with classes beginning at 8 auditorium featuring Dr. Joseph Bishop as the a.m. Teachers in the elemenspeaker. At 9:10 a.m. area an had have optary secondary teachers will portunity to sign up for a choose from a variety of of activities learning variety sessions. These departmental including art, environmental include health, education, math, music, departments music, media, humanities, reading, physical education, science, social studies, and reading, physical education, Ray personnel. first aid. The inservice and pupilThera Johnson, and programs for teachers are Jarrett, will scheduled for Weber High Sheron Christensen choosing career School with the exception of discuss in the classroom the 100 participants who have education with counselors, work study for environmental signed up industrial arts, education. Participants in coordinators, homemaking, and business environmental education education teachers. allin an will meet training r The Institute day session at the North Fork which was initiated Environmental Center. While concept in the Weber School District at the center, teachers will last year has received become better acquainted While with the facility as well as favorable response. concenInstitute Opening gain an awareness of the trates on general areas ot cirriculum materials which r the learning, have already been developed. sections allow Institue Instructors for the elemen- FOR SALE: 12 automatic, 30 gauge Browning in. barrell, full choke, perfect cond., $225. May be seen at 2779 N. 800 E. No. after Ogden or call 782-5135:1 5 p.m. weekdays. HUNGER CONTROL and lose weight with New Shape Diet Plan and Hydrex Water Pills. At Kearns Drug and Dyches Phar-mac. CUSTOM REAR STEP BUMPER $370 Value With Purchase ONLY 3 LEFT of any new Rotary Pickup Truck 2 7 area. REMOVAL and trimming, no THE ROTARY-ENGINTRUCK. THE PICKUP WITH PICKUP. E and Lie. INCOMETAXES PREPARED: Fast, accurate service bv and ch inch Sleeps i & 2-- ex- consultant. No perienced waiting, reasonable rates. At the Exchange, 1934 W. 5700 So., Roy. Laura Craig, Thus smoll pickup will take loadi of up to 29 squore feet And you con pile it on. because Mozda's powerful rotary engine will houl o lb 400 payload with lithe $tram So when you drive those steep mountain grades, the quiet, powerful Mazda pickup will them with' ease. And the s built solid. So it loits. or 825-720- 825-843- MUST SELL 0 DO income tax in my home. Have had 1 0 years exp. with IRS doing income tax returns. Call Close to Lake Ridge, this really clean split entry, feel spacious, full lower level and carport. Won't last long at $29,900. Please call now, Dave Swenson, 966-600and Exchange WILL for appt. Roy Consultants. Educators plan Institute in the Weber School District is scheduled for Friday, February 18. During the day teachers, administrators,' other professional staff members will be involved in a variety of inservice training activities. There will be no classes held for students, which will mean that this will Em- awn- TRAVEL TRAILER or house trailer. Make us an offer. Must sell. 76 Wilderness Fifth Wheeler. pp7 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 10-2- 8 Storm prime RECEIVE returns prepared. job too small or too big. insured, call Mike at 2 part-tim- ings, patio covers, siding, soffit and fascia, free est., exprt installation, Mark Isom, 298-695Alumoline Corp. of America. 4 apprentice provided. Phone Thurs., Fri. and Mon. between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. doors, replacement windows, 1 West Roy TREE ployment. Call now. IMPROVEMENT: TAX Reas. Forappt. call or 298-284or inquire at office, 9078 W. 2700 S., 5 to 9 week782-918days, 10 to 9 on Saturdays, R.R. 4--7 Barker. SEWING: Professionally exp. sewing alterations, repairs of for men or ladies. WedP.O. Box 665, Bettendorf, Iowa any type lines, tailoring, custom ding 52722. sewing, ski suit repair, all work PART TIME hours and full time guar. Mrs. E. LaMar Nelson, 825-724for shows fashion earnings doing 5435 S. 2050 W., Roy. Sara Coventry jewelry. No exp. INCOME TAX PREPARED, nec. Free starting kit, call 782-695individual or small business. Ph. 1 SALE: Black Angus Bulls, Registered JOB HOTLINE Heifer and Calvey cows. Harold full and Thompson, Warren, Utah, 84404. Many good jobs, 1 V FOR LIVESTOCK HOME kf Strength" Capsules, Diet Grapefruit INCOME tractor work? We have approx. acre we need taken care of during the year. Call: EARN $800, mo. at home, spare time, mailing envelopes Info., rush $1 and stamped envelope to "MONEY" HELP! Do you do custom UTRUBUS FREEWAY MA4U oor rm service for expert help. Myma has had over 0 years of tax experience, 5 of them workin in the Audit Division of Internal Revenue Service. Call 773-236for appt. or bring your tax records to 2402 W. 4700 S., Roy for prompt and accurate service. YOU SAVE the commission appr. $44,500, now $41 ,830 by owner. 