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Show mgP.M...go WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 0 - DIXIESUNNEWS.COM 11 Some of our ---- - tr.. ) t eos are ,. G) 3:) C zH - 7:1' ; JE '''''' t '''' - ) e 1,,i , - z- , g,, , 2 .: - .- -, ,..,..,... videos are embedded into the online reading our print newspaper,then you are missing out on the full journalistic experience. We have multimedia reporters, whose I 1 C , ) . I - )among panying. There are also more pictures from the various events and stories we cover. all the way out. Skip the seating charts bridesmaids' fights, and just stroll wedding nook of your choice All women some honeymoon. 3. Can give you a reason to get divorced that is fairly clear-cu- t. 4. "Elvis" can be your officiant. Who wants to miss out on that? wedding chapels. I like my weddings like I like my fast food: as un natural as possible. 5. Drive-thr- u 6. Katy Perry's "Waking Up in Vegas" vi have a special new meaning for you and 718 'Yo 49 , your loved ones. 40 High school or less , ,,, , , 15-4- H-,- 0 , White , , African-America- n 37 , , 53 , - ..,, , ,, - fF,1-- L , .... 1', ':' 4 , t :.- 15-4- t, to, - "f -- v, -- , ,'; , ,5,) ,...,, ', ............ ,,A,,.,,,,,,:, ,,4.,ik ),; 1 Did not cohabit before marriage Cohabited before marriage 57 1 1 ,,v ..,pc:".,. 46 , up ( ,. itt 5 ' IVEDP1116 H z ooH y flIXIE STII TE,. ": Cdonara vuTE '4;. ,!e,t 0...i;q:litt4 4'44- - i , t';:..14."CV .e..!'',.i.:;, !...f.';'.1t..,,r.,:..,'... 4'' 1:' Career & Internship Fair Gardner Ballroom American Red Cross Blood Art Symposium featuring Arlene Drive Free 10 a.m. - 2 Gardner Ballroom Braithwaite Eccles Concert Hall Dixie Forum: Film: "A Bold Peace: Costa Rica" HCC Zion Room Free 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Wednes-D- : Travelers Karaoke Gardner Ballroom Free with student ID 7:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. Free Pizza and Politics- - Global Security: Is the World More Dangerous Than Ever? 3 p.m. Gardner Living Room Baseball V. Concordia University Bruce thirst Field Free with student ID Free 3:30 p.m. Noon DSU Finance club presesnts: Wall Street War Stories Hazy 224 Free Noon 1:30 p.m. Humanities and Philosophy Open House Night University Plaza Room 202 Free Invitational Art Show & Sale Opening Gala Eccles Sears All Museum $75 6 p.m. 30th Annual Robert N. & Peggy Eccles Sears Art Museum Free Monday - Saturday - 10 a.m. - 2 Sunday p.m. - 6 p.m. , - !ars Dixie Invitational Art Show & Sale 6 p.t , Baseball V. St. Martin's University Bruce Hurst Field Free with student ID 7 p.m. Baseball Colorado Mesa University Bruce Hurst Field Free with student ID Noon Presidents Day - No school V. Celebrity Concert Series: California Guitar Trio and Montreal Guitar Trio Cox Performing Arts Center $25 7:30 p.m. Baseball V. St. Martin's University Bruce Hurst Field Free with student ID 7 p.m. 3 p.m. The Southern Quill Benefit and Silent Auction HCC Zion Room Free Southern Utah Heritage Choir Cox Performing Arts Center $15 7:30 p.m. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Gregg Prince Lecture "New Mormon History" Eccles Concert Hall Free 7:30 p.m. : '.I 1 ,..,,,..--,'.0-- .., Source: Pew Research Center 2 p.m. , ' ,,,.., , Graphic: Staff, Tribune News Service Free 8:30 a.m. cf.-....- eo 4. R pm. . 144,itoit:Li41 '' l!to, ii, 1;j , , , ---4' Ir8;'"' k , ,x- fr . kNkl i '5,1 .L. ... 0 Probability that a first marriage will survive at least 20 years among women g :: 1, Zz;I ..,,,,,,,,: sc,,,,,,;,- ;), ) '' tft',011)11i1c,t,, ,s Couples who lived together beforehand ,. :i - ' i ; ......' 544)0 , - ; , 1 . .. ..... 69 Hispanic ,,- . ' , - "7.') -- ...,,,, ,,, ,I, 4. Asian , ,, -) , By race, the probability that a first marriage will survive at least 20 years among women , 4 , , Marriage longevity by race , tt. 52 i ,7 into 2. Instead of spending $10,000 or more, you and your honey can go on an awe- 4. Bachelor's degree Some college 1 , story it is accom- don't really have to think your 1. You Probability that a first marriage will survive at least 20 years women 15-4- CD stand-alon- e Educated women have longer marriages , 1 -- . If you are just 1 ' Z , -- I ' , vid- news packages as well, so you'll really miss out if you don't check out our website. Also, as much as we want to print all our reporters' work, most weeks we just don't have the space. These stories can also be found on our website: dixiesunnews .com. . , reasons why to elope to Las Vegas Don't miss out on any of the news Top 6 Li |