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Show ae&asstieettse -- 10- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, DIXIESUNNEWS.COM 20l4 W To see student reactions to the Super Bowl Coke commerical, check out Benjamin Wrights video on nVh DixieSunNews.com, BY LAUREN DAVISON Staff Writer t FI 1453 Its v ; I r Zrf 4 'iU 4 . a i place where Spandex is abundant, and theres no shortage "'A, ' r , ) i fe -- j : a It -- S' 1 ' ' " n of sweaty, , A ( - f?- ; 'n 'i t . , - .3 . ' - -- U i ; f - c. C A w v ' i y::t it rv4f j A ,rM 'i ij g A jf- tight yoga pants. Ive come to terms with the fact that the gym will be uncomfortable some days. Ive learned to accept that men will try and talk with me and other women no matter how hard we try to avoid eye contact. Ive learned to ignore the awkward stares at L ?7 men who find it acceptable to relentlessly ogle innocent bystanders. Its the gym, and for women, its more like the ftj f v f I r-- i testosterone-- a n tt filled N N $ . u , . y ! ' r -- '3t ' . , J for Ive been a gym-gosix years. Ive held gym P , v L. f lions den. :; jo Vf - t A , AV) t J X. er memberships at five different gyms, including one in China. All have contained a seemingly endless amount of men ready to give unwarranted fitness advice to women, while staring at them like slabs of meat ready to' be graded. Walking past the weight section in my gym feels a little like walking past the gorilla enclosure at the zoo. Men are grunting, pacing and yelling, and I can feel burning into me and grading me as I walk by. Im uncomfortable. And judging by the demeanor of fellow females at the gym, then-eye- s theyre obviously uncomfortable too. Some gym etiquette, or should I say respect, needs to be implemented. I was blasting Lorde in A S' specific body parts as I jog on the treadmill. As sucky as it is, many women have learned to deal with these things because whats the alternative? Stop going to a gym? Thats not going to happen. But, Im getting sick of settling for this annoying ; behavior. Everyone deserves; to go to the gym feeling safe; and respected. So heres my call to action: Men need to treat women with respect. Stop the staring and stop making everyone around you feel like prey waiting to be mauled. Also, be polite and dont give advice unless youre asked for it. And women, use the gym as a place to work on fitness not for a temporal) boost. ego The gym is a shared space. Lets all act accordingly. 4 A r ' environment, but theyre also putting an unrealistic standard on other women who are actually focused on fitness. The gym should be a place where people can focus on not a place to exercise booties look in how focus on f .. v 'iJ? v c 1 v i. Students like Jordyn Lacey, a freshman general education major from Cedar Hills, get in their daily workouts at the fitness center on campus. Gyms have become an uncomfortable place for many college-ag- e girls to go to. my headphones as I walked to the far comer of the gym to do some dead lifts. I was focused and in the zone. I was on my seventh lift when I noticed a beefy man trying to say something to me in the comer of my eye. Obviously, I couldnt hear what he was saying. Annoyed about being interrupted, I ripped out my headphones and said, What? The beef-hea-d proceeded to explain what I was doing wrong during my workout, while simultaneously eyeing me up and down. After he finished spewing his free fitness lecture, I asked him if he was a personal trainer. Uh, nope, he wasnt. The man had no qualifications other than years spent in the gym, which I also had. And even if he did have more fitness knowledge or qualifications, even if he was Jillian Michaels, intruding on my workout is flat out rude and a little demeaning. Now, not all women are victims here. There are women who strut around the gym in a full face of makeup, primped hair and strategi cally skimpy gym attire. These women are looking for easy attention from the meatheads, and theyre sure to get it. Those women are just as much, if not more, of a problem as the salivating men. The women who come to the gym to gain some sort of boost are not only feeding into the self-estee- m hormone-driven-meat-mark- et Nothing is more inconvenient than construction, and it seems to be everywhere we look. Construction is always happening in St. George, whether its on roads, buildings or sidewalks. Some construction projects