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Show EC n EfHr Jacot, m f Debe rk Wi ner is N:j )ro iVoluine 21 Number 7 Dixie College January St. George, Utah 26, 1990 lated 'j Education Bills Proposed the educators Thi( Dtes j coordij. Staff Writer 3eorgej come vnuZFi ly acd 'frill BUM a. It's tunity have towards legislature when he made the following comment "...the legislature has not shown that it is committed to education." Joanie Sawyers Is a foj Ire pro1 j I: aturdq 20th Reps On Campus USU Utah State University will Jnd representitives to Dixie Jlflbllege on Friday, February 2 k ptween the hours of 10a.m. nd 1p.m.. They will answer CUSTOHjggtjong regarding transfer of DLF BAUSUt, housing, programs, and Q fholarships. W ' When public school teachers walked off the job this foil, they did so to call attention Higher education faculty around to the budget problems facing the state can only hope that this Funding for education has attitude is changing. Faculty salaries are not certainly become one of the educational issue law the State the issues only facing biggest makers must deal with this Legislature this year. Governor Bangerter has year. Bills have been proposed proposed a six percent increase to change the names of Weber package for all state employees, State College and Southern two percent of which would go Utah State College to Weber toward increasing benefits not State University and Southern State University, salaries. The State Board of Utah Regents is expected to respectively. recommend that educators Representative Slack is not receive a seven percent salary committing himself to a position increase, but faculty members on the proposed Weber State at Dixie and several other name change, but he says he schools around the state say will not vote to change SUSCs even it Financial Aid News that would not be enough. Although the faculty teg4 members at Dixie are watching what happens at the Legislature There are work-stud- y CKETS Slack contact available ps Kathy with interest, Robert History Professor at Dixie and $QQ95igby in the Office of Finacial distance located in the North State Representative from is keeping 9: $ (ministration building if you Washington County events p s Racks; 3 ount blscount TEST interested Business Seminar The Life Long Learnin iter is holding a four hou interactive videoconfrenc h Peter F. Drucker o f ursday, February acker, an athority o liness in the twentiet Itury , will discuss issue as "The Care and Feedin the Small and Growin liness" and "Maintainin petency of Executives an fessionals in the 1990's' confrence will be held i ''in ford Auditoriun of th ning Building. The cos ie seminmar will be $2 alts and $10 for student ''lore information, conta Learning Cent SUext. 289. lve Long an especially close eye on at the State Capital. In a recent interview Slack said that, "the increase for educators during this legislative session will probably be around six percent." He is also concerned that this is not enough. According to State Board of Regents figures, in 1989 the average Dixie College faculty member was paid $8,600 less than his counter parts at similar colleges nationwide. Mike Woodward, Faculty Association President at Dixie reports that Dixie faculty members earn twenty-si- x percent less than their peers across the nation. The problem here is so severe that President Alder has a two percent proposed additional increase on top of whatever is approved for the rest of the states educators. So that Dixie's Faculty can begin to catch up to their peers. Representative Slack summed up the attitude many name. Slack explains that, "the Legislature would probably not approve of having a State University and a four year college within fifty miles of each other in rural Southern Utah, and Dixie has hopes of one day becoming a four year school." Other legislation of interest to students includes the proposal of several bills which would attempt to raise the state minimum wage to match the raise passed by the Federal Government last year Some locally owned businesses have not been required to pay employees the new national minimum wage because they are subject only to state laws. Another proposed law will attempt to give more money to state college and university H. raries. The vducation issues being addressed this year at the Legislature art diverse, but St dents and important. faculty can expect lawmakers decisions to effect the quality of their educational experiences as well as their pocketbooks. is her most perferred as Nicola Te'o lets her husband, Ephriam, know he for Preference was r theme The dance. 1 Preference 990 they enjoy the conclusion to Men s Week. an was exciting dance The Danced". ...and When They IN THIS PAGE 2 PAGE 3 ISSUE OF THE SUN CO-O- P , EDUCATION STUDENT OPINION PAGE 4 PAGE 5 CAMPUS LIFE PAGE 6 SPORTS PAGE 7 ENTERTAINMENT |