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Show 4 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY THE SUN 23, 2000 C Southern Quid; By Create at wo rk tvrfncs It 1 was a success because even if we didnt sway the legislators decision, the Jane Clark Munuginf Editor - jane clarkuholmail com The room is so quiet you could hear a ' pm drop. It is once again Wednesday afternoon, and the staff of The Southern Quill is hard at work analyzing and discussing poetry, plays, short stories, movie critiques and any other written work they can get their hands on. This group of 25 students is pursuing their year-lon- g goal of compiling, editing and publishing Dixie Colleges literary magazine with the hope of selling it around campus in April, just as the magazines staff has done since its founding in ' 3- ) AO "Our goal is to produce a quality literary magazine. We spend our class time going through material, making suggestions, and critiquing work in the hopes of eventually publishing it, said sophomore J.L. Chandler, who is in his third year on the staff. Theres a lot of teamwork involved, and everyones opinion is important." The editors of the magazine this year are Liana Kempton and Amanda Sadores. Assistant editors are Cindy Wallace and Darryl Barfuss. The faculty advisor is Dr. Ace Pilkington, Dixie College professor of English. Students on the staff have many different interests. come because want to pursue a career in writing, said freshman Laurie Rigby. I joined the stalT because I love critiquing other peoples work, said Chandler. Its a great way to become a 1 Bfesill 'C V , "'V, A 7v f'&h-v- P'tJ:py "r '' y W:-;- r -- CI- Photo by Russell Gearhart Southern Quill staff members, including Liana Kempton (left foreground) and J.L. Chandler look over a poetry submission during class Wednesday. better writer. "1 like the humor, said Kempton. You get to see what people are really like and what they think. The staff is currently in the process of choosing a theme for their publication. Next, they will desktop publish it. Then, in April, the 0 page literary magazine will go on sale at the Dixie College Bookstore for around $6 to $8, said Pilkington. The staff of The Southern Quill invites students to submit both written work and artwork for publication. Students can take their work to Pilkington, whose office is 40-5- 1 for ALL Dixie College Scholarships first time students and returning students) is MARCH Applications Available! 1st APPLY FOR: Jose Gomez from Weber State University will be in the Dixie College Gardner Center on March 1 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Departmental Scholarships 2.0 minimum CPA for academic scholarship Must ly every year Returning student scholarships will be awarded based on cumulative CPA at the end of spring semester. Note: http:sun.dixie.edu Scholarship Scholarship Deadline Academic Scholarships nt located in the McDonald Building, or give it to any member of the staff. Students are also welcome to join the magazines staff. The class meets Wednesdays at p.m. in the McDonald Building, room 102. Those enrolled may receive up to three credits, depending upon how much time they want to spend each week working on the publication. Students are welcome to put in as little or as much time as they have, said Pilkington. The neatest thing about this publication is seeing the quality of creative work from the students, he said. a SstalteMp? 3.5 CPA and above will be considered students came out and took some action and voiced their opinions, he said. Thats what is really important. Goodfellow also felt good about the outcome of the rally. think it went really well in the sense that there were hundreds of students there from all of the state colleges and universities in Utah, she said. The students made an impact on the legislators, saying Students do have a voice! Ronnow said he believes tuition will be increased, but that was not the main reason students protested. The real issue was over raising teachers' wages more by government funding instead of from the students pockets. Currently at Dixie College, a resident student taking 12 to 20 credits pays $717.48 in tuition each semester. A 3.5 percent increase would raise tuition about $25 a semester. For students enrolled in 12 tO 20 credit hours, a 3.5 percent increase would raise tuition about $92 a semester. Tuition increases in the past have not been uncommon at Dixie College. In the past seven years, there has only been one year where tuition has not increased, Ronnow said. No matter what happens, we feel good know ing that we voiced our opinions, said Goodfellow. 1 1951. ( Rally, from page Even one except students who have Freshman Academic and Freshman Presidential need to reapply. Apply online: wvvw.dixie.edufinaneialscholarships Or pick up an application in the financial aid office Contact the Office of Financial Assistance for additional 5 information at 652-752- want to miss the March 1st Scholarship Deadline. Information on Admissions, Financial Aid & Programs will also be available. You don t |