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Show ST. GEORGE, UTAH, WEDXESDAY, ft LARCH 13, 1962 Which Princess Will Be Our NUMBER 9 D-D- Queen? ay Seven Vie For - V D-D- Queen ay Seven queens have been selected to reign over Dixies annual gala to be held celebration of Saturday, March 24 this year. re" i H 4' 7 v fK. n ! y v v U X .i Chosen for their scholastic excellence and varied contributions to Dixie College are: Lida Brooks, n v outstanding athlete and student, who is the daughter of Mr. and Walter Brooks of St. George; Eleanor Kay Bruhn, president of the dramatic club, Delta Psi, who is the daughter of President and Mrs. Arthur F. Bruhn of St. George; Joan '4 4 V 4 Esplin, talented drama major, who i is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ;v ? T. Lavoy Esplin of St. George; RaA 4k jt mona McArthur, worthy and gen- DAVE ERICKSON erous musician, who is the daugh-- , Congratulations Girls! ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McArthur of St. George; Mary Ann Savage, one of the schools most spirited coeds, who is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross C. Sav-age; Margaret Fawson. charming Saturday night, March 3, was the ceremony by the ftlarryin Sams, pep chairman, who is the daughter Lynn Ginocchio and Allen McAlof Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Fawson of big chance for all roving-eyed- , Sadie Hawkinses at Dixie lister, with Clark Allen as witness. St. George; and Laurel Webb, high honor student, who is the daughter College with a man in mind. At the Vegetable or fruit corsages were in of Mr. and Mrs. Lavarr B. Webb real Dog Patch dance in the east order, and grubbie patched clothes eementary gym, sponsored by the and smugged ragged keds were the Word has recently been received of Page, Arizona. Sociability committee under the di- only mode of dress. from Oklahoma City, headquarters The highlight of the evening was These girls were selected by the rection of Ruth Ann Hafen, the of the Junior College All America faculty members at the college, ac-- i girls showed their captured boys the crowning of Li Abner and Daisy Mae, Ihil Castel and Dixie Classic, that David Erickson, Dixie cording to their grade point aver- a good time. Couples ate lots of free donuts, Heaton, who were chosen by popRebel basketball ace, has been se- age, 3.5 or above, and the effort l man in the business, Doug Hafen; ular vote. Under floppy straw hats have and enthusiasm they lected to participate with the West it is. One queen of the seven had their photographs taken by the Dixie and Phil waltzed a royal solo squad. uted to make Dixie College the and were married in the traditional in acknowledgement to their honor. vote The All America Classic will be will be singled out by popular of the student body to deliver the played at Lawton, Oklahoma on queen address and receive March 30 and 31, 1962. Ten players the highest honor; the other six from the Eastern United States will reign as attendants. will vie for the mythical crown celebration this year, The West team. under the chairmanship of Bruce against the A should bloom with bigness I Erickson has been picked on Atkin, and magnificence under the regal c numerous teams during theme, Southern Splendor. The sj his playing career, making first-tea- usual parade and sports will be ? ) his senior year play- held with the traditional lunch and on the hill. A dance ing for Class A champs, Bingham program stagedmood of the f Souths the depicting High School; being selected to famous Mardi Gras will cap the ICAC honors his days riotous and energetic events. Wi first season at Dixie; was second " ? most valuable player in the first DIXIE DATELINE ,f t I If annual Dixie Invitational Holiday V March Spring Vacation. D .1 Tournament; was picked to the allli March 19 Spring Quarter starts, j 4 tournament team at the Mesa InMarch 21 Music Festival at Ka- - f vitational tournament; and has been nab High School, Home Ec. among the top scorers for two March 22 Lambda Delta, years in the ICAC. ftlarch 23 Speech Meet at Dixie Erickson is to report at Lawton College. D Day. March 24 for a weeks intensive practice priSadie Hawkins Day was a success at Dixie or to the two game series. See you Spring Quarter! 4 1 z- x kvW. Dave Erickson 1 jAVAW s. id J Sadie Hawkins Day Dance is Successful iiamed To fast-foole- d Ploy in Classic contrib-schoo- A ten-ma- n all-st- r. ar m if tX m all-sta- r f- 15-1- 8 1 A1 'x! 3 i t, vT v j F e d tv .li n, s, :k e :r- li lr ir 3C 14i ar ar ail |