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Show awrrgEggasea, - r W frtamv&rEa - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY -- 11, V DIXIESUNNEWS.COM 8- yyy.i-- i fc i'P ? - t Sr 4. ! v , .. t -- V j r Pir C eys ing des 1 I sin vit og 1 f i ici red X $3 wil We $2 jLminli . cot kimp BY NICK ANDERSON nickvanderson In the incandescent glow floor and of second-han- d table lamps strewn across the Gardner Center, students congregated to see performances by local musicians and help it raise money for a non-prof- corporation. This is Lamp Fest: an assortment of fighting and good music for a good cause. Ashley Graf, a senior integrated studies major from St. George and the creator of Lamp Fest, said she created the event for the students who might not be able to relate to other events on campus, as well as feeling the need for students to play more music. And the lamps? Pestf wanted to be eclectic and a little quirky, Graf said. I just thought, Wouldnt it be funny if there was just a truckload of lamps? Along with the namesake tradition of the festival, friendship bracelets have been a key element to Lamp Fest as well. The bracelets are given to students who make a monetary donation to the cause Lamp Fest has chosen to help. Graf said the bracelets were a way for people to show that they had attended and to make new friends. The Lamp Fest on Friday was dedicated to seeking funds and volunteers for the Children of Hope Academy, it a organization with that assists volunteers unpaid the mentally challenged. The I just non-prof- UStfOuS academy is dependent on donations and volunteer hours to stay open. Lamp Fests focus may be a charitable outreach, but it also benefits student musicians at Dixie State University. I would have had no idea how much talent there was if it werent for events like this, said Chance Stegfich, a senior psychology major from Hurricane. Its helped me see whats out there and how many great musicians and how much great talent there is i see BENEFIT page 9 se A at o ; The healthy living challenge is underway, and while I am missing my fast food and sweets, deliberately living healthily has dramatically the improved quality of my life in I have imagined. couldnt ways My daily routine since I started this challenge starts with me waking up at 6:30 a.m. with at least seven horns of sleep under my belt. Making sure I get to bed before 1 1 :30 p.m. has not only helped me feel much more rested in the morning. It has also smoothie form. am drinking one of my homemade green protein shakes for dinner now. I start with water and ice; then I add two apples, two oranges, one banana, a handful of strawberries, a spoonful of peanut butter, and, of course, a handful of spinach. The taste, though somewhat like a liquid salad with hints of fruit, has started to grow on I c i cc 1 1 hik t ti X clu we El thr T'ii'Y Students gather in the Gardner Center for Lamp Fest to listen to music and help cause. (Bottom) Chance Steglich, a senior psychology major from Hurricane, perform on stage at Lamp Fest on Friday This event was seeking volunteers and funds for the Children of Hope Academy. (Topi) :u i iui uUit t Food proves to play a big role in challengers' plans helped me budget my time better for homework and studying, which forced me to cut back on entertainment time as well. I always make sure I eat breakfast before I leave for my first class in the morning. At each of my meals, I have been religiously making suie I am eating at least one serving of fruit or vegetables. I have found it easiest to juice my fruits and veggies in green Hup i Fkoss t V i nh' ' , rjnflEa sor bet crcusHae s wit da) Ytfi' Payton Davis DSN I releases. However, Tetsuo & N his fifth LP, features the wordph) themes that made Fiascos early" acclaimed. Tetsuo & Youth ensues track two, Mural, clock1 at eight minutes for a majont) of which Fiasco deployslntrosp five but d raps fo school and philosophers high players would listen to Mural take something from Fiascos "e chovering over piano loops and energy-pumpe- I did have to make a quick guilty break at a fast food restaurant once during the week. But in my defense, it was Subway, and I loaded my sandwich with literally every single veggie they offer, which makes it all the more delicious. I also tiled to incorporate as many different types of exercises into my week as possible. I went running. -- At fV 9 jC Frosted tips and k tapes a make comeback if Lupe might just Fiasco can. Considered a poster boy for conscious p after the 2006 debut Fiascos Food & Liquor, Lupe Fiascos place as a rapafter three per plummeted subpar eight-trac- hip-ho- top-flig- CHALLENGE page eac W1 ; 'lofts PAYTON DAVIS ie. see T hel me As much as I was apprehensive going into it, deliberately eating nutritiously has given me a lot more energy for the day. And while I could eat five McDonalds cheeseburgers and still be feeling ravenous for more, I am completely satisfied after eating one of my simple ham sandwiches coupled with a green protein smooth- me. i St HEALTHY STUDENT CHALLENGE BY SPENCER RICKS SpencerRicks r L in St. George. Artists who have performed at Lamp Fest in the past have been found at Jazzys Rockn Roll Grill, been suggested by other students or were friends GCDD DD DuQ PD DUQinf hin the background. With Mural and most of hL album, Fiasco creates images fo( teners that include enough vivid11 to picture but that dont have so c' clarity they cant interpret the I)11' ht see COMEBACK page my I cal Ho ing alre inv the dor abc like hea thai enti |