4 bdrm., air cond., brick rambler, dble. garage, fin. bsmt., 4733 W. S. our economy champ. The Mizer is Mazda's new piston-engin- e car, the lowest-price- d sold in America! 3 TAX BLUES? Come to Myrna's tax $29,000 For a new 2 bdrm. split entry home with carport, dishw., and alum, siding. Exc. financing with $1,150 down. MidValley Realty, 566-060mornings only. 4290 or area. i f jj depending on how and Where you drive and optional your cars condition equipment f m 1 1 1 Suggested retail price Freight Dealer Prep. Taxvs and License Pees extra are you protected from fire and crime losses? Ph. Glenn Donnelson at Bill Froerer's Insurance Agency. For info, regarding our tenant owners policy, phone us for all your insurance needs. "Finding the best insurance for the lowest cost is our job." tf 250-630- CUTRUBUS 621-614- 3 $29,000 For a new 2 bdrm. split entry home with carport, dishw., and alum, siding. Exc. financing with $1,150 down. MidValley Realty, 566-060tf mornings only. FREEWAY MAZDA 843 West Riverdale $jlliii.ii! u.nmrw-- Mid-Yea- r PART TIME or full time nights opening for counter waitresses and grill cooks. Exc. working conditions. No exp. necessary but must be of good appearance. Apply Arctic Circle Restaurant, 8339 W. 3500 S., r Rd. Ph. SSUtiji ; j.v-- ai y. w : r. i t. h tb j Tii . irki nmviAj t 631-110- j 0 , w n, i : i t m j ;! have WANTED. Now tary sections have generally been already developed, and identifed as teachers who are currently teaching in the district. Some outside resource people have been invited including Mr. Charles Stubbs and Mr. Jerry Hancock in art, Dr. Charles Swinder and Dr. Robert Leake in physical education. First Aid training is being provided to 21 elemmntary teachers receive specialized instruction in the new latest techniques of the various subject matter areas. Instructors in the secondary sections include coordinators and specialists in the district, Jim West, Tom Moore, Jack Selander, Doug Mann, Lynne Greenwood, Mel Wood, Paul Salvo, Harlan Fulmer and George LaTulippe. So many requests have come in from our readers for concert by Big Don ,i Williams and Dicky Lee that KSOP radio is obliging by starring these two great entertainers at the Terrace Ballroom, Saturday, Feb. 26 with two complete shows at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Big Don is said to be another Jim Reeves, delivering country ballads in an easy, comfortable and exciting baritone voice. Big Don is also compared with Waylon Jennings, but just being Big Don Williams is nothing short of being the best country music has to offer! villi Dicky Lee needs no introduction. You've seen this charming songwriter-singe- r on most national television shows. Some of Dickys big hits have been Ashes of Never Love, Laurie, and many Ending Love more chartbusters. All seats are reserved. Local merchants who have advance tickets for your convenience are: Bar C in Riverdale, Cross Western in Ogden and Browns Western Wear in Bountiful. Hill Air Force Base has tickets available to employees and their families or order by mail, P.O. Box 25548, Salt Lake City, Utah 84125. 5 & 'll a hiring, opening for apprentice operators to work with hydro air equipment, $750 per month. No exp. necessary. ComPh. pany training provided. Thurs., Fri. and Mon. between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. NATIONALLY known retailer of womens apparel is excepting applications for experienced women interested in a Mode 'O Day franchise for Roy. No financial risk, no investment in merchandise. Approx. $5,500 required for fixtures and equipment. If you desire an oppor. for tfm . r : um 11 Recreational Vehicles 532-302- financial f $ immed. DRIVE A LITTLE, SAVE A LOT independence, prestige and greater income, write Mode 'O Day, P.O. Box 21368, SLC, Ut. 84121. NEED delivery boy for the Ben Lomond Beacon from 2nd St. in Ogden to Hot Springs in Pleasant View. Call Mr. Elmer at 782-913- 1 tf after 4 p.m. BEAUTICIANS WANTED! For both areas, Granger or Magna, part-tim- e 250-919or 966-- 441 . and t G3 Tcx OWN A MOTOR HOME? Call at Glenn Donnelson, Bill Froerers Insurance Agency, compare our new low rates. "Finding the best insurance for tf the lowest cost is our job." IS ! Generation Pacesetters are Mid-Yea- to r George Washington said, "The New Magna. HELP in El .B i n For all your Truck (Meeds, Merrill Bean Chevrolet is the Place! IT. ET 1 n. children are invited to attend Saturdays 2 p.m. itorytime at Emerson Stone Branch 606 Library, Washington, and meet the Fairy Princess who will be the guest story teller. She will be telling magical stories about Fairyland and the people who live there. This will be an event all children will want to attend. , a Fairy princess tells stories 1 RENTERS y -- e Never has the Selection been as Great at L All ..sII'Cl (tfcnfen). Chevrolet 'le.'irpi;- matt - LIMN- STM j |