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Show February 3, 1989 Af Voices Writer's Viewpoint off is a ram intentionally take To i 19 life is a crime, may not even be someone's victim its co , ice its late aware vhich of the fatal attack will end their life in seconds. Defenseless; victims of murder loose their most of matter , etti t al valuable se o Abortion possession life. is murder. as Just Capital Punishment is accepted in our society, abortion is a also which justified in the practice becomes minds of an many. How can innocent little baby be as if he or she ,(we are accepting these victims as people), were a threat to society? legally murdered electric The abortion chair and an practicing ian are destined related to the same physic- to be cause-murde- r individuals. Although this view may seem a bit extreme, it paints a horrifying picture. "Dixie Leavitt Don There is an air around Dixie College that can only be described as Dixie the spirit." Everyone involved any organization on campus can leel it, and it is one of the few things that seta Dixie from College m apart any campus in the state. why is enrollment at Dixie dropping? Why are people deciding 'gainst Dixie as the institution to further their education? other So ele Dixie ECIA. gained the reputation of "party school," and has been by it ever since. The ridiculousness of this reputation is that Dixie is no more a party school than a haunted being 3 Vhk in Capital Punishment, in my opinion, is perfectly jus-Th- e tified. A hard-cor- e felon who has intentionally taken the life of an individual deserves to die. Babies do not! What is wrong with our society? Have we become so d as to accept such an inhumane hard-hearte- act. Abortion should be recognized as a defect in our nation of liberty and justice for all. These babies that are being killed are people, they have the right to live. We should do something about future victims. There may be rare exceptions such as rape, but the ratio of abortions for this reason is slim compared to other 'excuses'. Accidental pregnancies may be a tragedy, but it is a subtle one compared to the intentional abortion of a living on circumstances, there are always other alternatives. Adoption is the major channel to turn to, this at least allows the child to live-- to have a chance at life. If a baby is not wanted, a mother should at least endure the pregnancy. There will always be a place for the child. that abortion. There should be a law it! against Enforcement of that law should also be in existence. Of course there may be certain cases where it might be allowed, although this is also unjustified in my opinion. I will the "big" schools up north. But, Dixie has a warmer climate, a smaller student body, and, more importantly, Dixie is a two-yeschool, and for these reasons, many people fail to realize Dixie's academic abilities. How many two-yecolleges can boast of a number of students graduate from the college, to go straight into a graduate program, such as law and medical schools? Well, Dixie can, with students such asDr.Craig Booth, who graduated from Dixie, entered medical school and is now the Chief of Staff at Dixie Medical Center. Dixie is a fun school, but it is a school first. For a good education in a warm, friendly environment, give believe I am speaking for a great number of Dixie stuone nts when I say that Dixie does not put enough emphasis on he athletic basket-ial- l, a programs that exist other than baseball, and football. Everyone has talents, and whether that tal-b- e as a basketball handler or an ancient Indian arrowhead Under doesn't matter, each student should have the privilege to iemonstrate his or her talents here at Dixie. Giving an example, I love to play soccer and Dixie doesn t lave any sort of soccer program other than a basic class. I real-that most junior colleges have this same problem. But in )rder to correct it, someone needs to make a start, so why not I dart here? 138 think we should start an athletic team for everything-by- , bouldering, biking, lacrosse, polo, golfing, and of course, not. lncient Indian arrowhead finding. Let's start, like it or Stephen Vuyk. J- - v- - J t ZZ, - C-- f " i ' 1 O - i - think it depends on whether it s rape or a I just don't think it should be up to the person. Getting rid of abortion will make so the facilities are not as safe as they are "I 'T know; I am against abortion, but I feel it's up to the individual Gary Brooks Stacy Young now." A never be able to understand how anyone can justify abortion. As far as Im concerned anyone having anything to do with it is a baby killer. "i . ht'rw Vs, down and mail it to the SUN. Letters to the Editor welcome. Work Study Openings Available The Financial Aid Office haa a few work study openings for Spring Quarter. If you are interested in applying, please come into the Financial Aid Office in the North Administration Building and put your name on the waiting list. If you havent completed an application for financial aid, you will need to do so and turn in a copy to the Financial Aid Office to see if you are eligible to receive work study '! : - ' ' - ss v. Editor's Note: There are many reasons for the reductioin in enrollment at Dixie College. In future issues of The Dixie Sun we will be reporting on some of the problems here on campus that have contributed to this decline. Don't just THINK it WRITE it ' V. Dixie College a chance. Dear Editor, I i - I just feel sick knowing a lot of people justify human being. Depending Letter to the Editor JtL Student Disappointed in Sports 547 Student Opinion Question: Should the decision of abortionbe left for the individual or society to decide ? Spirit" in the Air Despite Enrollment Drop StaffWriter 3 Page SU. ' Murder Of The Innocent Abortion-Lega- l Trade Mecham Staff Writer DIXIE SUN 'v- , i i J 4 n "I ' V, K' v -$ think the law should be left the way it is. Sherri Theobald : i- - J think its wrong, but it should be up to the individual. They shouldn't let the government have control over those kind of decisions. It's up to Ricki the individual." Lambert "I The DIXIE SUN Staff Editor in Chief Trade Hensen Advisor Ed Rogers Photo Editor Matt Reier Staff Writers Trade Mecham, Don Leavitt, Kelly Goddard, Stacy Plewe, Mindy Schimbeck The Dixie Sun 225 South 700 East St. George, Utah 84770 The DIXIE SUN fa published every two weeka by the students of Dixie College The opinions expreseed In the SUN do not neoeesarlly reflect the viewpoint of the etafT or the edviaor Letters to the Editor should be submitted to Ed Rogers in the ground floor of the Student Union Building behind KRDC The SUN staff reeervoe the right to edit letters, or not to print a letter submitted to the Editor. DIXIE; SUI |