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Show r ' t, 4 , --- - DlitESUNNEWS.COM .-- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY --N ------ - - .... , 22,e ... ---- - , -, , - . I , - - , f I - . . . , , . . . . , , , , - . , t I ,,,. ,, t , r, t ,, , '',, , . 1 t , ,i' - , 1 , , , , )1 J ( i ., i . ,. i i - , . t , , I ; - ' , , , - , , 1 , ,, 0I , z . o , w cz , , 1 z g I . Check out Staff ; , is a mentality Clayton has been trying to adopt to start her Staff photographer Skye Clayton starts off a morning by eating cake for breakfast. "Cake for breakfast" on a positive note and have that carry throughout her day. CLAYTON ' Imagine - ", ' .: LETTERS hard-to-mana- ge university experience. I would rather start my day off leisurely eating cake in bed without a care in the world than being a rushed and worn-ouniversity TO THE EDITOR Send letters to the editor to DixieSundixie.edu. Letters to the editor are accepted and may be published in the newspaper andor dixiesunnews.com. The guidelines for letters are as follows: ut well-writte- AvereeRHeinlen 1 ' There,, t -, I grammar. Letters consisting of inaccurate, libelous or highly offensive content will not be published. Letters should be submit- ted to dixiesundixie.edu in the body of the email, not an attachment. Letters become property of Dixie Sun News and may be published in any format. Dixie Sun News encourages a lively discussion on its website among its readers. Dixie Sun News does not edit comments. However, an editor will not post any comments that are libelous or vulgar. 7,.,. , 1 ', : 7 1: 1 I seems to be a promi- nent and il problematic trend emerging from jthe ashes i 4--7' Writers must include major. Letters are subject to editing for length, style and ' - I- ,e"" n. name, phone number and email address. Students should also include year in school, hometown and HEINLEN BY.RYANN - must be carry throughout my day. We are creatures of habit. Habits are powerful. The general consensus among scientists is that it takes a minimum of 21 days to form a new habit. Forming new habits may seem hard at first, but once they are formed, it is usually harder to break them. There are five morning habits I am working on in order to create my "cake for breakfast" mentality. Make your bed Although the task of mak- ing your bed in the morning may seem quite simple and unimportant, in the book "The Power of Habit" author Charles Duhigg said, "Making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity and a greater sense of He said it is a "keystone habit" that because it promotes a chain reaction of positive decision making. well-being..- ." Meditate and use positive affirmations me the extra energy to work through any problem more quickly. My life is a labor of love." I say mine after my meditation. Exercise anywhere. I use the Headspace app for meditation. Each session is 10 minutes long. The first 10 days are free. Positive affirmations are phrases you repeat to yourself like, "I breathe in positivity and exhale negativity," and, "Loving myself gives Find music that sel,, the tone you want for your day, Drink tea and don't skip Listen to the right type of music the For me, right type of music is calming but energizing at the same time. I listen to the the "Produc- tive Morning" playlist on Spotify. 1 breakfast I drink herbal tea You don't have to go to a gym to get your exercise in. I practice yoga, do pilates or run with my dog. There are semester long physical education courses offered right here on campus (step workout, weight training and more), a wide variYouTube ety of follow-alon- g for a quick and videos, apps workout that can be done day because I love the ambiance it creates and it works better than caffeine for me. On a typid day, I will have .a smoothie and then take my tea to go. I also like oatmeal b- it's quick, easy and I fuller longer. Breakfast stay doesn't have to take aka time to make. Maybe a protein shake to go is your style? Another option is to have actual cake for breakfast. Do it. Treat yourself. Why not? Maybe just not ecause , ,,..- - A' '1,., , ' of United States politics, more noticeably in education. Inexperienced individuals with no credentials whatsoever, e, and a slight problem with have been elected more and more over the past year. First with our newest president and now with our Secretuy of Education. Betsy DeVos was sworn in to lead the U.S. Department of Education with no prior experience in politics, or most importantly education. She has never held an elected office position and never taught at a public school, but she definitely thinks she has a complete understanding of what the future generations need. Maybe we should give her a chance. Maybe she vvill recall some of the problems the school system had when she attended public school, and she self-imag- will use her new power to fa them. But therein lies the problem: DeVos never attended public school. To many, the simple fact that DeVos never went to a public school might seem beside the point, but it remains neither her nor her children have ever attended a public school. This illustrates the idea that very few, if any, of the decisions DeVos makes for public education will affect her children and their learning. Parents across America should be worried when their own education secretary doesn't trust the system enough to enroll her own children. