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Show mi r TTiTfflv-'flTr)F,,n- Tn i ; ft) ! I vL1. The foice ofDixie Me College of Utah r Its v L- ST GEORGE. Editor-in-Chi- -- ef Cl i A Olympic torch comes to Dixie Editor-in-Chi- go-te- let chose him to carry the torch Just in front of the Old Gym ef flags lined the streets, Monday night, along with DSC students and numbers of community members trying to catch a glimpse of the Olympic flame "The Olympics is such a great opportunity for the world to get to know us and its just so great that we get to come to our school and see history in the making come down our street and be able to watch it- - its great," explained just Enn Oakeson "I am here so I can support my fellow countrymen and support them in winning the games," replied Katie Hansen The torch was carried by Rupert Smith, from the Chevrolet driving school "Everyone should take his class because it will save paiking lot DSC student council provided pizza, hot chocolate, a hot, trash can fire, and a lot of music to keep students warm and occupied as they waited for the torch barer "We are very excited, I love pizza and the torch too," replied an enthusiastic Term Black Her friend Brooke Balthisar quickly agreed, "Oh yeah Im excited Student body president, Connor Shakespeare told a little about the event from his point of view "Well, we just pulled it together this morning and there are more people than we anticipated so we more order to had thirty The have we now sixty pizzas students are just rushing for the j if mi Photo b) Karla Cottam State Colleges finest young men Benloe Markland took home the crown The first attendant was Stanton Roseman and second attendant was awarded to Jake Stevenson There were 17 contestants in all but the number was cut back to 16 when contestant number 9 Christian Smith, had to drop out Ntel t i ! S' V Whats your view on t U ih Jmj k'S'ynfc Iks fNi 22$ fct) "'i cii 11 Spring Schedule for Intramurals. f ''-- Picture taken by Karla Cottam Assistant American ' h' 1 i : , . 1 Valentines Day? Super Bowl (435) - i 16 TfTW because of sickness BenJoe dazzled the crowd with a singing act lie sang Hero,, by Enrique Iglesias, and jumped from Spanish language to English language 4 between each verse Not to mention the I black leather pants and e BenJoe was looking rather authenFor BenJoes tic he wear evening Austin impersonated Powers the only man you can take ser.uus Photo bv kaila Cottam (or not so serious) in a preference alter this event baby blue tux The other contestants included Stantons talent took the Ryan Pederson, Jake Hunt, Mike crowd back to the Beach Boys Era With his dancing cuties and rolled Talbot, John Burton, Brandon Scott Gardner, tom Knud-seup pants, Stanton sang Be True to Condic, Dave Finley, Greg Dexter, His evening wear Your School Warby, Troy Daniels, Dane Andy consisted of the average black tux, but Ins question was the winner in Hess, and Adam Muri this category His question was, W hat is your best pick-u- p line,, when Stanton responded with Rosalyn, would you like to dance9,, and she responded with a blunt No,, so he then responded I with, What are you saying U 4 said, you look fat in those pants The entire crowd burst with laughTandsm Skydiving ter Jake Stevenson took every girl 123 f.PH freefaH (and maybe een a few guys) in the rooms breath away by singing Pull your own rip cord He managed More than Words to have the same effect on the Aerial tour of Zion crowd when he came out in his 100 Pure Adrenaline! black tux, and strutted across the to a he found date sure Im stage iRupert Smith running with the Torch Karla Cottam NO Mr.Dixie Pageant On Tuesday, January 29, 2002, Mr Dixie took place in the HunGardner Center Ballroom dreds of students were packed in the room to watch 16 of Dixie - XXXI, Raining Men at the BreAnne LeRoy Assistant n VOLUHE UTAH - tS ft J 46, Photo by Kai la Cottam 986-846- 1 )Wsk$diU7iniU'!lD |