can be simple, like fixing a large crack in a sidewalk, while others are long, drawn out and invasive. My street has been closed down for nearly two weeks now, and it has made coming to and leaving my apartment very difficult and awkward. I also hear the loud noises of the construction equipment early in the morning when Im trying to sleep. Nothing is more annoying than when a road is closed for construction, and I hardly see any construction workers pursuing the project. This can be especially bothersome when I am in a hurry to get somewhere, and, all of a sudden, theres a construction project going on that causes blocks of heavy traffic. Unexpected construction projects frequently appear all over the city for unknown or baffling reasons. Recently, one of the two lanes headed southwest on Telegraph Street was shut down because construction workers were placing a massive stone pillar off to the side of the street. in Ei m re w ar be en lo ch cr cr tn Construction inconveniences, confuses community BY CARLY RADMALL Staff Writer L DIXIE SUN NEWS At the time, no one knew what the structure was supposed to be, which made it even more infuriating that the street was down to Shelby Misrasi, one lane. After a few weeks of the d traffic, the true purpose of the mysterious pillar was revealed. The pillar was engraved with the words WelA come to St. George. Its upset4 A "k fyyh- ting that it took multiple weeks of ? a construction to put up this ugly, r ... ft A awkwardly-place- d to off the pillar side of the road, welcoming those coming south of our city. & 'Is If the people in St. George really wanted to welcome visitors, they wouldnt put a huge pillar off to the side of a street that is not ( ' ? visible to those actually coming A in into the city. It would have made more sense to place a new Welcome to St. George artwork on an already existing billboard on the freeway that people coming w ,into the city could see. This pillar is a useless structure, and it "r doesnt contribute anything positive to the community. Another project that could cause problems is the Mall Drive Bridge. The St. George City Road signs like this one on 600 South constimctfo'n in the Council recently approved the area are not an uncommon sight in St. indicating George. Residents find it a maconstruction of the Mall Drive jor mconvience to drive around with the many road blocks. Bridge project and began Feb. 4. gered species. Service website, the biggest The bridge will go over the Virgin The floodplains near the Virgin threats to these species are River to connect Washington River are a home to two endanhabitat changes and toxic spills, Fields to Mall Drive. The project gered species of fish: the Virgin which could easily be caused by has been developing over the past River Chub and Woundfin fish. construction of the Mall Drive few years but hit major setbacks These two particular types of fish Bridge. with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife are rare and can only be found Service due to the potential invain the Virgin River. According see CONSTRUCT on sion of the habitat of three endan- page 11 to The U.S. Fish and Wildlife construction-relate- Emily Bills, Jordan Abel, Katie McKellar, Mara Braddy, Editor-in-Chi- so ef News Editor Sports Editor Features Editor Opinion Editor Billy Eusterman, Photo Editor Flon Wentzel, Multimedia Editor Payton Davis, Copy Editor Taylor Forbes, Ad Manager - f yy fc. I - 3- ir i -- fes. Kylea Custer Haylie Greenhalgli Lauren Davison Taylor Decker Rebecca Luker Thomas Hender Carly Radmall Ethan Janson Megan Peterson Derrick Shelley Jiselle Tejera Benjamin Wnght Keshara Bjorkman Rhiannon Bent, Adviser Dave Harris, Adviser 6. HOWTO REACH US Ir Dixie State University Jennings Bldg 225 South 700 East St George, UT 84770 Phone: (435) 8 st re ai 9 Fax:(435) dixiesundixie edu www.dixiesunnews com Ads dixiesunadsdixie edu or (435) 7 The Dixie Sun News is distributed each Wednesday during Fall and Spring semesters as a publication of Dixie State University, the communication department, and Dixie State University Student Activities The unsigned editorial on the opinion page represents the position of Dixie Sun News as determined by its editorial board Otherwise, the views and opinions expressed in Dixie Sun News are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Dixie Sun News or any entity of the college ( P1 Vv s |