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders asked DeVos whether she believed she would be in the same position had her fam- public-scho- ol ily not been This brings up a troubling revelation in the eyes ofAmerican voters: did DeVos buy her way into office? DeVos' family, in recent years, has made hundreds of millions of dollars in donations to the Republican Party and, when the confirmation vote was tied 50-5- 0 in the Senate, Republican Vice President Mike Pence was the one to break the tie. People around the world multi-millionair- watched as DeVos was blocked from entering a District of Columbia middle school. The world also watched the backlash of DeVos' tweet asking the question "now where do I find the pencils?" Robin McCauley Lynch, an educator from Los Angeles, replied to the secretary's tweet with, "At the store. Something you should know: we teachers buy pencils and supplies for our classes with our OWN money." As the child of not one, but two teachers, I have seen my parents drive to their classrooms before the sun peeks out over the mountains and come home well after it has sunk below the horizon. I have watched my parents live paycheck-to-paychec- Whatever they may be, find those sweet things that help to start your day on a positive note. Even just could bring you closer to your "cake for breakfast" mentality. ity wages. DeVos' war against unions is basically a full-sca- le assault on teachers because, without unions, teachers would be left completely unprotected from invasive contracts. I attack her stance on unions so intently simply because it is the only platform she seems confident in. In interviews and hearings, DeVos has made a habit of outright avoiding the questions asked and dancing delicately around questions that ri,1.740MPRIMIT 4 demand for her opinion. It's not that she's hiding anything or has malicious intent in not voicing her opinions; DeTos isn't experienced enough to formulate an educated opialoc so she has nothing to share. DeVos' election as secretai) of the U.S. Department of Education is a great calamitY not only for teachers, but also for public schools around the nation. Thank a teacher, read:, your children, and learn final the mistakes we have made now grant her this power she holds over the future of educ-- tion. 1 and k borrow money so they can buy school supplies for their students. I have seen our refrigerator empty of all food except for a apple and expired milk in the middle of badly-bruis- ers. Unions, like the American Federation of Teachers, help to solidify job security and aid teachers in their battle for qual- r At ed t , ..14 summer. Over the past couple of years, there has been this spread of ideas that teachers are overpaid for what they do. DeVos, although not necessarily stating she believes the same, is actively trying to fight against the unions that protect teach 'k everyday... Secreta rY of Education Betsy DelIos unqualified i- Submissions should be no longer than 250 words and student, but that isn't realistic because I chose to be a univerrushed and worn-osity student. That's when the chorus in my head sings, "You can't have your cake and eat it too." I refuse to listen to that though. I've decided I will find a way to have my cake and eat it too...for breakfast. "Cake for breakfast" is a mentality I've been trying to adopt to start my day on a positive note and have that ut starting day your ,10. leisurely her motivation tips at eating cake f, in bed , dixiesunnews.com .. without a ' care in the t LLii world. As university students, we tend to race out the door in the morning with maybe just a coffee to go, and by doing this day after day we are setting ourselves up for failure. Being rushed, skipping breakfast, living off caffeine, etcetera all take a toll on us : . and create a L , 1 SkyeDSU column College Life Relatable to learn . , 1 BY SKYE Writer Missy Parry's ,,, , 1 Betsy Defos is sworn in as the Education Secretary alongside. her husband, Dick De los. Staff Writer Ryann Hein len says Bet', DeiVos doesn't have enough experience to run the school sysi' r f |